Laserfiche WebLink
��• . ,•1�`i:..,.a _ - _ <br /> � . , . _ - <br /> _�_ . - - <br /> - - — -- - - -� - -- . . _ <br /> �: - -- --�---- ° <br /> - - -- �.��� �USi?;�'', <br /> __ ____ S. H�r.urd or P4ropert�In�i�ranct�. Rn►rower r,La}I keep the l�i�p�ovcmenta now exi,tiug or h�re:�Qcr er�tteA on the <br /> Property insaircd agnin�t lass by Grc, hawrds inc[udcd�vithin thc trnn "cxt�ndcA cavera�c"nnd any Qthcr hazanls, ittslwfir�g <br /> fluods ur flooding,for whish l,ender rcyuircs.insqrnn�. This insuru�xc shatl be muintaincd in tkc ur►wunts ac�d fnr the�xdoda <br /> �hat Lender t�yufres. The insurance carcier pruviding the insurunce�;hall be ch�sen b��Aunower subject to I.ender's approvxl <br /> which stwit not 6e unreasonabiy withheld. If�asrower falls tn maintuin coverAgo descdbed above. Lender may, aa I.erxkr'e <br /> option.obtatn c:overage to protect Lender'R dghts in the Propci4y in uccprdance with paragragh 7. <br /> � - ------- Ali in:,uranw putici�:r;s�►d�•cyi;.wats �I�aO b;,aecc•.�tublc tu Lc:;utca• u►u! shal!lnclud,, a standord ntortgoge clau:... LenQer <br /> shall havc tha right to hokf the policies and renewala.If Lender reqaires, Aorrower sbaU pmraptly give to L,ender�l)rcceipu af <br /> paid preminms�nd renewal nottces.In the event of loss.Borrowcr shull�ive prampt nodce to the 1ns��rancc cnrrIcr und l.ender. <br /> f.enc!er muy make pmaf of loss if not made pmmptly 8y Borrowar. <br /> __ Untcss J..ender and Borrower otherwise n�rcx In wrlting.insurunce procecds shall be applied to restoration or repair af the <br />� P[operty damaged.if thc restoralion or repair is economlrnlly feasibte nnd Lcnder's security is not tessened.If the restortuion or <br /> �-- repa�r is not ervnomicAlly feasible or Lendcr's scru�ity wautd is;,Ics:,cned.tha insuranoc pracc�ds shall be upplied w the sums <br /> recured by this Secucity Instnuaent. wheiher or not then due. with uny excess psud co Borrower. If Borrower abandong the <br /> Property,or docs not nnswcr within 30 days a notice from lRnder that tlte insurance carrjer hsis offered to settle a claim.then <br /> M� I.ender may collect the insurAnce proaeeds. Lender may uae the ptnceods to repair or cestore the Property or to pay sums <br /> secvred by this Security Instrument.whether or not then due.The 30-day periad wili begin when the notice!a�iven. <br /> Unless L.ender and Hormwer othenvise stgree in wridng. any upplicatton of pmoeeds to principal shaA not extend or <br /> postpone the due date af the monthly payments c�eferred to in p�rnphs 1 and 2 or chunge the umoun� of the paymenu. if <br />-= under paragraph 1t the 1'raperry is acquic�ad by l.ender.l3orrower's ri�hht to uny insurance policies s�nd proceeds resulting from - <br /> damage w the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the swns secured by thiis Secudty Insuumsnt <br />-; imm�dintcly prior to the acquisidon. <br /> 6. (k�rupancy,Preservat[on.Meintenance und Pmteetion of the Property;Borrower's l.oan Application;Leaseholds. <br />-"- Borrower sbali acxupy,estublish,und use the Property as Borrower's principal residence a•5z+nin stxty days after the execudan of <br />- this SecurIty Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's priacipal reaidence for at least one year ufter <br /> the date of nccupsincy.unless Lertder otherwise agre�s in writing,which consent sheli not be unmsso�ably wIthheld, or unless <br /> extenuating circumstances exist �vlhich are beyond Borrowcr's controt. Borrower shall not destroy. damage or impair the <br /> Property,allaw the Froperty to d�tedorate,or commit waste an the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfelture <br /> ¢ction or praceeding, whether civia or criminal. is begun that in Lertder's gond fuith judgcment could result in forfeiture of the <br /> Property or otherwise mate�ially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's scrurity intemst.Borrower may <br /> `- ' ` ° cuiz such a deCaulc aco3�+einstaee,us provided in paragraph i8,by causing[he accion or proceeciin�to be dismisse8 with a ruting ' <br /> that, in Lender's goad thith detcrmination. precludes forfeiture af the Borrower's intcrest in the Property or other mater�al <br /> .. tmpairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or L.ender's security lnterest. IDorrower shall also be In defuutt jf <br /> � Bono�ver.dudn the loan a lication rocess, ave materiall falsc or inaccurate information ar su�tements to Lender(or failed <br /> g PP P � Y <br /> .