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<br /> ,:
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<br /> • sub�quutI�I13�oqyivaluat.uno��a inwnnce cover�ge is not Avallable.Borrower 6hai1p�y to Ltnder ew:h month t�eum cqwtl tu
<br /> o�e-twelfth of the ytady.�insurance pnmium txi»g pald by Borrawer When the inFUrance ceveruge lupsed or ccaseaf ro
<br /> hc in effcct.I:�a�Jcr wi6l,pel�t'�+�ine�nd�etuin these paymenta as n lass reseroe in lieu nP mortgagc insurunce. 1 nss rescrve
<br /> , ,�, - p�yn�enta may no lcsri�erl�e��qt�itrif:At the aption of I.ender.if mattBagcr insurnn��e rnvetnge(in thc amount u►ul fnr the peri�r
<br />-- thut Lcnder rcqutres)provlded hy nn insurcr npprovcd by Lrnder a�nin bcw��t�s i►vnllat�lc i;�d i�;nhtntncd. 8ure+�ivCP fiI18II�:� �.
<br /> • thc premiums required to malntain mArtgagc insurence in ef[cct.or tc�provtdc u lass rcscrvc, untd�he rcyuirc��►cm for���ttgag�
<br /> insuran�e ends in uccorctance wlth any wdtten ngrcement betwean Bnrtawer�u�d I.cndcr�r applirnble luw.
<br /> 9.ins�lian. Lendr.r ur its agent muy make reasonable entri�.w upcm und inspcctiour: oe the Pmperty. 1.cixlcr nhall giv� —
<br /> - � . Borrow�r mptice at the time af or pdor to an inspectIon specifying nason�ble cuusc fat tho inspc�,Klun.
<br /> �0. Condemtatt[on. The proceed.g af any uwaM or cluim for danmges. direct nr canscy�cential. in 4Y►nnection with�n
<br /> � crondemnati�n or�Thsr�nkin�c►f'nny part��P the Praperty.or Cor conveynnce in lieu uf cimcicmn;ni�►n, are hercby ussfgnsd c► �
<br /> shall be paid to L.ender. �
<br /> {' In thc cvent of a totul taking of thc Property.the proceeds Fhall bc uppliai ta tho�urns�ecurod by thir Sccurity Instcumcn(,�
<br /> whether or not then due. with nny exccsspaid to Bomawcr. In the cvcnt of u Qartiiil t:�king af�1tc Prapeny in which thc fuir
<br /> market vutue of thc Property ire�modlately befarc thc wking ia equal w ar grcatcr than thc cimuum uf the tiuittr Fccurod by this —.
<br /> �xurlty instrument immedintely befurc the wking.unl�.ss Bonower and L.endcr othcrwi�c n�nc in wdting. the�umg t�ccurcd by _
<br /> ' � this Security ias�trument shnll be reduced by the umaunt of the praceoda multiplied by tht fallawing frnctiun: tA) the total
<br /> � ��• nmaunt af the sums r,ecured imimdtutely 6efore the taking, divided by (b)the fuir market'value c►f the Pruperiy immediutcly ___
<br /> ���� before the taking. Any balunca shall be paid to Borrower. Ir� the event of a p�niol wkinb of the Prapeity in which the fuir _ _
<br /> ' 1 ��c:•' msitticet value of the Praperty imattediatcly before the taking is tess than the umount of the sums s�ural immediately bcture the
<br /> �,�'a?�'.�;=;`. � -��-
<br /> taking. unless Borrower and l.emder otherwise ugree in wnung or unl�s uppliwble luw athcrwise provfdca.the pracee�ls�hall ___
<br /> �;Y"•'..7�”;b�:;. be applied co the sums secured by this Securiry Instniment whether or n�t the sums at�then due. �.,;u_
<br /> • at..�,;;� .-
<br /> • d �.r,�:?• If the Property is ubandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by Lender to Bormwer that the condemnor affers to m e nn ..,,__,_
<br /> ..�.. ���'�' s: award ar settie a cleim for damages. 8orrower fails to respond to Lcnder witliin 30 dnyF after ehe dnte the natice is givert. `-=-
<br /> -,.,• __
<br /> q��'�;.�'"?�'" [.ender is suthorized to colleci snd apply the proceeds,ut its option,either to resrorution nr repair af the Property ur to thc sums ._..�,
<br /> •. �"'���j''''= secu�ed by this Sccurity Inscrnrteent. tivhether or aot then due.
<br /> ..�"�.ti�•��;a� � r,, cs�_
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agree in wriUn�. any nppli�tian of proceeds to principal Khalt not exrei►d pr �_�
<br /> � �'1```►'•``�� s ne the due date of the manthly payments refetr�d to tn para hs t and 2 or chan c thc nmount of such � ments. '�
<br /> �.�,�-�-� . po tpo S�P 8 P•Y ;�r-.
