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<br /> 'j,Q, ��T � o��n oF AE��',-,ONVEYANC� -
<br /> 1fNOW Akl.MEN BY THES� PR�SENTfi: ,
<br /> - WHEREAS, ell sf the indet►ted�ess secured by tfie Deed of Trust executed by
<br /> ROY T. 5CHRUNK end DE9RA S. SCHRUNK, husband and�wife,to AREND R.
<br /> BAACK,Attorney at Lew,Tn�stee, for the bene�i�of JACK P. SORENSEN end
<br /> R08ERT L.SORENSEN, the Beneficfary named therein, dated Mey 1, 1984 and
<br /> �; recorded May Z, 1890, in the Offfce of the Reaister of Deads of Hsll County,
<br /> :.-� Nebraska as Document No. 90-103409, hae�eon paid, and setd Benaficiary hea
<br />_�;i; requssted in w�iting that th�s Oeed of Reconv��pance loe executed�n+d deltNered; �
<br /> �,- '�!�`; , . �. �fOW, TH���FORE,'in considera�t#�n af s�ch pay��r���n accord�nce wiQ�4he
<br /> - I ��, � f�cp�es�of the Beneficiery named therein,the ua�ziersigned, as Trustes,do�s by
<br /> � ' fihese�a�asents, g�ant, remise, retease end reconvey to the person or p�rS��s entt-
<br /> tied ihereto, all the interest and estate derived to saId Trustee by or throu�h said
<br /> Tr�sst Deed in the following-described premises, but only as to such prem9ses:
<br /> Lot Flftesn i16) in "Hoicomb's Highwey Homes. a subdivision of a part
<br /> of the Nottheast nuaner of the Northeast Quarter (109E%NE%1 and a
<br /> � ' part of Lot Four(4) tMainlandl,ail in Sectio�Twenty-Eight (28), in
<br /> '_ -
<br />. � . _ , Townaitip �ieven �i i 3 No��► Rnr��n Ni�a l�s Wast a!th� Stt�P.M., :n
<br /> -, �lall Caunty, Nebreska and Lot Two (21 in Barta Subdivlsion in the City
<br /> 't' �# t3rand Isiand, Hall County, Nebreska,
<br />_ � '�`.'��,�.f'� . tog�ther with ail buildings, fixtures, crroprovements end eppu�tenances belonging to —_
<br />- ,r�,��•:,� -
<br />- , , � ����; such premises. ��=i
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<br /> - :ar.ti�Cn:46�+►PjJ =�- -
<br /> . - ,�,,;;.•.3;,,�;�.�,� Dated this 24th day of June, 1994. ;,�,
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<br /> .�ti ;,��,Y�<+,:; Arend R. Baack, Trustee �
<br /> �'� �.�'•;"'���� STATE OF NEBRASKA 1 "
<br /> , °��a�:; _ . .. .. .� ) ss: ��
<br /> . ,:C�':��:.. . . � COUNTY OF HALL )
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<br />,T�.'
<br /> �;�F=; On this 24th day of June, 19J4, before me,the undersigned, a Notary Publia �,:'�
<br /> � y ' �� „ � duly c�mmissionod and qualified for in seid Caunty, persaneily came Arend R.
<br /> ,ac,:�� , Beack,Trustee, to me 4cnown to be the identia�ai person whose name is subscribed ,
<br /> ., � ° `� to tha foregoing Trustee's Deed of Reconveyance, end he acknowiedged the exe-
<br /> ,. cution thereof to be his voluntary a�t and deed.
<br /> ;.:• �
<br /> ;;.:;: : ,
<br /> . Witness my hand a�d nota�tal seal the day and year last above w�itten.
<br /> - .:;.,:,..,.
<br /> _ Y._ �uu.�+otu�r.sar�fwa� /r ,� /
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<br />=,�. �-:... . . ��� .^+ Notary Pubitc .
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