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}. .�,. ;:�_: r�•�.c'���w�..,.7 „L i<':7, <br /> ."' . , �,• , .. . -,...y�.,a.•�rf�+.,n,q. .. . . .�'�t•1 ,"�di,_.__ . - <br /> � � '.... .nat:r:4�{i�^ 1�} „Ji sy�,a _ .._ <br /> '�.:�-.•, �ietr{�,�i_'�FS• t�'��'�7L:ir� s:i.uwa� <br /> _ ''' Y^?A.-PL��K�y}..,, q, ... ,L . �=- - ' _ . . . - <br /> i-e S7lp `c�ss�c^•. <br /> . .: • s . �: .`r . � _. <br /> ... �... <br /> ' .�.. " . . i(;R ' r .., .., � �. � ,�.�. <br /> . ��J�k+F,.iO�'�1i '.1.....,......_..�,...............i-'-.."---__.___.._.__...�_..1......t,.1 -- ..�.. -•-- - <br /> �_e,.�� � w <br /> � ;{ : ..:.� , �� �4� sass�s — - - <br /> " ., �� 9.Condemnation. Thu procoedt�ol nny award or c�a�m for domapes,di�ect or conavquentiel,in conrtectiqn with eny �""�:""' ' '" �, �� <br /> . �ondemnat�on or alhor tnkln4 ot ffl�f�roporty,or p��rHheraot,or for conveyance m liou of conq�mnniton,ure hpre6yesslpned <br /> -- , nnd ehpil0a paia to Lendor. � <br /> ., in the�avont of o total taking of Ih�Proparty,th4 procoeds shnll bo appitod to the sums deGUred by thiy Oeed of Trust,with ,<<;;,�• <br /> the exceas.if ony,pald to tho ovent�i a paAlel toking ot Ihe Property,unleas Honower end Lender othsvwiao . ��:+.�'�= <br /> , . a�reemwnung,therenhellAaeppliedtothesumseecuredbyfhlsOeedofTruatauchFroporiionotthsproceedsasis�quaito � �•��. <br /> Y •• thatproportlonwhlchtheamourttoftheeumaeecuredbythiaDoedolT►usllmmediAtelyprlortothedatsnttslcingbearstoths t•' <br /> "i . fAlr market value of the uropeAy Immedintelq prlor to Ihe date o}tak�ng,w+ih the betartce ot the praceede psf4 to Borrower. . ' �, �r..��x'T�;- <br /> � •. If the Property�s absndaned Dy Borrower,or if,o8er notice by Lender ta Bor�ower that the condemnoroltere to make an "" - <br /> `. _ . �e�aPo or sottlo a clnim for damngo3.Borrot�or 1o�t�to raapond to Londar w�ih►o 30 dayo att�v ttto dato auch noticolo mailsG, � � - <br />—� � Londer�s authorized io collect und apply the proceeda,et Lender's optlon,etthmrto reatoretlon or repeir otthe PropRrry or to � ;", <br /> , , the sums aecured by thia Deed of Trus� <br /> UntessLende�and8orrowerotherwiseagreamw��ting,anysuchappifcationotproceodetoprincipalehallnotextendor •� <br /> � . postpone the due dato of the monthly mstellments reterred to In paragrephe 1 and 2 heraAf or Change the amount of euch <br /> .• msta��ment� <br /> �� 10. Bonaw�rNotliNess�d.Extens�onofthetimetorpaymentormodlticetic�ufamortlsationotthesumsaecuredlsythfs � <br /> • • Oeed of Trust granted by Lentler to any succeasor in intorest of 8orrower ahall not o�erate to releaae,in any manrrar,the <br /> . • Iiabitllyoftheorig�nalBorroworond9�orrawar'ssuacessorsinterost.Lenderehallnotberuqu�rotltocommenceproceedinga <br /> � agelnat such auocessor or refuse to extend time tor payment or otherwfse modly amortlzarion ot ttfe suma eecured by thie <br />�l Deed of Trust by reason ot any demand made by the origmai 8orrower and Borrower's sueceaaors in interest <br /> 11. Forbararte�br Rleda Nol a Watwr.A�y forbearence by Lender In exercising any rlght or remedy hereurtder,or • <br /> , othetwise aHaded by applicable law,shal��ot be e wawer of or preciude the exerciae ot any such nght or remedy The <br /> procurement of fnaurance of the payment ottaxes or other Itens or charges by Lendershall not bea waivorof Lender'a rightto <br /> . � accelerate the matunty ot the Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust <br /> " 1�. RerttRdl�s Cumutatir�Ait remedies provided in this Deed of Trust are distinct and cumutative to any other right or . , <br /> remaiyuncterlhfsDeedofTrustoraftordedbylaworequiry,andmaybeexercisedconcu►rendy.independentlyorsuccessively. ,..� �.. . <br /> 13. Succatoes�redAs*qns8ound;Jof�andSweatUabWtr:Cap�ons.Thecovenantsandagreementshereincor�ined <br /> ' . , shal�bind,�ndtherightshereundershellinureto.thereapectivesuccessoraendessignaofLenderand8orrower,subjectto <br /> „ the provR9ioaspf paregtaph 17 hereof.A�I covenants and egreeme�ts ot Borrower shall bejointand several.The ceprionsand • <br /> ° headings of Me paregraphs of this Deed of T►ust are for convenie�ce only and are not to be used to interpret or deflne the • . <br /> provielons fiereof. ' .1 ; � <br /> 1�. Notice.Exceptforanynoticerequiredunderappltcabielawtobegiven�nanothermenner.