<br /> •� �� 11.Borrower Not Releasedt Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver.Extensian of the tirne for paymem or modification .
<br /> `�`'3c�:'•�-��`• �_�, of amorti�atlon of the sums secured by this Security instrumem grartted by l,ender ta any su�c�sor in intcrost of Borrriwer shnll ' :t,
<br /> �'?`;' '�� �` , not operate[o release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower s successots in interest. L.ender shaU nut be requircd ta - ,:__
<br /> �.;,.;�.,: : � commence prnceedln�s egatnst any successor in interest or refuse to extend timc for payment or othetwise modify amortization ,,-��,;
<br /> �'" ''�'"����" of the sums secured by this Security Instcument by rea�on of any demand rtusde by the originul Borrower or Borrower's !?"�r�
<br /> :r:,.`��•.:'., J
<br /> �_::ro,,:.,,:,,, ' suoa�sors in interest. Any focbearnnce by Lender ln ezereising su►y rf�ht ar remedy �►hall nut be u waivcr of or precludc thc
<br /> exencise of nny rlght or remedy.
<br /> ��!:;`��'• � 1Z. Successors and Assigt�s Bowtd;Joint und Severa! I.ia6Utty; Co-signens. Thc cavenant� s�nd agreements of this ;;�.
<br /> : �' • Secwity Inst�ument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of
<br /> � : •
<br /> � ' ' paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants ur�d agreements shall be joint nnd seveml. Any 8orrower wha casjgns this Sacudty ; • •
<br /> - w,,;,;;;" . . , Iast�ucncut Lut do� not�.e�ezut�tha *:ose: (a) is c�-sigssing this 5er�rity Instn�ment onty �m m�rtgage. erant ared cnnvey that _
<br /> zu :.�.
<br /> x;.� ' . . Borrower s lntec�est in the Property under the terms of this Secur[ty Insuvment;tb>is not pc;sanuily obligsted to ay the sums .- q.
<br /> ��'•r:•• � " secured b t3iis Securlty Instnunent; artd(c)agrces that Lender and any other Borrower mny agree to cxtend.modity.forbear or r;�,:�.
<br /> ' � , � rpalc¢any aooummodations wtth regard to the iterms af this Securlty Insuument or the Note without thnt Borrower's consent. ^•=•
<br />� ' • 13.Loan Clwrges.If the loan securad by this Security Instnsment is subject to a law which sets maaimum loan charges. �� '.
<br /> ° attd that law is finall intetpteted so that the lntertst or other loan charges collected or to be collecKed im m�nection with the ��'�� �
<br /> :._•.,;. . loan eacxed the permitted lim�ts.then:(a)any sueh loan charge shall be reducod by the amount necessary to reduce the charge `'l��
<br /> ���:f�,,,,, ., to the pemdtted iim[t;and(�)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permicted limits will be refundod to „_
<br /> • ' �`��' Borrower. [.ender may choose to make tt�is mfund by reducfng che principal owed under the Note or by m�ng u direct
<br /> � '""''"���''"� � ' payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces priRCipal. the reduction will be treated as u paRial prepaymcnt without any
<br /> Ty;:-.....�'��.�_-,� r...: .
<br /> .,�; ;�, . ., prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> _ ;,'� 14.Notioes.Any notice to Borrower provtded for in this Securiry Instnament shall be �iven by delivering it ar by mailing
<br /> '�;�'�;.�.;• - . it by first class matl un(ess applicable law requires use of another method. The notice shall be directad ro the Propetty Address
<br /> '��''�-'��e=�' '�� or eny other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any rtotice to I.ender shall be given by first class mail to
<br /> '�`''f•'�`�•``r ' I.ender s addreas stuted herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in lhis
<br />-�� ��"�'�������� ,� Secudty Instrument shall ba deemed tol�ave becn given to Borrower or Lender when given as provtded in this paragraph.
<br /> V��"` �"�� ��""`�� � 15.Governing Law; Severabnli¢y. This Security Instniment shatl be govemed by federnl law and the law of the
<br /> �,;�:�-='.. ;urisdiction in which the Property is locaaed. In the event thut any proviston or cluuse of this Security Instrument or the Note .•,.,:..
<br /> .:�t„-?, •+ . ooaflicts with applicable Iaw.such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be y�,�,r,�
<br /> � � � ° � siven effect without the confltctin�provision. To this end the provisIons of this Security Instr�ment artd the Note:u�e declared
<br /> ° '` " � ! to be severuble.
