. � � .�,� . T ��y�'���....1 ..--- 'i `:
<br /> 5�1���1 �,�,y�.�,F�'lrix"', l
<br /> r+��f� .! ..�RO�+t°'�z�_ l ��
<br /> • pf .�...G'__'_._ _ '__. '"' �
<br /> � `.'�� �',�Y��Rrr.:�.. . � ^' xe.iLLlqwiL�r"---__�_ "--,— _'.
<br /> . ...._ . . . . . .._"_.... _'""" _
<br /> (e•� �. '• - _- _ —_'
<br /> . ' ��:.�P-- _.r.��"__"—'—
<br /> . . .__.. _. . . .._. ..._..
<br /> __. . ... ___._ .._
<br /> - • � � 94-�so�os
<br /> -- ,-�, --
<br /> - Y�..,..�..
<br /> ----- — Botrowu dtaiqr�t�e tiy notic�to Landet. My rtotice to Len�r eh�U be prim Dy Heet ct�se rrtaf!to Lender'o addrena atated heretn ar eny —___,_
<br /> � oth�i addiw�l�ndu d�tlpmtae by notk�tu BoROw�• My ootk�pravided tor in thia Sacudly Instrumwnt eht�M b�d�n�t!to hav�b�ere
<br /> - — pkm to 8orrower ar l.and�r whon yhran as prorld�d M thle ptrapnph. ___
<br /> 1l�. Qowminp I.aw; S�wrnbi�it�� Thl� S�curi.y InaUummt sMN ba povemed by federal law�nd th�law of ths(urfsdk�fan�n
<br /> whkh tho P►operiy le located. In the avent th�t any provislan or ekuee of thb 3ec�rity IneUument ar th�Note eoMYcte with�ppNc�bN �, _
<br /> _
<br /> - ----- —
<br /> _ 4w.suci�aonAlCt�hW not�if�ct othK provitbns o1 thit Srwrity inaUum�nt a tfir iVotv whlci�can bo�vr.� cttcct w;ihout tho canAtct!n� � '"'
<br /> — prorisMn. To thls end ths p�ovistons of thls 8ecurNy InaLum+�nt md ths Noh sn daelu�d to b�a�vKabN.
<br /> 18. BotraMtK'�COpy. BoROwer efuN be gfiren ane eontormed copy of the Note�rtd o}thle Sacur(ry Ins2rumanL �,_+
<br /> 17. Transhr a�f th�Propwrty or a 9�n�ficlal I�ns!te 8orraw�r. If aY ot any Wtt ot the Propetty ot�ny Interest __
<br /> In It la aold or tranaferted(or It a berteflckt tntere�t In Bortowa Is sold or tnneterted end Borrowe►19 noi�nnural paaon)without Lend• �_
<br /> er'a pdor w�ttai conaent,Lender mey.at Ita opUon.requiro tmmediate payment tn tuil of aN euma secured by this 3ncudty Inshumen� �;.�-
<br /> 1.� However.this opUon shW nof be exerctsed by Lender II exerclae ia prohibited by tederet lew as ot the dato ot this Se�vAry Instrument. L��-
<br /> exe c ---
<br />=°' •q� It Lertder exerclses thts opUon,Lender shat give Bartnwer Rotlee ot acceleratian. The noUco sh�pr�avldo a peilod of not leaa th�n 30 �_-
<br /> "� � ' d4ya irom the date the noUee Is deltrered or miilad wfthtn whteh 9ortower must pAy all sums aecured by this 8eeudty Instrument. If
<br /> 1 S '' s Bortowe►fella to pay theae sums pdor to tha explralton ot this peiod,I.ender may irnake any►emedies pamitted by this 8ecurfy lnstru. �k^==�
<br /> �;�
<br /> meni vrithout tuRh�►noUce or derrwnd on 8ortower. :-;'�
<br /> 18, Borraiwr's Rtpht to Rs(naE�dl. If Eorrower meeb cetfain conditlone,Bartower sheA heve the dght to heve enforoement �•i��,.-
<br /> i1�,�, h�_.. ot thle Security InMurta�nt dtscontinued at any tlme pttor to the eulter o1:(e)8 daye(or suoh othar patod ao appltcable iaw may epndty . - -
<br /> �r•; tor reinstatamee�t)betore sate ot the F►oper►y pursunnt to any power of sale conteined In thfa 9ecurity Inatrumer�k or(b)entry of e�edgri�t .
