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<br /> � � 3'�'" 10.�4
<br /> • i 1.Aee�Ne�itp�Orfwkt R��J�M• �1P���b►►T►�a�^�P�Y��of or p�rfarranc�of tM tKnis and caditans ot
<br /> - - the Plcsta,qr any reacwals,mndifications or extensbns thereof,or the pny�sret of any other Inde�tedness secured hartby or in ti�pe►�amance
<br /> ' of Qny of�be comrenants a a�ree+r�ents herMxKNr.Bensfkiorl►maY AeClare all sums secund her�by immediatdy duQ aai paYobk und tne x4me
<br /> --- ------ st�of�tMrMqon b�camr du�and payable without p�s�Mment,d�mand,protest or rotke of an�icind.Th�naNer,eeneficiary ma�Eeliver to
<br /> -- Trust�a writt�n declaratia►of dafalt ard de+nard for sok.TrostM siail ha+rs ths power of sak of th�PropKty and if Benefktary d�cid�s the
<br /> — — Prop�ty is to 6�sold it shall depasit wlth Trust�thfs D�ed of T�ust ard th�Note a not�s and any other documints Rvid�ncing exp�ndituns
<br /> stcu�rd h+�r�b�r,ond shall detiwr to Tr�stM o wrftt�n notke of dsfautt and d�ction to caus�tM PropMy to br soid,on�Trustn,in tum,slall
<br /> "''---- ------- papc�o a si���ikr i.otkc in ti►�twri rc�uircd by ta��u�htch shn!!bo dul�r file�f ta recerd by Trustee.
<br /> � (a)After th�lops�of wch tirt�os may 6�requi��d by law tollow�sq th�ncardatlan of Notiu of O�fauN,and Notic�ot D�fault and Notic�of �
<br />_. , l ~ SoN hmrinp M�n pirm as nquked by Inw,Trusta,without demand on T�ustor,shall ul{ths Propert�r in ona ur mor�p�cds and En such ader
<br /> � ' as Trustor ma�r d�t�mirw on fM dat�and at th�fimr and piace d�sipnoted In t4id Nmk�ot Saf�,at pubtk auctfan to th�hiph�st birJd�r,the pur-
<br /> chose prle�payosl�in cash(n kwFut mona�of th�United States ot tM ti�rta cf sele.TM p�t�on tondutlGq th�seN map,ta any caus�h�or sh�
<br /> t• dhmi�xqdi�nt,postporn the snl�hem tlms to tim�umil it shall b�sompl�t�d and,(n�v�ry�uch cose,notin of postpon�ment shotl be pivtn
<br /> -,,- b�r pu�ik drelaration tharaaf by cuch parton at the time and plae last appofnted to►the sobr porid�d,if tM aal�is postponed for lon�r thon _ __
<br /> on�(U dny b��ond th��o�r d�siqnoted in tha Notic�of Sab.notice thKeof stail M qiv�n in the san�monner as th�alpinal Notir,e of Suk.
<br /> !I �,; . Truste slatl exKUto ond d�tivK to tM purchas�r its Deed convoyinp the Property so sotd,but without ony conwnont or warranty,express,or _
<br /> � T impfl�d.TtN rnitols In tha Oed of eny rtatters or focts shall be contlusive proof of the truthfulness thercof.Any person,includitro witAout
<br /> limitatfon Trustw.may purchas�of tha sale.
<br /> � (b).When Trustee telis puftuont to the pow�rs herein,Trustee sholl appty the praeeds of the sale to poymorn of the cosis and expsnses of
<br /> exercising ths power of seb and ef the sale,intludinp,without limitation,the pa�rment of Trustee's Fees incuned,which Trustee's Fees shall not
<br /> �".4e'� � 3pG:� in the og{�►egate exceed fhs following amourns based upon the amow�t secure9 hereby und renaining unpuid� 5 percentum an tha Imlonco -
<br /> � thereot;ond then to the items set forth in wbporogroph(c)hereof in the ordar therein stated.
