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<br /> ---- TUCiF.'f�i[?!t WI'i'N al!the im�rovemcntx naw or f�teat�er erecud on the pro}�erty,and all ease�nents.xp�w�ten�ncr�,
<br />-- --- --- and fixturcs now or Itereafter a�att af ttk ptnperiy. AQ replacemonts end additians shall also bc coverec! by ti�is 5ecu�ty
<br />— - (astrume�►�. AI1 of tlte fungoiag ts►�efemed to in thie S�curtty Insuuunnt as the"�roperty."
<br /> BqRROW�R COVENAXY'I'S th�t Bormwer ia l�wti�lly seissd of tde estato hcreby conveyed and tttt tho right to arant
<br /> and ouiwcy tho Property and that the Praperty!s w�encumbet�l,oxapt for enr�imbrarr.es of rec�rd. Bamower wArran�s w�d
<br /> witl defead Srnetrlty tAe dtlo W the Propetty��dnu�11 claim�and demud�,aubject w any encumbnu�ces of racosd.
<br /> _ ___ ___ ___ _. _ _1 THIS SECURITY lNSTRUMEIVT combfnes unlform covenants for natIonal use r.nd non-uniform cavenecU with
<br /> limitod vatiatiaps by JurlsdIctIon to constltute a uniform security instr�ment covering reai p�+aperty. `
<br /> _ UNIFORM COVBNANfS. Borrower and I.anc7er covtnaut and agnee as fotlowa:
<br /> -- ----- 1. Pa�'�ent ot PrLtdp�l and Intera�t3�Y�nt and Late Char�ea. Borrower shaU prom�stlY�aY when due tho
<br /> n� principai of and Intenst on the debt evidanced by tbe Note and any pnpayment end Inu charges dua under the Note.
<br />=e�. �, I+�nde tor 1Yzes aad Intur�nce. SubJect to applicnble law ar to a wciuen waivcr by Lends�.Borrower shaU pay w
<br />_-= Lender on the day montnly paymrnts ore due under the Note.natil tho Note Is pai�d in fuU.a swn(IL�nds )for.(a)yeaily
<br /> �: Eaxes and ussessments�vhich may attain prlorlry over this Secnri Insue»tnent as a llen on the Preperty:(b) yea»ly leasehold
<br /> a
<br />=:i paymenta ot ground�+enta on the Prepetty, if s�ay: (c) YeariY ar property inswance premiumsi <d) Yearly tlood
<br />� insurnnce piemiums�if aay;(e) Yearly mortgage lnauronca pmmiums. it bny: end(� any sum.9 payuble by Bormwer to
<br /> i.ertder.In accordance with the provistons of paregraph 8.in lieu of the payment af mortgage insuraztce premium9. 17�se
<br /> � items cu+e calied"Es�mw Item�:' Lender may.at any dm�.collect and hold Funda en�ra araount aot to oaceed the p�imwn.
<br />,a amaunt a lender for a federuUy reluted atortgage loaa may requine for Bon+ower's escmw account under the federal Real
<br />- Estnte Settlement Procedunes act of 197a as ameaded from Wne tn t3me.12 U.S.C.�Z601 et aeq.("RESPA"),unless another
<br /> luw that applies w the Fl�nda sets u lesser amaua� lf so.Lender muy.ut aay time.coAect and hold f�nds in aa uanount not W
<br /> . excead.tde lesser umouat Lender may estimata tbe auroun3 uf R�u�du�on the basis of curcent deta and x�sanabla -
<br /> esdmates oY expenditu�es of fut�re Escrow Itema or otherwise ia accordance wiW applle�sble law.
<br /> The Flutda sball be held in en iastitutlon whoso deposits are iasuned by a federal ageacy.Instrumentallty,or enaty
<br /> (includin�Lender.if Lender is such an insdtudon)or ia any Fedecnl Home Loan Baak. L.ender shnU npply the F1mds to pay
<br /> � the Escrnw Items. Lender mF►y not charge Aomower for holding and npplylug the l�nds.annnally enalyziag th� escrow
<br /> accoun�or aerifyiag the Fscrnw Items.unless Lender pays Bomuwer interest on the Ruads and applIcable !aw permita
<br /> � I.ender to make such a charge. However.I.ender mayrequ�e Borrower to pay a une-t3me charge for nn independent real
<br /> esmte tax reporting servIce ased by Leader tn connection wtth this loan,unless applIcable law piovides othe:vuise. Udess an
<br /> ageement is mnde or appltcable law requires Intenest ro be paid.Leuder shaU aot be m�ulmd to pay Sorrower any ic�temst or
<br /> . eamings on tlte Funds. Horrower and L.ender may a�ree ia writing.however.that iatcrest shall be paid on the Fund3. Lencler
<br />_ shall�ive w Bomower.without charge.an ennuN accoundng of the Funds.showing credits mtd debits W the Funds and the
<br />.'� ,' � •; Pucpose for which e,ach deblt to the Fuuds was made. The Puads are pledsed as addI6ona1 securiry for all sums secured by
<br /> ='�•--. ., thts S�urity Instn�menG .
