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<br /> .,��'"'°!�"� THIS THUST DF.E��mtde ihfs�ith Gay of�,M°�' .,19 9��.—..,by nnd�rcwn0 ...�._..�..._�_.��__
<br /> — and I.�la Hernfe��i0?. West 8txeet Wood River NB b8983
<br /> vrtaw mrlinp�ddr�N
<br /> --- (hre(n"Yru�tor"):and MR���,wF�a�m�ilirg add��ia P.O.Box 187,Waad River.Neb�etu6888�,l�R���nista�:'and'�BsrMtkirr').
<br /> - ---
<br /> FQR VAlUAltE CONSIDBtATiON, kxWdinO tM ind�btd�as;kd�ntifNd h�nin ad th�trust h�nin a�at�d,tM nc�ip►of whid�is hmblr
<br /> ��______ _—_� ocknow#�dil�d.T�ustor irrqvocabty aants.trnnstKS,caw�ys.ond assipns to Trust�, IN TRUST,WITH POWFIt OF SALE,tor Ufii b�f'�t and
<br /> — s�turlt�►of Bawtkiary,urdN'ad wb�ut to tAe tKms ond tonditions af this�td of�rust,9i�rad prcN::;y d::e�it.:�as taflams: �--
<br /> � 6outherZy 105� of Lot Bight (8), Block One (1), Weet North Lawn S�dond Addition, —
<br /> City af Wood River* Hall Co., NE.
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<br /> - 4.•�.. : �:-, i{ ;• TOGETHER 1Ni IN,eii rents.Profits,ro�aities.irrcome uri�4iti6T�'i8fi&�t3�8fi7iT��COt!!!J!8 f£QI�f4Q?�tY:�U leases or subleases covori�g the f- _--
<br /> ' �., . � „ � reat proyerty or cny portion thereof, now m hereofter existing or entered iMO� aed all right,title cnd interest of Trustor thereurtder;a111n•
<br /> ,, . terests,estate or other claims,both inbwand in equity,whith Trustor now hoa or may hertbfter atquire in the real propertyj all eosements,
<br /> rights�of�way, tenements,haeditcnnems and appurtenances thereof ond therof�;ull oil and gas�ights and profits,water rights ond woter
<br /> h " stock�all right,title and interest of Tnntar,now owned or hereofter ecquired,in and to any land lying within the rlght-of-way of eny sheet w
<br /> highway adioining the reo!property, my ad all bui�dinga,fixtures, improvemants, and appurtenances�ow or hereafter erected the�eon or
<br />_ � � . belongirtg thereto,thtrein referred to as "ImprovemenY'ar"tmprovemertts"):and any ertd all awcrds made for the taking by emirtent dannin
<br /> . ' . or b�any Droceeding or purchaee in Iteu thereof,of the whole or ony po�t of the reat property.
<br /> All of the foregoing estate,property orsd interest hereby conveyed to Trust�herein collectively refereed to as the"Properry". �
<br /> �•�'�-')c; '�� (e The poymer�of indeMednass evidenced by Trostor's noto of even dote herewith in the prirtcipat sum of =
<br /> - �"""`` ' �elve ThAUSand ThYee gundred Fift and no/100w----------------Oollars (S 12 350.00 ___►,
<br /> „>,:�;`�`' y
<br /> ' together with interest at the rate or rmes provided therein,(fierein,together with eny and all�enewols,modifications,and extensions theroof, ��'`:
<br /> F:.'..^.'_"
<br /> -• ,"•�u��.° referred to as the"Note")both prirtcipol ond interest on the Note being payable In accordonce with the terms set forth therein,reference to . �.-r
<br /> -', ".
<br /> which is hereby made,the finol payrrser� of principal and ir�erest,if not scaner paid and if no renewals,modlficotions or extensions are mcde, �--
<br />� due ond poyable on April 11, 1997 • �_
<br /> ' (b)The performance of each agreement and eovertant of Trustor herein contained:and �,:�,�_
<br /> .. (c)The poYment of any sum or sums of money with interest thereon�vhich may be fierenHer paid or adranced under tha terms of this Deed of E__�-�
<br /> 'ir:•.
