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` ' i ' ' � {k .. . <br /> —�---- - - -� _- — _ .. . -.-. <br /> .__. �_. .. .... _ - <br /> - —.. �__.,_- - <br /> __ .. . �.�in -• <br /> � ._ . _ <br /> --- -——� -- — — - <br /> . - 94- l0540� <br /> - - — '" — applicablo law may specify fc�r�eiustatement}I�fore salo nf tito t'roperty putsuunt to nny powee uf salc contai�sc�d in thls <br /> 3ecurIty LutrNinent;or(b)entry af a jadgm�nt cnfor�irsg tlsis Secui�ty Instrumcn� Tha�e condlttons nre that Bornowcr. (a) <br /> � pnys l.ende�alt� sums which then wauld ho due undu this.Secur3ry Inauument atM the Note as lf nr,ecceleradon had <br /> occurtaf;(b)cures any defeult of any other covenanta or agreementiq;(c)payR all eapenses incurraf in snforcing tlii�Securfty <br /> Instrument, �ncluding.but not li�niced to,ru+sensbic attorr�ya'f�es;and(d)takes� such oction as LcM1er may rcasonably <br /> - rcquir�'to assure that the ilen of thie Sccudty Guttr�mea�I.ende,r�righta in the Aroperty and Bomowerb abligatiwt to pay tlye <br /> �-=..-----___ ___--� �i�n�� ��irr.d hy ehis Security [nstrumcnt shal! continue anc6anged. Upan reinsmtement by Homnwer. this Sr.curity <br /> Inahutnent and the obUg�tions�red h�reby shall remala fully effecUve as if no acceletation had occutred. Howevor,ttela � <br /> — right to ninstaee sh�ll not appty in ttw case of acceleretIon under puragraph 17. <br /> 19., Saie at Notei��d,���'�r. 'llie Nou or a partial inurest in the Note(togcthcr with this Security <br /> Insuument)rru►y!�x�olil,�t+a a�nlnto titn�s atthout prior nodce to 8omower. A saie ms►y c�esult in a change in the entity <br /> (knawn as t1�t'"Lvmn Scryi�7�ac c»1lacta montiily payments due uader the Nou and this Security InstcumenG Then ulso <br /> �y bC pJ1C pr�[101�r,hanges of the f,.oan Servicer unrelatecl w�sule of thc Note. If thene ts a chunge of the Lonn Servlcer. <br />- -s--{�=•—g Bo:rower wlll be�iven wr�tten natice of the change in uccordnACe wlth parugraph l4 ubove and npplkuble law. Tha nntice =____ <br /> wUl state tlte name and i►ddre�ss af the new Loan ServIcer�utd the address to whfch payments should be made. The aotla will — <br />- ° also contain any other informatIoa required by appllcable lov�. <br />- — Z0. Hazardo�u SubefanCes. Bomawer shall not cause ar permit the presence.use,dispossil,storuge,or release of any <br /> Haznrdaue Substances on or ia the Prnperty. Bojmwer shall not do,nor allow nnyone else w do,anything affecdng the <br /> Property that is in vtoladnn of t�r Envirommenu+l Law. Tha pre.c�ing two seatences shaA nat apply to tde presance..use.or <br /> stolage on ttae Ptoporty of smaU quwnideA of Hazardoua Substances that a��enerally re�ognized w be uppmpriuta to uom�n�a! <br /> nsidenttal uses snd w maintenaace af the Praperty. <br /> � ° Bormwer shatl promptIy give Lxncter wriaea natice of any lnvesdgadon,ciaim.demartd,lawscdt or other ection by any <br /> goveipa�ental or regWetory ageacy or pnvate party involving the Pmperty und any Hazandous Substance ur Environmental <br /> Law of whicb Borrower has stctieal im�owledge. If Bonowes ie�arns, or is nod�ied by any goveramental or regulntory <br /> suthodty,thut t+ny removal or other remediadon of any Hazardous Substance affectias tbe Propecty!s necessary. Borrower <br /> shall promptly teke all necessarY remedial actions in aecordnqpe wIW Envlronmental Law. <br /> As used in thIe parngraph Z0,"�Iazardons Substunces"ace tho�e substeaces defined as tmeic or hazardous substances by <br /> F�vLonmental Law and the followIng substauoes: gasoliae,kemsene,other flarruriable or toxic petroleum producu.touic <br /> pest�cides and he�icId�v, voladle solvents, materlals containing asbeatos or fonnaldehyde.and redioactive materials. As <br /> used In this pamgraQh 20,"Eavimumental Law"means federal laws aad laws of the jarisdictIon where the Property is located — <br /> that telate to health,safety or environmental protection. <br /> --.