n,�.�"� . . ';� �." - -n. tii�#�%i� 1/:�y/ {d��F�''�" � iii ,.il,- ,' �'� 7 ., (r�:�, fE
<br /> 'i ,li.'l� ' � ,� � t,.•�}.5,.:`.,� � i i � . �'
<br /> ,
<br /> 1+ _,.. �,,�'�:• {.,.fr•� ; ,_,.�,;,1'�rr��;;;,:;, . ,•,• • ,: , , j�_
<br /> _ � , "+;� d�,i.'i'>f t,�111;'t. r , - ' �
<br /> •�', I i r ci�i�;;,'i '.'G e �w+..!..• fr.,..;n � ___ _ ..
<br /> .__� . ,, .. _ _�__ '�lY�W{�ail.�'�'G� =..._ . . .._. �
<br /> ..—. .. . __.�u_^'_. .
<br /> _. _"—__.^" __'_ . .__'r-�,�-R•.-.+�---�-ti-�. - . . .__.._..
<br /> _._'".. . _...__ _... . .... .... . . . ..
<br /> �� � •
<br /> - ---- m; ";'��;p R• �' 10�4�=g, .
<br /> �..
<br /> - tska►ot d�m�p�d,L,�nda shdi hsv�th�option in Its sol��nd�b�olut�dl�oretian,t9��pty�II auci�Proa�d�.eftci�dndur.tinp thordlrom
<br /> sH aoNb a+d�xp�nsw hwrrod by k in oonn�otlon whh ruoh Prooad�,upan�ny ind�t�ln�a Mound h�reNyand in wnh ard�r�r
<br /> — t,�nda m�y drt�rrrcin�.or ta�pviy�11 woh P�roo»d�.Ntw woA dadua4fartn,to th�rNtor�tlon oi tb�Prop�ny upon M�ah oondkion�a�
<br /> :_ - landa mq d�urminr.My ppNo�tion of Ro�d�to NdN►t�dn��ftnll,eat�xbrtd or postpon� th� du�d�t�o!eny P�V+ea+t�un4sr
<br /> _ ��,�� eh�Not�,ar aun�ny ddwk th�nundK or henundM.My uekppli�d t�indn d+�M.be peid to Tro�tor. .
<br /> • � 8.lMlane�a�b�►landr. Upon t��oaausnna�ot�n Evant ot Dof�utt ha�unda, or(f �ny �at b td;en ar I�nl praewdinp
<br /> --= oommwnad whEoh m�tW W�►atf�at�L�nd�'�intK�at In tk�Prop�ty,LMidw m�y h tt�own dba�tbn.but without ohllp�tion to do w, -
<br /> . a
<br /> ��, �ml without notia to o�dwn�+d upon T�uKw and wHhaut��winp TmnMr irom�►abliprtion.do�ny�ot wfiloh Teuttor hM�ptMd
<br /> ,, � but ioii�to do and m�y�Iw do r�y othK�ot h AMen�n�w1►to Dmtsot th�Maurity hK�of.Tn+Nos�hdi,immedl�tdy upon d«nr►d
<br /> th�ntor by Lmdor,p�y to iu�d�r�N oortt and exp�n�Inaumd artd�cme�xpsedid b�►L�nd�r h oonn�otlon wilh tin tx�teiN bY
<br /> ` ; I.�ndt�ot M�torpolno ripht�,topMh�►whh intwNt eh�nois �t thr def�uit rat� provfdM in tM Not�,whlob�tt�ll b��dd�d to th� _
<br /> ,, k►d�btsdnMt Naund kw�by LandM d+�ll not Inour�ny N�bNiiy bwwN ot�nyUtinp it mp de or oenh to do b��undN.
<br /> t'." ,.� 9.iwarMw MaM�MiM.Teuato��h�ll kMp th�Ip►o�ty M oompW�ne�with�M spyliwbb I�vw.o;d3nM+aM�nd�pul�tions�Natinp to
<br /> �:• �.0 MtduKrld hypi�n�or�nvlramnw+td protwtion iooll�otiv�ty ainnd to h�r�in a °Envlronr►��ntd I.qw�").Ttuotot sf�ctl ksop tho PropeMy �-
<br /> ..- s
<br /> • ��,��s��+� trw ban�!I wb�t�teN dswn�d to!�hu�rdau�or toxb und�r�ny Enviranmr+ntat I.�w�(aoll�otiudy ntwrrd to ha�ie�M"Haudous
<br /> � �; ,,...,..i. ' . Tni�tor
<br /> '�J�;';;„;.:,E. , MitKiaM 1.Tru�tor hK�by warr�nt��nd rprwnt�to L�ndw tARt tMsn�n no H�i�rdou�M�t�rUl on ar unE�r th�PtopMy.
