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<br /> ��w�W�� TUUIi't'Hl:1R�VCTH all the improvr.ntcrtts noiv nn c�r:.aftcs crccteil on the{�raperry,nnd 11l�nscments,ctppurtenances,
<br /> urtd fixtures now ar hemaf'tcr a pars of�he propeTty. AU rcpincemcnts cuid ndditlons Ehull also br_cover�d by thi�Secutlry
<br /> In,s•,cumcnt. All af thc foregoing ia refemed to in thls Sccurity lnsuument as the"Property."
<br /> - aORROW�R COVENANTS thnE Borroaer�s Inwti�lty seised of ihc esteto hereby canvcyed and has the dght to grani
<br /> and convey the Property nnd that tho Pcoperty.ia unencumbend,except for enc��mbrartcos nf recard. Bnmower warruatx und
<br /> � wjll defend grneralfy the tide ta the Property agairtst aU cluime nnd demanda.subjxt to uny encumbr�tnces of rxord.
<br /> --=""_� 1'WiS SECyJRT1'Y INS1`ttUib7L�NT eam�fnes uniform mvr.nnnta for natianal utse nnd non•unifom� coven�its with ,
<br /> lim{ted variutions by j�ufsdicdan w consdtute e uaifarm security instiument covering real propeny.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENAN'TS• Borrowcr und Lender covenont und agree as fc�llows:
<br /> : �. peyment of PrindpW pnd inkrest;PrapsYment wid I.ate Ch�rgss. Borruwcr ehsiU pmmptly pay when due the
<br /> N
<br /> ,; principul of sutd interest on the debt evidenced by the Note und any prepuymont nnd Iate charges duo.under the Note.
<br /> 2. �t�ls for'�xes at�d Insurat�ce. 3ubject to applfcable law ar ta a written waiver by.Ixnder.Borrower shall pay w
<br /> �'�` Lender on the day monthty payma�ts ate due under the Note,uutU thc Note is puid in full,a sum{"Fuads")far. (a)yearly
<br /> �;" wxes and agsessmenu which muy attain priority over thls Securiry instrument us a lIe��on the�ropeRy:(b)yearly icascho2d -
<br />-' paymentu or ground rents on the Property. if any; (c) yetvly hnzard or propert�+insuranoe gremiums; (d) ycarly flood
<br /> ` insurance premiums. lf any; (e)yearly mortgoge inaurance pcemiwns.if aay: nnd(� aay suras pnyable by Borrower to
<br /> �• Lender.in acoordnnce with the provisions of paragraph 8.in Iieu of the payment of mortgcege insurance premiums. Thess
<br /> items are caJled"Escrow Items:' Lender muy.at any time.coUect and hold Fund�in an umount not to exeeed the ma�cjrtwm
<br /> amouat n lender for a federelly c+elnted mortgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow ttccount under the fede�l:Real
<br /> Estate Seulement Procedures Act af 1974 as amended from tUua to tlme.l2 U.S.C.§2601 et seq. ("RESPA").wtless anuthcr
<br /> law that nppUes to the I�nds sets a les.ser amouaG If so.Lender muy.at any dme,collect and hold Ftinds in an amount not to _
<br /> caceed the lesser amoun� Leader may estiwate the amount of Furtds due an the busis of cunent data aad reasonabte
<br /> estimates of expendltures of fuwre Fscmw Items or otherwFse ln accordance wlth npplicable law. _
<br /> `� ''��;,� The Funds shall be held ia an insdtution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency.insuumenWity.or entity
<br /> (including Lender,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Pedetal Home Losin Bank. I.eader shull apply the Funds to pay
<br /> ' the Esarow Items. Lender muy not chac�e Bomower for holding tutd applying the Funds,aanuaUy an�lyzing the e.csrow
<br /> , '�'''��''"' accouat,or verifying the Escrow Items, unless 1LendBr paya Borrower interest on the Fuads und applicable law pem�its _
<br /> .-..� , Lender to make such a chacge. However.Lendac may re.c{uire Borrower ta pay a on�-tirne charge far an independent real
<br /> . t ; � '�+ft�k estate tax neporting service used by Lender In connection wtth thts loan.unless uppl�cable law provides othenvlee. Unless an
<br /> � ,�,�a��.r..;;, ngreement is made or appGcnble law requires iatcrest to be paid.Lender shall not be mquirc�3 to pay Bonower eny iuteiest or _.
