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<br /> paym�cnts,whicl�nre refemed to Ui t'aragra 2,or cheng�o thc ns�tount af such paymcnts. Any excesg pruceeds over en
<br /> amount ca uined to piy�il outstuiding indr�edness under tho Not�ed this Sceuricy IRnt�umens sh�ll be pald to the entity
<br /> legdly en�tled tt�ereto.
<br /> - 6. �eq. Ler►der rniy colkct feea iuid charges autlwiized by tho Secrctary.
<br /> — !. Gmirada[or Accelentt{oa otDebt,
<br /> _ -- - - - -, (o)�?N1re!aR, �,r.nder rnsy,eacclst�s+limited by regulations issued by tho SecretarX in tt�cuse uf paym�t defaulte, r
<br /> roquiee immediue payrtient in fu11 of Wl aums secured by chis Sesudry Instrumem�f:
<br /> — — (i)Bo�rower defaults by feiltng to piy!n tull any montl8y peyment requtr�by this Secur[cy Insaun�em pria
<br /> to or on the due duu of the next monthly paymen�or
<br /> (ii)Borrower defaults by failing,for a pertod of thlrty deys,w pert'orm any ather�bBgadon�contelmd in this
<br /> Secu�n�t�qInsC�ucnen� pp � licuble luw and with the or a roval af the
<br /> (b)Sak VYit6out Credtt A roval. I..ender shalt.tf mdttW by spp P� PP
<br /> Se�retnry�re�uire immcdiate payment in full of all tho sums socured by tttis Securlty Insmiment if:
<br /> � (i)All ar part of tua Pioperty.or n beneficial ime�est in u wst owntng all ar part of the Pt+nptrty►.is soW or --- -
<br /> othelwise uensfernd(other thm by devlse or descent)by the Bonower.and
<br /> (i1)'Rie praperty is not occupied by the putchaser or gnu►tee as hie or her principal nsIdence.or tho pwchnser
<br /> , - or grantee doea so occupy the Pruperty but his ot her credit ha9 nflt bcen approved in aocosdanoe
<br />� with the requlrements of the Secratary.
<br />-- (c)No Watver. If cincumstsinces acur that would permit I..ender to require immediate payment in fuil.but Lender
<br /> doees riotrequire such ea�ts.Lender does nat waive its rights with respect to subseguent events.
<br /> 8
<br /> ----- -- ---_ (d)Beg�niatloa4 oi Secretary. In many circuruswnoes regulattons issued by the Sccretury will WMt l.ender�
<br /> - dghts.i�n the case af paymeat defavlts,to ce�uire immallete psyment in fuA and forxlose if noi paid 'it�ls _
<br /> Secwity P.cesuument does not authorize accelerauon or foreclosuze if nat permlaed by osgulat3ons of the Secretery.
<br /> (e)11Sor¢�a�e Not Insured. Bomuwer agrees thac should this Secnrity Insuument and the nmte secured thereby not
<br /> ' be eligible for insutance under the Nadonal Housing Act witl�in 9D OAYS fi+nm the
<br /> dnie l�eieof.Lender may.ai its optlon and notwithstending anything in Patugraph 9.reclui�e immediate payment in
<br /> fuU of all sums aeciued by thts Security InsuumenG A wriden stntement of nny suthorized agent of the Secc�etary
<br /> datei9 si►bsequent to 9� DAY5 fc+nm the date hereof.declinin$to insure this Socurlry
<br /> Insirument and the note seciued thereby,sttall be deemed conclusive proof of such 1neUgibility. Noiwithstanding
<br /> the foregoing,this opUOn may aot be eaerclsed by Lender when the unavailability of insurance fs solely due ro -__
<br /> I.enderk failure to remit a mortgage jnsurnnce premium eo We Secretary. r•«*_�
<br />" 10. R¢fnshetemenL Bolro�ier has a right ta be minstated if I.ender has requtred immediate P�ePPtn fuU becausc l,�{:�
<br /> _ -- -_-_,,..= Qf ga���•��� s�,�y an amount due under ihe•Note or tl�is Securiry Instrument. 'I4ds xi t a lies even after
<br /> foreclosure proceedings arc insdtuted. 1b reinstate the Security Insuument, �sorrower sha�ander ,n n Iurup swii ati —
<br /> amounts required to Aring Borrowerb eccoiu�t cwrent including.to the extent they are obligations of Borrower under this _....
<br /> Security lnstiumen�foreclosure costs and reasonable and customary atcomeys'fees and expensea pmperly essocIated with 6.�
<br /> the foreclosure pmceeding• Upon ceinstatement by Borrower.this Securiry lnsuument and the obli aHons that it secums �"��"'
<br /> 8 �s��,.�_
<br /> shall r�main in effect us if Lender had notrequtred immed�ate payrnent in fuU. However.i.ender is not required topermit -�--
<br /> c�einstatement if: (i)Lender has ciccepted reInstatement after the commertcement of forecloswe pmceedings.wlthin two ��-_
<br /> y¢ars imwned.iately grecedin�the commencement of a current faeclosure proceeding. (ii) rofnstatement w�ll preclude :
<br /> foreclosure un different gmunds in the fuUUe.or(iii)reinstetement wiil ndversely affect the prlodty of the lien created by �;;_+_
<br /> this Securiry Inswmen4 ', "
<br /> � '" Il. Borrower Noa Released; Forbearance b� I.ender Not a Wa[ver. Extension of the time of payment or
<br /> �� modiftcation of amortixadon of the sums secured by tius Securiry Imtcument granted by Lender to any successor in interast ,-_
<br /> of Bosower shell not operate to relcose the liabllity of the original Borrower or Borrawer's suaessor in�nterest. L.ender ��•
<br /> � shaU not berec�uit�od W commence prooadings agamst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or
<br /> K oihenvIse modify amortizntion of the sums secured bY this Security Instrument by reason of eny demand made by the .;:
<br /> orlginal Borrower or Barrower's successors in interest. Any forbea�ance by L.ender in exercising any right or remedy shnll °�4•.