<br /> h�nby�qr�to ind�ennlly�nd hold h�rml�t�ndN. (t�dlr�aton,oHto�a,�enptoy�n�nd�p�t:, GiG Si'lY WR�n to land�r'�
<br /> ��•}y��f ` ��'�� int�rwt,f�om and p�h�t �ny�nd�N N�Im�,drnpN,losw��nd IleblllUu��rt�inp h aonn�ntion witfi th� prKana�,uN,dbpos�or
<br /> t R 5:;.,.�• . u
<br /> „?a:': :' �.,,,..•,:
<br /> �;.� ,_. tr�nqoR of�ny H�u►dou�MatNhb on,undM.from or�bout ehn Ptap�tty.THE FORE30IN0 WARRANTIEB ANA HTsPREBENTAT10N8,
<br /> ;;',t;�{.',,��;.�,''� AND TRUSTOl1's OdU0ATi0Pls PIJ88UANT TO TH@ Ftk�G01N�d INDHM(�tiTY.SHALI.BURVIYE RECONV�YAN�OR THIB OEED OF
<br /> -= " °;... 1111JST.
<br /> �;-;�.' +:�' � :�s, �y 1 O.A�pr�nt et tie�►t�.Y�ustar h�nby udpns to t�ndor the r�nt�,i�wra md profit�of th�Fwpatyt N�ovWed that Ta�tar cfiall, -
<br /> . y. untR tM 000umno�of�n Ev�nt of Dd�uB h�twmda,bduo the dpht to aoi�eot and ntab�uah nnt�.is�ue�and Rtoilh a�d+eY b�aom�
<br /> � • du��nd paryabl�.Upon th�oeourr�no�ot�n Ewnt ofi Oofoult.I.�nde►may.�(th�r h p�non o►by�ent,witM or,wHhout brinpin0 a�+y
<br /> �• sotlon or pro¢�edhp,or by�ne�ivK�ppobt�d bY e eautt�nd withaut np�rd to th�ad�qutey ot it��eautlty� ontot upoa and t�ke ;�,
<br /> • � po�ion of th�Propwty,or�ny p�vt th�reot, In its own nem�or N►th�n�n�of th�TruatN, and do a+y aots whioh it d�m
<br /> � ' n�c�wry or dMinbb to pr�nrv�th�vaW�,m�rk�tsbiptV or rontab(Iity ot th�Prop�Ry,or any part thereof or intmest th�rein.IncrNN =_
<br /> . .. , th�kteom�th�r�f�om or protsot th�woudtlt h�not atd.with or wkhout t�ktrtp poswaion of ths Propsrty.oue tor or othervriu coll�ot ---
<br /> ' � th�nnt�,iuua�nd ptofit�th�taof,holudinp thoq past duo�nd unpatd,and�pply th��am�,tea aesc•r+d expenon of ope�nion.nd
<br /> �� aoit�ctioe hotudhp attomeya't�,upon�ny ind�btedneu seourod heraby.all in woh ordsr e�Lander mp dotem+fno.Ths anta�tnp upon
<br /> �nd t�khp possMtion of ths Propsrty, th�aoilntion of aoh►ent�,laaues end profit��nd the applioatlon thoraoi aa oforo�eid,�haU not =_
<br /> ' wn or w�fin�ny d�tntk or notios ot d�fauk h�reunder or Invaiidot�any aat done in retponse to suoh detault or putouent to a+cfi notic�
<br /> . of d�fauR�nd;notwith�t�ndhp the continu�o�En possosdon of the Property or the colisotioa.roceipt and eppiloetton of ront�.tau�s or .,
<br /> �� profit�,�nE T�ustN�nd Lw�dK�hall br antitld to exeroiRS every dpht provided tor in�ny o}the Loen Inetn+manto or by t�w upon - __
<br /> - �c- , " � �a!tny£vess!o!Qel�u!!,trtaktdbt��khfxs!llttt(Lat4est the ilpht!a a�ser�aa!!ts�wer�t �b.Furth�,Lander'�dght4 and
<br /> �� � ' nmMiw undN thi� puapnph �hall b� aumuirtt�o with, and in no wsy a timit�ttoa or. I.ender'a dphto end mm�die� undst �ny -
<br /> " saipnm�nt of IoasN�nd rints r�cordsd�painat tho Property.Landm.Tru�t�e and ths�eaebsr shdl be Il�bla to oaaount onhr for thoa -
<br /> ., renb aotuaUy�ecsivsd. ..
<br /> 11.6v�b ot D�t�utt.Th�followinp�Natl conotitute an Evant ot De}�ult undet thi�Oeed ot Trun: �� —
<br /> • (d Failun to pay�ny instatiment of prEnoipel or intere�t of any othe�wm tseured heroby when dueJ �`;::.__
<br /> (b)A bnaeh o! or d�fault unQer any provFoton oontwined in the Note,thb Oeed of Truat,any ot the Lo�n Inst�uments,or ony �-'�'=
<br /> '''��'�� othK ti�n or ancumbronos upon th�Ptopertyt Y"�'
<br /> ;_i,..
<br /> �.:�;. � ;�.•� (o)A wr(t of ex�oution ot att�ahment or any�imil�r prooen�hsit 6e esu�rad ap�inst Tru�tor whloh ehell b000me a Ilen on the
<br /> • Prop�rty or�ny poKion th�t�of or i»t�mt thoreinc • .
