.�.� . . �:r::.;.., �-��,y. �.�'.;�,,....,_ .. . . .y,.,�,:t�"., ,.�_ .=i.- ..
<br /> i,(' r�.�,.'
<br /> - I .. � � +Ww�..W" ��+w.�.�,,.._^ '�, . .. .- _.-_ .. .-..
<br /> ;.� � , v.'. _ .. ___:-
<br /> . . � � ..,. .. . ---
<br /> // ,� - . -__�._...
<br /> __.._ ...__. __.. ._' .. - _ . ___..__ .._.__. . ._
<br /> ...._.___ .'_ -_
<br /> � .. .� ' . • .• . '. . .. ,??��- '.
<br /> � • . � .�
<br /> . � �
<br /> � ' p� AN ar patt of 1hm �perty� aa +� b�n�lfold Int�tNt In •hvst awminp �II or put of th� Propaty, ts �o(d a ,
<br /> • �rtherwi�a 4ranctared(other th�n by d�rine nr des;.�nt)by tho Barrownr,and
<br /> (N)ih�PnrpKly I�nat oocup{M dy tl►e purch�iK a qnntM as hi�ar h�r pilncipsi rMldmra, at th�p+Yrnh�s�r a
<br /> p�ntM tli� so oaa�py Ih� PropMty. but hk a hK aNft hw not b�at approv�d In �coatf�►a wkh th�� .
<br /> r�qulr«nmb ot ttN Li/astey.
<br /> (a) No w�iwr. N ai�aunMpria�000w ttMt would PwmK L�nda to t�quln knnNdl�t� P�Ym�nt in tuN� b�,t Lm�Nr'!�'
<br /> � do�;+ot nquin woh parrmt�,L�nd�e�not v�rvtv�N�dphb wkh mp�ot to subs�qu�nt wrnt�. '
<br /> - ---�----__-� (ti� q�u4iiiiota� fi? W�li� S�ai....aiii�. I�i ����y c:+cu���nca r�nna hsued tsy tha 8etn�!��y tr!M Nmft . .
<br /> lmd�� rfphto.b tt��ou�ot�ynNM dMa�At�� to nyWr� kixn�t�P�Y�t fn Np Nnd tandoa k na!pdd.ThN M
<br /> S�xNy(rutrum�nt do�a �ot authafze aeo�Mntlor�or tonoiosun N no1 p�nnkbd by rpuMiUonf ot th�8�a+rhry.
<br /> (�) Mortp� Na! tnlwr�d. Borroww �prw!Md�l�ould 1ht� Sranity Intbuntont md th�Nart�uand thrr�by
<br /> °'. nat b� M{�IbN ta inwnna und�r th�NdNond Hasinp Ant wkhin 90_d�,,, irom th� d�te henol, —
<br /> _ LansNr m�y, af its opyon�r►d notwkhst�ndhp anythlny In p�raynPh 9, nquln immedMt�paym�nt in tu1.a1 aA wm�� --
<br /> ascured by thie 3eairity�nst�u�rwnt A wdtt�n sfatamnt of my RuthorWd ap�nt ot th�S�m�y► d�ted eubs�qwnl�»
<br /> — to 90_d� irom M� dat� hrreof, dsoNnhp to insan thit 8�a�tily Inatrumrtt and th� Note �eourod
<br /> th�nby, sh+�l{ b� d�em�d conduaNs proot of such ineNyfbitlty. NotwilhsUndinp the torpoinp, thie optbn m�y nat be
<br /> ^� exerdasd by Lmde►when the unrv�bNiry of fnaurencs is aolely du�to l�nda's feWu�to nmlt�matp�Qe insurance
<br />�� pradum to ths S«xe�bu�/.