<br /> `��'� `�` �� (c)After payinp the items specified in subparograph�b),if the snle is br Trustee,or the proper court and other costs of foreclosure and sale
<br /> � ���;��=�•�` � if the sale ia pus�cant to iudicial foreclosure,the prateeds of sale shall be applied in the order stoted bolow to the payment of� ----
<br /> • �tY�
<br /> ' �'�._�;.�;,;�,�x�kF, � (1) Cost of any ovidente of title pracured in conrtection with such sate artd of any►evenue required to be paidr ""�
<br /> '-�x,�..
<br /> _���'i',r��'),y?)a.;rr;?"_; I21 Attom9ysfteSS _
<br /> �,�, ; (3) AD sums then secured herebyJ
<br /> � �`�'� '� �- (4) Junior trust deeds,morigages,or other lienholders:ond "��
<br /> ,,.;,... .� —
<br /> ' ,� ''; � , � � (S? The remainder,if anr,to the penon or persons legaily eMitled thereto. _
<br /> • < >'
<br /> _ —
<br /> {k;+ir ��: . " (d) If the Beneficiary of f,h�s Daed ofi trust is a bar�ic os defiined by ii�asi:a taw,arsy staiem�nt tansaine�in am�,oltscr:etlfaa ot!!�:deed
<br /> ���, :�':, ' •!� notwithstanding,the 8eneflciary shall not be entitted to receive or take and debtor shall not be abligated to poy or gives any confession of judg- __
<br /> • ment,power of attomey to cor�ess judgment,power of attomey to oppear for a borrovrer in a iudicial proceedirtg or ogreemer�t to poy the costs
<br /> ' ' of collection of the attomeys'fees,uniess such acts of coliectian would not othervrise be prohibited by Nebraska law.Provided,however,that —_
<br /> �� '. � this section does�ot apply to the Trustee fee�eferred to in parograph 6(b).Provided further,that this paragraph shall�ot opply to this Deed of =__
<br /> �, • ' • Trost,if the Beneficiory is not a bank. '��"
<br />_ ':,:,. .;;.�. .. , . , 12. Additiwl S�wdry Mstrw�ts.Trustor,at its expense,will execute ortd deliver to the Beneficiury,promptiy upon demand,such securi• ;�
<br />_ • . .. .. . . , . ty instrumeMs us moy be required by Beneficiary,in form end substance satisfoctory to eerteficiary,covering any of the Property conveyed by • :,_
<br /> �-�H .��s��- ^^�n,�•� this Deed of Trust,which secwity instruments shail De additlonai security for Trustar's feithful perfarmance of oll of the terms,covenents and , �;:•:
<br /> "`''• '`�' � '" tonditions of this Deed of Trust,the promissory notes socured hereby,und a►y other security instruments executed in tonnection with this tron-
<br /> ; �. :.. .. ''. " °::
<br /> ,,: ;.. �.' section.Such insttruments sholl be recorded or filed ot Trustor's expense. �
<br /> • •s.t*?�w' �j;.�y:� � . �g, �p��p� �p�r TwstN, Beneficiery may, from tfine to time, by a written instroment executed ond atknowledged by �:;
<br /> 'ru .::,.��:1(ti;����.;',.. ,
<br /> " ,�.,,�-�,j• :-��.r,,r�•:::..;-„ Beneflciary,meiled to Trustor and recorded in the couniy or counties in which the Property is taated and by otite►wise complying with the provi- •
<br /> •��•�-� -• '���;�'•• sions of the applieable lows of the State ot Nebraska,substitute a successor or suceessors to the Trust�ee numed herein or acting hereunder.
<br /> � � . 14. lasMetlens.Bertefitfcry,or its agents,representatives or workmen,ar�authorized to enter at•ony reosona3le time upon or in any part "
<br /> '' " of the P�operty for the u se of ins ctln the same and for ihe purpose of performing ony of the acts it is authtoized to perfotm under the
<br /> _ :v'�;,:�: P � P8 9
<br /> ' terms of the Deed of Trust.