<br /> � •''� id)Thea�hall i»tll�d by or�gafnot Tn��tat or Borcowar an eotion under any present or future fndoroi,otato or othor rtptue,Iaw
<br /> �;;t;. .
<br /> � �.;,,,_; o�npuletibn nhtinp to b�nkruptay, IneoMortay or other �eliet tor debton;or there �hall bo eppo3nted ony ttustoe, tanehFOr or
<br /> :r.,l.:;•�. IlquidaTat of Tntstat or 8orrowu or of alt ar�ny paK of the Porperty,or the�ant�,laues or profks thereof,or Ttuotor or Borrow�r
<br /> .' , �hall m�k��ny p�nanl aslynma�t for tho benetit of orodkon;
<br /> ' �. (a)Th��N,tand�r,lww,auianmant,oonvvyanoe or further enoumbranae of�II or�ny pert of or any intorost in ths Piroperty,
<br /> " �ither vok+ntarily or tnvoluntsrity,wkhout the expreas written conaent of Lender;provfded thst Truator ohell bo pormitted to executo
<br /> , ;.�;.�j •teats of th�Ptopttty th�t doh not aontnin en aptlon to puroha�e�nd tho tamn ot which does not oxoeed ono yonr;
<br /> :;;,;;;: If) Ab�ndorunaet of the Ropmty;or
<br /> •• (p)If Trustor i�not�n individuai,tho iewunas, als,tren�ter,assi9nmant, eonvsyencs or eneumbranco oi moro thon a totei
<br /> . of ��� M��t of tif a eorporetionl ito ftwed ane outatendinq stook or(if e partnership)a totel o} �J/A peroent of
<br /> p�rtnsnhip Intsrosts durinp ths pedod thfo Ceed of Truet romaim a Ilet►on the P►operty.
<br /> � � 1�,R�teMdiMs Aao�Mtatbn Upoe��t�uR.in tha event of any Event ot Detauh Lender mciy,wlthout notfao oxeopt ne taqulred by tow,
<br /> �:�;�� deol�r�elf Ind�bt�dnep s�wnd hsreby to be duo and poyablo and the umo sheil thereupon become duo and payobie wk�out any
<br /> '�:;�� pro�dnont,detnand,protstt or�otloe ot eny kind.Thaeaftar Le�der mey:
<br /> � � (e}O�m�nd that Trurtee ezeroite the POW&R OF SAl.E yrented herein, ond Trustee �hell theroattor onuao Truator'o intere�t
<br /> ' In th�Ropsriy to be wW�nd ths prooeado to bo dlatributed,ell In the mennar provided in the heb�esks Truoc Doede Aot;
<br /> (b)Exaei�s any and e�l ripht� providod for In eny of the Loan inetrument� or by Isw upon 000uronoo of uny Event ot
<br /> Default:�nd
<br /> to1 Commw+o� �n�otion to foreolose thia Doed of Tn+st ae a moRpepe, eppofnt e reodver,or�pooHloaily onforce eny ot the
<br /> i '� ' aovenants hereof.
<br /> �� No rsmbdy hsr�ln ooni�rred upon or roserved to Truotoe or Lendar is fntanded to be exolusive of eny othor romody horein, tn the Loan
<br /> � , Instnamont�or by t�w provldad o►pemnked,but eaah shei�be oumuietive,ehell be In addition to every othor ranody ghren hereunder,in
<br /> ths Lom inneament�or now or hereefter oxistinp st lew or in equhy or by�t�tute.and m�y be exerniaed oonourrontly,fndepondontty or
<br /> , � wcoeuhraly.
<br /> , . 13. Teu�M.The Tnutee m�y re�ipn st eny ttmo without aeuee,end Lender mey at any ttme md wNhout oauoo appoint e euaaessor
<br /> . M
<br /> . � �« • or wbnhut�TrustN.Trv�tn�1+a1!not be 1(sble ta sny pnrty,inoludinp wiMout Iimitetion Lender.Borrowor. Truutor or uny purcha4er of
<br /> t .. . ths Prop�rty, tor any los�ot dentape uniws due to rookiuts or wllNul m(�oonduat,and �hstl not be roquirod to toko eny eation i�
<br /> eoev�eottoa wkh th�entoreanant ot this Ceed ot Tniet unlaye indemni4led,in writtnp,for all aoet�,compmeation or oxponees which may
<br /> `� • ' bs�ssoofated thuowkh. In addkior►,Ttunoe rnsy beoomo e qurohnocr et m+y eele of the Property (judlolal or undor tho powor ot ecle
<br /> + � pr�nted h�ntn);postpon�ths�tl�ot�q or any pontan of tho Ptoperty,ao provEded by Iuw;or seit tho Proporty co u wholo,or in eoporeto
<br /> . . ., pareel�or lot��t Teu�tee'�dlsoretion.
<br /> ' ��� �• •• r���c t�u.�....��T...��rtL.N..�-------�-1...�..�...L...f....u�..../�d� Tm�t��hatl 6n m�tlttnd to annN nnv enle �
<br /> - -__°
<br />