<br /> �.�;;,��.��.�•�, eamings on she Funds. Borrower and Lender may a�nee in wriNag,however.that inte�est shall be patd on the Fands. L,cader
<br /> ``�'`�`"`:,'.. .`..�; shall gtve to Borrower,without charge,an annual accoundng of the Funds.showing credlts and debits to the Fuads and the
<br /> ;� '��' �` � puipose far which each debit to the Fands was mude. The Pw►ds ure pledged as additlonal securiry for all sums secured by _
<br /> ,.,.,.� ,
<br /> 4 J- --
<br /> �,�;r,� `_„• - this Security Inswmcoi. ,
<br /> '� �ry � ' If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts perm[tted to br. held by upplicuble law.Lender shall accouat to
<br /> � r'�� ' ' Borrower for the excess Funds in accc►ndanep with the require�nents of appGcable isw. If the amount of We Fuads held by
<br /> .,,_a�,.
<br /> :^k�'�i.°:c�.�:.��-,�,',• ., Lendar at aa►y ciine is not sufftcient to pay the Escrow ltems when due,Lender may so notFfy Borrower in wddng,aad.ia
<br /> •��•��•�����•�: • • sueh casr Borrower shall pay to Lender t he umount necessary t o m a k e up t he d e f i c i e n c y. Borrowar sball make u p the �,:_..
<br /> . ',,�;ri i^' .: �••
<br /> ;.. �•�- deficiency in no more than twclve monthly paymenta,at Lendcr's sole discc+etIon. �n
<br /> °',y�i•:.: •. - Upon payment in ti�il of all sums secured by this Security Insnument.I.ender shall prampdy refund�to Horrower uny �°x__
<br /> _ ;��_'�� .: ._ . ..;.' ' Funds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or seA the Property,Leader.pdor to the acqulsltion ar �''--_
<br /> .,•�:.�,. ; ;, sale of the Property.sball apply any Funds held by Lender nt the dme of acq�isidon or sate as a credit agalnst the sutt� �; _
<br />_ ;r.�,,;.,,....:,.,,,,,,..�� secured by thts Securiry InstrumenG &�`:�.�
<br /> ••� .,.s-.• „. ' 3. Appllca8on of Poyatenta Unless appllcable law provides othenvise. all payments received by Lender under �;,:
<br /> � � �'•• paragraphs I and 2 shall be applied first,to aay pmpayment charges due under the Note:second.to amounts payuble under ��;
<br /> �� •.,'„�;�,,;„,,,.,.�';,:. paragrnph 2;thtrd.to interest due;fouzth,to princlpal due;and last,to any Iate charges due urtder the Note. �',:
<br /> ��::,.�-«e� - 4. Chugesi Ll��• ��wer shull pay isll taxes, ussessments, charges, fines and impositians umlbutable to the ;.
<br /> • -�,�•���r-;t �• � Property which may attuin priority over this Security Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground nents.ff any. Bormwer •
<br /> shaU pay these obligations in the munner provided in purug�aph 2,or If not paid ia that manner.Bomower shall pay them on '"'
<br />_. ���a.�W�rw.• .�._ � ..�,_-
<br /> ';: �� , dme directly ro thc person owed payment. Bosrower shall pmmptly fumish to Lender atl noticus af nmounts to be pa�d under ,f�,
<br /> . ;',�,=,� :.'• ' this parngraph. If Bomower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall prompdy fumish to Lender necelpts evidenc�g t;�ti:
<br /> :�..,,�.,•.. the paytttents. r'
<br /> «"^. -• Borcower shall pmmptly discharge any Iten which has prioriry over this Security[nswment unless Somower.(u)ag� _
<br />_ �A?�'`'"�. ` in writiag to the payment of the obligapon secured by the liea in m m�nner acceptable to Lender,tb)contests in good faith tfie
<br /> _'R�\ � �� lien by,or defends against enforcemeut of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> � ��• enforcement of the Iien;or tc)secures from the hulder of the lien un agreement sutlsfnctory to Lender subaMinating the I�en
<br /> '�''� r'���•' to this Security Insavmen� If Lender deterraines that any pact of the Ptoperty is subject to a lien which may attaia priority „
<br /> � � over this Security Instwnea�Lender may give Bonower u aotice identIfying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take
<br /> . . .. ;..1.,.,,, one or more of the acuoas set forth above within 10 days of the givin�of notice. ••
<br /> . ., �,�;���,:'• 5. Razard or Property Insurunce. Bomower shall keep the improvements aow e�cistin�or hereafier srected on the
<br /> ' � Pcoperty insured against loss by fire, hazards included wIthin the term"extended coverage"and any other hazards,including
<br /> •. tlaods ar flooding, for which Lender requires insurance. 'Ihis insurnnce shall be maintained in the anmunts and for the
<br /> a'
<br /> .. • Fbrm 30?8 9/90 (PaRe 2 of 6 pogesl
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