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<br /> — 1Y)Q�['HEtt W1TH ali the impmvements nav+r nr hereutter crectc+cl an the pmperty,and ail casements,appurtenunces.and _____
<br /> .�"'°'-"'`'' fixtures now or hereaQer n pan of the pmp.rty. All reptncementy nnd addicionw hh�dl also he c�vered by this �ecurity ��"�
<br /> _ �� -y�=.���
<br /> I�stcumcnt.All of thc foregoing is rcfcrrcd tn in thfe Sccurity lnstrumc�u nv thc"Prnperty." ���•
<br /> BARROWER COVBNAN'fS thnt Danawcr i:�luwfully xcisod uf thc ec�tutc hcrcby convcycd nnd i�us thc right to�runt nnd ='=�"
<br /> ,. -- -- convoy tho Pmperty nnd �hut the Praperty i�;unencum�nered.exeept fur encumbmncew of recorci. Burmwer warrunts und wUl �F�A�
<br /> defend generally the dtlo tc►the Property aguinxt ull cluimti und dein�mdw,sub,�ecl ta uny encumbrnnces��f recnnf. 1�;,:�'
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSI'RUMf:NT c�mbines uniform covenunts fiu natinnal uae and nomunifarm covenunts with limited -�
<br /> ------ v:u�latiun,by Jucir,dictian to canstitute a unitarm scsuriry instrument ruver4n�rest �+ropeny.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrawcr su�d I.ender covcnant nnd agree uv fallawx: ��'='�'
<br /> - l. Rayment of Prtncfpal and Interest; Prepayment artd i.ate Char�µ4w. Borrowcr tihnU promptly p�y when duc the •�'�;::
<br /> '` princlpAl of nnd intercst on the dcbt evidenced by the Note and uny prepuyment und late churges due under thc Note.
<br /> 2. �nds tor Taxes and I�urnnee. Sub,ject to applicuble la�v ar to u wrltten wuiver by I..ender, Hnrranver sh�ll pny ta
<br /> L.ender an tho duy monthly puyments tirre due under the Note,until thc Note is paid in full,u�,um("Funds")for:(u)yeurly texes ,
<br /> und ussessmenu:which may attnln prlority uver this Securlty lnstrument us n lien on thc Pmperty; (b)yearly lea.,ehold payment�
<br /> �` or ground rents on the Property.if uny;(c)yeurly huTUrd or praperty insuranee premiums:(d)yeauly flcx►d insurnnee premiums,
<br /> '��, if any:(e)yearly rruirtgage insurunce premlums,if eny; and(� any sums paynble by Bonower to l.ender,in acc�rdance with
<br />_� tha provistons af parngraph 8.in lieu of tho puyment of martguge insurance premiums.These items nre called "Escrow items."
<br /> L.ender may. nt nny time,collect und hald Funds in an amount not to exceed the msucimum amount a lender f�r a federnlly
<br /> t+eluted mort�uge loan msiy require for Borrower's e.scmw acmunt under the federul Real Estate Seutement Procedurcs Act af
<br /> 1974 as amended from time to tlme, t2 U.S.C. Section 2601 el seq. ("RESPA"),unless another luw thut applies to the Funds .
<br /> seta a lesser arrtount. !f so, Lender may. at any timo. roUect und hold Funds in an :uttount nut tu ex�xxd the Ie.�Ser amount.
<br /> I.ender may cstimate tho umount of Funds due on the basis af current data and reASOnsble estimates of expenditures of future
<br /> � tti � `� Bscrow[tems or othenvise in accardunce with applicable law.
<br /> `��'� ` Tha Funds shnll bc held in ao i�stitution whose deposits ure insured Uy a federal Agency. instrumentality, or entity
<br /> ; ,;,,�.�.,•• ,�,::, (including I.ender,if L.ender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> ' �`"�''r' ' F.scrow Items. I.ender mssy not char�e Borrawer for holding and applyin�the Funds,annually nnalyzing the escrow account,or
<br /> • � ti�h�'• ver�fying the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds s►nd applicuble Inw permits Lender to make such
<br /> '-�'. a charge.However. l.ender may require Borrower to puy a une-time char�e for an independr.nt real estute tex rcportin�service
<br /> r ti-•. •••. ;' . _
<br /> `.�•��;�' F used by Lcnder in connection with this loun, unl�s applia+ble luw provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> � ' �•�'��'^`��-� applicable luw requires inrerest to be paid,Lcnder Fhalt not bc required to pny Borrower any intcrest or camings on the Funds.
