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•:d�Or��r: �� ,�� . ��� ._t6:< <br /> . .� � ��'�� . .__.�- <br /> . � � <br /> �•.. � � .. ._ � <br /> .�. <br /> ?� �F . ._,. . _ �.. <br /> . <br /> -. _—. ..l hr.� f — _�_ .... .__� _ <br /> �• ..._, , :-- _��.:.�e — _ . <br /> ` _ <br /> � <br /> 'L � <br /> +�7� ... .'� --- __ :- ,�— ' . _ _. . . .. ._ . .— __.__. __-,__. _-. <br /> � .� . ____- _. <br /> -----�-----------__-__. .._ .._ _. _. �-.__ ._. __ _. _. n- � - —:_. <br /> - .�. ADJUST�HLE RA►TE RIDER ajAr"'" 10S5.s"sE� . ` <br /> (k Year Trcuu�y index•R�tc Cvp�l •� <br /> �'�,n�.�,."' _ <br /> _�.�.�..r�•„_,� <br /> YIIl9A�DljNPAt11.HRATERiDP.R1�mxAo�hi�_���...d�yaf�_.r._.�_�IIN�,_,�,_,_,_,---.,. —.i9 g�_. <br /> � ` 4nd b Incorpaa�std IMa�nd�h�il M dcemcd tounenA�nd�uppinn�nt tAA Mor���e,tked nt Truu,or 8acudty t�al(�he"5ocudty Inarununt"lot • ° <br /> the�ertR d�te Liti�cc�bY the�mdar�ljrrad(the"lorrowse")to ucure Bortower'�AOJuntbte R�tr Not�(the"Not�">to yDy�1�� <br /> w ��jQ(thie•'1�ce�3tr")of th�u�n�e d�t�wnd cuverEn�th�proprrty dtscrlbad in tho Seouilty tnurument�nd tac�ted�ts � <br /> - --------- 410 WEST KOENIG� GRANO ISLA{110 NE 68801 <br /> � � tProperty Addra�) <br /> Tht�Ruk co�ttlr porbtoq diewiu�tw da�a t� w I�kra11 nte�M ��matYy - <br /> . P�y�ate.T�b�aU dto Ilnit�IYe�rao��t my t�tePest nte eaw c�a�e�t ut o�Nne�id — <br /> - �o Ut Nl�tt�tw tN twetw�d�a�e�ts 1 sat pq. <br /> y� ADD1YlONA4 COVENANTS. In sdditlan to tha covenants and a�raema►�a made in the Securtty lnatrument,llorrowu and L.eMa - - <br />_`;�� :� ftuther oovenaat and aYree aa foUows: <br /> �/ _: <br /> l � <br /> '`?. A. INfERE�MTE AND MOIVTHI.Y PAYA�NT CMNCE4 <br /> � The Note provid3a tor�u inldu!lnurat rate of 7•� bi.Section 4 of the Noto provides tor ch�es in the Iataat rnte and the <br /> �, monthlypay�mss,as follows: <br /> '�.,... <br /> ;.•�t`:�'��"1r 4. lMIERQSTRA?�fINpMONTNLYPAYM6NTCHANl3FS c -- <br /> �y �?%'-�'�ii..�.� (A) �D�ttes --- <br /> �' � •;i' . TheintenaeznteIwtppaymaychangeontheRrstdayot JULY ��y95 ,andonthatdayeverY <br /> . k �.,.1��..,•..a.�,.'.,;:,st 1• �.::;:': <br /> -,;,:�,f;'i" ? aronths thereaiter.&ch d�te oa which tiny interest rate ouWd chaage Es calted a•'Chanae Date." • — <br /> ;r, s5i; , <br /> �;�..,;�, :l� �� 'I��Ih9ER '�_v_ <br /> - •'"�``•':•``��j` "' BcEinnfi�^�yvs;th tha first Change Date,my intuest rate wiU be ba4ed oa un Indac.The"lndae"ia the weeklyuvcrnge yietd an United 5tate.r u�Y_ <br /> i,l`. � �.�:.% <br /> • :�+,�-:.. .. .;..� ;;' 7teasury aoc�a�tiaa adjusted to a constant maturiry of 1 made avatlable by the Foduat Raave Board.The mose reoent index flaure <br /> �� .... i availableas o4ttn dtte 4S days before each Change Date is called thc•'Current Utdea." ����"'� <br /> `:"��'°i � • �: if Uu It�c is no lottger available, the Nou Holdec wiU choose a new Index whteh is based upoa compatabk informa¢ian.'ihe Noie `���:�'� <br /> "�% � � . �{ '�, Holdu wiil gt�Y r�raotla of this ckoice. w''�%'_.