(a)anynoticeto8orrower � <br /> providedlo�inthisDaedofTrustshalttlegrvenbymaiG�gsuchnot�cebycertifledmeiladdresaedto8orrowerattheProperty • � <br /> -�.����,. ,. Address or at such othar address as Borrower may designete by notice to Lender as provlded hereln,and(b)any notfce to �, � <br /> `�•� lendershallbegivenbyceetifiedma�l.returnreceiptrequested.toLender'saddressstatedhereirtortosuchotheraddressas <br /> ' ' Lender may deeignate by notice to BoROwer es prov�ded herein.Any noUCeprovided tor�n thfs Oeed of Tru9t shall bedeemed ��- <br /> " to h&ve been given to Bonower or lender when gwen in the manner designated herein. I �� ' { <br /> '14.1 "Requestto�Notice.Trustor and beneficiary requeat that a copy of any notice of detaultand notice o}sale made or � :;; 'i <br /> • ,. executetl by the Trustee pursuant to the proviaions hereof be sent to the Trustor and 8eneticiery at thei�respective mailing <br /> addressea set torth above." �� _ � ; <br />_ -------- !9. !!s�lams!?r.s!at Tnsat;flavsm�sg Larr: �avsFaislt{i}r. Tiie�i8�lii 8i d88if vi tiiiSt G�7riiiNR85 UTiiiDii�i GOvbfiB�iifi 10i = <br /> national use and non-undorm covenants with Ilmited vanadons by�unsdiction to constitute e uniform secunty instrument <br /> covenng reel property.This Oeed of trust Shalt be govemed by the law of!he jurisdicdan in which the Property is Ioceted.In ��•�� � <br /> . the event thatany provision or clausa of th�s Oeed of Trust ar the Note conflicts w�th epplicable law,auch conflict shall not �.,;t� , <br /> affeCtother provisions of this Oeed of Trust or the Note which can be given etteatwithout the Conflicting prov�siqns,and tothis <br /> '. , " end the provi�ons of the Deed of Tn,st and the Note a�e declared to be severable. ;�:'�; <br /> 1E. Botrower's Copy.Borrower shall be furmshed a conformed copy of the Note and of this Deed of Trust at the time of i .�,.:y�.� <br /> ~',.� execudon orafter recordation hereof. .- _. ��<- • •� " . �- <br /> � 17. Ttanster ot tqe Propo�ty;Assumptlon.If atl or any peA�y-l�ie p?d��' d��n interest therem is sold or transferred�y ! ���;r`�,1 <br /> � Borrower without Lender's prior written consent,excluding(a)th�i��fid��jte1� �e�cumbrance subordinate to this Deed �;:�'�'...,,�, <br /> � , ofTrust,(b}thecreatio�ofapurchesemoneysecuntyinterestfOrlia�keNott7s}f�311dr��es,(cletransferbydevisedescentorby �� ��'��"���'° . <br />_ operatlon of law upon thedeath of a�ointtenantor(d�the grant�tany leasehotd interestofthreeyears or Iessnotconmining an ���'�'��''� <br />- optlon to purchase,Lender may,at Lentler's option,dectareatl the sums secured by this Deed of Trustto be immedletelydue � - <br /> y end payable.Lender sha�l heve wa�ved such option to aCCelerate if,pnor to the sale or transler,Lender and the person to � • � <br /> ., whom the Properiy�s to be aold or transterred reach agreement m wnting that the credit of such person is sadsfactory to � ;. ��"�` <br /> ' Lender ac►d thettheinterest payable on the sums secured by this Deedof Trust shatl be at such rate es Le�der shall reques�It I �,;;_,��: �� <br /> .+ Lender has walvedthe option to acceterate provided�n this paragraph t 7,and�t 8orrower'ssuccesaor m interest hasexecuted i . . <br /> , a wr itten assumpt�on agreement accepted m wnting by Lender,Lender shall rolease Borrower from eII oblfgatlons undor this <br /> � Deed ot 7rust and the Note. I <br /> ' It Lender exe�cises such option to accelerate, lender shatl mail Borrower notice of acceleratlon in accordance with <br /> . par8graph 14 her�of.Such notice shall provide a penod of notless than 30 days lrom the datethe notiCeis mailed w�thin which � , �_ <br /> 9orrower may pey fAe sums declared Borrower tails to pay such sums prior to the expiration of such penod.Lender � � <br /> � � may,w�thout further notice or demand on Borrower,mvoke any remediee permitted by paragraph 18 hereof. � �,�.,. � <br /> � NON-tDNIFORM COVENANT3.Borrower and Lender turther covenent end ag�ee aa followe: � ••;`:.,.