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.cu�n vn "if ti S "�p'i� . , r ., <br /> •' . • . : <br /> - �� �A�ik - . A�i.� ___ -- <br /> -.-_s,,,. . . , ---- - .__. .-- - --- ----- � .. _—. . .----� - <br /> ..� • '�il�. � —- <br /> ----- � -- -- ---- --�- <br /> _ _. .-----�,�-� -- ---� -o-- -- -� . <br /> --- - ._ . . -- ---- -- -�- -------�--- _ . ._. _ _ . <br /> _�-��coao�� . .,9��� � , �� � <br /> ,. ��—i�SS'!9 ' , . <br /> 17.Trs�Cer o�ti�pioperty or�IMerwt ta eorrovrer.Jf�111 or an of che�'raperty or any in�tereat,in it . <br /> is r�9d nr irausferral(ar if a tstnefielal inte�si in ilarrov��eF is r�ld or tran�fcrrcd untt nocrcr Is nat a ��sturnl persun)witbcwt <br /> "'����"'��r's peiai•writtcn r.aiisa�it, Lcnder tn�y. ut its optlon, rc�iu1rG Iuunediate {�ay�it;,nt i� ful! af a.11 stmTg e�aur�:tl hy this <br /> S�curity in9tn+incnt.Hows:vcr.tDis optiun shaq not be e�erc15ec1 by l.cnder If cxcrcise iF praflibitcQ by fcdernl law�.v of the ciste <br /> of this Soc�rity[nstmment. <br /> [f[.endcr cxcrcises this oplian,t.ender shall giva 9orcawer notiro uf xceleration.The noticc�!url rovide A period af not <br /> less tha�30 dayR fr��dtu dutc the nodce !4 deliverat or r�wiled wlihin which Barrower muat Pay alPsums scr,urrxi by this <br /> Security[natte+ment IY Hnrrower faib ecs pp�r.theaa auma priar ta tl�e expit�tfan af thix perind,l.encier riuy invoke any remadie� <br /> � permitted by tMa Sec�.�rity Lutrument vuithnut f1�rtlur not ice ar dcnisixl nn Hmm�wsr. <br /> -- -- — 18. i3nrmwa•e iit�iK to itdntate. ff� ltarro!+►er meetg crrtNin mralition�, &�m�wcr niiall iiAVe ti►e i�e�i►t to iu+v� � <br /> entarcement nf thi!►Securlry Yn�tniment dis�v�ntinued�t�ny timo�rii�r tu the z�rHcr of: (�)3 Qaya (ar such ather pcdod.,� <br /> eppiicablc law nwy spceH�iar rrin9tatemcntl heforn aulc of thc Prnpe�ly �rursaant to any power af r�lc rnntaitxtii in thin <br /> Secudty Instrvnxnt;o�(b)entry af u Jud�nxnt enfarcin�thix Securlty Inslcumcnt.Thaw condltirn�a nre ihut Borrower.(w)p�ye <br /> l,cnder uil surr�whish then wnuld bc duo urdcr thie Securlty Instrumcn� ancl tho NWa es if no aceelerattan h�cl oocnrcnd:(b) <br /> curcs nny default of ciny other covennnt�or qgreementr;(c:)pays ull expenses incur�a! ta enforcinII this Socurity Instrucnent, _ <br /> including.Aut rx�t limtted to, reasc►nable utt�me�R' fees;and(d)takes Fuch acti�n ati l.ender rnay reasonubly nequtre to assure <br /> tRut the llen uf this Secnr�ty lnstn�rnent, Lender s rigfita in thc Propsriy etttd Borrower's obligution w pay dte swtl�s secu�ed by <br /> this Soourity insttumcnt shall oontinue unchanged. Upc�n t+einstatctttent by Barrower. this Sec-udry Insttument and the <br /> t._ obliAr.tionr r+esured hereby shr�il remuin fully effective as if no aooelersti�n had�is dght to reinstate stiall <br /> ___ not eppty in tho case�f accelerudon under parasrnph 17. <br /> 19. Sale ot Natti Cha�c oi l.oan Servtcer. 'Ci�e Note or a purtial interest id the Note (mgether with th3s SerurIty <br />-_ — It�trument)may be sald ane or more times wIthout prlos notice to Horrowet.A sale mny resuft in a change in the endry(known <br /> ns the'Loan Servtcer")that cnllects monthty payments due under the Piote attd this Secudry Instiument.Thecc also may be ane <br /> or more chuages af the l.oun Scrvicer unreiated to a snie of the Mote.If there is a change of the L,oan Servicer,Borrawer wiU ba <br /> _= given written notice of the change in accordanre wIth paragru�rh 14 above stnd applicable law.The noilce wil!state the name and - <br /> - . addness of tt►e new Loan Scrvtcer and the address to which pnyments shoWd be made. The notice will also contatn any ather <br />- informatlon required by appltcable law. <br /> • 20. H�urdo�Suhst�n�rs. