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<br /> UF{IFAFIM CC#?IkNA�It�.Qortc�ve and L�dK aav�n�nt sT�d wra�a�tdlowe:
<br /> i. Payin�t o� PN�IatpNt �nd IM�n�t; Pnp�f�nsnt and L.t�Clu��. eorrowK•h.r pron�ay asr NnM+ dus in.
<br /> prNfdpd at�nd{fltK,�t on..iR�►,dli>>ev�dw►ced hY th�Not��nd�ny pr�paym�nt+nd kt�ahup�s du�und�r th�Nab.
<br /> Z. FuMM'AOAP T111r,�1��R1d Inwn1�C�. SubJ�t to�ppYo�b1�liw«ro�wrktm wal+nr by Undw,Qortowe►�i�aN Pry►co i.w►d�r on
<br /> tha day monthy f�yin�►4,w*du��und�r th�Ncts, uMN the Not�I� pa(d in h�ll,a eum("Fund�')tor: (s)yMry taxa�nd a�NUm�nb whkh
<br /> �- � rtw�y�tt�ln P�orit,y;ovK th�AiB�cu►RY In�hum�nt u a li�on Ihr!P►cP�Y:@)Y�!►luuhoid pay+rnnu or q�au►d rG-�is on tlic t'.a,�:.�ty� �_
<br /> N�ny: (c)Y�1►��wrd or,.proAlr�Y hwnne�pr«niuro9c td�YwN Aood bwr�na prwnlurr�,if�ny; (�)yMrh►matWfl�Inwnnor pnn�rr��
<br /> H�►y; �nd(Q�nY auma.pr�y�bin�bY 9orrowa►to I.�ndK,ln ecaotdmco wrih th�provNtom of pua9nph 8,in Iieu o!th�payrtwnt ol mort��
<br /> inwrs�nc�Pr�tF�. T+NR�hlmt ar�aWd'Eeoro�w ftwns'. L�nd�r may,u ta►Y tkr��eol�,�t and hotd Funds In�n anwuM not to�xuNd
<br /> 1►�a rtw�Nnum�ur�ount�N714�f tor�t�d�nNy nUt�d mat�p�lom mRy roquke fa QarowK'e aacrow aeeeuM undae ths ted�nt R�i
<br /> E�4t�BMtl�nx�t R'o�edut�kct ot 187���a�wndod trom tim�to 1Nr+�.12 U.9.C.�2Q01 at ssq.('RE3PA•),unfeas onother kw that appilea to
<br /> �� th�Fund�a�h_a Nianr ttlto��►3. If so,Landoc m�y.at�ny tkne,calNct�nd hoid Funde In an amount eot to excoad tNe Is:,oar amouet �.a�der -
<br /> _ _ m�y�s�tr��amoun�,t+1 Funds due o�ths basis ot curront&te�rtd roison�bis esWeates of a�ndkur�of Nturs Eauow Item�a othawla�
<br /> h accad�u�c�witfi�Pf�fihla,taw.
<br /> Th�Funds•ahaN ba h�yd h iu►InetituUan v�hos�daposke era Nsur�i by a icderat agency,instrum�lity,or entit�►lhdudin0�andar H Lender
<br /> b wch an tnl;NtuttGn) o�,�r►,*ny Faderal Hom�Lan B�rac. Ler�da ahaN�pply the Funda to p�y the Eaaow ftertu. Lender m�Y not ch�rp� --
<br />' garrowrr la h01dk�Q�n�+�MoNk�9 the Funds,annualy ansrydnp th�esaor+aecouat ar vaHyhy ths Eacrow Itema,unless Lender p�ys Bo�rower
<br /> t�t�t cn tt�p Fund�!�rN��A�p�kw prmtta Landdr to maka auch a change. However.Lender may raquire 8orrowe�t�pty a onstkns chsry�
<br /> tor tn ind�p�4d�t reiti,et3tt20 t�x rePorting ae�vice ueed by ler►der in connection wlth this tan.un{eae eppNa�bie taw prorFd:e�othawlat. Unbss !_
<br /> m�pra�m*nt;ia made a.�pp➢a�b�s taw recNf�es interast to be pild.Lender ah�i not be rnquked to pay Bortawer any k�te�st or e�minG�on the 2--
<br /> Funds. Boapw�end 4.a�tdel mtfi a9ree�n vrrtting, howerer,thtt Interest shall6e pafd on the Funda. L.eader sheY gMa to Bcvtower�witheut �^.,_!
