:j,-.. . ,, ..�c:;t;i:, 1lTww.n��, ..--
<br /> +
<br /> , ' -"°"��! �!'.'�....�Mll1�4'.".. "
<br /> . .�
<br /> � ..._ � • — - '.� �. . .-- _ —- --- —..Q�_-- ._- _ -- --_�— —
<br /> • � . ..
<br /> � . , ,,��„� ... ,
<br /> ... ___--.._._�' �-- - -
<br /> �,�,,,1t�5�� °�
<br /> _ � r If 1 wnnl tu exc�cisc�tse Can�c�atun U�itlua, I nm�t tQst u�cel ccrin4�cundUluan,'fDncc cuudHlv�u nie tlme:th
<br /> ' `� 1�m�al Aive IDe Note Nulder uutice Ihnt 1�vre►1 tu dq Rv;(II)on 1���Cunvc�alun Ih�lc,l ntust nul Uc(u citfr�tdl uttt4tr
<br /> - ,,��=�+�... �he Note ur the Secat1�1c nstr+munit(iiql�y n dnte t�xci(led�ylite Nnte I IutJer�t musl�my�tie N��te Ilulit�r qcai3i►rrnins� r•�-
<br /> �. ._
<br /> , . }'"' tcr nf U.5. ; 250.v� =n+�a(iv)I xn�st�l�n nud�Wo 16te Nute Ilu1�ler a��y dttsu�7�tnt�Ilte _
<br />-- Note 1lulJer�e��ubea lu e�feel Il�e ecmve�d�m.
<br />-- (Iq Cwic�lwtlu�a��Ittd IlNle
<br /> - _r..;..:;.;..:. ,: � My ne�v� �t�ecl h►terest�nte�riq be equnl tu It�r 1'ederel Nallonnl Muitgp�e Assucinllun'��ec�,idtrsl nxa;ylr�d er� ._�_
<br /> i u!�a dnle pnd Itmr of dry A�xcitled t�y Ihe Nqlc Iluldct tur ll)E�tGc uilat�rnt,�ar��r��r�nts�r�re r���qm���r�a���11 Yca�e. `---
<br /> - �U•yrnr(iac�!r�le motl�nQee eove�ed b�oppllcnblc GU-�1ny mnud�lqry dotlfu�rp cmm�dtmcnte.plus Hrt•ci�(i1t��al nne --
<br /> " .��;^. ..,1'.. .
<br /> �,�x,.y;:, ,�: ,., pereenin�e�minl(O.f,IS�l1).tauudcd Iu Ilte uemcst vne•e1�U11�of unc perceulapo�iolt�t lU.IZS�4�,ur(iil f 1,Q�r oil�lnnl _
<br /> �4-°�'��'�'`�: Icnn at ll�is Note i� ls yents ot les�. IS-year Ilxrd�nte�uartgn�c�cv�veral by op�ritcnl+ir GU�dry mnttdaln���dcftvery __
<br /> ;>�:�ti�*ti:.�_�,.�,��. � :n..�
<br /> ���c �� . commUmemB.plus Ilve•eishlht ot ntie�+e�a��tnae pulot(Il.G2S�4).raundSh cu IbQ ncmcsl nue•eijitll►a��»tt�pa�cenin�e .,�...--
<br /> .� '���z.:`�'..`�"���� �mh�l(O.IZ36i).If Ihi��e�pd�e�i ne1 yleld emrnnt be cfctermti�eel bcrnt��the nppllccdrle cunnnilnunlR c��o nnl;hvnllublr. '
<br /> ��`::%'=�" " �:'�' Ihe Note Ilnlder will deletinlue tny tnlctcst�ntel�r t�slnd cmn�in�al�le 6dcna�mtE�tt�.11dy nc,r�atc cattultNtvbandc�ihi.r r-„� '
<br /> -:�'�,e:�;.':;..•:�=,
<br />// .,,,,,, _„ Sceliun 51011�vili nn1 l:c g�cntcr ihn��tt�c Mn�imi�m Itatcsintc�!tn Scti:�tu��4�h1��hove. _-
<br /> / 'i,.ti..,., . :r .� _.
<br /> 'r. •.=-• (C) P1e�+ Pqm�nl Arnoawl wed Fftccll.�!)�le i�.�.
