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<br /> T043aTN8R WI'l'H oU t�he lmymvt.mcntn uow or here�fta ezncted on tD�e Pmpert3+�anct�il tax�►is�q�pttrtensnoa.�nd
<br /> � �xni�es now or here:sfter a,,pnrt of tha prnperty. AII e+eyl�ementa and sddttfon� Ahull nt�sa be covared by 1h[:� Securlty
<br /> Instmment.All of tho foregoing fs refc+rr�d ta:in thi�Securtty Instn+ment as the"Properey."
<br /> �OR�tOWER CaYBN�tNT5 thax Hnrrawar le Inwf�lly seised of ehe estaW henby convnyat a�id h�s thcs right to graut ax1
<br /> convey tho Pr+aperty and ttulti Nb ptupertY is unencumbered.axcegt fur ertcumbrances of record. Barr�wer warrante►and will
<br /> defend generaUy tho citlo to�,e Prapert�r a�alitFt all cla�nu�nd demands.subject to any ett�utnbtances af cecord.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INS�'RUMHNT combines uniform covenante far aat�onai use and non-untform cov�enaute witli limitod
<br />--�-�--- �—, vnrlat2qns by jud�dicti�n tn cnnstimte a unif�rrm r,ecuriry instrument covedn�rea!Qroparty.
<br /> UNIFORM COVBNANTS.BorcAwar catd i.end:r arvenant and ag�+ee as follows:
<br /> 1. Peyment oi Peindl�n!ancl Literai0i �p�Y��t And Late Chsu�es. Borrowcr shall promptly pay when due the
<br /> pr[acipal of csnd iaterest on ftee debt evld��i by the Note nnd anyr prepayment end latc charges due ueider the Note.
<br /> 2.Funds for Tax�amd bianrnnn¢. Spbject ta applicable taw or to a written waiver by L.enBer� Borrower shall pay to
<br /> L.ender on tho dny monthly�pAyrncnu are dtifl undcr the Note.undl the Noto is patd in full.a sum("Funds")for:(a)yesrly taxes
<br /> m--� aad assessments which ms►�auain g�ia�ty nti�er WIs Security Iasm�ment as a lien on th�Prope:ty:(b)yearly leasehold payanems
<br /> or ground rents on tha Pc�erty.if aayt(a)yCarly hazard or property lnsurance premiuma:(d)Yearly flood insurance pnminms.
<br /> - If siny; (e)yearly mortge,�a insuranse premiqms, if any;and(�eny swas payabie by Borrower to Lender.iu accordancx wlth
<br /> the provtsioas of paragraph 8.1n ileu of th��payment of moct�ege insurance p,reraluau. Thcse items ere called`Bscr�w Items."
<br /> Lender may. At uny tima�callect an,d hpld�Furtds in An amount rzai to exceed the roaMimum amount a lender fat a fadstaUy
<br /> relatod mortgage loan may requir�far:8ornqwcr's escmw accourtY under the fedecal Reul Estate Settlement Prbceduces A�t of
<br /> 1974 as amended from t(�na ta time, 12�l.fi;C. Sectton 2601 et seq.("RPSPA").unless eaotber law that applies w the Fuads
<br /> - � sets a la�ser ainuu�it. If so, i.endcr m�y, a�any ti�,coUcct and hold Funds i�an amouni not to exceed the lesser amnunt. .
<br /> Lender raay estimate tho.a►n.ount of Fuatt�ctue on the basis of curnent data aad reasonable esdmates of expendItures of future
<br /> Fscmw Items or otherwine in accord�.u^.e���i�th applicable law.
