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�. �:?�y�: T�.-� , .:';J''' . " �.. ,�-_ -. _ <br /> _s.� ' . . , _ .,i'' � . ' ... <br /> � „+-.,> __ <br /> _..__. .. . ._. <. ._ _..�.� <br /> ..-�.� � r R • a ra,. o.2ra.av.,..�. ... . . `-� . _-. . _. ' - <br /> r� ' . . �. _..._. ea..,.,.... - .. <br /> �LL -- ___� �: ---- -- ----._ <br /> � �� � !� <br /> -- — ` �. N�r,�rd ar�roperiy Iaeut�ace. I3ortower s1�;a11 koop tho improverr�ente aow o��istin�or���ter��e tai on <br /> �d�'� ' the Pr�g�erty lnnurad��dnet lo�a by firo�ho•r,artix is►ct��ut�d wlttdn ttio tcr�j oxtendesl covcrb e ena ns�y other hazsrdA� <br /> . -- <br /> - incluclin�ilood�or fi�odln�, dr whlr.d I.eador tcziu£szr�ltuu3s.flae.Thte iaeurance eh�11 be msint�fned tn the smounta <br /> �nd for the periuda th�t I.on��r cAq,uices.The Insur�r,�o cardor pmvldiag the iaeurence ah�ll be ahoeeu by Barroxer <br /> eubjnot ta i�entkr'a approv�t�a►�h{ah sht�ll not bo unseur�bly wtthheld.It Sorrower fails ta matntain coverage d�ecs3bed <br /> above,Lendar may,at I.endeir,'�.optian,obtaia oovetRyp to protxt Lendar's d�hte ln tho Propercy►ia�ccordaace wttb <br /> pen� h 7. <br /> �---�t—------ =—� � EGbla to Lead�:r nnd ehRil inalude e etanderd mortgaRe clause. , <br /> A1 Ina�eanca polIctee orurl ra�towAlu chutl be ucc..p - <br /> n <br /> Lendee eh�ll hava the ri t ka hald the potiates an�3+ronow�la It I.enderrequ�iree. Bonower ehell promptly�tve ta <br /> - Lender t�11 roceIptsoi pi�prr�miiante�ad e+enewal noti�ee.In thoovent of 1oae,13orrower shalt give pronnpt aoticc+ta the <br /> � insurtk�x canieir and Len�lar.I:eadar mey make praoi�o�lp�se i�npt tnade promptly by Barrower. <br /> Ualaea La�dor aud&tre��v+or attterwiee egree is►v��iting�it�auraaco proceeda sbnil bo applled to restoratioa orrepur <br /> -- of the Prop6rty damaged,�if�tho restaratlan or tepnir i�ecoa�omipaUy feaelble ead Lender's secisrity ls not leseaned.�f the <br /> 4�� reatoration or repeir ie nnt,ocana�niaelly feasible or I.eatd�r's aom�rlty would be lea�enod,tha tasuranae proceoda ehnll be <br /> ---- applied to the sums oeoutud bp thia 3oour�ty Inatrum�t�v�hvthvr or not than due,wlth eay axcess paid w Barrowcr.If -, <br /> � d <br /> — BorroWar sbradons the Fnope►rty�or dQea not e�swer v.rtthta 30 daye a aotIce trom Lender thnt tho insuraace c�mter 1ias <br />.r: oiferod w eattte a clsim�.thes�I.endar mey colloot tla�insuurarzoe pmca�ds. Leader mey use the proceods to npair�r <br /> reswre the P nr tm pAy aume eeoured by thie Sooudty Instcua►ent�whother or aot thF,n due.The 3Q-dag geriod vrlll <br />_ beglA when the�ce Ia�ivon. — <br /> Unless I,endor and�B�arrawm otherwiee agrae iA vrr�ttng,any applicatioa of prov�dq tv+tprinclPnl eha11 aot extend ac <br /> P�P�ne tha duo daw at tt�e manthlypaymanta reierrod to iA pamgrapha 1 snd.2 rn chai�'ehe amovatt u!tbe payuieat�. _ <br /> If uaderparagraph �'1�t�o Frnparty ie acqolred by Yxa�aivr� Barrower's ri�x 3�as�Y insuraace policies aad procceds -_-_ <br /> e+eauldag irozn dama�o to tite Praperty prtor to thve�qWsltion ahsll psss to Lander to the w�tant oi the sume seatn�ed by -- <br /> this Securtty Iastcurttont�mmedinwly prIor to the eaq�tsitian. __.