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<br /> ,DYAt1A L: LEE, A Ur�a��led 4��1dotMo . , ° ��
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<br /> . � : .harein aaU�ad tl��+�4r�xtt��,w�a.i�tfratCnou�or a�ars, .,
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<br /> imeo��.tioAO!�� �orty Seven 'Chousand and no/1¢#Q-•----------------{k�!.U(dQ�;pprj��"�ollars !
<br /> raaiVed itom g�aatea,does Brunt,b+rBda aell eonver at�aon�rm anto . ,
<br /> E,�9ERY L. 5CHILOWSKY and SHERYL L. SCFtILOWSxY � ''��
<br /> ��y:.
<br /> u]oint tenwh with right o!aurrivorahip,:tnd nut as ten�aate in aoaunon, the toIIa�:�datexibps��.�D�P�K!'�
<br /> HALL ���'� . HEBRASKA , , �
<br /> �.ot 4G, tindersc� Seco,�d Subdi��ision, f,ity`�of Grand Island, Ha�ll, ,Gnun,f,�t_��N�a�aska.
<br /> • .
<br /> .,:. ,
<br /> j , To hsve and to hold tbe above desaribed premiea$Eoge£her wiir�r.a33.Eeneunisti#a, ha�a�ita�`w�sutd g� ° °
<br /> I tensnca theseto belonging vnW the grsnteea and to thek aseigne, or to tho hoir�s.eud atdgns oi tds iarvivox ai
<br /> them iore�rer. � ,
<br /> 14ti�4 grantor doea hereby aovensnt with the grar�tees+�,nd witlt thsir asatgna��'fi�t1�tbe heirs and sst�ga�i'.�
<br /> ot the aurvivor o!them thst grantor is la�vfuU,p seiaed of sai8�remises=that thsy�r3 Savea from enonmbranee ;;;' �
<br /> excepting easem�ntS aad restrictions of r�cord
<br /> thst granta�x;�aaa good right and lawful authorIty to convey the same s nnd t}imt�Qcautar ivarrants and will delend
<br /> the title ta e�ad premiees againat the lawfnl vlsims of aU persona�vhomsoever..
<br /> It��fihe intentioa oi ell parties hereto tha�in the eveat of the death of ejther mS t�e granteea�the eadre -
<br /> �ee simgl9•'ta'tie to the real patate shall vest in the survfving grantae. __._
<br /> Dated � . :D- �Z 19 Q� ro�-�
<br /> •� .�. . �...�_...................... .................................................. �`�:�s�
<br /> . 'LG''t':s•`• �.M
<br /> DIANA L. LEE ( E[�
<br /> •�������������.���������������1�����������.��.��.. •����������... ...��.��.��������1�����������������• I F'±�M.
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<br /> STAT.$OF...�IEBRASKPI....._».... On th�......_..a.sa�.....day of......,�tact.Y......................................t9...�.5�,be(ore ;
<br /> , .::.
<br /> HALL sf�
<br /> ,....».............»............».».......Cai�ty me, tfie andersigncd a Nota�y Pir,E�wr, dnly co�nrnusioned amd qaalified for ' :_�•
<br /> in said viunty. pe,amro�ty ca�»e...Q�ANA..1......l.E�....................................................... ^r•�
<br /> . ,�t:
<br /> I ����.�!q ............................................................................................................................. ........... �:•
<br /> iI�EL,�fil6y�piMA�� .......................................................................................................................... .. . �:�
<br /> t�t�dxmn.Exn to�r�e Jrnoevn to Se Nre identical perao�or perso»a whoae �same is os»ames aro �
<br /> �{SBAL) a8'ixed to fhe foregoing insEru�ne�e aaed aek»ateladgc� dl:e Jxecr�tion tlrer�of to be `
<br /> ' his,her or tlieir voJ�»tary act ond deed.
<br /> Witrrsss rny liand and Notasiad SaaJ the day a»d yeas last above written.
<br /> .��: ,l.�3�'�1�alloktsy Public �
<br /> . - -
<br /> � M Co»>�nsaswn expivoa thc..�.� doy of....��'t�R.�� �� �
<br /> y .w.. . .. ...................._.., t9... ..
<br /> STATPI OF.............................:�
<br /> Connty ................................ �
<br /> �ntared on nnmerieal ind� end fited for reoosd ia the Ragister of Deedm�Oi�ae oi eafd ConnLy the
<br /> ............dsy oi......................19......�at...........o'olor�C and...........minntw ...........�[.� .
<br /> aad reeosded ia Boo�....................oi....................sE pago.................
<br /> ................................................. �
<br /> Reg.of Deab
<br /> By.......................................Deputy ,�
<br />_ ___ , — - ��:-_____�:._.-_: __--•._____._._._�_�____._..__.__._.�_._ � -
<br />- �f 1 _ - � ��
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