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� ' ' . ' '. ._... . _. _ _ __ <br /> , .....�. �„ " , �; i;::�: <br /> -- - - , <br />_ � <br /> : , <br /> � ' ,• ; - -- - -- - - <br /> _ � <br />- . • _.� � - -------- <br /> ----_� — <br /> . �_ � <br /> .__ _. ____��- _ — — -- <br />---- - � �4� �.Q55'�4 � � --- . . <br /> �T(9(�EI'HER WITH �li tho improv�mente noW on.iteraitar or�ctcd on the pm rty, �nd di auFinantr. • <br /> 9 <br /> - _ . ' . ' nppurtenencea�emd f3xtures now c�r htreaiter s pRrt af the prst�terty.All replacemento Rnd add tlons ehell deio be covoced <br /> - by thie CxvrIty Inetrument.A!!of the iore�oing ie rof�rr�d W ia thlo fiecurlty Instrumont An tho"F�rotxrty," <br />_;` �ARROW�R CUVBIVANT'S th4t Dorrower�o Inw�iu�l;�setaod�f tho estete horet►y,annveyed end lua the d�hs t� <br /> __ grant and convey the Property iad th�t the Property Es unanaombared�except tor enoumbu►ncea o@ reonrd,Borrower <br /> wareante�ad will dofend generally the tltle to the Ptaperty agninnt all olalms nnd demnnttn,oubjoct to�y oncumbrancas <br /> - -_ _-_= oi re�cord. <br /> - THIS 3�CURITY IN5TRUMENT corr►bincs untfarm cuvonants for nedonal use end nnnvn�iortn oavensnte�rith <br /> limited vsrlstiane by ediction to coneeitu4c�a untiof'fi't pEtQUFjfy�IIBtPiIPtlHA4 WV�PIA$flU&��1S�j3CP4y, �-- <br /> }�} 3C <br /> + LJNIFORM COVENAIVT3.�orroNer and I.eader c4vor�ant and sgree�s iollowe; <br /> 1.Pa�►ment ot Prinoip�l and Intoreet;Prapaqmont aad 1.�te C6�r�es. Sorro�ar�}►ell pron�sptly�y whea dtio <br /> the prinoipsl ai and iaterest on the dabt evides:ced by tha Nato and eny prepsyment and�lt+to ahargee d�a under the Note. <br /> 2. Fuads for Tarea and Iaeuranee.Subjoat to egpltoabla inw or to a writtan�vai�vas by Lendor. Borrower eh�ll <br /> psy ta I.auder oa the day moAthly psymants ere due undor tho Note.undl the Note ia paid in full,e aum("Fuade"}far. <br /> ' ? (e)yearly t�ea snd a�semente Nhich maq attaia pri�rlty ovor thie Seaurity Instrumant ea a lien an the Ptopertq;(b) _ <br /> ' yearly leasehold paymeate or ground rents en the FrQperty.if eny;(c)yearly hazard or�pmpercy ia�raace pr�em�ume; <br /> f : ,��� (d)yearly ilood insunrtco premiums�it nny;(e)yoarlyk�mortguga insuraace premiuma,if any;ead(f�aaysutne paynble <br /> ��'�,y�;j� by Borrower to accardaace wtth the pm»lat�xna of paragreph ltou o!tho payment of mortgage iASUraacE <br /> ��'�• premiume.'These itame ore calted Escrow Iteme. Laader may�at any time,�ofloat�and hold Funda ia ea unount aot <br /> ''������'�`°-'�i.', to excad the mextmum ainount a leader for s f¢donelly z+elnted mortgage loan may r�quire for Borcowet's escmw _ <br /> ' � accouat under thn iederal Real F.state Sectlemoat Pnmoedares Aat oi 1974 es emendsd fmm tlnne zo tirne,l2 U.S.C. <br /> ��#i Soation 2601 et serr. ("RFSPA").unlese another tew.�t6at applies to the Fuada sets e�losser amount If so, Iaador az�y. <br /> s h.��.e. <br /> "�'`�'�.