` <br /> --_ _ • - .!�-�._ l� ir�iNiifiYYiiiii ir�+ Ki1G -: <br /> . _'_ ._.". ._ . . <br /> , .. f� c'�l �� B¢fbre a�Ti Change DAte,tha Note Holder wip calcvtau my new intercst rata by addIng mREE AND ONE-HALF p���g� "'" ' <br /> `� ; .-'."r�.;�'rv:j�,,i�• � � .. <br /> pof�[z.i( �{.$ �7'i)W tAa Clurcat ladat aad rounding ta the aeazat 1/8tA of 19e.aubjeca to tht Waita stated in Section 4(D)bdow. <br /> ';��:��` , �� This rounded¢m�aant wtil be my naw irtterat rau untii the aact Chaeige Date. ----� <br /> �.�. c!�,.�.._. <br /> �'�' , , t Tlu Notr Had¢r wiU thcn determine the amount of the montdty paymmt that would bc sutficient to repay In flill the prindpal I am � � <br /> � � apected to owr ac�that Change Dnte in aubstentialty equal paymrnts by the maturity date at my new inurest rate.The asult ot this ceicul�Uon �',�« <br /> � '��= � wiU be the ncw¢mount of my monthly paymmt. • <br /> ' ,. i•.�;.� . , ��;', (D) LilnfltOlL1!!�!lfRtGGi�jd <br />_ •,�7�,'1..• . . .1,;;�•; ' The iRtzrtst rato 1 am required to pay at the first Change Date w[U not be greater than 9.00 eq• o£Iess than <br /> -�• � �f�s+�t,,,._,. , -, . `��- C� Inurest ratewiU never be increased or decrcased on any single Change Date by more than �u . <br /> -' �"''� �:' " 2•� from tha�ate of intercst t have bern paying for the preading twelve months.The minimum intuat�ate oa thls toan wlll neva be <br /> t �.:.,...: ,..i� , 5.U0 12.� <br /> . •i.,�:-�; ,,.. .. less tUar► ri nnd the maatmucn interat rate wtll aevu be greatu than a7i. <br /> �•�,v,n••r.r� • <br /> : .�.. -w.,�•., .�;' (El Elftetlm Wte of CR���a <br /> -..�:,,,,,..,, :. •.J{,,, My aevo IaLmst rate wlil bccome cffeettve on each Chringe Date.t will pay the aznount of my new monthly payment 6eginntng on the tirst <br />_ , � .�� monthly payrosr.n due aRer tha Chunge Data undl the amouat of my monthly payment changa again. <br /> .;' - <br /> �',�;> �;� i (� AUotkeofCla�es <br /> �: The IVd,cc HoMer wUl matl or deliver to me e notta before each Change Data The noUce wUl advise use of: <br /> ��.�; � (u thenewinterestruteonmyloanuottheChengeDau; <br /> `-� , ,•`s (�r� dtt amount of my manthly paymeat tollowing the Change Date; <br /> ;."� � ;,,~ t �.��� (t� any addluona!mutters whkh ehe{�ou Holdu is cequired to disrtose;and <br /> •:l`� '.� �. t fro) tht address of the essocluQon you could contact regarding any qaesrions about the adjustmeat noHa. <br /> ; ?