+' <br /> .. � , 18. Acceluatton;Fi�metlles.ExCept as provided in parag�aph 17 hereof,upon Borrower's breach of any covenant or <br /> � agreementof8orrowe�fnthieDeedotTrust,�ncludingthecovenantstopeywhendueanysumssecuredbythis0eedotTrust � � <br /> Lender prior toaccelerat�on shall mail notico to Borroweras provided in paragraph 14 hereof speciNing:(1)the breach:(2)the • � <br /> action required to cure such breach;(3)a date,not Iess than 30 days from the date the notice�s mfliied to 8orrower,by wh�ch � , <br /> such breach must be cured;and(4)thet faiture to cure such breach on or before the date specdied in the�ot�ce may resuft in . <br /> " �acceleretiorrofthesumssecuredbythis0eedofTrustandsaleottheProperry.TNenoticeshallturtherinform8orroweroftfie ' . � <br /> < � right to remstate after acceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert the non-ex�stence of a defautt or any othar ' ' <br /> , ' detenee o}Borrowet to ecceteration and sale.lf the breach is not cured on or betore the date speci8ed in the notice.Lendar at <br /> . L i Lender's optfon may declare alt of the suma secured by th�s Deed of Trust to be immediatel due and payable without further <br /> � demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedfes perm�tted by applicab�e law.Lender shall be entiNed to � �,;',• <br />-•. collectell reasonade costs and expenses�ncurred in pursuing the remed�esprov�ded in the paragreph 18.mcluding,but not .,IJ%`.'' <br /> . , limlted to.rea9oneble alforney's fees. <br /> If the powar ot sale Is Invoked,Trustee shall record a notice oi dofault in each caunty in whieh the Property or some part � ' <br /> thereot is Iocated end shat�mai!cop�es of such noUce�n the manner prescribed byapplfcablo taw to Borrower and to the other � � <br /> � persons prescrlbed by app�icable Iaw.After the lapse of such tfine as may be requued by appllceble law,Trustee ahall give ,��. <br /> '. • • public notice of sale to the persona and in the manner prescnbed by applicable lew.Trustee,wlthout demand on Borrower. <br /> , sha11se11thePropert/atpubllcauctfontothehigh�stbidderatthetimeanapleceandunderthetermsdesignat�d�nthenot�ce . ' <br /> � of s81e in one or more parc�ts end!n such order as Trustee may determine.Trustee may poatpone sale of aIl or any parcel of <br />, . ;(• the Property by public announcement at the t�me and place of any prevfously scheduled sale.Lender or Lender's des�gnea <br /> ;; . , may purChase the Properly at any sale. <br /> ---: �' Uuonrecemtnlmvmantnfthann�abid Tnmemotiouad�,.e.•...tie..........�...r.....�..�..a_-._.,-••__--...-n----�.__.� .. <br />.----. - .. pv.v..uw...vuwv e voov�.v...v�... u w��vym a�an V. --- <br /> : Therec�talsintheTruatee'sdeedshaltbepnmatac�eev�denceofthetruthofthestatementsmaGetherein. rusteesh8llapply <br /> ; ' ,j theproceedsofthesalp�nthefoltowinqorder:�a►toallreasonablecostsandexpensesofthesale,mcludfng,butnotllmitedto, ' <br /> '� � . Trustee's foesof not more than_ gb ot thegross sale price,reasonable attorney's feesa�d cosb of tftle svidence: � <br /> �• (b)to all sums secured by thts Deed ot Trus�and(c)the excess,H any,to the person or persona legelly entftled thereto. <br /> 18. Bonow�r's Ripht to Rsindate.Notwithstandfng Lender's acceteration of the sums secured by thia Deed of Trus� <br /> �, 8orroworshafl havethe rightto have any proceedinga begun by lenderto enforce Me Deed of Trust disconHnued at anytlme <br /> prfor to the earlier toxcur of(i)the tiRh dey before thesate of the Properly pursuant to thepowerof salecontgined In the 0eed <br /> � • ot Trust(if)entry of a�udgment enforcmg this Oeed of Trust�t:(a)8orrower pays�ender alI suma whlch would be then due <br /> ;� under thia Deed ot Trust the Note and notes securing Future Advences,if any,had no accelereHOn xcured:{b)Borrower <br /> curea alf bteaches of any other covena�ts or agreements ot 8orrower contamed In thfa Oeed of Trust(c1 Borrower pays ell <br /> � � • reasonabt8expeneesincurredbyLenderandTrusteeenforctngthecovenantsandagreementsof8pnowercontafnedfnthfa <br /> Deedot T�ustand m entorcing Lender's and Trustee's remed�os as prov�ded�n paregraph 18 hereot,inCluding,butno!Ilmited <br /> , to,reasonab�eettorney's tees:end td)Bor�owertakes such act�on as Lender may reasonebly�equlre toessure thatthe Iten ot <br /> " this Oeed of Trust,Lender's fnterest tn the Property and 8orrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Deed of Truat <br /> .� shell condnueummpeired.Upon such payme�tand cure by Borrower,th�s Oeedof Trustand Meabtfgations secured hereby <br /> shall rematn�n 1uH force and eBect as d no accelerarion had oceurred. � <br />