<br /> �hap�,m�nfivai accaWltlnB of th�Funds ahowNty aedite end debite to the Funds an�the purpoae tor which eaob debEt 401he Furtde _
<br /> wae mtd�• Tfro Funds.aro piedQed as addlQond aecurity tor aU sums secured by thia Securlty inatrumen� ��=�__,_
<br /> II th�Fudvda held 4vj.Londer exaaad lfie amounta pertnitted to be held by appNaib�e law.Lende►eh�tl acceunt to Borro�wer tor the excess
<br /> F��,,�h��p����I�e�equirementd e}eppltc�ble taw. It tho emount of the Funds held by Lender et erry Ume is not auHtdent to pay the �;;-
<br /> Escnow itany when du@ londer mry so notiy Borrower in writNg,end.In euah case Borrower shaH pay to I.endxr the amqur�nacessary to make _�,_
<br /> uP the defiMdpnaY. Ho�rAwbr ahal m�ke up the deflcienry In no more then riveNe marthA►qayrtnente.at Lendds sote�s��n. �3,-J
<br /> upon p�ym�n 1ln N�ot u9 aums securad by this 8eutriry lnstrument,lende�ehW prompty reW�d to Bamwer any Ftu�ds held bY lender. If ;_��
<br /> - ���uamaQh 2t.Lmd�u ah�0 aequke o�ae9 the PropeAy. L.ender,pdor to iha acquisttlon or sate of the Property, shaY a�ppy emt Functs held ;;�,;,.
<br /> by Lendar at tho trn9,ot apquLsidon or s�te as a credit ag�inat the suma sewced by thta Seaurtry Ins�ument _
<br /> 3.Ap(DIICiNQ11 af Pi�1ltsMs. Unleaa applicable law provldes othe�wise.ail paymeMs received by Lender unde►pu�qnAhs t a�d 2
<br /> ahd b�ap3�led:flnst. to any p�ayrt�a►t chuges due unda tha Note; second,to emounts payable under paragreph 2;thkd,to Urterest due� ;—
<br /> fourth.to prkitiptl duvi and 1�at xo s�y kte ehuges dua under the Note. ��-.-
<br /> 4. C�rQRSa Ltene. Bomower shW pay aA texes,nsse��mente.charges.flnes and frt�posttlons athi�utab�a ta the ProP�Y whkh msy `=-_--
<br /> atWn pdortty orar tt+iq 8e�.ytrily�nstrument,and teasehofd peyments or ground rente.H eny. Bortower shaN psy these obHg�Bona U the manrtv ;_,
<br /> pfpvidnd�patag�lph 2, a M not paid in lhat menner,Bortower ahail piy them on tlme directly to the person owed payment. Batrowa sha�l I.`s--
<br /> �.,..x
<br /> prar.�Uy,-tumich ta Lender all noUcea o!amounte to bo paid under this peragraph. H Bo�rower makes these PaYm��d��Y�g��w� r`ry,_,
<br /> shari pramy�lY tumlah to lender receipta enldendng the payrteente. �
<br /> B�pwo�ah�p,promp8y dtscharge any Uen whlch hao prlority ove�r this Sewrfly Instrument unles�Borrower. (a)agreea in writing to the pay- �:
<br /> ment ot the oali�l►Uon aecured bY the Ilen In a manner acaptabie to Lender. (b)contests in good teith the aen by,or detends sgainat enforeement
<br /> of the @en b,legdl proaaedinQa which In tha Lender'e opinion opaste to prevait the entorcement of the Ilen:or(o)serures from the holder of the .