—-� NON-LiMFORM COVENANTS. Bamower end L.ender fucther wvepant and ag�ee as follows: <br /> — 21. Acaleratlon;Remedics. I.ender shall give notke W Borrov�er prtor to acoeteradon follo�riag BorroWer's <br /> ----_ breach of any coveitant or egreement iu t6Es Securtty IIastrnment(but aot prlor to acceleradon under paragraph 17 <br /> _ .. <br /> uN�a appttc�bk lstw pmvides otbervrise). 1Ue aotfce shaU speciry: (A)the defaWt;(b)the actfon required to cure t1x , <br /> def�tlt;,(c)a date,aot less th��0 days from the alate the notfce Is given to Borrower,by which the default must be <br /> -_ carM:and(d)that fatlure to cure the default on or before the dAte�pecitled ta We noQlae may.result tn acceleraHon ox <br /> — the sums securcd by tbiv Secudty Instnunent and sale oi the Peuperty. The notice shull ttuWer infornt Borm�rer ot <br /> tde ctght w reiostate alter scaeleraUon and the right to dring a court actioa to assert the aon�exlsteace of a defAUlt or <br /> - -- — any otteer defense ot Borrower to acceleratbn and salc. If the default ta not cwcd on or before tt�e date shecttkd in <br /> � the notioe,Lender at its optbn may nequire inmmediate payment in full of ell sums secured by this Secarity Instrument <br /> witYoat[wil�er demand ond m�y invoke tbe power of sale and aay other remedies permitted by appliarble law. <br /> _ Le�er e6a11 be enttUeti W ootteet all eo�pea4es lacurred In piusuiag the i+emedies pmvided in thls parage�sp6 21, <br /> indiidim�,but nut ilmitcd to,reasauable attorneys'fees and erosts of t[Ue evfdence. - <br /> — IC tb�povrer ot sAle ia Wvoked,llvstee ahell rewrd a nottce of defanit in e�ch county in whkb any part ot tI►e �_-_ <br /> . Property is locuted and shaU maU oopies o�such not[ce dn the manner prescd6ed by appl[cabk law to Borrower aid W �_ <br /> tLe other persons pregcdbed by appllcable 1aw Atter the tlme required by appUptble faw,'llrnstee shaU give pnblic --- <br /> -- nattqe.ot sale to the perso�and iu the m�nner presc�ibed by appl(ca61e law 'Itasteq w(thout deu�aad on Borrower, �' <br /> shuN s�ll We Property at pabllc�uctlon to the highest bidder at the time aad place and under We terros�es�gnate�ta �w.-.:; <br /> = th�notke of eale tn one or mon.paroels and tn any oMer'llrustee determines. 'lYoxtce maY poeqwne sale of s11 or any ----_ <br /> __ — py�1 of the p�vperty by pnbllc annouucemeut at the time and pl4ce oi any prev[ously schedWed sale. I.euder or its __ <br /> designee msty pnrchase the Property at any sale. �-�.- <br /> Upar rscetpt ot pAyment of ttie prtce b9d,'ttustce shnll deliver to the pverhaser 1lvstee's decd conveyiag tbe [�:-::. <br /> pr�pert�; The redt�ls tn tae'itvstce's deed shaU be pri�Oa fac�e evtdence of the truth of the stutements mode t�terein, `;•-` <br /> 71�stee shWl apiely the prooecds of the sale in the following order. (e)to aU cosfs and expensea of exercising the powpr -- <br /> �t. <br /> :�=--- . . <br />; I -- <br /> �� <br /> s <br /> . <br /> :�'" "S,i�� ���v�.-�;-_--_--.-�- <br /> 3 �. ..... , ,.' ,. .. _.. �. ..._ - , <br /> ... ... <br /> ; , , ;:�. � �.. . a �r� :••� <br /> -r• s <br />_� '. � � .' .... . . � •• �. ..�. :. .."., <br /> .., . <br /> . - �.s� "�__-`----—__-.`_-- _—. _ ..�..o{ytc�'-►Wt d .t=:�.a• <br /> -.� -- � -�- .�-.--a r, — n�.--� T-. � <br />