<br /> ' ��' If I choose to eae�eisc thc Convetslun 01�tlnn.Ihe Nole liolJcr�vfihdntu�nd�ia tt�e nn►aunt o�thr munihly��mymcnt ';�";.
<br /> ' Utat trottld be sufp�tettt to tt ay Ilte un rid tinripnl l �m ex �''"-�
<br /> ':; , , .. . < n p h neiled ta awe mr tire Cunverata� Unte H�tutl un 11►e ��—
<br /> . .�Y:.;.,. ,^ `� . ��.'� maturity date nl mr new ftxeJ h►tete.H rate in eubstei�U�Uyequsl pAynianfa.'fire�esvlt o��hta c�kutatian��rNl Ua Iha f;�:
<br /> ;,,.,,:� �_ � new��i�onnt o�u�y muutidy payme��l. ae$In�iing cvlth�i�y il�at�nrR+ttitiiy paynrent c+ttet the Conc�tslon�I?nto�1 tia111 ,
<br /> �• pay ll�e aew amoUnt e9 nty utonUdy pny�nad unHl Urc maMnlly Jnta. �.,,�:.
<br /> `�, , . .. .
<br /> „ „ C. '1'ItANBfEti U�'1"Itr t'IiU1'Elil'Y Ult A Ui;NI'.fIC1Afl,OIYE'I�Jlt9t,R'1' IN IWIitiVWl:it
<br /> �t ' � • 1. Unt{I ilor�o�ver exercises U�e Conversion Option under�he canJittvn�a stntec!in Seciinn p of It�ts AciJuslabte . -,
<br /> 11 '� Rete RiJet.Ueilform Covenant t'f v!U�e Seru��ty Insirument ia amM�cl�vU to resJ es tollows:
<br /> . :�� '1'tuusfer af Ihe P�nperlr ur�Ikncllclnl laleresl to qor�o��cr. if nol nr.r m�y pn�l of ihe I'ropcily ur any in/e�e+l
<br /> ' , in i1 ts sold or Ir�nsferrcd(or tf n MenetFctnl inteicst lu Uano�vcr is saic9 aT hansle�red�nJ Oot�owe� is nal �imtu�al
<br /> ' „ � � �� per�so�)witlzoul LenJe�'s�tttot �vrUten consent� LenJer niny.�t itm apt6�co,reyuite intnteJiple pnyntt�tl.(l� (ull of eD
<br /> ' •.�_�..�.• . sums seu+red by this Sesuttly Insl�tnnaU.l lo�vevet.U�Is nrifan abnli ttqt be eaerctsed by Lendet(�cxeteka(f�ltolliuitcd
<br /> :�t I1Y�iYl��n�I�+�v �s�f Ibe clolc h[Ibis Sccuttly ineUtunrnl.1.enJQr nlso nhnl)nol cse�cisc Ihls o�rilon ti: tn1 Iln��e�vcr
<br /> b .,� ;..';�:{,,,;j ' causes Io be subntiltcd to l.cnder tnfu�nmltnn�e����hcd by�.c�utat�Io cv»luntc thc inte�uled trmufe�ca as it o nc�v luan
<br /> ''��; ;�.',::;: ;?� �vcrc bdug m�de tn ihe tr��nfe�ec:nnd(b)Lendcr�enaonably Jal�rminea Ilrnl l.ci►cicr's Sea�titY�vill nn1 l�e impni�cd
<br /> r;s"•',;�
<br /> .<'.:':';, .- '""..;��',,t�(tir+
<br /> ,��,, " .. ��,ti�,,, . Gy the lonn essumplinn anJ lhet the tiik af a b�enclt of nuy cuve��m�l ur ngrenne�~t iie!h#�Sectnily hulttuttcvN is ttccetunbte
<br /> .. ,., .
<br /> . ..1��, '.;. lu Leuder.
<br /> . ,,,t�,���,.,.