<br /> Iten an,egreem�snt eatfahctorY to Lertder subordinadng the Yen w thW Seeurlty Inatrument tl Lender detertnines that ar►y paA ot the Property ts ,
<br />_ subbct to a Ilqn whiaA muy at�4�pdotity mrnr thia 3ew�itY InaWment,Lender may gNo Borrower a noSce Identffying the Ilen. Bortower shaY _
<br />_- saUaty the Uen or tak�on4 or more ot the actlona set foRh a�ore withtn 10 d4ys of the giving of notice. ;,:.k;
<br /> -" 6. H�icd or ProP�*t� �nsursnc�. Bortower eh�ll keep the Ynprorementa now exlsUng or t�esEatter ereutad on tha Prope�lp insurcd
<br /> ag�4�ai loas bg�iro�hnmUds Irtduded within the term'extended covcrege�8Rd QTiy 01h8�h8ffitd6,Inctu�ing tlaods or llooding,for whlch Lender
<br /> requi�es inaur�noe• 1l�ia Uaurence sha0 be meintaM�ed in the amourrts and for the periods that Lender requlres. The insurance certier Pravidin9
<br /> the I�u3ur�:G�n ebeN be ehosm by Bercower subJeat to Lender's approvel which shaY aot be unreasoneby wlthheld. it So:aawa faNs to maVttain
<br /> coreraye dQSaribed above,I.ender may.et Lender'�optlon,obtain coverage to proteat Lender's dghts in the Property in acco�danca wnh
<br /> pangaph 7.
<br /> AY InauranCfr poUcles ared renewals shall be aeceptable to the Lender end shait fndude a stendard mortgage ctause. Lender shall have the
<br /> en
<br />, righ�to hqid the pol�led end ronewats. It Lender requlres�Borrawer shaN P►cmptty give to Lender ell reeetpts of pald premiums and renawal .
<br /> noUGe�. In ihe erent ot Iose, Bortower ehal�pke pmmpt notica to the inaurance eartler snd Lender. Lender may make proot of losa M not made
<br /> pro�mptt�'by Bor.owor.
<br /> Untena Lender end Barower otheiwise agree in wddng,insurance procoeda shall be appiEed to restoration or repair of the PropeAy damaged,If
<br /> tht restorallon or rcpair ts economisxityr teaefbie and Lendc's aecurtty Is naL�esaened. If the resWraUon or repair Is not economtcalty tcasible
<br /> or i.ender'a sacuriry would be lessened.the insurance proeeeds ahall be apptied to the sums seatred by this 8ecudty Instruman�whether or not
<br /> thesa Cue, wkh any excoa�Rtild to BoROwer. If Bortowe►abendons the Property, or doea not anawer withtn 90 days a naUce hom Lender that the
<br /> fneursnco cantsx hao oilered to saltie a cWm,then Lender may eolleot the insurance prooeefls. Lender may use tAe proceede to repah or restore
<br /> ;'��.qc,;� ., 1he P�operiy or ta pay eums sec�red by this 8ecurHy InsWmeM,whether or not then due. 7he 30-day pedod wlli begin when !he notlae ts gNen.
<br /> Unlesa le�tder and Bortawer othotwiso agrea in writtnB,c�r►Y aPP�tcatlon a�Proceeda te prine:pai sh�li rto1 e:dend or poetpone the due dete
<br /> � `. •� of 4ho monthy paymcntcs rc�lcmed to in paragreph 1 and 2 or chenge the art�ount of the payments. It under palagraph Et !he Property Is
<br />- �'�4�r.' m�xiuUad bv Lender, 8ottowm's right to any insurertce poUdea and proceeds resutting trom damago to the Prope�r pfor eo the aequisiUon
<br /> `=��"�"+�`��.i���� ahal!paaa to Lwt�+a ta the�.e:Qmi ot the sums secured by this Seeurfty InsLUmetn pnmeaiateiy pnor to me a�uaa�.
<br /> �N .�.,'���`; 8. Occc���cy� Pr+�s�rvatton.M�i�etonana� and Protaction of thsf Rroporty; �c�s�wor's Loan Apptic�tton; i
<br /> t,oaaholds. eoROwer ehap occupy,eataDBah,and use the Praperly na Bort�ower's pdnctpat resfdertee withln sixly daya eRer tho axecuUoa ot
<br /> :,r thta Seeurtty InshumeM and aha0 eonUnue to occupy the Praperty ea Borrower's pdncipal residence tor at t�st one year after the date of
<br /> er,cup�ney,unleae l.mder othnwiso a�eea in wdtlng�which consent ehaU�at bo unrensonably�vithheld ar uniesa extenuaUng clrc�rmstances exist
<br /> whlch ue beyond Bortower'e controi. Berrower ehaU nnt destroy.damage or impair the PropeAy,atlow the Propmty to detedorate.or commit
<br /> waste on the Propedy. Borrower ahail be in deTautt H any todeiture ecNon or proceeding,whather dvil or criminel,Is begun that in Lender's good
<br /> • �[.
<br /> �,.,�
<br /> _ �t.�l��) aapo 2 ot s Fomt 3028 9/80
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