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.:+.�lk' _ _ ______. . ..- `.. <br /> �,�, . .' '. . . . ..._. ��.. <br /> ..� �aw.z...._ ._ . . .. ._._. __.. - . — ,-- - <br /> — T'�` - __ . . •-, __"— <br /> -��/ �r�.: ��. <br /> 94- �.o�s�� <br /> �� --- <br /> �� �� p�yixnnta,which are refeired to in Parqqmph 2,�r change the amount of euch payment�. Any excess proocedd over an <br /> amount required to pay sll autstanding indebtednosa under the Note and thla Security Inam�ment shaU 6e Rald to the entity . <br /> legaily entiQed thereio. <br /> S. Feea. Lender may coltect fas and cturges autharized by the 3ecnuuy. <br /> — 4. (iraunde Wr AccelerMtton ol'Deb� <br /> - - ___-� (a)Ellafr,�d� Lcndsr may.except�s Ilmited by repulntions iasued by the Sccreuuy+in the case of paym�nt dcfaults. � <br /> cequin immediste�syment in fuli of a11 sums secured by this Sesudty Insaument if: <br /> -- (ij Boirower defaults by failing to pay in fuil any monthly puyment re�uired by this Secwity Inst�ument priar <br /> - to or on the due date of the next ma�nthly Quymen�or <br /> tii)Horrower defaults by failing,for a perIod of thlcty dnys,to perform nny ather obligadona contained in this <br /> .,�;Y Sei:uriry(nsuumen� <br /> (b)Sale Withmut Credtt Approval. Lender shall.if pelmitted by upplicable law aad wlth the prior upprovul of thn <br /> _��_ Secnetary�requiro immadiate pbymont in full of ull tha sums secuied by this Security Inawment if: <br /> (i)l�ll or part of tha Prope�ty. or u beneficlW intenst In n dust owning nll or part of the�sold or _ <br /> --- otherwlse uw�sferred(othes than by devise ar descent)by the Bomawer.ond <br /> .Y:^' (i3)The Property!s not occupied by the purchaser or�rantee as his or her prinaipal t�sldence,or the purchaser <br /> �1; or grantee das so accupy tho Property but i�ls or het credit has nat boen appmve� in accordnnae <br /> with the requit�ementa of the 5eccetary. <br /> (e)No Wetver. If circumstances oceur that would perrnit Lender to require immedlate payment in full,but Lender <br /> does not�q uire such payments.Lender dces not waive its dghts with respect to subsequent events. <br /> _ (d) tEons oi HUD Secretary. In many circumstaaces reguladons issued by the Secretary wUlljmit Lender�s <br /> dghts,�d the case of payment defaults,tor�quire immedtate payment in full and foieciose if not paid. 7bia <br /> Security Insuument dces rtot e►uthorize naelerndon or foreclosure if not permItted by tegulations of the Secretary. <br /> (e)Mortgage Not Insured. Bomower ag�ees that should�this Security In�vmoennS�nd the notc secw�ed thereby not __ <br /> be eUgible for iusurance under th�Nationxl Housing Act wlthir► e m t from th� <br /> date hereof,Lender its option and notwithstanding anything in PcussBraPh 9•re4�ire i�n���Payment in <br /> full of a11 sums secured by this SecurIty Instcum�n� A wrltten statcment of eny authorized agent of the Secretary <br /> dated subsequent to 8 moaths from the date hereof.declinin�to insure this Secuiity <br /> Insmiment and the note secured thereby,shall be deemed conclusive proof of such inellgibiUty. Notwlthstanding _ <br /> the foregoing,this option may not be exercised by Lender when the unavailsbllity of Insurance is solely due to <br /> • Lender's feilure to remit a mortgage insucance p�emium to the Secretary. -•- <br /> 10. Reinstatemen� Botrower has n rlght to bc�+einsG►ted if Lender hes reyuired{mmediate paynneat in full because ==°-• <br /> ' - '"`_ "'"' af Barres:er"s fsilure to pey