<br /> '10. Ei�in�truDt.Bortower h�s�rfQht to bs retrtstated N(.ender has requked 6nmed�ts p�ymK►t In NY becauae of
<br />`�,�' gortoww'e t�ilun to pay �n �mount du� unde►ths Nots or this 3acurityy inadumen� Thia dpht appli�s ewn atter toradoauro
<br /> �+eee�gs er� Ir�atKutad. To renstnte tAe 8se;urfty N�ment, Bortowr eh�N tender In e lurnp eum aN amour�a roqufred to ,
<br /> b�p Borcorrr's acaount cuireM inctudtna, to the extent they �ro obNpaUons of 8orrower urtdw thia Sewrky Inatrument. _
<br /> toroctoaurs cosia and rewonablo and custonwy momaya' fees and expenses Propaly aanodated w1tN the torodoauro
<br /> proceeding. Upon rdnatatemeM by 8o�rower,thta Securily Inatrument and the obligetlona thet tt eecures ahsR remain k► efleet as _—_
<br /> it tende►hid not roquked knmedi�te paymant in 1uN. Hawer�. Lender�a not required to permit rekiatatanent H: m Lender has
<br /> �cecepted rolnatatemerrt attar the commencement ot taradoauro proeeedtnge wfthin two yeers tmmedtately precedin8 tAe ---
<br /> c�mmencement ot a currot►t toredoauro proceedinp, (�retnotatamerrt wID prechtdo foredosure on dHfaent grounda in tha future, -
<br /> ��ar pl�roMatatanant wiN adveroey af(eat ths pdodty ot the Ilen aroated by thia 3eourly+Inatrument -_
<br /> , 71. Borrawer Not R�1��d; Forbsir�ncs By Lend�r Not� WWv�r.Extenalon of the tNne of payment or �-._.
<br /> moditlaUon ot amortlzaUon oi the aums aeoured by thla 3eeurtty Inatrument yrar►ted by Lender to arry succeaaor In interaat of _�=
<br /> tr;; Bortower aheN�ot oparte to releiae the JlabNry of the odginal 8orrower ar 6otrowers eueeessor In int� Lmder shaU not be �._
<br /> requirod to commence proceedtnpa ageN�s1 sny suacesaor tn itdorest or retusa to extend time for payment or otheiwtse modHy
<br /> ' y amot�ot� of ihe sume eibbuidri Ly t�ii� Sa�tttityi Insisssrtiatt bY sE�o►t n! �!y �!!�mand made by the ortghd eorrowe► or C�',-..
<br /> '', 6ortower's suoceseora in (nteroat. My to�bearor►ae by lender In exerdstng any dght or remedyr shaM not be e waiver of or � _._.
<br /> pr�edude the exerdae ot ar►y dght or remedy. �-..,.
<br /> 12. Sucaessors and Aaslgns Bouad; J�Ic�1! and 8�vsr�i Uabiltty; Co-8lgn�re. The covenants and ��.��
<br /> agdeenronbs ot thta Securtty tnstn�ment ehaQ bfnd end benetil the successoro end asaigns ot Lende�and BoROwet,subJect to the ;e,,,:
<br /> � �s.aktti" � pmvtalona ot Paragraph 8.b.9omawer's covenants and agreements shaU be joht and eeveral. My Homower who co•signe thia �';�:-�.
<br /> ° `°"�tr' '�;• 3eaudry Inatrument but doea not exeane the Note: (a)is co-signing this Seatrfty InsUument ony to mortgage,grarrt and aonvey = '
<br /> �• � th�t Bonowde InMrost In the Properly under the terma of thia 8ecurNy Matrument; (b) la not personaly obNgated to pay the `?'>
<br /> . x � "�`�r`�, suma secured by thls 3ecurily Inehumert� and (o) agreea thet Lender and any othet Borrower may agree to e�dend, modHy, �
<br /> � '"�0"` taibaer or mAke any aeaommodationa wfth regard to tho terma of this 3ecurtty �nstrument or the Note wfthout that Borrower's •
<br /> , , `$!.; ,._ .
<br /> „ ;.�i�<, consent .,
<br /> :.',° '�j;�ti��;" 19. NOtICA.My notioe to Bocrower prov�ded tar tn thfa Security Inst►ument ehall De gNen by deiNering ft or by malUng it
<br /> •• by firat ct�ea msfi untess appB�eb�e�aw requkes uae of enother method.The�otice shatl be directed to the Property Address or
<br /> . i .{�..�, '�`= any other address Borrower destgnatea by norioe to Lender. My noUce to Lender shaA be given by flrat Gass maA to Lender's .
<br /> '�T.�`.'"'''"�'.'� oddreae atated herein or ony address Lendet deslgnates by noUce to Bortower. My noUce provtded for in this Secutfty
<br />'�;tc; ;..,.... ,
<br /> ';;�, �1�'•��. • � Instrument shad be deemed to hsva been gNen to Borrower or Lender when gNen as provided in thts peragreph.
