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<br /> � YOUFt PROM18�TO PAY
<br /> You promlee to pay to ua,or to whqmerer w�MII you,yaur Amount Ftnenaed.U�tll you have done eo,you will atao pay
<br /> us�Im�t�int�rest on the unpald balanas of t�e Amount Flmnaed at tho Annual Percentape Rato etated In the above Dla•
<br /> cioaure.You will pay ua�aordiny to the Payment Soheaute,above.You wili pay ue at our addreaa above.With yaur last
<br /> paym�nt,you wtll p�y w ev�rthlnp dus urder:his Note.We wlll appty your paymente Ilrot to Intenst thtt fa owed�nd then
<br /> to your Amount flnanced.
<br />- _�- ------ ----_� i}you fall ta meko eny�nyment��hen�1ue,or If yo�t ct�trso!o ho nn employov ot�nrgtil,lnc�rporntcA,er o�;v af ite sulr � T_
<br /> eidlui�a or atflllates,ths entire Prloalpal tmount outetendfnp and aacrued Intereat thereon ehatl at�nee beoome due and
<br /> pay�bte et the L,ende�'e optlon.Fallure to exeraleo euah optlon at any tlme shetl not eonstltute a watver of the rlpht to dxer• _„_
<br />-- - ctae the option at a tater time. _
<br /> - It wo have to 3ue to colleat thts Note,wo will be abie to coilect at�01 our reasonc�ble coste,Inaluding attomeys'fees and __
<br /> other expenaeo.
<br /> -- - --- _ PRfPAYN1ENT =
<br /> An stated in our Olanioaures,there Is no penelty If you pay thla Note off betore it ta duo.If you only prepay part of yaur --
<br /> -- �oan,you will stlti have to make your next scheduied payment and foltowinp soheduted payments,untll we tel�yon tho loan _
<br /> IB paid ott,or untesa we telt you differently. ------
<br /> YIfAIYERS F�--
<br /> To tho extent the law aitows,you egres,and ereryone slgning tor you as e costpnor ogreea,to be Ilable for the repayment -
<br /> of tDte Note,evan if we do not gt�e you noliae such as presentment(the�fqht to require us or�vhoaver holds the Noie to
<br /> - demand paymer�t o!the smounts dno),rtodce ot dishonot(tho right to repuUe us or+YhssaYOr hotds tfie Note to gtve rtoti:e -�-
<br /> thet the amounta due have rtot been patd),and proteat(the right to require us er whoerar holds the Note to make a formel 4____
<br /> - obJectlon to your retuesl to pa»,or if we don't tollow eil ot the tepai procedures which we might ba requirud to tollow wlth•
<br /> out thia waiver.In additfon,you wlll have to pay the toan even!t we and someone else agree to renew or extend it for any f---
<br /> -- —= Ienpth ot tlme ar ahange its terma. l;_�W'
<br /> - — You aprne,end avoryona slgninp for you ae a cosigner atso aprees,to be�Iabie jointly.and each of you will a►so be tiable f.�.-'__
<br /> ---- to ua indlviduelty,tor the loan end other obUgatlorta under this Note.Thls meane that we may require that any one of you -
<br /> pay the entlre arnount you owe without asktng anyone else ta pay.We may try to sue any one or more of you wlthout giving .'�.�.�'
<br /> up any of our dgnts againat othere. r,;W
<br /> Minnesota taw govems this Note.This meana that your rights and obligatlona,and our right and obiigattons,ara yovemed t�?�`
<br /> cr cpntrolted by the.Minnesota tawa ��+�.�
<br /> . •._r._-
<br /> ___ - - ° °-°-
<br /> By slgninp this Note.you aakn9wledpe that it was fiited In before you did so.You agree to all of its terms.You agree to �-=-
<br /> what our Dtsolosures fsay.By signing tbis Note you aiso acknowiedge that you recelved a copy ot tMs Combinatlun Promis• [-==--
<br />- sory Note srtd Federat T�uth•In•Lending Dlsatosure. F,�A
<br /> S.��y/� /" �a��/i��:�4�,w�,c._ �.�-`�
<br /> C�•'.__
<br /> rxs..
<br /> Data You at re ,`,
<br /> S�Z�!/96f o�l;�J c►��utilQh4 ..`'..�
<br /> Date Your 6ignature Q .;�i,
<br /> May 24. 1994
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