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<br /> Ben�af�.aiary may expend aursh funde anc� take such �€�:ion aB �e n�aeeee�ry to
<br /> remady such failure and all eume pafd b the H�neficJ.�i•y pwreuaiat hereta wiCh
<br /> ia�ereat at the rate herefna�t�r pYOV�ded ahall aonstitute � �.ien upon the
<br /> Property, ehall bo secured by thie D�ed o� Tx�ust, aad ehall be intmQdiately
<br /> � - �-� due arid �copaXablc tQ the �aneficiary; (2�D nc��. to sell the Px�perGy or anX ,__
<br /> portion thereof without the appraval of the Beneficiary ia writing; and in
<br /> the �vent af any eale herein prohibited, then the entire indebtednese eecured
<br /> by �hie Deed of Truet shall, aC the optioa of �he BeneEiciary, become due aad
<br /> — payable; (i,) that i� the Property or aay part or parcel thereaf ehall b�
<br /> taken or damaged under the pawer of emiaent damain, the award for any
<br /> � �- Property so takea or damaged (includfng severance damages to th� remaiaing _
<br /> premiaes) shall be paid to the Beneficiary and applied in full or in part at
<br />„_ the option of the Beneficiary in reduction af the indebtednQSt� hereby
<br /> securedj (3) that the Beneficiary ehall have the righ� to inspect the
<br />- Property at auch reaaonable times as the Henef3ciary may deaire to detezmi.ae
<br />�� Trustor's compliance with the caveaanta contaix�ed in this Deed of Truatt (k)
<br />-.
<br />_= — that the Beneficiary may release from the lien hereof any part or parcel of
<br /> s ---
<br /> . -� th� Property without requiring ariy co�eideratton th�refor, and (1) t �t -.
<br />:.�` Trustor is lawfully seized of said premises and Property in fee aimple, t3iat
<br /> - the same are free from all liens and encumbrances except ae may otherwiae be
<br /> epecifically noted herein or waived in writing by the Beneficiary; t�at
<br /> Truater will execute or procure any further necessary asaurances of title aad
<br /> '�;}',:;�F• doea hereby warrant generally the title to eaid Property amd will for�ver
<br /> d�fend the sam� againet the claims and demands of all persons whomaoever, and
<br /> C�at Trustor'a aeparate estate, whethar veszed, contingent or in expectancy,
<br /> is hereby conveyed and Truator does hereby expresaly waive, release all
<br /> rights and benefits of any homeatead, dovrer, curteay, appraisement� exemption
<br />- and stay Iaws of this atate. It is agxeed that the interest provided for in
<br /> ,-_ _
<br /> � subsection tgj _ abov� a�iall be at ths sama rats as sg�cifie� i*� r__� ATote r _ ,
<br /> secured hereby �on the principal thereof after default and maturity.
<br /> SECOND In the event Trustor, without the prior writtea consent of
<br />��• Beneficiary, shall sell, tranafer or convey or contract to sell, tranefer or
<br />= - convey thc� Property, or any part thereof or any interest therein, the entire
<br /> balance of the indebtednesa hereby secured shall become and be immediat2ly
<br /> due and payable at the option of Beneficiarys provided, however� Beneficiary
<br /> may waive euch optien to accelerate if, pxior to such sale, transfer or
<br /> conveyance or contract therefor, Beneficiary and the peraon to whom the _
<br /> _ property is to be eold or transferred reach an agreement in wri.ting that the -
<br /> credit o�E such peraon ie satisfactory to Beneficiary and that the interest
<br />. payable on the aums aecured by thf.a Deed of Trust ehall be at such rate as �,
<br /> Benef icia�ry shall requeat. --�
<br />:;r� THTItD. That as further secuxity for the payment of the Note and the -_
<br /> -�.'�ti�,'-�` indebtedness thereby evidenced and the performance of all of the terma, _
<br /> �`� `'��`'%,' cevenants and conditions hereof, Trustor agrees that Beneficiary ahall aad �-w-
<br /> .;:
<br /> ' �" �� does hereby have the right, power and authority du�ing the continuamce of ���`_
<br />- :.c,;�•k this Deed of Trust to collect thP rents, issues and profite of the Property _
<br />- ' �^ and of any personal property Located thereon with or without talcing •�•.,.
<br /> _..��,.
<br /> . ,� c�... possesaion of the property affected thereby; and Trustor hereby absolutely
<br /> � and unconditionally aseigne all such renta, iasuea and profits to Seneffcia-
<br /> � " ry. Seneficiary, however, hereby consents to Truator's collection and
<br /> '�� ' retention of such renta, iesues and p�ofite as they accrue and become payable
<br /> � '�„�;�'" eo long as Trustor is not at euch timr� in default wi.th respect to payment of
<br />= r:-�^+� "�:�� any inclebtQdneas aecured hereby or in the performance of any agreement
<br />- �;�"• hereunder. Upon any auch default, Heneficiary may at any time, either i.n
<br /> ;{s �t. ,rzr.�t
<br /> garson, by agent, or by receiver to be appointed by a court, wfthout notice
<br /> and without r�gard to the adequacsy of any security for the indebtednese
<br />. hereby secured ta) enter upon ar�d take posseseion of the Property or any part
<br /> ,�x:.,,.; ..�.: .
<br /> � �.���:<,�.;::.�� �-�,. thereof and in its own name sue for or atherwise collect auch rents, is�ues
<br /> '+� ' and profits, including those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, �e�s
<br /> .r:�;�`\ �r�..w-,..
<br /> `_,, � ���,,�, t x��, ,., coats and expenses of operation and collection, including reasonable
<br /> _ 2_�_L,._.,a......� �e....,.va I�urnhv ane9 i n At3C�'1 orde�r as
<br />°'-;i _ z;:,z�,,.�=��': attorn�y'B L@el3r iiF7VU aiir iaauaua,.ov..�:v., .............�. "_----� —
<br /> �'�> :�::e�n,��,k:•,� ; Beaeficiary may determine; tb) lease the same or any part thereof for �uch
<br /> '' `"`k • �'Y•,.F;�� reatal, term and upon auch conditione as Beneficiary's judgm�nt may dictate
<br /> or tern�inate or adj uat the terms and conditiona of any exieting leas� or
<br /> leases. Unlesa Truator and Beneficiary agree otherwise in writing, any
<br /> application of rents, isaues or proffts to any indebtedneas eecured hereby
<br /> , �. �: ehall not extend or poetpone the dtae date of the inatallment payments ae
<br /> - `r� provided in the Note or change tlae amount of such inatallmenta. The entering
<br /> X�
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