`t..J.�:_ �A . . 'n• �. . . . i _ �,. . .h-,. ;T. Y.�r.l .. ...;... .�. . . `'R• i�' -►-��j�{�,�-,� ry-_-.
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<br /> RELEA�E aF RE�iI, �&Z'ATE I+iORTGAG� • ..
<br /> an Consicl'sra►t.ton af t3�m paya�ent a� . the �3eb� � na�wed
<br /> � thex�ein, �ruttd Island Cl.inic, Inc. Prafit BhAring Plan and
<br /> � " Trust, hereby raloaaas the nwrtigegs of Fifky Thou�and Dollars
<br /> and rrollao� t��o,o00:00) made by William J. Lundis and
<br /> ' Nargaret �nn Landi�, an the fo.�lavinq des�rihed praperty in
<br /> Hall �ounty, Nabrasfka, to-witia .
<br /> � Traat vf Land sn the Nortt�east Quaxter (NE}y af fihe �
<br /> �4est Half (i��) , of the Nazfi:heast Quauter (NE�) of
<br /> � th� Nest HA].f lW�� of the Niozt�teas't Quarter t:iL}) , �
<br /> , .. go�n��.�� 9a '1�S�T'��sh�p �.�.� �tdnge �(P� [iel�� �^dti�L3t'}•? .
<br /> tilebraska►.
<br /> whfch is secorded in the ofgice o� the 1Etegist�r af Deed� of
<br /> Hall Coun�y, Nebr.aska as Daawmeat No. 86-107226. ,;;�t•, ,
<br /> � ..�
<br /> Dated ttiie f,�f� day of March, 1994. ''�;� ��' �;
<br /> ;,� .
<br /> . :�: .
<br /> ��,.,,��:,,,.. • •� .
<br /> ` , . Grand��'��s1an8 Clinic, Ina. Profit SharYng
<br /> . ,,�•� ��.'-�.-. � . Plan and Trust, by Norweet B�nk Nebr�ska,
<br /> _ - .-_ .�� ' N.A., Tritstee _
<br /> ' • ,��+' •�x.. . _
<br /> - , . � ' , .,� ��°`' ?., gy= ��t�ir.�l��. , .
<br /> ' _ , o ,n'� , ts ss s ant ce ree ��►
<br /> � .'• •`' '.�` and Trust Officer
<br /> . .�,
<br /> ; � �:;�'i/h, ..•':1J�r7<' ' ,
<br /> ��"�nnr��n«'°��,
<br />' The forEgoing instrument w�s acknowledqed before me this �
<br /> �� day of Marc�fi. 1994, by Greg Anderson, Assistant Vice
<br /> , P,���i'dent and Txu$i�. Q�ficer of Nozweat Bank Nebraska� N.A., a
<br /> .;;:;:�: Neb�caska corporatio�i, on behalf of #.he aorpnration.�.
<br /> . � . _
<br /> � ��r�1r
<br /> r1A�a ��f�1 C���/ • 'In'Y�.. '
<br /> . . Notaty P -
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