asi smiwnt si�e �:nder ttu�•No�e or �hi�Secwitv Inswment. This right appltes even after <br /> --- <br /> forectasure proceedIngs are insatuted. '[b roinstate the Security Insuument, Borrower shall tender In u lump sum all <br /> ' amounta required to firing Borrower�s account curtent including,to the extent tliey ere obligutions of Borrower under this -- <br /> � �ri ` Securlty Inswment,foreclosure costs a��d reesonable and customary attomeys'fees and expenses pmperly associated with _ <br /> �. "``'''��' the foreclosure proceeding. Upon reinstatemeat by Borrower.this Security Instrument and the obligatians tltat it srcu�+es _ <br /> ' ,4 . ��,:',��C��"., shall temain in effect as if Lender 6ad notc�quired immedinte payment in full. However.Lcnder is not reyuired to�ermit _�_ <br /> '. �: u,_�;�,;,.: reins�tement if: (i) Lender hns accepted reinstatement aftor the commencement of foreclosum pmceedingR widun two ��_,y.. <br /> ��=��'�'`'!"• `� , years nnunediately preceding the commencement of u current foreclosuzei proceeding. (ii) mInstatement will preclude _ __ <br /> .{;,.,.,. <br /> - '4�'•''>,� fot�e,closure on dtfferent grounds in the futute,or(iii)reinstatement will adversely afFect tho priorIty of the lien created by . <br /> . .r,.K:����.,�.:' this Security Insuument. � <br /> ` ',+ 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance by Lender Not u Wulver. Extension of the ume of payment or �'.-.,.� <br /> -± ' modificauon of amorti7stion of the suma secw�ed by this Serurit�Instn�ment granted by Lender to any successor in interest =•. <br /> ; "�����,,'�„• of Borrower shall not operpte to release the liability of the origmal Borrower or Borrower's successor in interest. Lender <br /> �:.:.. - <br /> i: shali not be re�uired[o commence proceedin�s a�amst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or <br /> ;�� �'i.'�sir, othenvise modify amortlaation of the sums secured by this Security Insuvment by reason af uny demand made by the • <br /> +�� "'�;..; original Borrower or Botrower§successors in inter�es� Any farbearance by Lender in exercising uny right or remedy shall "' <br /> '" '�..m} not be a waiver of or proclude the exercise of any right or remedy. . <br />- , :y,�,,,�i � 12. Su�ors and Assigas Bonnd;Joint end Several Ltability;Co-Signers. The covenanu end ngreemenu of <br />� • '�Y'° � this Security lnstrument shall bind cind benefit the successors and assigns nf Lender end Borcower,subject to the provisions <br /> M �`=�;;'-�:a;`' • of Parageph 9.b. Borrower�covenants and agreements shall be joint and seveml. Any Borrower who co-signs this . <br /> • . r�.•"' .4i� Se�urisy Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a){s co-signing thts Securiry Inswmant only to mortgoge.gran t and <br /> • .,..,�;�.'.��r,::.,.�c. <br /> ' �'"�'*. •`"'�" � convey that Borrower`s interest in the Property under the tem�s of this Security(nsuument;(b)is not petsontilly obligated to <br /> '�"' ���'�' a the sums setured b this Securi Instrument;und(c) a �es thut Lender and nn other Borrower may ag�ee to extend <br /> �t�.. :.:': P Y Y �Y E Y . <br /> _y+ ,..�.,:Y.K' ,; modify,fotbearr or mtike any accommodations with regard to the te�tns of this Secunty Insuument or the Note without that <br /> � z.. . _ Borrodver�a consent. <br /> `?E.:;�;`;;;�:4 . g3. Nottces. My nodce to Borrower pmvided for in this Security Inswment shall be�iven by del�vering it or by . <br /> �"' "_;.i•�t.