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence. use, dieposal. storage, or release of any <br /> � Hazardous Substances on or in the Pruperty. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do. enything affectin� tke <br /> Property that is in violation of any Environmentel pre�eding two sentences shall noi apply to the ptesenoe. use,or <br /> — storage an tbe Property of small quanuties of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appmprIate to normal <br />' res(dent�al usea nnd to rosintenance of the Property. <br /> Borrower shnll prompQy give Lender written notice of any investigadon.claim, demand.lawsuit or other aclIon by any <br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and eny HaTardous Substance or Environuiental Law <br /> of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns,or is nodtied by any govemmenW or r�eguiatory authority. that <br /> any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substenca affecting the Property is neressary.Borrower shall pmmpdy tnice <br />' s._ , all neces.s�u�v remedial actions in accurdance with Emironrttental Law. <br /> - �- -_ <br />'` As used in this paiagraph 20, "Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hau�rdous substances by = <br /> ,� Environmental Law and the followtng substances: gasollne, kemsene, aher Mmmable or toxic petroleum products, toxic <br /> pesticides and herbicides. volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioactive materiels.As used in <br /> this paragrnph 20. "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws af the jur3sdiction where the Property is located that <br /> relate to health,safety or envimnmental protection. <br /> NON-UMFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and I.endcr further covenent and agree As follows: <br />= �}�'��� 21.A�celeration;Remedies.Lender shaU give nodce to Borrower prlor to aceeleradon following Borrowea's bmach <br /> oi any covenant or agreement In this Secuctty Instn►ment (but not prior to acceleradon under paragraph 17 unless <br />- applfcable law prnv[des otherwise).The notice ah�l1 specUy: (a)the default; (b)the action required to cure the defeult; <br /> , (c)a date,not les9 than 30 days tlram We date t6e nodce is given to Borrower,by which the default must be cured;aad <br /> (d)thnt feiture to cure the default on ar before the date specitled in We notice may resutt fiv acceleratton of the snms <br /> :�.;, secured by thls Secw�tty Instrument and snle of the Property.The notice shell turtder tnform Sarrower of the right to <br /> reinstate after accelerat[on and the right to bring a cowt act[on to assert the ao�existence of a default or any other <br />�:;� defense of Borrower to acceleraUon and sale. If the default is not cured on or befoc+e the dAtc apaciRed tn the notice, <br /> Lender, at its opNon,may requirn immedtate payment in full of nll sums secured by this Security [nstrument withoat <br /> : furthcr demand and may tnvoke thc power of snte and aay ather remedies permttted by eppifcable law.Lendcr shatl be ° <br /> � entitled W colted ell expenses incun�ed in pursuing theremedlcs pmvtded in this pnragreph 21,including,but not limited <br />°_ `;;y;'•, . to,reasonable attorneys'tces t�nd costsc of tttle evldence. <br />' - ,'�::. I[the power of sale is ipvoked, TrusteE shell recnrd a nottce of default in each wunty in which any part of the <br /> �`� 'y,4.=�:: Property is lacated and sNall mail coples of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicnble la�v to Borrower und to _ . <br /> 'r� ��%r?a+�� the ather pe�sons prescri6ed by applicable law.AtYer the time required by appltcable law.Trustee shall�ive publtc nni[ce <br /> - '��� `"'� of sale to the ns and in the mnnner rescribed 6 a licable la�v.Trustee,without demnnd on Borrower,shull sel! — <br />__ -�.,►:,� ��-• P� P i' PP <br />