<br /> • ��.,,, ,.;,, entordng this 8ecudty Inatrument Those conditlons are that Borrower. (e)peya lender ali sums whkh then wouid be due under this : .N,
<br /> '' �% �•� S a c u d l y I n a tr u m e n t e n d t h e Note as it no acca►eratton hgd occurted: @)cures any defauft ot any otha eovenanto or agreementa: (e) PaYa��
<br /> '�,��, expe�s8a inourrad In enfordng this Sewrity Instrument,inctuding,but not timlted to,reasonable attomeys'teea;end(�takes such a c don . (
<br /> J������,
<br /> �`* as Lendu may reasonaby requlre to assure that tho Ilen of thts 3ecudty Insbument, Lender's dghts In the Property and Bortewer's obagn-
<br /> ��'``,` k�,.�.t dQn t4 PQY�e sums secured by thls Secudty Instrument shaD condnue unchanged. Upon retnstatement by Borrower.thls Securtty ;:._
<br /> �';'•rYy,���.u�i� �
<br /> : •''(,�;�.;�„F�,,.;�. In�tncment and the obAgnUorts�°ared hereby shnp rernafn tuiry eNectHe as B no ecceteration hsd occurred. However,thia dght to reinstate
<br /> �, `�, c. , ahal not appty in the case ot aceeleratlon under paragrepA 17.
<br /> '��"�"�'�•, � f 8. 8a1�ot Nol�; Chtngo of Loan Servieer. The Note ar a Rertlal interest in the Note(together wkii this Security
<br /> _ ��,•.,..•.:_
<br /> ���:'�`�.: ^ - InstrumaM)may be sold ane or more times w i t ho u t p dor noUce to Barower. A sate may resutt in e change in the enUty(known as the
<br /> � _- • __ •l.oan Sevleer•�that coUeets monthty paymento due under tha Note and this Secur(ty Ustrument There aiso may be one or mure ehenges of
<br /> ,yai ��.r-.1 •-,_s { `�
<br /> the Loan 8enicer unrekted te a sate of the Note. it there is a change of ihe Loan Se�vicer.Borrower wai be giren wriiter�aaU�e at 2hs dars9E
<br /> �'�7�;•i... :' -!� ;. � ��Q�rdence wlth paragrapti 14 ebove and appl}cable law. The notke wiU state the name and address of the new Loen Senteer and the �'�:
<br /> 5i ja
<br /> . :;;l;r; ;r._, �• � sddresa to whtch payments shouid be made. The notice wili atso contaln any ather Inbmiadon requlred by epPiicable�aw.
<br /> , � . �r:
<br /> 'd�: : � :c � Z0. Hii�r4iOttf SubahllCYS. Bortower shall not eause or perm(t the presence,use,dfsposai,storage,or�eiease ot amr Har�rdaus
<br /> �'`�'<< � � •` Bortower shaU not do,rtor aHow anyone e�ae to do,anyihing aNectlng the Property that ts in vfolaUan ol :'
<br /> subst.u►ces on or In the Rope�ty. e
<br /> • '`�'"F.;,`.� � "�'� •, any EnvUonmantal Law. The preceding two sentences shali not apPty to the presenee,use.or storage on the Properly ot amaU quanUtles of ,
<br /> - ...;,.:.,. .�,,.,. :�i
<br /> �^ . ;:'",'�', HazaMoua substances that ero generally recognized to be spproprlate to�om�al restdentfa�uses and to meintenanae of Me Propedy. ,,,;
<br /> , !,:,,.:; .: .. '°1��.
<br /> " � � � Borrower shail promptly give Lender wdtten notice of any irnestlgatton.cleim,demand,lawsuft or other actlon by any govemmentnl or . :
<br /> •'�""✓�'''"�•,�'•.��'�. t ragutatory agency or privete party involving the Properiy end any Hazardous Substanae or Environmental law ot which Bomower has actuai ;,:,;•.
<br />_ '� ,,,;,,.,..,�.. .....�-�� ��,�;�,
<br /> `j� •- .: .,,:�F�r knowtedge. M Bortowes teama,or fs noUlted by any govarnmen t a i or r e g u t a t o ry a u t h o ri t y,t h a t a n y r e m o v a t o r o t h e r r e m e dlaUon ot an y Haaardoua .. ,, .:
<br /> i,•��j;:;.;'.::.. . �. . .
<br /> ,, �:�� tw�,.,�y,� Substsnce attecdng the Properly fs necessary,Bortower shaU prompUy take etl�ecessary remedlal aqbna In accordartee wfth Environmenta�Lsw.
<br /> �.,�,, tte
<br /> • ,a^.!1�C�'".�'�.+r.••-•��;s Aa used in this patagraph 20,'tiaxerdous Substences'are those substances deflned as toxia a herardoua substances bY Enrtronmental
<br /> .+: ;;
<br /> :�.�'� r�"`*;s�"�' `�"""" Law and U�e tollowing substnnees:gasddne,keroaene,other Hammahle or toxio petroteum producta.toxia pesHddes and herbicides,voktite
<br /> :::-�: � � ti..e�r•;.....,�T. h Z0� 'Emtronmentai law'
<br />',� 'f'�`�w'��•. -. � soNeMa,materials eontafning asbestos or fortneldehyde.artd radioacWe matedats. As used in this paragrep
<br /> ' ����V�'�:•r'w�"" '�'�� meme federal Is�vs artd Isws ot the juriadletton where the Properry ta locnted that retate to heatth, satety or environmental proteallan.
