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<br /> l7.Tronsfer of the Properiy or a Bencficiwl Interest tn Dorrower.If atl or any part of the Property or any interest in it
<br /> - ia so(d or transferred(or�f a beneficial interest in Bonotvcr ls sold or uansferred c+red Borrowcr ls not a aaturnl jserson) ivithout --
<br /> � I.ender's prlar written consent. LerAer mAy. at its option, require immediaie pa.yment in fuil of ntl sums secured by this —
<br /> Secu�lty Ynstrumcnt.Huwever,thia option shall not be eaenised by Lender if exerctse is prol►ibited by federel taw as of the date
<br /> of thie Secudty InAtrument.
<br /> _ If l.ender oxercises thla opt;on. Lender shal[give Horrower notice of ucce�eration.The notice shell pravIde a pedod of not
<br /> -- less thnn 30 dnys from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay All sum.9 secured by this
<br />--- — —_� Securtry Instrument. If Barcower fails to pay the��;sums prlor to the expiradon of thie perlod, Lender may invoke any cemedies r
<br /> - - - - petmltted by thia Secudty Insttument wlthout fitrther notice or demand on Barrowee.
<br /> 18. Borrower's Right W Relastt�te. If Borrower meeta certain condidons, Borrower shall hav� the right to have
<br /> - enf�rcement of this Secatiry Instcument discontlnued at al�y dme prtor to the earlier oF: (a) 5 days(or such other period as
<br /> = applicabie law mny specify far rcinstatcment) befare sale of the Property pursurint to any power of sale wntained in thls
<br /> Secudry Instrument;or(b)ernry of a judgment enforcing thfs Securtty Tnstn►raeat.Those candidons are Wat Honower: (a)pays
<br /> �-+: I.ender al!sum4 which then would be due under this Security Instrument arid the Note as if no acceleradon had occurned;(b)
<br /> si� cures any default of any other covenantx or usreements; (c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this 3ecurlty Iastru�aent,
<br /> fncluding.but not limited co.reasonable aaorrta�s' fces; and(d)takes such acUon as Lender may reasonably re8uire ta assure -_
<br />__ that the lien af thia Securiry Instrument, L.ender s ri�hta Ia the Property aad Rorrower's abligatian to pay the sums secuted by
<br /> this Securiry Instnunent shail continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Hosrawer, thie Secudty Instrument and tho
<br /> obligutiona secured hereby shell remain fully effective as It no accelerntion had occur�ed. However. this right tu relnstate shsilll
<br /> not apply in the case of aocelerntion under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale of Note.� Change of Los�n Servtcer. The Note or a partial inccrrst in the Note(wgether with this 8ecurity
<br /> '� e
<br /> Ynstrument)may be sold one or more times without prior notIce to Borrower. A sale may resuit in a chenge in the entiry (known ___
<br /> aR the"Lonn Servicer")that collects mantWy payments due undee the Note and this Secat3ty Instniment.There also may be ond
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale af the Nate.If there is a change of the Loan 3ervicor,Borrower wili be �
<br /> given written notice of the chenge in accordnnce with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. Tha notice will state the name end
<br /> address of U�e new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The nottce will also contaln any ather
<br /> information required by applicab�e law. R�''
<br /> 20. Ha�ardous Substances.Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence,use.disposal. storage, or release of any
<br /> Hazerdous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyonc else to do. anything affecting the __�
<br /> Property that is in violation of aay Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall nat apply ta the preseace. use,or
<br /> storage on the Property of small quanNties of Hnzardous Snbstances that are generelly reco�nized to be appropriate to normel
<br /> residential uses and to maintenance af thn Property. _
<br /> � '� Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any invesugation.claim. demund, lawsuit or other acdon by any --
<br />� . ,�( govemmental or regulatory agency ar pdvate pazry involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law __
<br /> _ ���.,. t of which Borrower has actuai knowledge. If Borrower learns.ar is notified by uny governmental or regulatory authortty.that _..