<br /> ��j;-�,, ;, '1
<br /> . „ , �?�?�!;.�f� � 74. �ovaming I.aw; Sevorabftfty. This Seaurfly Inebument shaU be govemed by Federnl Ww end the Iaw of the •
<br /> `�` ' �" � 't��'�"��1i' . udsdiatlon tn which the Propeeiy fa located. In tho event that any provlsion or eiause o t t h t s S e c uriry InsUumern or the Note
<br /> ,ti..,._.,..,; J
<br /> � �."�a:�:• ' co�licte wfth t(tpUcable law,sueh conflict ehali not etleat ot her prov is lons o f t h i s Seau r i t y InstrumeM or the Note whieh can be
<br /> gtven effett wtthout the caalqoting proviston.To Nis end the provistons of this Securtiy Instrument end the Note are deeleted to �
<br /> " •..�s;°s;:;�.�, be aeverebte. '
<br />,v,. ..�., .
<br /> �.; r',:'�,:; '•i,, 15. BOrt'Qw�r's COpy.Borrower shall be gNen one contortned copy ot thls 3ecurUy InsUUment. °
<br /> �• � 18. A881 nment of Rents. Bonower unaondiUonalry asstgns and tranafers to Lender all the rents and revenues of the
<br /> ��� .,z- ��•;;' .. �' Properly. 9ortower authorizes Lender or Lender's agents to coitect the rents and revenues and heteby directa esoh tenant of the
<br /> ��rw�•�-����•'�• PropeAy to pay tha rents to lender or LendePs agents. However, prior to Lender's ootice to Bortower ot Bortower's breseh ot ,
<br /> - � Y:�.:". ..
<br /> :'`-�°'� �� any covenant or agreement in the 3eaurtty Instrument Bortower ehail colluat end receNe all reMa end revenues ot the Properiy
<br /> . . ...,.....
<br /> � ' ,�:+,'.;;"- � ae hustae tor the benei[t ot Lender and 8orcower. This esstgnment of rents consUtutes an absotuta assignment and not an
<br /> : ;�;� , , ��f; asstgnment tor additlonal securtty only.
<br /> It Lert�gNes notioe of breach to 0onowcr. (e)ail rente recelved by Borrower sheG be hetd by 8ortower as huatee tor
<br /> '�'''-' " • � benefit ot Lender onty.to he apptled to tha aums aeaured by the Securily Inatrument; (b) Lendor shall be enUtled to coqeot and
<br /> ' :�'w.:,•t,i'-:�-�� racelve all ot tAe renta of 4Ao Property; and (c) eaeh tenant of the Propart�►ahen pay aq teMs due and unpald to Lendar or
<br /> "`'�``���'`' Lendm'a ngent on LendePs wrltten demend to the 2eneM. � •
<br /> ,.,;..�.. . _
<br /> =;��•'• • Bortawar has not enecutecl arry pdor asslgnmer�t oi the renta and has not and wYl not pertortn any aat that would prevent I
<br />- ,��__.���, . _ Lenda tram mcerelaU�g tts rfgMs under thle Paragraph 18. I
<br /> "` '� � Lcnder she11 not ba requ�ed to entar upon,take conVoi o!or melntain the Properly botoro or aftor giving noUee of breaoh to
<br /> ..
<br /> . ,. I .
<br /> '' +�.•. • • _.... .r..e..nf anv fimo thero la o hrmeh. Anv anallr2Unn C1 M11ffi
<br />._ _ -- V-'-„-_`_ ,`_-- - CfORCY1CT. tTOwHOei• i.anacr iii a N�! RV!^^���w �ovo..a ....� ���- -., _.._ ..._._ _ . .. ------
<br /> .��; �;;,;k;� .�..:;�:�. sAe1i not cure or walve any default or invalidate any other rfgM or remedy o1 Lender. Thla asslgnment ot�e,nts of the Property
<br /> - 1 :�.��:.,.,.: -�::. . ahatl terminate whon the debt seoured by the Seour[ty InaUUmont Is pcild In futl. �•,
<br />_ •:�.��`- ;�.;-�-�'� , 17. Forectowra Proc�dure. If Londe�requlros Immsdlato paym�n! in tutt under Paregraph 9. ; .
<br /> ��=�"'=�"'��=�;��� t.sndsr m invoko ths powar of s�io Knd aml other remedies parmitted by appiteable taw.
<br /> . • ,�:,..•; ;;.��.u,:. . a!I
<br /> � � . Lsnd�r ahati b� �ntitled to cotl�at all exponws inourred in puraui�g the remedies provtded in
<br /> � ,;,'°:t��,'•:�'�' thfs parograph 1i, tnaluding� but not Ilmited to. �easonable attorneys' fees and costs ot title
<br />�, .�::� � evtd�nc�. �
<br />, n '.;.�;.�.'•� .�:.v ,
<br /> t'.::` '.�F: I
<br /> �
<br />. ,:. �'�� .
<br /> .. F381aI.M3 c4/9y Pago 3 ot a
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