<br /> %�"";:��i�`:�'�;;'�%�`': NON-UNIFOHM COYENANi'8. BoROwer and Lender further eovenant and agree as foliows: ,
<br /> �t��'��i:�:: . � 21. /lcCelerallon; Remedtos. Lendor shall gtvf notics to 6orrower prior to acaeleratlon following '�s�•.
<br /> ;"'��'r;;�,:.;a .�__. � Borrow�r's b►each of amt aovenant or agreement tn this Securiiyt Inatruntent (but not prior to aeeeletation
<br /> {,,..
<br />_�. � °„,,. �;��_ undsr paragr�ph 17 unloss appitcabte !aw providea oth�rwisa). The n�ttce shatt speaity: (a) the defaut� (b)
<br /> .�,. �, �: . tha action raqutrod to cure tha dstault;(c) e dats,not leas than 30 dayo from the date the eotice is given to
<br />. ��1�. ..'... �
<br /> , • - , ' 8orrower. b�l whlch the default mast be cursd;and (d)that failure to cure the default on or before the dst�
<br /> '-,��,. �- spaclfled tn ihs notice may �esutt In aeaelera3Ton of the sums secureeD by this Security InstrumeM and sale
<br /> � of ths Property. Tho notice shall further iMorm Borrovrer of ths right to reinst�ete afte�ecceleration and
<br /> #�°�'�.�;.`;�: •' th� �igM to brtng a court action ta assert the non-entetencs of a default or arry other detense of Bottmwe�
<br /> . s: ,
<br /> � � to Raaslsratfan and ade. It th� default ia not curad on or bsfore ths date apeaifled In the nottae, Lefldsr
<br /> ^�:��•' �• „ �t Its optton may rsquire immedlato paymeM �n tu�� of e�� sums secured by thfa Security Instrume�t wlthout �
<br /> ;:,�, .r turth�r demand and mayt tnvoke the power of atle�nd any oiher remodies permttted by epP�ieable
<br /> _ � , ; I�w. Lender ehtll be entWed to caileat aH expenses inaurred U pursuing the romsdtes provtded in this .ti'
<br />- ."':° ' �'� • '�� paragraph 21, tnctuding,but not IlnuitQd to, re:sonable attomers' t'ses Rnd c9sffi o t t i t te ev i dence.
<br /> ' ��?����''` '�� � It ths powsr ot ealo Is tnvokod,Trusto�shaii roeord s naUce of dotault tn each aounty in whtah arq► part
<br /> � �"{� �"r af the Propsery Is toca+tted and ahalt mafl aoples of such notice in the ma�ner presaribed by appticable Iaw i
<br /> ., oc Ilcable
<br /> ��� ' ' to Borrower and to the other peraons proscribed by applicabfe lav,r. After thg ttme roquires0 by apR
<br /> ' 1.`��.' '� -� ` law,Trustea shafl give pubfic noUce of ea�s to the persons and in the m�nnor prescribed by appliceble laar. � �
<br /> �: r.;_ Tru�ee. vaa49aaut dsm:nd on 6orrowsr,shall sell the Property et public auction to the highest bidder at tho �
<br /> --— -- ���wd�w e�u ntt�P ��- �
<br />.... - - �--,.-----�---.:-.- '__'
<br /> ��'•; � timo and plaas and under the tarms designateq in ti�e aviiae oi saia io om�, � ..-..no rwp•o-.-- -••--•, -
<br /> � 'F �''` ' Tnietse dstsrmtnea Trustv�may postpone sale of all or any parcel af the Property by publtc announeement i
<br /> � i�i° °� , at th�tlme and ptaa�of any provtously sehodulad sale.Lender or i3e destgnoe mey purchase the Property i
<br /> at any s�t�.
<br /> -:���•,' �� ;- ,�, Upon �acotpt of paymeM of th�p�ica bid.Trustoe shall deliver to ths purc�+aser Truetee's daed ;
<br /> r "'� � aonv�ying th� Pro p�Ry. Th� raotMis In ths Twstw'a d�ed shail 6e prima facte evidence of the trud� i
<br /> ` ��`�'� � � ot 4h� stat�m�Ms mado thonin. Tn�st��ehsii appiy th�proaesds of the eate in the following ordar.
<br /> �`��f� �• � (a)to�tU costs and expsnses of exarai�irtg ths powar ot sate, and th� sale, inatuding the payment of the �
<br /> ` `;� '-�`�� �� Trustao'e fe�s aclualiy Irtcurred,not td exceed 3.00096 of tho prlacipal amount of the eo'tre at the time I
<br /> � ' � +rt•�.;;r;,:"� ,i�w;"� of th�daclarallon of default,and�oasonablo attcrneye'teea ae permittad by �a�'+r (b) to aU sums s�cured i.
<br /> •� ��' by this S�aurity Instrumonr and�e)anY�xeess to ths poraon or peresons tegttly entitled to tL
<br /> •,,;�,":5 w� ,a,ao <a s Form 3028 9F30 �
<br /> ,. F:�• '�y j'� 302B3.hm(9191) I
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> '..�:: _ _
<br />