� to pmvide Lender with any muteriril informattan)im m�nection with the loan evidenced by the Note.induding,but rtot limited <br />- to,representations wnceming Bomower's occupancy of the Propetty us a principal residence. If this Secvrlty[nstrument is on a <br />- leasehold. Bortower shalt comply with ail the proviaions of the lease. If 8orrower acquires fec title to thc Property. the <br /> • leasehold and the fee title shall not mer�e unless l.ender a�rees to the merger in writtng. <br /> ''' '� 7.Protectton of Lender's Ri�hts in the Pruperty.If Borrowcr fails to perform the aovenants and agrcements contained in <br /> - this Security Instrumsnt, or there is a legal proceeding that may si�nificantly nffect Lender's ri�hts in the Property (such as a <br /> ;� pmceeding in bankruptcy.probate. for wndemnation or forfelture or to enforce Iawa or regulations), then Lender may do and <br /> puy for whutever is necessary to protect the value af the Pmperty and L.ender's rights in the Property. L.ender's actions may <br /> include paying uny sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Secudty instrument, appearing in wuct, paying <br />- reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs. Although L.ender may take action under this pnragraph — <br />- -• v_ 7.Lender does not have to do so. <br /> ' � �, Any amounts disbursed by L.ender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower r,ecured by this <br /> '- '' � :,;s;' 5ecurity Instrument. Unless Borrower and Ixnder agrce to other terms of payment,these amounts sha!!hear intere�t from the <br /> ,,,.';.;"��,;:"':•. date of disbwsement at the Note rate and shail be payable, with interest, upon notiue from Lender to Borc+�wer requesting ° <br /> ,.;�,��;,;'��'.:. Payment. <br />=_ " ' ;;i;�:.`,'''.� 8.Mortgt�e Icesurnnce.If Lender required mort�uge insurance as a condition of making the loun secured by this Security <br /> '��;��� •:.��.:_..,::. <br />- ,,�,: „ • .�. Instrument, Borrower shall puy the premiums required to maintaln the mongage insurunce in effect. If, for any reason, the = <br /> ��-�.- " mortgage insurance covera�e mquired by Lender tapses or ceases to be in effat,Borrower shalt pay the pmmiums requimd to = <br /> �. ' � obtain coverage substantially equivatent to the mongage insurnnce prtiviously in effect,at a cost substantially equivAleatt to the _ <br /> '���" '• ° cost to Borrower of the mort a e insurance reviousl m effect, from an alternate mort u e insurer a mved b O.,ender. If - <br /> � •���,�T,.• �g P Y � � � PP Y <br /> ' � * � �� "°� substnntially equivalent mortgage insurnnce rnvera�e is not avuilable.Horrower shall pay to Lender each month u sum equal to � <br /> ���", °'�'"�=?�� �-••:�"�� one-twelfth of the yrarly mortgage insurnnce premium bein�paid by Bornower when the insurance covernge lapsed or ceased to <br /> �'�- ���, �. .. - be in effect. Lender will uccept,use and retain these puyments us �loss reserve in lieu of mortguge insurance. Loss reserve 1 <br />� f i,`+V '�� � t. <br /> �i"„�-•',• Wrm 3028 919D <br /> ^, �,, <br />_. . :�;':.:�, Pego 3 018 <br /> Y �� <br /> �'lKt��'.e��,� � <br /> �°�, .�1�Yhs''it�. <br /> . X� �. . . ... I. <br /> � <br /> ._ _. .. J . � , . .. . - ,r. _...a: � �. . . . .. . - <br />. �i,.. .. . . '�R�.. � . • . ._ +.� ._ .. . <br /> . . .. . . <br /> ...�_ <br /> ... <br /> . ': ',. ., � � <br /> � ..L .. . . ., . . • ' -- -- -- ------ __- <br /> "�--�-- - <br /> • . • �- - ---- __ - - -- - -_- -�- - __ - - - _ � ----- -- -_---- _ - <br />- ` '.r 't�1aS;j� � ,. ' , � . � ' _. .. ' y� � .-�51.f} ,+ 9 _• - „ � . <br /> .. 1 6 � - . ,. -- � ' o � . ,. . , ' - . <br /> .�.:';.*' � ` • ' . ,. - „ . � . • .' . rv • „ • . , .. , , <br /> ! {',� ,a ' , ' .. .' .. • � � , .. . � .. .. �- <br />.-� � �h, ,� . .. . � v .' - . � - _ , .. , �'�►�.;�.y"• .. - �.. <br /> • F�;` 'J '}�,`� v .. � -.. 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