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�; �t ` .��" ,4` � ' II ,.....:. . . <br /> .� ��i �� ,.`M _, F ��,.,� • ,.� .. <br />_ . ''�,;.-.k,s.�r.� •r q , <br /> � ' •�x�� •���—'- ----•—� --' ._ <br /> � ` ` �- � ....� _.--„ .....,. _�. .. .._.. -.------ ....,,-- — _..._. <br /> 4 � rt <br /> . .k,n�Q. _-; [ <br /> , � <br /> �-- -�^sa.►�YC�`-- _.' -- - ---- — <br /> � - i_ �."'�,��n A � . <br />_ ,:��:�a , . g°�'"�.�.1�4!•i�� <br /> '•%l�'i{`i r. <br /> = UNI�OAM COYENANTB. Borraww and L�rtder covenant�nd�gra�tc foNowa: <br /> 1. Paym�nt of F�rinclpal �nd int�rsft; Pr�paym�nt �nd Latr Chu�A. 8ortow�t ah�M ptomptM WY������ <br /> pdrteipat o1 and intenst on th�d�bt evidmc�d by th�Nob and+�ny pnpaymant�nd tat�cAarpas du�urtd�r th�Note. <br /> -- Z. �urfd�for Tax�s and Insur�na�. sub�sct to appNc�b�.aw or to�w�tnn watver by�r.eorraw�stu�pay to G«idw o0 <br /> � ��.'" ° `'""'�" tho day manihy paymcnia oru duo undcr tha Ncto,untN the RAt�Is psid In WN,e eum('�urtde•)tar:(�)Y�lI�a�d a�zestmente which , <br /> �. � may� pdorily ove►th�s 8tcu�ity Inttn�m�nt u a N�►on th� P�opNty;(b)yMrly NuN�old paymmts or�ratnd rent�oe th�Propwty, <br /> ' �•�z^ H nny; (o) YMrly luurd ot propary tnsur�ncs pra�iuma; (�Ye�rty Ilood Inaunriat pr�rNum�.H any;(�)y�uly mon��InaraR*a►pr�rniuma, <br /> ''•I•..,;'�,,.:�: <br /> .���;,� ,�+^r'` (1 nny;and(fj any aums pfyibts by 8orrowar to le��dar,in aneardmce whfi the provtatons of pangreph 8,tn Neu of th�paymsnt a1 mortpq9� <br /> 7,'•}"���.,,��;:`; `'t.�,�• inau�nce premiums, Thass it�ns aro called"Eaerow Itama•. Lendar nuy,at any time,aopect and hold Funds tn on�mouM not to�ceNd <br /> � d.�.. - �s�}� <br /> �'���;,��;;' '� ths maximum�m�unt a lendx tor a tederdy rcleted mortgaQe lo�n rr�y requi�Sa Borrower'a esua�r aceourit under tho fadKat Real <br /> • '� Estate 3�Yitem�i Procedure�Act of t974 es dmended from tkne to Ume,12 U.B.C.�28b1 et seq. ('RE8PA'),unlesa another law thtt appEics to _ <br /> M :;d;'�'^';.:�..�, , ; <br /> " E:�;t�L;{±�w�� the Funds sete s le�ser amount. If eo, l.�der rtu� any time,cotlact and hold Funds tn an emount not to exeeed th�Ns�er m�ounw Landr <br />�� �°{ ``��'��%' •' rtwy eatlmate ths amouM of Funds dus on the b�ISia of current deU and reaeonabte eatknutes o!expa�dibires of tuWro Esaow Items a othsrwise <br />- ' Y��S�E '�u".'}1<t�., ; <br /> � .����:.:_�-���rn In•xaaordemae wlth eppllcabis law. <br /> 1`lr ' ,. -;�(��.�;�:� <br /> ��'�� Tha Funda nhall be hdd(n an InsUtuUon whoae deposits aro Nsu►ed by a tederal agency.InstrumentaNty,or entfly Qnctudn9 lenda H lendw <br /> :���,�.. <br /> � '�.��.'}���::�ti�'. " la suoh an InetituUon)or in any Fedaal Home Lo�n Banbc. Lender ehfli appy the Funds to pay the Escrow Itans. Lender may not ehupe <br /> . '�'��`�I*"��;�d:. _ the Funda,�nnuairy an the esaow accouM or verilyinp th�Esaow Items,unleaa Lander P�Ys Bo�mwK <br /> • ' _,_�?�... Borrower tor hoidinp and ePPM�O �8 <br /> ,ti;� ��'- . �� �;;�;. tntarest on tAe�unda and�ppNoabfe law pertntta Lendr�.to make suai�a charQe. Hawsvsr,icrtd;r msy reqssiro Bomo+rrer to pr,y e�nstirne ahuga . <br /> °2�' tor an Independant roai estats tax reportinp eervica uaed by Lenda in connecHoo with thls loan. unlesa appiicable kw provtdes otherwla�. Unteaa <br /> '�r ��.���� -Y'r!._ an agraement la made or applieabte law requires IMerest to be paid,Lender shad not be required to pay Bocrower any IMemst or eaminOs on ths <br /> , ,_, ,.,,,;k,.,,� Funde. Bortower and Lender m�y agrea in writing,however,that 6derest sheli be paid on the Funda. Lender ehali glve to Batrower,withoul <br /> . '"�:�' ahuge,an annuni accounUng of tha Funds shawing aedits end debitb to the Funds and the purpoae tor whkh e�ah deblt to ths Funds <br /> . , t.: .