*. _ �I < <br /> ) ,�. . . " j 6. QlA6t�iE$:iJENB <br /> � :�*i���' � ' . Uniform C�veeaxs 0 of the Sccudry Instrument ia e�eeaded to rcad a�follows: <br /> �",.:' ; �.CEir�:Iks�.Bormwer shall pay aU texcs.a�zssments.and oth�charges,f�ars,and impositions attriEutu�k to tlte Propaty which may <br /> � '' „ ;� aC�atn e prtcaiYY ovtr this SecuHry Instrument,a�oesuhold payments otgrotan�eems,if any,in the manner�rovided under pazagraph Z hereof <br /> � ar.L"rtot po3Cl in aueh Borrowcr ma�in8 WYrtant.when d�e.direc�ly io the payee thcreoL Borrower ahall prompdy fhrnish Lender � _'. <br /> -. ' ':'. i a�aoticp�4 aacounts due under tltis�paraga�id,sind in the event Borrower shall matce payment dimctlY.Borrower sAall pmmptty furnW�to �� <br /> �X';:, .. � Lendar reeeiLa evtd�n►cing such payments.B�rawer shalt prompdy dischazge any Uw whfc6 Aes priority over this Security Instrument; I � <br /> � :�:",;�.t ,�� howereq Ptorrovra shall not be required to dischaige any such Qai so toug as Borrowa:(a)sNall agrae in writing to tRe payment of the I <br /> - �`-•° � � •%> oblidatiao secared Oy such lien[n the manna aoaptable w Lender;(b)ahall in gaod faitn contat such lien by,or defend against enforcee�rnt of <br /> � �� such lten f�t.[agal ptooeedings which in the opinion of Lender operste to prevent the enforcement ot the lien or forfdture of the Property or any � <br /> ��, part thaueOt or(c1 shall senue from tRe Colder of such itrn an agrecment irt a torm satisfectory to I.ender subordinatiag such lien to this I <br /> c. „ ;� Sectirity[esttumait. <br /> ....�...= -- -- ..�.a,...�«..... ..r.L-- L��,�.--._—-.�.-.— -•�__ ._..._.___• L_ <br /> ` ' -"-'- - <br /> .-___, - - -----__..—_-.1}_____- ....w�..w.w..�........�.�..�.�..��. v...w••vy..y ao wvr�•w o ucn wsuw�aa�6j waau�a yitGiwj vLw uua uc�u�n� amu r.w.0 -.-- <br /> _ t,eader sLnt➢give Borrawer a notice ldenNfying ruch lien.Banower shall satLsfy such lim or take one or more of the actions ut fonh aDove � <br /> ' within ten days of tde gfving of the notia. <br /> �`• C. NO?[CE �'• <br /> •� � �t, Un[fcrm Covtnant 14 of thcSerurity Instrumcr�t h ammded to read as fol[ows: i <br /> 11. Nn41cs.Exaept for eny notice required under appQcable law�o be given in anaher manner,(�any notfa to Borrower provided for in this <br /> ;f _ _ ',= Security Instoument sRall be given�y deGverfng it or by mailing it by first class maU to�ono�va at the Pro <br /> perty Address or at such other address <br /> �, as Borrawer may designate Dy notice to Lmder es provfded Aereln.und(b)any noNce to Lendar shaU be given by Rnt class mail to Lender's <br /> ? .. ndQe+as stated Rtrein or to such other addras as Lertder may daignate by notfce to Borrower m provided haeln.Any noUce provided for in this <br /> • � Secariry Instvument shall Oc deemed to Aave been�iven to Borrower or Lender whm given in tRe manna daignated herein. I <br /> . �;,�:,�.:'y <br /> . .1l:4�' ' . . <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � .) . � <br />