�=r',��+�� at any t�me�colleat and hold Punde ia ea smouat ttcat W exceed tha lesser amount.Lond�r may�atethe amount of ' <br /> ��4 ,�° Fuads dua on the basIs of current date and reasaaablo estimates of espeadttnres of tutu�+e Eecrow Iteme or otherariee ia <br /> 7�<�-''�`' '.='.�!��, <br /> .`"': ',. , accordance wit1�applicable law. --- <br /> �.�;,:�•�,,-a..�.4:•� � The Funds shall be held Ia an institutton whQae dapasite are iaeured by a teder�l e�aaay�Iastivrn�antnlIty.or entitq --- <br /> ";: .r,•�':""'�-�t; �includiag I.ander.if I.ender ie such an tastitutlan)or ia anq Federa!Home LoaA Baak.Lrsnder ehall apply the Fuade W <br /> '"� " pay the EscrnN Items. I.euder maq aot oherge Bors+mNer for holding and applying tho Fuada,annualiy aaelyaiag the �_ <br /> �''`•�'����=�'�� ��` � escrow account,ar verifyiag the Escrow It�ome,.untass Lender paya Bormwor inter�t on the Funde sad epplicable tew _ <br /> i` ;; :� .. .,. :..:,' �, <br /> zs�..,,. . � .� i permits L.ender to mafce suah a charga. Howaver, Lertdar may requira Borrower to pay a ono-tisno cherge for an �n_ <br /> ' iadepeadent real estata tax ceportiag sarvice used hy L,e►tder in conae�tion with thie loan,unlesa appltcable law provides �,°_-_ <br /> `�''`' ` � •� othernise. Unlese aa agreemeat ia rnada or appltaable law reqairea iatetest to be psId,L,ender ahel! not be tequired to ;: <br /> � � � ' � ',` pay Borr�wet aay iaterest or earniags on tha Funds.Bornower end I.ender may agtoe�n writing,however. that iatarest �'° <br /> � ' �"'�� shall be paid oa the Funds.Lsnder shell va tco Borrower,without char e,aa annual accouadn of tha Funda.showi -- <br /> ..,.; � B � A$ .�--- <br /> '{�' ��:`�•_' � � ' credits and debita to the Foade aad tha purpoae for which eaah deblt to the Fundg was mada.The Fuads are piatgod as <br /> , ';` � addldoael security for all sume secured by thie$ecurlty Instrumea� � <br /> .'�t'?�'�� ' � If the Fuads held by Lendet exce�d 4ha amaunte permitted to be held by applioable law.I.emder shall accouat to _ <br /> '�`��'��''^' B o r t o w e r f o r 3 h a e x c e s s F u n d a I a a c c a r d a n ae with the r e quiremente of a p plicable law.If the amount of the Fuads held --�- <br /> �r,r; .e;�`'j;�,�;• � [,-.�: <br />�,,�:. �:.,{G.,�l; � by I.euder at any timo ia aot sufficies�t to pay the Eearow Iteme whea due�Lender msy so nottfy Borroaer ia writiag. <br />_ � ��1;, aad,in Borrawer ehail pay w Lender tha amount necea9ary to mafce up tho defIcIency. Bonoaer shall malca <br /> `l`?�� up tha deficieaay ia no more thaa twelve monthly paymonta�at Lender's sole disercitinn. <br /> , ... , <br /> � " Upon payment in iull oi ail su:na secured bq thie Security Instrumant,Lender eha11 promptly refuad to Borrower <br /> �� � any Funds held by I.eudar. If� under p�gt�ph 21� Lender ahail acqulre or sell tho Property. Leader, prtor w the <br /> ; .�...