} was mcdv. The Funds nre piedged as addidonat secu�ity br ali sums eecured by thls Seatrtty Instrument <br /> !+'�• � it the Funda h�td by Lender exeeed the amounta permitted to be hetd by appUcable Iaw.Lende ehtY exount to Borrowor tor the exceaa � <br /> , • � Funda in aacacdance with tho requtrements of applica61e law. If tAe amount of the Funda hald by Lenda at ar�y Ume is not sulDal�t to pay the <br /> � .° Eacrow Item�when due,Ler►der may so notHy Borrower in wdting,end,in suoh casa 8orrower ahall pay ta Lender the emount necesaary to meks <br /> • .. up the deRciency. Bonower sheli make up the deflciency in no more then twelve monthy paymerrte,at Lendera sole dlacMion. <br /> ' �••h• Upon payment in tuU ot aIi sums secured by thie 9oeudty I�strument,L�nder shafl promptly rehmd to Borrower eny Funda hdd by Lertder. It <br />-- _ - - �'� ' � ��n�a�ia o1 the eheU appN any Funda hdd <br /> �{ under pnragreph�i,Can�ei biwA ai�uira ar ss6 ths S'topciy�i.�der.�or to!hs ns �P�Y• � <br /> .,, „ ' ' by Lender at the tlme ot acqulsflion or sele as a credit agalnnt the sums secu►ed by this 3eeuriiy Instrumer�t. <br /> 3. Ilppileation af P�+ymeni�. Uniess appAcabie law providea othmwiae,slt paymenta rec�Ned by Lenda under parayrtpfia f and 2 <br /> ' ahail be applled:flrst,to any prepayment aharges due undar the Note;eecond,to amounta payable under pamgraph 2;third,to i�terost due: , . <br /> ,. foudh,to prindpal due;and�ast,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> �� . 4. Ch�rgos; Uona Boaowa� ehap pay atl texes,aenesame�a,ahargea,flnes and ImposWona attrlbutabte to the Properly whteh may <br /> , , : � attetn pdotity over thls Secuiity Instrurttent, snd leasehotd paymems or ground rents,B any. Borrawer ehall pay these obligaticma in the manna <br /> provided In paragraph 2,or R not paid tn that menner,Bortowsr ahap pay them on time direot�t to the person owed payment. Borrower shail <br /> , prompUy tumish to Lender all noUces o}amounta to be paid under this paragraph. It Bonower makes these paymants dineety.BoROwer <br /> sfieA promptly tumisA to Lender�ecdpts evtdendng the paymonte, <br /> Bortower ahalt promptly dls�harge any Iten which has pKority ovor thla SecurUy InsQument unlese BoROwer. (a)agrees In wdW�g to the pay� <br /> •• ';�, ment of the obllgatlon seeured by the Ilen tn a mannar ecceptabte to Lender:(b)contasta In good lelth the Ilen by,or detends egafnat aMorcemant <br /> � of the nen[n,legai proceedings which in the Lenders optnion operete to prevent the entorcement ot the Ilen;or(o)seaures from th�hoider ot th� <br /> tien an agreement satisfaotory to Lender subordlnaUng the Ilen to thb 3ecurNy Instrument It Lender determines that any part ot the Properh►ia <br /> • subjeat to a pen whtoh may attein pdortty over thia Security InsVument,Lender may gMe Bortower a noUae IdenUying the Itan. Borrowx ehafl <br /> •'�?