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<br />=__— Knavr Aq Men ey Th�a�Pro:enta: • � ,���,� 9�� �����d �
<br /> THAT 1NHEREAS, atl/put ot th� inii�pbtednesa ae�urqd�.blh��o Truat Deed sxecused by Wayne Gleason �
<br /> an,d 3haron Gleason hu a �► r �c g�-�
<br /> i'
<br /> a � � ras , r� •ry ne tMr��, dmd
<br /> Ma 17, 1989 a � r o a d�a: �DisUr ot Deeds of F�Iall C01lAty
<br /> !f� d p � -1 8a prid�as� . -- _
<br /> � ry �w�uea n wr1�a t�;�4e�,. .veaonvsyance e e�ecu an e vered as coMirmed by
<br /> NOW'�IEREFO�iE,_in c4nsideradon at such p ymarst�nd���+eccordance with 4he request of i1�e Beneftciary namad =
<br /> thudr+,.the unWrstpn�d ea T�staa do�a by i�a�e,p�r�s��p�ant, remtse, release, and reaorive to the perion ac
<br /> psrsof���entfrtted thersto aq tho inteGest and este�.d�riue��to aaid Truatee by or throu�h aaid��rust Oeed in the
<br /> e est
<br /> fq�lowk.��de�c�ibed premie�bui onl,y as to suah pr+Bmi�An+ . �u�..
<br /> art of tha SW . Section #1 Toumah�'.p,ll3, Ranqe 10, Hali Co., Nebraska.
<br /> A tract of land in the SoutY�vrest Quazter (SW$) dP Sectiion One (1)� in Tawnship =_
<br /> Eleven (il) North� Range Ten (10), Wost .of the 6th P.M., more particularly desaril�ed —
<br /> as follo�s: Coirmtencing 223.38 feet squth a£ the northwest corner of said Southwest �----
<br />- ' Quarter (SW�) at:d runninq thence east an4 paxx.11el to the nortlz liae of said i±,�.�_
<br /> . ,.
<br /> � Soutn�vest guarter (SWji) a distancQ of i95� f���;. runn3ng thence south and parallel ;�._-
<br /> � � to the west line of eaid Southwes� Quax�Cer.(5Wh) a distance of 946.77 feetl �
<br /> � f rutuiinq thence Frest and parallel to the� noxth line of said Southweat Quarter (sw3r) �`-�—
<br /> �:�.� •»'� a distance of 195 feet to the west lina of' sa�d Southwest Quarter (SW�i)t and '-:;;;s•
<br /> • running thence nertll along.and upon the wq$t �l.ne of said Southwest Quax�ter (SW�S) ��%��+
<br /> "V �ir� a 8istance of 44 6.77 feet to the point of beq�tuiing. -_
<br /> �- '� -� Topether with all build(nps, flxtures, tmprovemar�tm end�eppurtenances belonainp to such premisea.
<br /> --;;;�� �I;f�
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<br /> � -W�';;;������- FrsTier 8 k��adonel Aesoclation
<br />� e �
<br /> ��"• 08ted• June 16, 1994 By.
<br /> tx t..., .
<br /> ,r. .•�•"�r.� . Dic D. Nietie �
<br /> '�{a`:,- �....:��. ATTEST:
<br /> ,�r��:1_ STATE OF NEBRASKA �j SS '
<br /> I
<br /> `'"�� � COUNIY OF Hall 1 � '
<br /> ','�''�'�`.�" Qn thf�a 16� day of June . t9 94.before m�the undorslpnQd,a(�foszrf*Public�duly 4
<br /> ','�i�:�;,�:;,��; _ „.
<br /> � �''�"'���t.�. commiaatoned end qu�llNed br sald CouMy► perspn�Jy eame Dick D. Nietf�ia of : � ����
<br /> ,.4, _,. � .��
<br /> •: RraTter 8ank, N.A.,as Trustee,to mo knowa�to b� the ide c person w ose nama s su sca o g�n
<br /> ` � on behatf o�Rrs7'�Sor Bank,as T usiee.��on�thdreof to be hls votuntary act and dead and.the votuntary ea��nd de�
<br /> �+ Y ---=- �-
<br />� r• .nb�.: ���Y�II�� �•
<br /> � ':::,_` , ��; MA1�,�lf�U�9ii �
<br /> �..: ' - ��lAwadle 1l�1fM �
<br /> `=i� . My Commisston exptr �
<br /> ';;:;=a��;xn�� i
<br /> ?��.a�,�.;"...'�"� `
<br /> .�;. }.. ; ., 1'hts ts to certiiy that the above nemed Trustee has been requested in rlti o execute the foreQoinp Deed of �
<br /> •� '-� �•- � Reconveyance and hls ecttdn in doirtp so is ratified and conNrmed in aIt respects. I
<br /> . _.�'��w_ � " ; RrsTier Bank, Nadonal Aasoclatfofl '
<br /> .-.. .� ,� ,Nobreska �
<br /> , �w`�::"•M' ' Boneflciery I.
<br /> - � � By: Wce Presldent �
<br /> . ��£,: .: «,: cc tolt Obv AIltJ �
<br />