<br /> — The Funds shall tn:hc�ld in an instltutton whose deposits nre insuted by e federal agency. instcuaeentality. or entity
<br />- -- (iacluding Lender.if I.ender is such an ins�tutton)or in nay Federal Home I.;aun Bank. Leader shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> - -- - Esc:vw Items. Lender may not chatgo Horrower for holding aa.d applying the•Funds,annuelly analyzing the escrow aocount,or
<br /> - - verifying the Escmw Items,unless I.ender�ays Borrower interest on the Funds and appltcable law permits L�ader to make such
<br /> __ a charge.However. Lender may resquim Bnrrower to pay a one�tiamF cha:ge for an independent real estate tau repurttn8 se�vice
<br /> - used by I.ender in conncction with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwfse. Unless an agreement is mmde or
<br /> - applieable law cequires Inte�st to be paia,�Lender shall not be requiced to pay Borrower any lnterest or eamiugs on Ne fiinds.
<br /> _ - Borrower and L.ender muy agree�n wrlting.howcver.that interest shall be paid on the Fuads. I.ender afiali give to Bomawer.
<br />'� ° - --- = _ ,: ° witiiout clia:ga. as�a�u�!xxoc:niitsg uf?he F�ssds. sho�'sng zrc�its sssd ci�bits to th�F�sls astd the p�a�ese f�r whic�,each
<br /> debit to tho Funds was ittade.The Funda�me pledgod as addidonal securhy for all sums secured by chis Seciuity Instrumem:
<br /> If tha Funds held Gy Lender exceed the amounu permitted to be held by appiicable law.Lender shall account to Borrower
<br /> for the excess Funds in ctcoordans�e with the requtrem�ents of applicable law. If c�e amount of the Funds held by I.ender at eny
<br /> time is not sufficlent to pay the Hscrow Ittnns when due,I.ender may so aotify Borrower in writing,aad.in such case Burrower
<br /> shall pay to Lendet thc�amount rtmoessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shnll make up the deficiency in no more thaa --
<br /> twelve monthly pnymenta.at Lender's snte discretion. --
<br /> �:.-
<br /> Upon payment in�fuq of all sums secured by this Secudry Instrument. L.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any =
<br /> Funds held by I.ender.If,under paragmph 2l. Lender shall acqutre or sell the Property,l.ender.prior to the acquisit�on or sale _,._
<br /> of the Property.shall apply any Funds hkld by I.ender at the ttme of acqufsidon or sale as a credit against thc sums secured by a:-_5•-
<br /> ehis Security Instrument. K":._
<br />= 3.ApplEatdon ot�Pnymentn.Unlu;s applicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by L,endex under purngraphs ���`��
<br /> 1 aad 2 shall be applicd: first,ta an�pt�payment charqes due under the Note;sernnd.to amounts payabie under paragraph 2; ""' �
<br /> thlyd,to interest due:�ourth.to princ3.pa1 dae;and lasc,to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.C6urges;Li¢t�s.Barrower sh�,lt pay all taxes,assessments,charges, fir�ES and impositions attribu4Able to the I'roperty
<br /> which may attain priority over th�s Sosurlty Inswment, and leasehoid paymenis or ground rents, if any. �orrower shall pay ��;=-
<br /> - these obGge�tions in the mnnner provider�in parugruph 2,or if not paid in that manner. Borrower shall pay them on time djrecdy �'-�
<br /> to the person awed puyment.Borrower shall prompdy turnlsh to Lender all nodces of amounts to be paid under this par�graph. �'�`j
<br /> If Borrower makes thcsse puyments diresctty.Borrower shall promptly fumish to L.ender receipts evidencing the paymenu. r s"_
<br /> Borrower shnl!promptly discharge any lien which has prlority over this Security Instrument unless Horrower:(a)agrecs in =`
<br /> - wridng to the paymcmt of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner ncceptable to Lender;(b)oontests in good faith tha lien ;r�-�
<br /> by. or defends agninst enfnrcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operace co prevent the �
<br /> enforcement of the lIun;or(c)securc.v trom the holder of the Iten an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinatjng the lien to -�
<br /> ' this Secudty instrument. If Lender deraarmines that nny pact of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority over ���`�`
<br /> 'r thia Security Instrument, Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the{ien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or �
<br /> more of the ections�et fnrth ubove wittdn 10 days of che giving of notice.
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