<br /> • .�!{�+�,�'� . If the Funds held by [,ender eaceed the ammunts permitted ro be held by appUcable Iaw. L.ender shall account to
<br /> �'� � 8omower for tde exccs5 Funds in accordance wIW the requuements of applicable lavf. If the umount of the Fu�s held by
<br /> . " r*��:; �.-}� L.ertder at aay time is not sufficient to pay the Esccow Items when due.i.ender may so notify Borrower ua writing.and. ia
<br /> '•" �z� '"- � such case Borrower shall pay to I.ender We amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Boirower shaU raake up the
<br /> �r'•°� ��=• •� defictenc In no more thaa twelve montbl a ents.at Lender's sole discret�on.
<br /> �,..:.
<br /> �=��,� ,. �•:�� :, y y� �+
<br /> ' '�_. ,,,;��.;it��..'�c��., Upon payment in full of tsll sums sec�red by this Security Insttumeat,Lender shaU pmmpdy refund to Boavcver any
<br /> s
<br /> - ��<<� Funds held by Lender. If.under parngraph 21,Leader shaA acquine or seU the Property.Lender.prior to the acqu�sidon or
<br />�T �`�j��`'�?�����1��'��{��, sale of tke Property,shall apply Any Flinds held by Lender at thB time of acqu�sition or sale as a credit agaiu�tc�ie snms
<br /> • X L!4 v� N Y secured by this Security InswraenG
<br /> ��h.. ��i. �•.•,-.
<br /> �+���'%����t • 3. Appllcation ot Pmymente. Unless appltcabla law provides otherwise, all payments t�eceived by Lender under
<br /> ' �"'�'•'""'-'"�'.`� paragmphs 1 and 2 shall be apolied:tirs�to any prepayment char�es due uader the Note;s$cond.to amouata payable under
<br /> �,+i�a.x..:� ,,�, .
<br /> . ����' �""" '' �° �y h 2•third t f principal due:and IasG to any late charges dua under the Note.
<br /> � ,,,�;.�`} . ; P�P C���Llea9. tBorrower sfwll pay all ta�ces,assessments. charges, wes and '
<br /> , � ea.. f unposiHons attributabl2 w tha
<br /> '� '"���"`' F�roperty which may uttain priorIty over this Securlty Inatarumen�and leasehold paymenss or ground n�nts,if aay. Borrower
<br /> �z"'�''�"�•``'�"`''`' shaq pay these ab�igatIons in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that marmer.Borrower sbaU pay them on -
<br /> � '�`'"�`-~��'��'"°���` time direcdy to the pe:son owed payment Botrower shall prompdy fumish to Lender all nodc;s of amounts to be paid under
<br /> . ���` �'�" tl�is parageaph. 1f Borrower makes these paymenu clireedy.Borrower shnii promptly fumish to I.ender receipts evidencing
<br /> ;:•_�c':,•.•; ' -
<br /> .�.,i.r;.„`;,� , the payments. -
<br /> . '�'�.' �., Bomower shall p7ompdy discharge any lien which has prlority over this Security Insuument unless Borrower:(a)agcees
<br /> '"`"�`'�'°'`�' �, in writing to the payment of the obUgaHon secured by the Ilen in a manner accepwble to Lender.(b)contesss ia good�itb the -
<br /> �.•;:,.-;,.
<br /> ; � . . liea by.or defeads against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings a+hich in the Leader�s opinion operate to prevent the _
<br /> " enforcement of the llen:or(c)secures f�om the holder of the lien an a�reement satisfactory to Lender subordinaang the lien :
<br /> � w thia Sec�uity instrumen� If Lender determincs that any part of the Property is subject to a lien�vitich may attein pdoriry .°
<br /> � over this SecurIty Inswmem.B.ender may giva Bomower n norice identifying the lien. Boirvwer shall satlsfy the lien or take
<br /> � ,.'`'�" . . one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving�f notice. °
<br /> •� ,�'"� �:, 5. Ra�ard or Property Ipsurance. �omower sha11 keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the �
<br /> �'.�� � , . " Pcoperty instu�ed against loss by fire.hszards�ncluded within the term"extended covernge"and any other hazards,Including
<br /> _,.... .. .
<br /> , :. �loods or tloodin�,for which I.ender requires insurance. This insurance shall be muintained in the amounts an� for the �
<br /> � . .. .o.
<br /> , ° , Fbrm 30t8 9/90 Ipage 2 af 6 poger) -
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