<br /> ___ � '•��- fl�y rem�val�r other remediaflon of anv Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borrawer shall pmmptly take _
<br /> �'. � z ell ruecessary remedial acdons in accordence with Hnvironmental Law. —
<br /> ��� '"'r° As nsod in this ptiiagraph 20. "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by _
<br /> '•��• �� Envimnmental Law and the following substances: �asoline, kerosene. other flammable or toxic peuoleum producis, toxic
<br /> • :„��'�, pesti¢ides and herbicides,volatile solvents,matedals containing usbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in �'"
<br /> , ,f°��'�"`�* this paragraph 20. "EnvIronmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction whare the Praperty is lacated thet �;;�
<br /> �?F.,,. =-_-
<br /> ;,�,,r,3,r.�� relate to health,snfery or envlronmental protection.
<br /> ..±t►��:t �; NON-UIVIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: "
<br /> „t, ", , "," 21. Acceleration;Remedtes. I.ender ahal!give nottce to Borrower prior to acceleration foltowing Bormwer's breach ���r.�
<br /> a•�,� ,• �* of an covenant or agreement In this Securlty Instrument (but not Hor to acceleratfon under paragraph 17 unless "-
<br /> �i.��t� y P `�...
<br /> ,�p',' +. applkabte law provides otherwise).The notice shall specify: (a)the default;(b)the actlon requfred to cure the defaWt; .,l�
<br /> �r�"Y�" (c)a da4e�n4t less than 30 days from the date the nottce is given to Botrower,by whtch the default must be cured;aad
<br /> �,; •� .:s.�=" ��. ._.
<br /> ����• (d) that tall�are to cure the defanit on or before the date specified in the nottce may resutt in acceleratton of the sums .
<br /> •� i.,.:. ?
<br /> � secured by tdis Security Instrument snd sele of the Property.The notice shall further inform Borrower oP the rigdt to :� :•
<br /> � �'#*%., rei�tvtate et�ter acceleretion attd the rlght to bring a court actton to assert the non-existence of a default or any other ,.�.:,.
<br /> �;��,t...�;� � defense of Borrower to aoccleratioa and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date spedtied in the notice, '��._
<br /> ,,,� . -..: .�;, Lender, at its option, may requi�e immedtate payment in fuii of all sums secured by this Security Instrument wlthout .,.
<br /> .. ° � aa:ti�•• ;, further demand and mny invoke the power of sale end aaay other remedies permitted by eppltcable Iaw. Lender shall be �;•a:
<br /> Y6 , �, '`7, entitled ta eollect eU expenses incurred in pursning the remedles provided in this paregraph 21,inclndln�,but not limited ,,�
<br /> i,` l.�'�. �K..
<br /> ''�s• �a�•�°° • ta,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of t(tle evidence.
<br /> �"�"�`���•�•����r� IP the power ot sale is invoEced,Trustee shall cecord a notice of default !n each county in wMch any part of tde �'
<br /> Iht:,.s.; _t�t..4';• _
<br /> ��a.:; . .,_. property ts tocated and shall mail copies of such notice In the manner prescr[bed by applicable Iaw to Borrower and to
<br /> �.�;_'i<:::.=, the other persons presedbed by appltcable law.After the time required by applicable law,1'rustee shell give publ[c nottce •
<br /> _�a,, ;:s;;�;�;�'•.' of�te to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee,without demand on Borirower. shall sell „
<br /> � the Property at public auction to the hi�hest bidder at the time and plece und under the terms desi�ttated ia the notice of
<br /> ' `' � t{,.. sele in one or mom parcels artd in any order Trustee determirtes.Trnstee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the �
<br /> '��'' Property by pubUc annonncement at the Nme and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may .
<br /> r ;�Zx'_;�_��° Rurchase the Pi+operty at any sale.
<br /> • r: ,.S�°. ,
<br /> y;�;._� , • ,
<br /> ;:��:�.�t�,:�:,;._.:.,,
<br /> .;.,..:....
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