<br /> ' �,,,,,{.�~. .x
<br /> - • � ,_ .-�;..••;'�:;; Borrower und Lender may ngree in writing. however, that interest shall bc ps►id an thc Fuads. L.ender shali give to BoROwer.
<br /> � .,
<br /> ,��� withouc cfiarge. an unnuui accounting ui ti�e Fu��d�. SI�uWiti���ct�ii�dt13�c:tllin to ttte f'unds a�d .h:.�urpa;s for uhiclt each .-
<br /> � •'�•'���`' debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged us udditional cecurity for alt sums secured by this Security(nstrument. �
<br /> •'Gi:�r.;i-!y`�
<br /> ' , •�+ s ;^:,.�t: � If the Funds held by Lender exceed the nmount�permitted to 6e held by applicable law. Lender shuU account to Barcower � .
<br /> � ``>:l�s=� for tha excess Fundc in aaordance wtth the requirem��rts of appiicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by l.ender at any
<br />__ ��t., �'�:i;,. ¢,�.,
<br /> k��,�;�,.'�:.,-�;, time is not sufftcient to pny the Escrow items when due. Lender may su notify Barcower in writing,und, in such rnse Borrower
<br /> '� '�- � -�+�• - shall pay to Lender the nmount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall msilce up the deficicncy in no more than •
<br /> ' _J''�' ;•: ;i_.
<br /> • � Y'� � �, twelve monthly paymcnts,at Lender's suto discretion.
<br /> �`�" � �'•��,�;;: Upon payment in full of ull sums secured by this Security Instrument, L.ender shall prompdy refund to Borrower any
<br />_ n� .. rs';•. - •
<br /> �,•,;�,� F u n d s h e l d by[.e n d e r. I f.u n d e r p u rage�p h 2 1,L,e n d e r s h a l t u c q u i r e o r s ell thc Pm p ert y,L.ender, prior to the ac quisition or sule
<br /> ' ,�.��:►;x!�i of the Property.shall upply any Funds held by Lender at the time af ucquisitton or sule:u a credit against the sums secured by
<br /> �� ;# �`�� thia Secudty instrument.
<br /> o ,�;�..,,'.._ .
<br /> 1� 3.Appitc&tion af lfiytnents.Unless upplicablc law provides othenvitie,all puyments mceived by l.e�der under paragraphs
<br />' `�" � 1 and 2 shall be upplied: first,to tmy prepayment char�es due under the Nute:tiecand,ta amounts payuble under parngrnph 2; ��
<br />_ s�. third,to intemst due;fourth, to principal due;and last.to any lAte charges due under the Note.
<br /> _� •�y�_�,•�,; , 4. Chttrges; Liens.Borrower shall pay ull usxes,assessments, charges, finec and impositione uttdbutabte to the Pmpetty
<br /> �,�:'�•�. which may attain pdoricy over thia Sccurity instrument, and teasehold payments ur ground rents, if uny.Bonower shull pay
<br /> - � :. ;.���
<br /> � these obligutions in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner. Bormwcr shall pay them on time directly
<br /> " "�"`"�� to the person owed payment. Borrawer shnll promptly fumish to Lender ult notices of amounts to bc paid undcr this puragraph.
<br /> t•�" "�� If Borrower makes these payments directly, Borrawer shull promptly furnish to L.ender r�eiptc evidencin�the payments.
<br /> �,. .... •:
<br /> :c. �--:.ax,,_
<br /> ' ="'�.:�'" Borrower shuli promptly dischatge any lien which has prio�ity over this Security Instrument unless F3orrower: (a>agrees in
<br /> -.,•.., <. t� :,�..
<br /> .}�y� , , . wdting to the payment of the obligation secured by the tien in a manner acceptuble to I.ender:tb)contests in�ooci faith thc lien
<br /> J "J' by. or defends against enfarcement of the lien in, le€al proccedings which in the I.ender's opinion operute to prevent the
<br /> ,; �,�� 4"� • enforcement of the lien; or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an a�reement uuisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to '
<br /> , , �i4 `,;'._. ., .
<br /> ,��,1�.. „ ,,:. this Secadty Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a licn which may attuin priority over
<br /> , � ' this Security Instrument. Lender may sive Borrowcr a notire iclentifying thc licn. Borrowc�shall satisfy the!ien or tukc one or
<br /> .;�,�`��::y._. ._r-
<br /> {. �,+:,-::::.:;:•:'�,�.::
<br /> - more of the actions set farth above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> ' ���:,", a
<br /> ;,,�+��: - :•�,�: Form 3028 9/90 i
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