> " � satisfy the lien or ffike one or more of the aaUons aet torth above withtn 10 days ot the giving of no�ce. <br /> :�:i�:i <br /> :,r:y', b. Hez�rd or Property Insurance. Bortower shail keep the improvenients now extating or hereafter ereated on the Propary hsurod <br /> � . againet loss by ftre,hazerds indudsd withtn the teim'extended coverege' and eny other hararda,Induding tlooda or flooding,fot whfeh Lendx <br /> ' requtres insurance. This insurence shell be matMained in the amounta end for the pedods that Lender requlres. The insurence canfer Providtng <br /> . the insurance shall be ehoson by 8orrower aubJect to Lender's epprovel which shali not be un►eseonabty wRhheld. it Borrower faiis W m�lnt�n <br /> . , • coverage deseribed above,Lender mr,yy,at Lender's option,abtain coversge to proteot Lender's dghts In the Prope�ty in aaordance with <br /> , � ;.; ;�,: ' paragreph 7. <br /> � �� • AII Insurence polides and renewais shalt be acceptabie to the Lender and shall include a atandard mortgage dause. Lender ahall have the <br /> ;. ��;; <br /> �°� dgM to hoid the polfeles and renewsls. It lender requtres, Borrower shali promptly gNe to Lender eN �ecetpta of peid prert�ums and rxnewal <br /> �� � noUces. In the event ot Ioss.8ortower shaU give prompt noUce to the insuranee caMer and Lender. Lender may meke proof ot�oas N not mnde <br /> • �.:;. prompty by Borrower. <br /> �`� Unlesa Lender and Bortower otherwlse agrae in ariting,Insurance proceeds shall be appiied to restoraUon or repa�r o!the Ptoperly dama9ed.B <br /> . .� .,,r' , <br /> the restoraUon or repair is economically Ieasibie and Lender's security is not lessened. It the restoratton or repafr fs not eaonomtcally teaalble <br /> or lender's aecudty woutd bo tessened,the insuranee proeeeds ahall be applied to the eums oecured by thls Securtly InsWment,whether or not <br /> � then due,with any excess paid to Borrower. It Bottower abandons the Property,or does not answer wkhln 30 days o noUce irom Lertder thet the . <br /> ineuranee eaMer has oNered to settle a ctakn,then Lender may coqeat the Insuranee proeeeds. Lender may uso tho proeeeda to repair ar reetora <br /> `�' the Property or to pay suma secured by this Securtty�nswment,whethor or not then due. The 30�day parfod wAi begln when the notice is gNen. ° <br /> ' ;,, •,`, .. <br /> �.; .'�,�:.,.�,- Unleas Lendor and Bo�rower otherwiae agroe in writing,eny applicetlon of procoeds to pdndpAl ehali not 6Mend ot poatpone the duo date <br /> ','.;v:f, � ot the monthly payments reterred to In parag�aph 1 and 2 or ehenge the emount ot thv payments. If under paragrapA 21 the Property fa <br /> ' ' "' ' �� _..�..�__�__ n__....��..��u�.......t..d.......��.wllnbn o�d nmr�ada rasuHlna hnm damaa6 to the PropetN p�0�t0 the&Cqu1SIUon <br /> ;,�;:, , ,.. , eay�+i��,.,r���..�,. V VUVOC�....a�,.....».,..._w....--�------ --� --- <br /> i . ; �;;,�;T� shall pasa to Lender to the exlent of the sums aecured by thio Securiry Inetrument Immedlatety prior to tha acquleftlon. <br /> `� ,',=��.�'� � 6. Occupancy, Preservation, Melntenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loan Applicattoir <br /> ' � ����"�� L@888ho1dB. Borrower ehah occupy,estabilsh,and use the Property as 8ortower's princ�pal raslQence with(n alxty days efler the oxecutton o} <br /> `, ; `, ' thls 3ecurity Inatrument and shall conUnue to occupy the Properry as 8orrower's p�incipal residenee tor at teast one year after the date ot _ <br /> l oceupanoy,un�ess lender othervvlse agrees in wrlting,whiah consent ahal�not be unreasonably wfthhetd, or unless extenustlng dreumatances exist <br /> � �� whieh are beyond BoROwer's controi. Bortower shaB not destroy,damage or Impair the Property,allow the Property to deteNotate,or commit <br /> t waste on the?roperty. Borrower ahall be In defauft B any to�felluro eallon or proceeding,whether clvll or crtmtnal,is begun that in Lender's good <br /> �. <br /> ? ., <br /> ! 3o2e�.rrm �ah+) vnao 2 0�a Form 3028 6180 <br /> � <br /> � --- <br /> • ___.-._--� -- ----...,__..•--...___ -----�-���--�'"._...... , <br />