<br /> ,�_;;�� � 15. Qolioe b Fonebst. Upon the oceurrence of ony default hereunder,Beneticinry shaii have the option to forec�ose this Deed of Trust in
<br /> �,\ �- • the manner provided by taw for the foreclosure of nartgages on real properry.
<br /> � ° � � i b. ivrelNr�na by Ben�fk6�ry Not�w�ir�r.Any forebeerance by 8eneficiory in exercising any right or remedy hereunder,or otherwise
<br /> � ��'�`` afforded by epplicable law,sMll not be n waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.likewise,the waiver by 8eneflciary of
<br /> ,.. , . .
<br /> � am►default of Trustor under this Deed of Trust shall not be deemed to be a weiver of ony other or similur defoults subsequently occurring.
<br /> � '' T 17. Tnrtter No4 R�kaed.�Extension of the time for payment or modification or amortization of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> � �"� r � granted by Beneficiary to any successor in interest of lrustor shall not operate to release,in eny manner,the liability of the original Tntstor and
<br /> �f Trusta's successor in interest.Beneficiory sholl not be required ro tommence proceedings ogalnst such successor or refuse to extend time for
<br /> � ',;, : pcyment or osherwise modify amortization of the suns secured by this Deed ot Trust by reason of any demnnd mude by the originol Trustor cnd
<br /> _ .;`;��;t. Trustar's sutcessor in interest. .
<br /> . 18. We�ftci�ry't►awers.Without affecting the liability of the Trustor or any other person liable for the payment of any obligation heroin
<br /> � • mentloned,ard without affetting the lien or charge of this Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Property�ot then or theretofore�eleosed as
<br /> - seeurity for the full arteount of all unpniG obligations,Beneficiary may,from time to time and without notice, ti)release any penon so linble,(ii?
<br /> _ extend the maturity or alter any of the terms of ony such obligations, tiii)grant other indvlgences, (iv)release or reconvey, or cause to be
<br /> � �� ' ,•' ., .1 released or reconve ed at an tlme at Benefici s o tions an arcel, rtion a all of the Pro e (v)take or releuse an other or odditional
<br /> - Y Y �Y' P Y P Po P rtY, Y
<br /> „ security for ony obligation herein mentianed,ar(vil moke tompositions or othor arrongements with debton in relation thereto.
<br /> `"'• •� 19. /vttitn Adr�naa.Upon request of Trustor,Trustee at Trustee's option, prior to retenveyance of the Property to Trostor, may muke
<br /> �—_.—_—--_
<br /> � ... ... .L L�ll L�.r..�.J L.�1.2.l....�11��...I..w�u:A�w..u1{w.vNw:eeN..
<br /> _—_.. ___
<br /> __" ' "
<br /> :., .. ,. 1UtU�@ QQV�IICBS t0 INStO�. �UCII tiRUfB QS1YUrtC@S,wtro m�6P65� om7oiriq 5.n.n w ao..v�w ..i ....o ..........�.......o.........�........� r••••••••�•i � -
<br /> -. ' . �� . notes stating thort said notes are secured herobp:providod that at no time shall the secured principal,future advances,not induding sums ad- '
<br />_. �� ; ; � vanced to protect the securi4y,exceed an uggregate principa!amount of S • i
<br /> ' 20. Rteoeinra�ct!ry Trustee.Upon written request of 8enefttiary stating that all sums secured hereby have been paid,and upon surcender I
<br /> � ✓.`� � of this Deed of Trust end the Note to Trustee for cencellntion ond rete�ion nrtd upon payment by Trustor of Trustee's fees, Trustee shall i
<br />_-� �`; rer,onvey to Trustor,or the person or persoas legdly entiNed thereto,without warro�y,uny portion of the Property then held hereunder.The
<br /> '"'� recitals in such recanveyance of ony metters or facts sholl be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof.The grontee in any reconveqence may I
<br /> .. .:"ter`�r: ' �� •
<br /> �:,y;,.: _, ''� be described as"the persan or persans iegc�lly eMitled thereto".
<br /> I ., �, �
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