<br /> . ° :;`li�:�;y't�;'' '1'o tiie exlent permtttecl by ahplirnble Inw�Leoder n�rycOwat ge n�eaaonnble tce t�s a conJlUon lo I.ender'�rnnsent
<br /> . .'•.�R��;:��_� to t{u lo�n assutnplton. Lender also enny requhe Ihe Unaet�ree to aign nn Assum�rat�,o�greenu�ri tl�al ia nccept�ble
<br /> to Lender aud thnt obligate�tice trensferee b kap e0 U�e prnmises and o��ecmeniR mnde(n tite Nnte t+ttd i�t Il�is Sectnity `
<br /> • ,' ' Instrument.llorrower wlll eonlioue to be oMlignled under It�e Nnta nnJ IUIn Securtty Ins�run�e��1 u�dcss I.endr�releeac� {
<br /> ' � ,: .. Unrrowe� in writing. �
<br /> •. . 1( LenJer racerciae� Ute opUan to tcqu{ro tmtneJintu pnymunt In tull, l.enJer sheil give purrawer notice nf
<br /> '' rtccdeTafion.TGe nattce at�all proride n�xrial ol'not Ieas IDnn 30 Jays from the date 1he��oHce(�deliverai vr meiieel
<br /> " ' widdn wUfch Borrower mu�l pay all aun�s securecl by�bts3ecurity Insinnaent. it Itorrowet tAilx ta pAy thexe suma
<br /> ' ���!<,�',r • ptinr to ibeexplreNo»of lUiape�iod.t,ettJct mny invoke nuy renteJie��1e�miueJ by ibis Sceurily Inslturne»t�viihnul
<br /> "� further�+otice or deme��d on dur�ower.
<br /> �;�.,
<br /> . yA�� •�.: -
<br /> '����'��`� Z. 10 Dorrvwer exercisea the Conversion Optiott�n��eriQie cundidons at�tecl in Secilon 13 of Iltis AdjusiaDie ltate
<br /> �.• t';.. ':�1�t:;_
<br /> +�}� ' � Ridet�tEu amenJment to Uniforn�Cova�ntH 17 of It�e Secarg9y le�sluvment contained in Section C 1 above chnli then
<br />- ��r,t;;�... , k�
<br />��;' ,�;r. ,• .
<br /> �, �.,� cease io be in effect.auci tt�e provlaions of Uuiturm Caveanut 1?of tl�e Security lustrument ahall instead be b�efkct. E
<br /> '�` as foilowe:
<br /> ; . E
<br /> . . i�
<br /> �.•::.,�-r '{'ranster of ttu 1'roperly or a iJene(letallntere�t in Ilarou�ver. Ii a1!or eny�act of!6e Ptopc�ty or m�y inlcresi k
<br /> �� � ,.. in 4t la eold or trAns[er�eJ(ot if a beneticial inlerest h�Uurrower is eol�i or t:ai�s►QCre�nnd Ootrower is aot R ns+lnrai �
<br /> � ;_ ryerson)wilhovt Lender•a ptior wtitten cousenl. Lendar mey.nt Ite aptioae.tequire tmmeJiate�tayment !n tuil uf all � •
<br /> ° suma secured by lh�a Securfty h�atrunuut.iivwev�r,tGtavptlo��al�ail noE be QaaciseJ by 1.euJer if exercise ia prohibiiec)
<br /> � . ° by feclerel la�v ea of fl�e�ate o[thta Secmity luatnunent. :
<br /> �� If�ender eaerdaw thia o>>tion.LeuJet shAll give Uutau�vet��nlice ot nccelerat�ntr.i7rr notiaahall ptnvide o��erioJ I
<br /> nt not less tl�an 30 dnya from tlte dale IUe aotice ta deHve��d or mpilcd wilhin a�?�3r7� Uotrower muat nny all sums �•
<br /> } seeured by thia Security lnatru�nenl.I�tlo�rower talts�o par U�ese aum�a�a�or�o�he expireuon at�hia nerlod�l.cnJer �; �
<br />. � �uay invoke Any remeJiea permpteJ by tUts Security Inatrn�nent�vG�iwvt tutlltct t�nitce or demand on no�rn�vcr. �;
<br /> . !
<br /> �� ' UY 3tUNiNO DL�I,OW,13utro�ver accepls pnd nQr�e�4�cr tba trnns nnJ cocri��o;aa conlefned it� U�is NciJustoble ;
<br /> . � Rate Ridet.
<br /> �
<br /> -- R /' —
<br /> _ ` u
<br /> • � (Set�l)
<br /> � '' .� DARRBN R SHBNI a��o�ee
<br /> . � � � (Scal)
<br /> •• CHRISTINE R BHBNR �—�O1"�'
<br /> ., (Senl)
<br /> .. Ilat�nwer
<br /> . � . � • �'
<br /> •� • �• � • — ` � (�ttl�)
<br /> Ilnttmrer
<br /> �
<br />