-:� aoquieitton or eale ot the Property,shaIt apply any Fuads held by Lestder at the timo of acquIeitioa or eale ae e credit <br /> . . ageinst the sums seeured by thie Security�aatrument. <br /> �� ' 3. Appllcatioa oi Pay�neate. Unlass appHcable law provides otherwise,all payments r�ived by L,cnder undor , <br /> � �. paragraphs 1 and 2 shell be appliod: firot►w any prepayment charges due unaler tho Noto;second,to amouats payable <br /> ' ' � uader paragraph 2;third,to intereat due;fourth,to grinaipat due;aad last,to anp lato ohargca due undet the Note. <br /> � � 4. Cbusea; Liens. Borrower shetl pay all texes,essesamente,cherges,fines end imposItione atuibutable to the " <br /> ;:��. Property which may uttaia priority avrsr thie Security Instrument,end leesehold pay�ents or ground reats, if any. <br /> , :';;;'`;`, Bonower ahell pay these obligations in tha manner provided in paregraph 2�or if not paid in that mannet,Borrmwer <br /> '�%'�����ir � ehall pay tham on tlme directly to the person o�ved payment.Botrower ehsill prompt(q furnish to I.endet ail noticesof <br /> � ;y�`.•��'� amounte to ba d under t4ua h IF Bnnower makes these ments direotly,Borrower shall rn tl turnieh <br /> :.,4�y�,1:� : • ^ " P� P��P • PaY P� P Y <br /> :;t, .�';:.� . `._';,;i�;ii to Leader receipta evidancing tho paymente. <br />,,i , ;;.�;.,., B o r r o w e r s h a l l p r o m p t l y d i s c h a r g e an y li�n whiah hae priori t y over thie Seouri ry Instrumcsat unlese Horrower.(aj <br /> �;. �..�:. : ::;;,'+;�, . agrce.a ia writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a mann�rr accepzabla to Lender;(b)coatestaia <br /> ° ' ;3�.. . good feIth tha liea by.or defeads against�enfoncoment of the lien in, fega3 proceedings �vhich in the Lender a opinion �. <br /> '�'�f.� <br /> ,,� t operate to pravent the a�nforcemeat of the ltisn;or(c)secures 4rom the halder af the lien an agreetnent satiePactory to �-�' <br /> �� �,���:� �.eader eubordinetiag the lien to thia Security Instrwnont.I4 Lendar deter�in�s that any part of tha Property is subjact ���, . <br /> `_ � to a lien which may attein priority over thie Security Inetrument,I.endar may giva Borrower a notice idantifying tha <br /> lien.Bamosver ehail eatisty the liea or tal;a one or mora of tne actions sat forth above within 10 days ot tha�iving of <br /> notice. <br /> �'�;��,�� ,� Fxm90Ti 8/90 , <br /> �!; .�: r, —BR(ND�o�oe►o� P.i.a or e . <br /> In1tIH�� <br /> • 1r' .. .. <br /> . } �i�i. <br /> � - � - . . .. . � no�,.,•� -,_—_—•—r-- ------- .. - -. -,------.. <br /> -- _'_"`�.�7; ... •> --„ •°-�n �, ..qi i'�,� +.;.�,�:4a:��.��':>�. '., n <br /> , <br /> 5 . � i <br /> , ; , <br /> • <br /> . <br /> -- �-- ---- - - — --- --- -- - - ------ - - -- -- - � <br /> --- ---- - •- _---- -- - _ _ __- _ _ _ - ---_ _ - -_ _- --- -- -- - _ ' __ -__ - __ - <br /> , `u - . <br /> � � � ' ` <br /> � , .. ., .� •' :� _ . , � <br /> . .. ., • �• i . „ <br /> :' , • .,•. ., - .. • � " , <br /> , , ,., . . <br /> _ ; o , ,. . <br /> , , <br /> . , <br /> 4j .. . ...�� '. .. . .. ' i. ' ' �� .. <br /> �' " `� • �.� '. .. a ° • . .. ,_ , y,.4i . - �. <br /> . , <br /> ... . • .. „ . , <br /> . ,. <br /> . ., � <br />