°= <br /> 6,Occupsnay+.Fces�arvatian,M�iateaaaoe und�Aroteutfoa of tho Property;Ba�s�vwer's Loan Applieation; ���; <br /> �.,m,:: <br /> I.easeholds.Bormcvau shail aaoupy.estebliah.aad us,o th�Property as Bonower's pdaclpai resIdaave Rithin ejxtY daYe ,,,�:._-.;: <br /> attar the�xeautioa,of thie 3eourity Inatrumeat and'shall cont{nua to occupy the Property as Borrax�er's prIactpal �,'` <br /> etieIdeace for at laast ano year after the dato oi ocxupa��tvy�unlass Leader othern�ise agras ia wdtiag,w�tic9�conseat shail ---- <br /> not be uareesoaably withhold.or ualesa extenuntiu8 c;roumst�u�ea ex�st whieh ara bayond Borrower's coatrol.Horcower �_'� <br /> O �A - <br /> shsll aot doatmy;,damagr�or impair tka PropertY,alld��r thv FmpertY w detesIorate.or cammit weste oa the Proporty. �*?�_ <br /> Hormwer sh►ll ba in defnult if say forPeit�re action d�pr000eding,whather civil or begun that in Leadar a �--_ <br /> good taith jud�mont oould t�csult in forfaiture ot ttu�Ftopertp or otherwIse matedally impair the liea created by this ,,�':- <br /> ' • Seaurity lnstrsiment or I.endor's socudty inLer�t.florroarer may cure such a default aad provided ia " <br /> . <br /> - � _ . <br /> puagrapb le;,by�oaudag the aacion or pr0000dim� tv � �Sst�isssd �.�ith a suliag thst. ta I�er's gcMd faith _�_- <br /> determinstion..procludas forieituro af the Borrower'�intoro�t in tAe Property ar other material�mpair:aent of tha liea =___ <br /> created by fJtie 3xurlty Inetrument cur L�eader's eocuuity tntorost.Borrowar ehall also be in default if Horrewer.duriag :�_ <br /> the loan agplica�an proass. gave rnatertally falne or insoaurnte informedon or etetemeate w Len�der (or tailed to �- <br /> provide I,�de�r wtW any matarinl intormation)ia aaamoation with tha loan evidoaced by tha Note,anclmding�but aot ;� <br /> ltmitod to� a'ePre�atatlons cflnoerning Borrawar'�000upanoy oi the Property es a priacipal tesId�aca.�f this Secudty �tt.'" <br /> Iassrumeat�t�on a laasohold,Borrower shall comply with all the proviatons oi tha lease.It Borrowar acquires fee title to �- <br />: tho ProperSy;.tha le�ahold and the fae titleshedl not mta�utttass Lender ag�eas to the inerger ia writiag. �_�:- <br /> 9 <br /> ?. Pr�toctton of Lendor's Rfishts�a the Pro�pmrty.If Borrowor fails w perPon►1 the coveaaats and ageements ��_=� <br /> ooataiaat iit th{a 3ociuitq Instrumeat,or there is a l�gal promoeding that may aigatficaatly afiect I.eudar's rIghts ia the '`�� <br /> property ( a pracaadtag in bac�CruptcY� Probate'. for condemnatioa or fotteiture or to eniorce lawa or �,::;: <br />= nguletion�r).thmi Leader maq do aad pay tor v,hnu�r is nece�sary to protecc�he value oi tha Property aad Leadar's ;�:.