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<br /> � UG?{3!1 i'iCfl�t1 Q��}PQ+FiifI11 l�� E�te priee bld,Trnrtitc�xhnU dcliver to the purchasea�Trustee'ra decd canve�+enA the _..
<br /> 1"inpertv.'I'he�rc[�aiy in eha`lru�tedn c9ccd�hal)be►�rl��na fucie evtdcuce ut the tcvtb ot the�tatemants utiABr therPln.
<br /> 7'ruatea r�AM11 wpply the pa+a�ece�y o!tho�calc Qn th�e tollowl�or�e�a(p)to all cy�sts and expemtw of exerclsln�thc poe�er ot
<br /> � �Ir��d the r�k. Includlny{the pwyment o[the't'rustee•A fitiw+tctuaqy lacurred,nw to exceed '�+
<br /> �f tbe pel�lpd�mouat uf tlw note el tbe tlme ot tl�e dcclrratNin ut detauit.wnd een�cxwMe atturnayx• fee��petmttted
<br /> 1►y Irwi (b)tn Mll ewm.g�ret�by lhls tittitatily In�trument:pnd(cl any exce�to the pensun ar pe��� leRally entlttaf to
<br /> H. "
<br /> It. RcoatveyYekt. lJpon payment uP ull sun�v ticcured by this Security Instcumcnt. l.e�xlcr ahull re�ue+t Trustec to
<br />; rec:onvey the Pn,perty ancl Fh►ill surrend�r this Security In4t�ument und ail nntes evidencing debt xecured by this Security
<br /> Instruntcnt tu rrustee. Tnt�+tw shail �+cxv�nvcy thc PrapeRy without wurroatty und withus�t cl�rrgc to the persun ur per�ons Icgully
<br /> entid��d to it.Such pe�on or persons�;hall pay uny recordution ensGg.
<br /> 2�. SdbstEtute Tatstee.L.ender.at its uption,may from time to timc remove T�u�tce und appoint n succ�;snr teustee to
<br /> uny Tnistec appointal hcrcundcr by un instrumcnt raurdcd in the coanty in whirh this S�curhy Instrument is recnrdai. Without
<br /> eanveyurtce ot the Propetty.thc hucccswr trustw shatl su��i to u!1 the tltle,puwer aud duties conferred upnn Tn�rtee hereln __._
<br /> c�txl by�pplicuble luw.
<br /> Yt. Reqttest [oc Notica. Borrower [equests that mpi�of the noitces of default und sale be sent to�orrower's uddress
<br />: �vhich is the Properry Address.
<br /> 2�.ldiderR to thtA Secudty Instcument. If one or more rlders are executed by Borrower and rrx�rded together with this
<br /> S�ccuriry Instrument,the covenants nnd uge�ments of e�ch s¢ch rider shall be irtrnrparuted into and shall amend and supplement
<br /> thR cove�wnts und agreementa of this Security Instrument us if the ridRrts)were a pa�t of this Security Instn�ment.
<br />' [Check Applicablc box(es)]
<br /> �Adjustnble Rate Rider ❑Condominium RIdcr ❑1-�Fsunily Rtder
<br /> Ciraduuted Paymenc Rider �Planned Unit Qcvelopment Rider ❑Bi�veekly Payment Rtder
<br /> (�Balloon Rider ❑ltace Impzovement Rlder ❑Second Home Rider
<br /> 0 V.A.Rider ❑Other(s)[specifyj -
<br /> BY SIGMN�BELOW,Sorrower accepts and a�roes to the termg and covenants cantuine�in this Securiry Instrument artd
<br /> in�any rider(s)eaecuted by Borrower and recorded with it. _r-7 --��
<br /> Wit►�sca: _� � " ,
<br /> (Seai)
<br /> HARR�I AL I H � -eomuw�cr
<br /> �/ . ,/,, -
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<br /> (Seal)
<br /> • K;.-:
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<br /> -BOffOWC( -BOrtOK'CC "
<br /> �'��'.
<br /> t=•..,--�
<br /> • Sl'ATE OF NEBRASKA. Connty ss: HALL ��_
<br /> The foregaing lnsuument was acknowledgod beforc me this 21 ST �Y�f .1UN E� 1994 � i::.
<br /> �tness my hartd nnd notazitil s�ea(at �RAND I SLAf�1D� NEBRASKA �n said Cuunty.the date uforesaid.
<br /> My Commission Expires: _
<br /> Notary Public
<br /> ,
<br /> � aaeo e or s Form 3028 9190
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