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�, . � . .;.:�_ .:�,=.: <br /> ,�:.:;.. _ <br />_� . _ ._ -- <br /> �, - <br /> .�_- - - -- --- - - __�--- ---- _ <br /> _- , .�.,_.: - -- ---- - � <br /> - ° � ���_ �. <br /> ----- - ,, -___ _,_ - -- - --_ _ _ <br /> - _ _,--__ - - - . __. .:_ <br /> 9A���!�'�� � 9�-�.0�:�9� '. � .\ , <br /> T4(iETH�R WITN all the improvcmen�s��tieradtes erocted on tha PmpertY,pnd�11�ea+emet►ts, sPPurtet�noc�;md <br /> fixtures nciw ar Ixreaftcr n parl pY ths prupariy. AU rcplxectnenta und nclditlons shal! also be c�vercd hy �hi9 Secusity <br /> -� �---�—°��'— Instrumcni. A!1 of N►c fc�reboing is rcfcrccd to in this Sccurlty instrujncnt ns the"Y=ruperiy." <br /> Bt)RROW6R CQV�NANTS that Horr��wer ie lawl'ully ssitex!uf the c.'state hereby canveyed nnd�as Ihc rlgStt to grant�u►d <br /> _ convay the Property and that ttue Froperty ia unenc:umberod,exc,ept for encumbrancee of record: Borrower warranta and�si11 <br /> defend generally ehe dcle to the Property against atl cinh�is nnd�,ic.t to any encumbrunces of re�ord. <br /> THIS SHCURITY ItVS'�'AUMENT combines unifarm covenants for,z�atic��l use w�d aon-uniform coven�nts wtth limltal <br /> vuriattans by jeirlsdicdon to constltute a unfform secudty lnstnuncnt cove►�g��.�t,psqperty. � <br /> � � UNIFrORM COV�NANTS.�orrower aM I.ender rAVennnt nrsd ogrer::at f!v�#oxys: , "- <br /> 1. Psymmt oP Pr[ndµ�l and Inter+esti PtrePaYment and Iatte,l.`4hqrt��'�s.;�'arrower shall pmmPUY �Y Whrn duo the <br /> — principal of and interest o�i the debt evIdencerl by tho Nou und any prepay�Yi�4�iirilA:,�ace charges due under tha Note. <br /> Z.Ftittds for Toates and It�surar��e. Subject w applicable law ar to a writt�te waiver by Ixnder. Borrower shall pay to <br /> l.ender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note.antil the Note is paid j��fbll.a sum("Punds")for.(a)ycarly taaes <br /> and assessments which ma��,�t�iain prior�ty over this Sccurfry Instrurne�t as a liep on the Progerty; (b)Yearly leasehold payments <br /> -� or ground mnts on the Praperry;�if any;(c)yeaely ha7ard or property insvranoe premiums:(d)yearly Rcxx1 insuranoe premiu�ns. <br /> -- if any; (e)yearly mortgage lnlurance premiums.if any;and(�eny sums payabte by Bonower to i.eiMer. in uocordance wlth <br />.�� the pravtsions of paragraph 8,in Iteu of the paymens of tnortgage insurance premtums.These items are callod"Escrow Items." <br />__ Lender may.ut any time. cvllect and hold Flinds in an nraount nat to e�ceed the maainwm umaunt A ten�der for a f�deialIy <br /> niated martgqge luan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the foderal Real Fstate Setdement Ptocedures Act of <br /> 19�74 us amcnded from time to time. 12 U.5.C. Sectton 26Q!ct seq. ("RESPA"),unless anathcr taw that applie.v to the Funda <br />_ --_ t�;a e le�.�r amaunt. if so. l.enaer may.ut n�ey time, solteet and hold Funds in nn umount nnt to oxcecd the lesser emourot. <br /> l.ea�der muy estimnto the amaunt of Funds duc on tho baviK oF current data and reusonable estimascs c►f cxpenditures oP fumro <br /> Esen�w Items or otherwir+c in accarduncc with uppliral+le law. <br /> The Funds e;hall be held in un institution whose dcpositH nre insured by a fcderal agcncy, instrutnentnNty. nr endty <br /> (loxluding L�ndcr.if l.�:udcr ie such an in�stitutiunl��r in uny F'cdctAl Nt�mc i.nun 8ank.I.endcr tihull apply thc Funda to pay tho <br /> �bCYOW I1�S1119. I.ender may��at churgc aurruwer fiir h�►Idiug a�nd upplying the Punda.nnnually analydiiB tfic escmw nrcc►unt,ar <br />. vcriPyi�g tko Escraw Itcmv,unless Lendcr paya Bc,rrower intcrcst i�n thc Fu�xis cuid applir.�ble In�v permits Lcnder to makc such <br /> u churge. Hc►wcver.I.�ndcr muy rcquirc Barrower ta ps�y u nnc-time rharge for ctn independent real estute tux rcponing scrvIce <br /> _ usad by l.ender in cunnection wlth this loan. uniess appiicnble taw provides atherwise. Unless an ugresment je mado or <br /> applicahle Inw mquires intcrest ta be paid. L.cnder shall ttat be requfred to pay Borrawer nny int�mst or carnings on the Funds. <br /> Borrower and Lender may agree in wrtting. however,that interest 6hall be paid on the Funds. Lender shuil givc to Borrower. <br /> _ _ � without c+nnunl nccountin�of the Funds,showfng cmdits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each <br /> debit to the Funds wns snade.The Funds are pledged as ndditional securiry for all sums serurtd by thi�Scxuriry Instrument. _ <br /> If the Funds hetd by Lender eaceed the amounts permitted to be heid by applicable law.Lender shall uccau�t to Borrower <br /> for the excess Funds in uccordance with the requirements af applicable law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender ut any <br /> time is not suffictent to pay the Escrow Items when due.I.eader mny so notify Bonnwer in writing, such case Bormwer <br /> shall pay to I,ender the amount naoessary to make up the deficiency. Borrawer shall make up the deficfeacy in no mor+e than <br /> hveive monthly payments,at Lender's sole discredon. -�- <br /> Upon payment in full of nll sums secured by this Secudty [nstrument. Lender shatl promptly refund to Borrower any _ <br /> Funds held by I.ettder. If.under p�ragraph 21, L.ender shnll acquire or scll the Pmperty,[.ender. prior ta the ucquisition or sale ' <br /> af the Property,shall upply any Funds held by I.ender at the t�me of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums socured by <br /> y�' : this Seiurity Instrument. _. <br /> -`��� 3.AppHcatton of Puynnents.Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments receivod by Lender under paragrapha .-.: <br /> t and 2 shal!bc applied: first,to any prepayment charges due under the Nate; amounts payable under paragruph 2; - <br /> interest due;founh. to princlpal due;and last, to any late chnrges due under the Note. __ <br /> 4.Charges; Lienv. 8orrower shall pay ull taxes. assessments.char�es, fines and impositians attributable to the Property <br /> which may uttaIn priority aver this Secudty Instrument,nnd Ieasehold payments or�round rents, if any. Borrower shall puy -- <br /> these obli�ations in the manner provided in paragrnph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on time directly �� <br /> to the person o�ved payment. Borrower shall pmmptly fumish to I.ender al!ndtices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph. 4 <br /> if Borrower makes these payments dimctly.Borrower sh�li promptly fumish to Lender neceipts evidencing the payments. <br />