<br /> not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of eny right or reme�y. �,y��„
<br />• 12. Suecessors and AssIgns Bound;Joint and Several Liabitity;CaSigners. ThB covenents and agreements of i';�;z�
<br />- thia Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successon and assi8as of Lender ond Borrower,subject to the provisions .,;;,;,
<br /> of Patagraph 9.b. B�rtower� covenunts artd a�entents shell be joint and several. Any Horrower who co-signs this •__
<br /> Secur(ty lnsuument but dces not execute dte Nnte: (a)is casigning thie Security Inswment only w mortgage,�a�►t and � �•,�
<br /> convey tl�at Botrower's interest in the Pm y under the terms of this Securery Insuumenr.(b)is nut personally obligated to
<br /> P�
<br /> pay the sums secvred by this Securiry Insuument;and(c)agrees that Lender and an�other Sortower may a$ree to extend. �;�tHy
<br /> *� modify.forbear or make any uccommodattons with regurd to the temns of this Secunry Instrument or the Note w�thout that ,�,�.:
<br />.`4, ` �.:��-.
<br /> -- Borro�ver'�consen� �
<br /> : "��;°�;i !3 Nottces. Any notice to Borrower pmvided for in this Secudry Insmiment ahall be given by delivedng it or by
<br /> ���.. �'��" muiling ic by fust ctass muil unless oppGcable Inw requires use of another method. 9he noticce shnll be ciirected to the
<br /> t�`�' propetty Addtess or any other address Borrower designates by notiee to Lender. M notice to Lerder shall be given by
<br />� x5:1
<br /> r�-�' first ctass mail to Lenderh address stated herein or�ny address Lender designates y notice to Borruwer. My notice 2
<br /> �,:�'?` provided for in this Security Insaument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when�iven as provided (�
<br /> '?�,:'�'.`; in this paragaph.
<br /> c �' 14. Gaverning Low; SeverabUi3y. 'I7�is Security Instn►ment shall bc�ovemed by Federal law und the luw of thr
<br /> ;�,r� jurisdlction in which the Property is located. In the event thnt any proviaion or clause of this Security Instrnment or the
<br /> .��.�•.� Note canflicts with applicable inw,such confltct shall not affect other provisions of this Security instrument or the Note
<br /> whtch can be given effe�t without the confliciing pmvision. 7b this end the Qrovisions of this Security[nsor�ment and the
<br />- Note aze dectered to be severable. �
<br /> � IS. Borrower's Copy. Bomower shall be given one confomted copy vf this Security InstNment. �� :.
<br /> ;,_ ;: ; � ' 16, Assfgnment ot Renta. Bomower uncondItionally assigns and transfers to Lender all the rents nttd nwenues of the �
<br /> '` �^-�1'•''� property. Borrower authorizes Lender or Lender's ugents to coltect the rents and revenues and hereby directs each tenant af
<br /> '•:.,. :>:..
<br /> • N�.::.�-«.ie�•u.� the property�o pay the rents to Lender or Lenderis ugents. However,prior to l.ender's notice to Borrower of Bomower's
<br /> � 1.��" � � breuch of any covenant or ugeement in the Security lnytniment.Bomower shali cmllect c+nd recetve all rents and revenues of ,,„
<br /> v - ` ��,�•�a•; - .�- � ..._-- ....o.m F...ei,o Mnnfit nf 1 rndrr nttd$oT(owCi. This:issjgnmen�of rents consdmtes an absalute assignment �
<br /> -.�.
<br />"r,t/.._ ...__ ...�rcvac�-��.� - NN i�v�v����v www�������.___" .
<br /> �-" a;�!;-"..;-;-'�-:��`-• and not an ossignment for addinonal security only.
<br />_.:�`�F'. •''�'��="�'�=' If Lender grves notice of bc�each co Bomuwer. (a)ail rents received by Bocro�ver shall be held by Botrower as uustee
<br /> ....�...-"'1��.
<br /> for benefit of Lender only. to be applfed to the sum�secured bY t�+e Secwih' j°scn'ment; (b)Lender shnll be entitl to
<br /> .y�, collect and e�ceive All of the rents of the Propeny:and(c)each tennnt of the Roperry shsill pay all rents due and unpaid to
<br /> Leader or I.cnder�s agent on Lertderk written demund w the tenant.
<br />- Bomower h�not e�cecuted any p�ior assi nt of t he16 nts sind has rtot und wlll not perfomn any act thaz would ...
<br /> prevent Lender from exercising its dghis under is Parugrnp
<br /> '��,. ., Lender shall not be reyuired to enter upon;tnke conn'al of a niaintain the Property before or nfter giving notice of
<br /> inted receiver mn do so at un time there is n bre�ch. My
<br /> � 1: £_�' breach to Bonower. However.l,endsr or a judictally Y, Y
<br /> � . �. �• �i: f ren�f the Property hntl Cterminut�when the debt securedvbythe Security Inswment is�paid in fullder. '[lds nssignment
<br /> G;
<br /> , 1/wRt!of 4 pvgts) I
<br /> ,i
<br /> .`,.. o`. .,, J
<br /> �_�.� , . - _
<br />