± <br /> � n� <br /> dghts in tho Property.Lender's act'soiss may iacludm pnyiag eny sums sxured by a lien whiah has priority over this �. <br /> ,`�'''r Sccwity Ipmtrumant,aPPearing in co�¢.i�ay�ng ronso�ablv attornays'tees and enterlag on the Property to make repaire. ►.Y.,. <br /> . ���, .'� <br /> Aithoughd.�+der muy take action under thiis pfua�raph 7�I.�nder dces not have to do so. '.,.ti,`. <br />- An���emouate diebu�l by Lead�r under thi��aaagreph 7 shall become additional dabt of Borenwer secured by this -- <br /> Securitq Ittactrument.Uateas Borroe��er o.nd Leador a$[oo to other terma of pflyment,these amouats ahaU bear iaterest '�;;Ri��: <br />. .::,. from thocinta of�diabverement at tkao 1Nota rate,ead r�wll be psyable,with intereot.upoa notice irom I.endar w Bormwar <br /> ' "��": requ�tiag paytnon� <br />• 8. 11�.artg�go I�nsur�ace.Ii Lender required m�at�age insurance ea a coadition of making tho loaa secwed by tbis <br /> _ �� SecurIty Ia�ttumoat,Bnnowor ehell pay the premtums required to maiatein tho mortgege insurance ia efiect.If.for nay , <br />.- �J�� �;�`Y�, season+ tha mors�o iasutance ooversge requirod by I.euder lapses or ceases to bo Ia effoct,Borrower shall pay the <br /> ;�ri� - premiumq.roquirod to o�tatn coverage subatantta>Uy eqvlvnlent to the mortgage insureace previously ia a cost <br /> . .`�3;,, substantiolly.equlvalont to the cost to Horrower o{F tAa mortgage insuranx previo�ly ia eifect� irom an altetaste <br /> ,:�','r�'. mortg,ase �nsun+r apprnvod bq Lender. Ii subewnt�ally equfvalent mortgage insurauca coverage ie not available� <br /> �,�,.•:: <br /> '� Borrowor siball�pay to I.ender esch rmonth a sum eqaanl to one'twelith of the yearly mortgage insuranoe premium beiag <br /> � �,,• � t°:.'� psid by Borrosvor wh�n tha inswance coverage lapsed or ceased to ba Ia effeat.Leader will accept�uss and reteia these <br />. ;�;�1.�., paymeats sa a luES rese�tve ie lieu oi mortga� ir�surance. Loss reserve paymenta may no lo�er be required, <br /> „ � <br /> ';� <br /> '�4�.�`v F�90I� 9P90 <br />, +�r•,..�, <br /> ����. <br /> �-BRY�dt�+nsio� v.s•��+e tntstat� _ <br />=. �.� .�r,.. .; , <br />_ �;�, .��; _,_..___ <br /> . <br /> ,» •;�hJ:r- � �'� , �'�' +-• :s._t. :. ,.. ,� . --.,� < • � <br /> ..�. • <br /> , <br /> . <br /> , . , , , . , <br /> _ <br /> ,�.. $.�'�''-L+,�Sf�'�,h..�;.,_s... , .n.l�� , } ' C h;,y•r:�n"?��` ' <br /> � � ., <br /> .� __ � <br /> __, - <br /> . s --=-.. z- --- -- -- - ,..-._�.r ,.-- -- , -. _ _- _- <br /> -'� "•S�a.��p,�� .. .. -- � ----- ---- -- _— —— - };,.._ .: _ .. - --- -- - _ __ <br /> .1' �1Ki:.iC•FarGP4e�ai�i: ., ••�r •• .� . ..� . . _W.a�r C�ts:r.t., - . .. � . ' � .' � . <br /> � ^ '�r �- • � � ' �'� � ;�,�,$�e1��'��.i,;. . ... . . . . - <br />. �` ,4 � �}.... -. . .. �I � J�' 11 ti(Z �' � ' •� t�.. � . <br /> , .F'��^���`"\ _ 1 �l' , ! 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