<br /> � .�- 1 16.Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the IVote and of this Security Inst�ument.
<br /> `��'-• •- .. . ' 17.Transfer of the Property or a Beneticial Interest In Bon�ower.If all ur any part uf the Properry or uny interest in it
<br /> � �'i'^ � is sold or transferted(or if a beneficial interest in Bnrrower is sold or transferned and Borrower is nut a natural person)without �
<br /> � " Lertder's prior written consent. Lender may. nt its option, rcquire immediatc payment in full of all sums sccured by this
<br /> . Secudty Instwnent. However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federnl law as of the date
<br /> Y`�.=;: .,;;•. � of thjs 5ecurity Instrument.
<br /> :� �°`'' ' r��• If Lender exercises this option.Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. 'Ihe notice shatl rovide a period of not •�
<br /> � . :t:.:;,�.
<br /> e,•. less than 30 days from the dnte the noaire is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay ul sums secured by this
<br /> �` � �� � Secudty Instwnent. If Bomower fails to pay these sums pr[or to the expirarion of this period,l.endcr rrwy invoke any remedies
<br /> . • • : . permttted by this Sacudty Instrument without fuKher notice or demand on Borrower.
<br />_ " ; � 18. Borrower's iti�s to Reim,stute. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Bomower shail have the right to hnve
<br /> �� ,�.�;-s,�', ent'orcement of tf�is Secunry Insuumeett dlscontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a1 5 duys (or such other periaf a�
<br /> - . � appticable lnw may specify for reinstat:ment)before sale of the Property pursunnt to :�ny power of sale contained in this
<br /> �.;r;:;�:�•�: .��* . Security Instru�rent;or(b)enny of a j�:�,�ment enforcing this Securiry Lnsttument. Thox conditions ure that Borrower:tu)paya
<br /> ;r•"`�� � �• Lender alI sums�vhlch then would be ciue under this Security Insttument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurrcd:(b)
<br /> }�" cums uny default of any other covenants or agreements:(c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Securiry lnstrument,
<br /> _. � � �,_ inetuding, but not limited to,teasonable attorneys' fees:and (d)tnkes such action as Lender m►y reasonably require to nssure I
<br /> c� • that the lien of this Securiry Instrument, Lender's ri�hts in the Property and Borrower's obligntion to pay the sums secured by
<br /> " this 5ecurity Instcument shall contin�ne unchunged. Upon minstntement by Borrower_ this Security Instrument and the
<br /> �_�.
<br /> ° - obligattons secured hereby shalt rema�n fuiiy erieceive s+s ic no acceierucion nau o�surrai. 'riu�.crc�.�C��� .�b�a�o�e�as��a ,��a�� ! -
<br /> �• not apply in the case of accelersidon under paragraph 17.
<br /> � 19. Sale of Noi� �twttge of Loan Servfcer. The Note or a p�trtiul intcrest in the No�c (together with this Security I
<br /> � Inswment)may be sold one or more times withuut prior notice to Borrower. A sale may c+esult in a change in the entity(knnwn I
<br /> ,� ;. ,� .� os tl�e"Loan Servlca.�")that collects monthly paymenb due underthe Note nnd this Sccurity Instrument.'there also may be cme
<br /> �� or more changes of the Luan Servicer unrelatod to n sale of thc Note.If there is u rtwn•e uf the l.er.u►Scrvi�rr.Borrower�vill be �
<br /> • �o. � given written notice of the change in acrntda�tce with para�;rnph 14 above and applicab�e law.'t'he notice wfU stute the nattte�u�d �
<br /> nddress of the new Loan Servicer and the address to�vhich payments should be made.The notire wiil :ilso contuin any othe� �
<br /> ' ��� infomiation required by applirable ti►w. �
<br /> • t.�_ ; ?A. Hamrdoug Substuttces. Borrower shalt noi w„iusc or permit the presence. u,�. Jispowl, titarsgc,or rclease of any ;
<br /> u
<br /> . • „ � HaTardous Substances oa or in the Propeny. Bnrrower shall not do, nor ullow:myone el�r a�dn, unything uffecting thc �
<br /> �r. �. pooperiy that is in violutton of any Environmental I.aw.'Che precedin�hvo scntcnces shsll not appiy tn thc prcsenrc,usc, ur �
<br /> ' '{v:�•� �,Y'�`"�. storage on the Property of small quantities of H�uardoas Substunces that an:genersity rc�rogniz��l to bc appropriute to aurmai ;
<br /> �.��•�•�`�• and to maintenance af the Pro
<br /> . . ..,, . resldentiul uses PeKY•
<br /> t,j vaco 3or a Form 3028 9/SO
<br /> �':. __ — — - —_ —
<br />