•�.,1+" mailing it by tirst class mail unless applfcable Inw requims use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the <br /> -';�,':�' Ptoperty Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Ixnder. Any notice to Lender shull be given by <br /> ;�.LY first class mail to Lender's address steted herein or any address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice <br /> '�� '.s��,�'.� pmvided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided " <br /> ,`:.:; �.:r< • in thls paragaph. <br /> 'r::�'•�;��°:.;.;-•. � Il4. Coverning Luw;Sever�bility. 7his Securiry Instrument shall be governed by Federul law und the law of the <br /> :..........:... . <br /> .,.':.t_.C: ;';'' � urisdncKion in which the Property is located. In tho event that any provision or clause of this Securicy Instrument or the <br /> � �ote conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shull not afffect other provisions of this Secwity Instrnment or the Note <br /> ;3;�;.;;�:.��•,';. • which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. 'Ib this end the provisions of this Securiry instrument�d the <br /> - �;;:;:,�,, ;= : Note are declazed to�e severable. <br /> r 5.:,,L• � <br /> _ ^,;�+;..,,.-•• 15.Borrower s Copy. Bonower shall be given one confartned copy of this Security InsavmenG <br /> , °--• • 16. Asslgument of Rente. Bom�wer uncondidonally assigns and transfers to Lender aU the rents and revenues of the <br /> .r � . H�: p�+�p�rty. Bom�ower authorizes Lertder ar Lender�s agents to collect the rents and revenues and hereby directs each tenant of <br /> . - - , � • the Propecty to pay the�ents to I.ender or Lender's agents. II-Iowever,ptior to i.ender�s notice to Bomower of Borrower� <br /> b�e3ch of any covenant or ug�eement in the Securiry Instrument.Botrower shull collect und receive all rents and revenues of I <br /> -- —�-----_-- <br /> .�_� ._...r C �Er IuwsC����T MAC��OfV�ILf!►f1WPT Thic accionmrnt of mntc canstitutes till SbsOl�te�SSl�tlmertt <br /> 4 - uic a.vp�.�.j mu..o.........«......�.......... - °------'--- ---- ----o.. . _ <br /> -� � and not nn ussignment for udditlonal securiry only. <br />_- � � :'.' � If Lender�ives nottce of breuch to Bomower. (a)all renu received by Bornower shail be held by Borrower ac wstee <br /> ; � '��`r_•�• -� for benefit of Lertder be uppl[ed to the sums secured by the Security Instrument;(b)Lender shall be entided to <br /> -�:''�''`: ` °��` collect and receive nll of the rents of the Prnperty;end(c)euch tenant of the Property shail pay uli rents due and unpaid to <br /> - '�=�-��••°� ` � l.enderor L.ender`s ogent on Lender!s w�itten demttnd to the tenant. • <br /> '�a�'l"'""`" Bo�rower has not executa!uny pdor assignment of the rents cu►d has not and will not pert'onn any uct thnt woald <br /> _ ti...... .::.. .: <br /> " '-�'.°,;��'�•i,{ry. :• prevent I.ertder firom exec�ising its rights under this Parngraph 16. <br /> 1n. ,"-iF;. ._ . E Lettder shWl not be�equired to enter upan,wke control uf or maintuin the Property before or ufler gtvin�notice of <br /> ' ,:. .� .,, ._ .;.- . brench to Bomower. However.Lender or u judicicilly appointed receiver muy do so at any time there i�n breach. Any <br /> � ,t•�+;,�.. • '' npplicatlon vf rents shall not curc or waiv�e wy defuult or invalidnte any other nght or remedy of Lender. This assignment <br /> '�'""��' �" of�+ents of the Propeny shull terntinnte when the debt secund by the Security lnsaument is pwd in futi. <br /> �, �}• <br />- > I poRe 3 of 4 paRea) <br /> i <br /> .�. <br /> .:_a_.. - <br />