<br />°.-sr,..-. � ;:�.- Tn,st. "
<br /> — (d)1f�e poymam ot any futu►e advances necessary to protect the security or ony future advance made at the option of the partiesr end
<br /> (e)The performance of an obligationof any other person nomed in this lrust Oaed to o beneficiary. ,
<br /> �n • ���. ' 1.P�nt of PeMd�l and let�ron.TNStor shall promptly pay when due the prineipal of and interest on the indebtedness evideated by the ;
<br /> � " IJote,and all other eherges ard fees os provided in the Note,and the principal of ond interest on any Future Advences secured by this Deed of
<br /> i Trost. • .
<br />. . � ��`�
<br /> Z,1N�e+rw�ty of Ti1N.trustor is lawfully seized and possessed of good and indefeasible title und estate to the Property hereby conve�ed and .,,...
<br /> has the right to gmm artd convey tha Propertyr the Property is free end elear of alt liens and encumbrences except liens now of recad�ond
<br /> Truator will warrant end defend the title to the Property agoinst oll cteims and demands.
<br /> ' i� 3,M�nte�e�ee�/t�n�e�wiM Idn�,Trustor shall keep the Property in good condition and ropair and shptl not commit wus4e or pe�rnit
<br /> � � " • - impoirment or deterioration of the Propertq ond shalt camply wlth the provisions ot ony teose if this Deed of Trust is on o teasehold.No improvo•
<br /> , � ment now or hereafter ereMed upon the Property shall be altered, removed or demalished without the prior written consent of Benefitiory.
<br /> � s •� ' .� Trustor shall comply with all laws,ordimntes, ragulatians,covenants,conditions erd restrictions affecting the Property and not cernmit,suffer,
<br /> or permit any act to be done in or upon the PropeKy in violntion of any low,ordinance,regvlotion,covenont,condition or restriction.Trustor
<br /> ` � shall eomplete or restore promptly artd in good workmanlike manner any improvernent on the Property whith moy be dumoged or destroyed and
<br /> ___-_.
<br /> .,- . . . ..-�-.•�---�-----�t�r.._b.�...iw....hn.n,.�
<br /> - - 1 � pGy.Wfl@TI Gtl@.CII ciaims ior i000r periornieo and moTena�s Turnro�rou���o��nc u.N�...��y....o....��......�.�_.
<br /> -• ( " 4. In:w�ne�.TfUS1Cr,at its expense.will maintain with insuron approved by Beneticiary,insurance with respect to the Improvements and �
<br /> � � personnl proporty,canstituting the Praperiy,against loss by firo,IigMning,tomardo,ortd other perils and hczards tovered by standord extended !
<br /> � � coverage endoraemeM,in an amount equal to ot least one hundrod percent of the full replucement value thereof and insurance agains�such �
<br /> • � other ha:crds cnd in such amounts as a customarily caried bq owners und operatas of simulor prope�ties or as 8eneficiary may require for its ;
<br /> ' � protection.Trustor will eomply with such other requirements as Bene�iciory mey from time to time request for the protettion by insuranee of the �
<br /> " ' irnerests of th9 respective pnrties. An i�surance policies meintcined pursuant to this Deed of Trust shall namo Trustor and 8eneficiary as in• �
<br /> ' .�r:,;
<br /> �� �� ` '� ' sureds,os their respeetive interests moy oppeor,and provicla that there sholl be no cancellation or modification without no less thon 1 S days i.
<br /> • ;'�`� '�''" pr}or written notifleation to Beneticiay. In the eveM any policy hereunder is not renewed on or betore 1 S deys prior to its expiration dote, '
<br /> �a , Beneficfary moy procure such insurome im acordartce wiih the provisions of parogroph T hereof.Trustor shnll deliver to 6eneficiary the aigi nal ; '
<br /> � policies of insura►ce and rertewols th�remf or memo copies of such policles and renewals the�eof.Foilure to furnish suth insurance by Trusbr. a
<br /> � " renewals as requfred hereurtder shcll,at ttro option of Beneflciary,constitute a default.
<br />