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<br /> - � _�u�,,.. `_—m.. —���. rE m - .
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<br /> alaeur.e ar ath�r requ.ir,�r�,.p�,�n�s, who�her ouah Aaria�n io requixod
<br /> or n�Qeesary priax t4. ox., Pp�.�,qwing tranafer of title to th�
<br /> property, to the ful,1� �e�ctr��n�,; thst euch aation ie al:tributabYe, _
<br /> diractly or indireat�.K, , t4,,�h+� pxeee�na� or uae, generation,
<br /> etorage� rel��ea, �hac�.���n�d,,r�lease or dieposal of Haaardous
<br /> �- -=--=--- - --_� �9ateriale b an �-
<br /> Y� Y perr�a�,.u�. ,t�ae �'roper�y prior �0 4:ransfei of .
<br /> ti.�le tlierato by L�,��ca�. . Tii� foreqoing warrantie�s and repre- _
<br /> aentakzon�, Aq8 $Q�,]CAW�I'�8 0�,��.�8t10f1S plIX9AAIDt t0 t11Q� rOT@�O].t1�
<br /> - indawnity, ahall syxvi�r� .r�F�tyi►sen� of the Note and the recon�
<br /> = vey�nee o�' �hie Osed a� Tx��,�d
<br /> — 9. Aaei �o-f . ents Mana ement of Pro ert . As '
<br /> additional securxx7�� �xeun er, Harrower hereby ass�.gns to Lender
<br /> �� the re�tso ieaues. aac�.:�!�afits of the Pxoperty, providQd that �-_
<br /> - Horrower shall, pac.ia�:,.�4. aaceleration undex paragraph il hereof =
<br /> _ or abandosusen� 4f. t�� Pmq�erty, have the right ta colZeat and '�--
<br />= retain sucsh r�nt�,, , i�s,u,$,� and profits as �hey beaome due and �°�Y
<br />-_ -- = �ay�k��,e. Uparx a�a�lqr,a.�,ion or ahandoniuent of the Propert�r, _�__
<br /> Lender may, eitih�,r in ,p�°rsan or by aqent, with or without br�.nging f::; --
<br />- any acicion or prarne�c9,ing, or by a receiver appointed by a court -_
<br /> and t�ithotat regarc3 . to the gdeguacy of its seaurity, entes upon "�'"��
<br /> and take posseassan. of the Prr�pert�, or any part thereof, in its At``
<br /> :;. -
<br /> own nanze or in the name of the Trustee, and do any acts which i� ��r
<br /> deems neaeesary or desirable to preserve the value, marketability "-�=:
<br /> or rentability of the Propsrty, or any parct thereof or interest `�ri,;;�_
<br /> therein, inarease the �.ncoma there�rom or proteat the security `���cr:+�'
<br /> �a,�,�
<br /> hereof and, with br without takxnq poasessian of rhe Property, ��«.
<br />. sue for or otherwlse collect the rents, issues at�d profits a<�;;_
<br /> - - • :-=`'= thsrsuf, in�ludin; L�QS$ pa$t �1��R a�� unpeias and aQply the same, ►r_;�=
<br /> lssa costs and expenses of operation and aollectian, including �=_=-_
<br /> ���:� attorneys' fees, upon any ie�debtiedness secured hereby, all in -
<br />" such orc7es as Leader may determine. The emtering upan and taking "�f'�
<br /> �y-_
<br /> ,�; possession of the Property, the aoli�ection of suah renta, imaues .'��;
<br /> and profits and the applicatien thereof as afozesaad, shall not '.`''`
<br /> aure or waive any default ar natice of default hereunder or � �''
<br /> : invalidate any act done in response to such defaul� or pursuant
<br /> to suah notice of default and, notwithatanding the continuance in •�
<br /> posse�sion of the Property or tlie collection, receipt and applica- "
<br />- tion of renta, issues or profits, and Truetee and Lender sriall be
<br /> - entitled ta exereise every riqht provided for in any of the I.oan ,
<br /> " Instruments or by l.aw upon occurrence c�f any Event of Default,
<br /> inaluding, without limitation, the righ.t to exercise the power of
<br /> sale. Further, Lendsr's rights anc7 remedies under �hae paxagraph '��
<br /> 9 sha 11 be cumulative with, and in no way a limitation on� . ��,
<br /> Lender's rights and remedi�s under any Assiqnment of Leases and
<br /> Y.„ Rents recorcie8 aqainst the Property. i.eader, Trustee aad the
<br /> receiver shall be liable to account only for those xents actually �;
<br /> '' reaeived.
<br /> -_ dl,- '';�� .
<br />-. �1�f 10. Eventa of Default. The followiaq shall constitute
<br /> an Event of Default under this Oeed oi Trusts
<br /> ..��;;�� (a) Failure ko pay any installment of �
<br /> :,=�� prineipal or interest or any other sum seQUred hereby �
<br /> ,.� .Nt�,`` when due, or failure to pay wD�en due any ather indebt:.3• I �
<br /> ?�±•.{ .%. neas of Sorrower to Lenders �
<br /> � ��:�� (bl A Ureach of or default under any provi- I
<br /> . '' sion contained in the Note, this Deed of Trust� any of ,
<br />- �:'�:'.��� � the Loan Instruments, or any okher encumbrance upon the �
<br /> �� '��x���;�;,� : Property, after gaving effect to any appliaable cure �
<br /> ' S'�`� period contained theroin j
<br /> ,:.
<br />--0� �xY1_'.��!'�i:
<br /> � ti Lr�J" _ _.
<br /> -,'4,l_ __ i��>' � ...,.—°: ;
<br /> w,,,�.:,>•, (a) A writ of exocution or attaahment or any :
<br /> ''. similar prpcess shall be entered against Borxuwer which !
<br /> shall beccme a lien on the Pxoperty or any portion �
<br /> � thoraof or intdrest thereinf
<br /> ..�a (d) There shall be filed by or a��ainsr .
<br /> ' �' Borrower an action undar any present ar future federal,
<br /> f`'�`' � state os other statute. law or requlation re,lating to
<br /> ``' banl¢ruptay, insolvency or other relief for debturst or
<br /> `r ._ � ..4-
<br /> •_:;:: . : 4
<br />