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�. �.•: • "`rl,�..,;:s,,�-. <br /> � .. <br /> �Nf•;j:,:F'-� <br /> '�.,. ,. . ' ' '�tl�� <br /> � r <br /> , .�. ..__ . _. --. -_-_ <br />. _ _.... _.... . ... .._. � <br /> _ � °i��` . . ... . . .. ._ =-� -. .. <br /> ..� ,.. _.� .. . _ .___-.-__ "—.. <br /> ' .• �,•��` .-_ _ _ _. . <br /> . _.- __.. _. ._..___ .. . . _._ . _ _. . _. __.. . . <br /> _ _ . -."' _ ' _ . .. ., .. ' ' �� �,/���.� ___.. _ <br /> . _ .__. '_--_ _� <br /> , ,. A�IGNMENT QF RQNXB AIDER � .. <br /> � THIS ASSlqMMENT qF R�NTB RIOER la mad��n�sxeautec.Fthi�._.,2?TH d�y� JUNE ,19 �4 ,�nd Is <br /> ���,,,.�:.� Inc�r�tar�tad Into and eh�ll be daemed to nmend and eupptement the Martflage or Deed ot Truet.herelnetler refenet4 ta ee the _� <br /> • "s�curlty �nstrum�nt��,of th� eRm� d�t� pivan by!ho��nd�t�lpn�d, AerdlndQer rhf�rr�d to�s tha"8orrower", to �eaur� <br /> �orrowM'�Ind�bUdn�s��h�rdln�tt��nt�rr�d to��ph�"Ncts",!o MOME F�DERAI.BAViNG1�AND LOAN Ag80CIATION 0� <br /> GRAND 18L1\Nb�Mnindte r�tornd to�s 11»"L�nG�r",of tha um�dat�and aovtrinp th�nrop�rty d�rorlb�d in Yhe 8�vrtiy <br /> - Imtturr�nl�nd ioa�t�d Rt: 11 e N. CLE�IJRN, GRFiND I5LAND NE 68801 <br /> .''iQ4 EAST 11TH 5T. GRAND I9LAN0 NE 68801 <br /> �- - -- -� (Praporty Addnso) � `- <br /> 1MITNE88kTH: <br /> WHER�A9�Boa�ower�nd L�nd�r h�v�aptead tha4 any �ente and proflta att�ib�rtablu to ihe property ehouid con�tltuta <br />— additlonal esourtty to th�Lend�r for ths payment of th�Note; <br /> ----- NOW�Tii�fiHFORE,It le a9reed the!ths Security Matrument ehall be amended beroby and dsamed to Ino�udetha fQtloYSing ___ _ <br /> _� provisions: <br /> .�, — 1, Asa�yrtment of Rereta and Lender Ra tal Celteetton Rtahts.Borrower heredy abeolutety and unaonditionaliy asetgna etl <br />_ rente, tesuea and praflts of ths p�operty to Beneficiary. Lender ehall have tho rl�ht, power and authorily durinp th� <br /> — continua�cs oi the Secutity Inatrument to cotleat the rente,tasues and profits of the property and ot any pe�eon�l property <br /> loaated thereon with or without taktnp poasesslon of tha propany atteated hereby. Lender,however� hereby conaents to <br /> = _ __ ___ __ 6orrewer'e aoliectton and reiantton of aueh ronts,laeuea and profUs aa they��arue and beeome payabte,ao lonp ae eonower <br /> la not,�t euah time,i�detault witA respeat to payment of any Indebtedne�s.seoured hereby.or In the performance of eny � <br /> apreemeM hereunde�. <br /> - "�'Y 2, o n e�,(o��ggg�(gL If s�y event o!defauit In respeat to ihe 3eeurity Instrument ahall have oecurred and be __- <br />�' continutnp,Lendar,as a matte�ot ripht and without notice to Borrower or�nyone claiming under Borrower,and wiihout . <br /> �epard to the ve�ue o14hu truat eatete or the tn4erest of the 8arrower theretn,ahali have tha right to apply to any cou►t having <br /> ' judsdiatton to eppoln4 a tecelver of the praperty. ' <br /> 3. Etlaht to Posses�lan.In oase of default in the paymont ot the sald prinatpat Note or Intereat,or any pert thereof,as tt <br /> ohalt maAare,or in the caee of tailure to keep or perto►m any of the covenants or epreements contained In the Seaurity Instru- _ <br /> ment�thqn.the Lender,ita suaceasora or asalgna,shett be and la hereby autAori:ed and empowe�od to take immedtate " <br /> ,� poaaeaeton o4 the a�id Oremisea tAereln desoribed and to cottect the rents therefrom,and to appty the proceeds thereo�to the _ <br /> �. , payment of the Note. <br /> - � �_" 1, ytfDilaation o1 Rents.issues a�d��Qfits.Aii renis cviiaciea br Lnn�vr iha receivor ai�aii ba appiied firat to purmaiii -- <br /> h'�;�� of tha Costs�f management of the propeRy and ao�tectton of rents,lnaluding,Aut npt Ilmited to,reoetver's tees,premiums on <br /> recelver's A�o�ds and teasonabte attorney's feea,and tRen to the sums secured by the Seourity Instrument. Lender and the <br /> c<< �eceivet ahail ba ilabfo io account oniy tor those rents actualty received. _ <br /> ��.'�� 6. Conetruation ot Provlslonej,Each ot tho provlelons aontained in this Aealgnment of Rents Ride�end the Seourity Inattu• <br />