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<br />- - _ DBED UF �T�UST �� __.
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<br /> 'i HIS DBBD OF TRUST("Sec�urIty Iusu�u'ae�ti"�is madc an , May 25. I9'94 .The uustor is �... _
<br /> �
<br /> �'� Piilton G. G�lliart and Mary B. Galliart, husAa.md and wilf� as �oint tQaante __
<br /> ("Borrower").The uustee is Norweat Baak Nebraska, Na�ional Association --
<br /> � ("Tnutee").'ihe beneficiary is H�Bt g�Nebraska. National Assoc�ation —
<br /> ,,
<br /> whicfi is organlzed and existing under the Iaws of�e IInited St�►tse a£ America ,and whasa •
<br /> -- ai�cess is
<br /> 20Z West Ttiird Street, v'rand Island, Nebr a �888 `
<br /> ("��er ). Borrower owes Lemder the princtpal suaz of
<br /> � Fifteen Thousaad aad no/100ths- --- aUars(U.S.�S,OOO.OQ*�* �,
<br /> �� 'il�is debt is evider�ced by Borrower's note datod the sam� date as this Security Instnunent("Note").which provld�s for "--
<br />�� `=; tnonthlY payments.wfth ebe fuil debt.if not paid earlier.due an�1 payable on �y 25 199� . ""'
<br /> = lttis Sxurity Instrwnent secures to Lender:(a)the repayment of the de�t evidencad by the I�ote.w th interest.and al!cena�4�ads, �,
<br /> ' extensior�s and rt�adificatfons of We Note: (b) the payment af�!I othet suma. wlth interest. advaaced under par�raph 7 to �.__
<br /> ;� protect the security of this Security Insuvment;arid(c) the perforn�ancp of Borrower's rnvenants and Agrreements. For this pr,;;
<br /> .;� purpose,Borrower imevocably grants end oonveye to Tntstee, in tn�st. wtth power of stile, the following described property �°_:
<br /> s
<br /> { located in �11 County,Nebras?�a:
<br /> _. •;�.
<br /> ,�_,.� Lot 5. Biock 115. Railroad Additioa, City o£ Grand Island, Ha].1 Countq. -__
<br /> • * Nebraska.
<br /> . � �
<br /> `. `�.�'.:���.�' _ ..�
<br /> ��.r_;i"
<br /> `�=��' 'y� whic6 has the address of • (sme�c,Ciry�,
<br /> ;�'��n:: 822 West lst Stree� Grand Island .
<br /> - ;,�;; Nebraska 68801 ( Property Acldress"):
<br /> s.,.
<br /> �L �zi�coacl
<br /> . +"' -�`R?x.: .
<br /> �%�� TOQETHER WITH a11 the improveme.nts now or hereutt�r crected on the property.and all casements.appurtenances,and
<br /> " "�f'�; fixwres now or hem,after a part of the property. AU replacens�m� and addIdon.v shall atso be covered by this Security
<br /> j�"�F����;�; Insuumeut. All of the foregoin�is mferred to in this Security.Inauurnent as the"Property.'
<br /> ��%•�r BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully,seised of the estat¢her+eby conveyed and has the right to grant end
<br /> ° - oonvey the Property and thnt the Propecty is unens�bered, except for encumbrances o�record. Horrower wanasnts and will
<br /> defend generally the Htle to the Property against ell clafr�s and,demands.subject to any encumbrances of record.
<br /> THIS SECURI'["tC INSTRUMBNT wmbines unifocm�covonants for nutional use end nom�uniform covenants with limlted.
<br /> �;,;-;,:;'. `,:;;;;;., variatians b�jurisdiction to canstitute a�niform se��rity insttu�-a.�rrt�roverin�real prc�pecty.
<br /> � �f" UMFImRM COVBNANTS.Borrower und Lender oov��n.t aitd.agtee tts follows:
<br /> _. �"�..ta�.e.�:.,�•.�
<br /> 1. P�,�ymeat of Prin�Sppl aad Interest; Pre��rcct�nt und Il.ate Chargss. Borrower aD�all pro�mptly pay when due the
<br />'z�`' ._s�•� '4._v��•. urincinal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the ATom�and uny prepuymunt airs!lste charges due under the Note. �
<br />_,��t ��T_
<br /> -��T .-,;-,..-.. ' 2. �ds for Taxes u�td Iasurmnoe. Subject to appiiaabte taw or co st wn�n waiver oy under. norrower�6aii puy iu -
<br /> '°"" I.endcr on tt►e day monthly payments are duc under th�.Nottt.until the Note is pnid in fuU. a sum("Funds")fnr:(a)yearly taxes
<br /> � iG`.'JrAY;':tr.4:ri'.
<br /> '�;,:a�"'.�,:. aad assessments which mny attain prlority over thia Securiiy lnstcument as a lien on the Property;(b)yearly leasehold payments
<br /> =. . �"'��` or ground renis on the Pcoperty.if any:(c)�reruly hatar�ar property insurartce pnemiumti: td)Yearly flood insurnnce premiums.
<br /> '_,<-�5;,,� if s+ny; (e)yearly mortgage insurnnce premwms,if anyt and(�uny sums payable by Borrower to Lender, in accvrdance with
<br /> - ' �, the provisians of paragraph 8.in tieu of the p�yment of mortgage insurance premiums.These items are uhll�xi "Fscraw Items."
<br /> �� , �y I.ender may.at eny time. colloct and hold Fwide ie an ainount not to exceed the maximum wnount a lettder for a federully
<br /> ��„� related mortgu�e loan may require for Borrower's cscrow a�count under the fe�ersil Real Sstate Settlement Procedures Act af
<br /> ,�:'•, 1974 as aatended from time to timP. l2 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"). unless another law that applies to the Furtds
<br /> . ' � �;_� sets u tesser amount. If so. [xnder m�y. ut any timo. wllect and�old Funds in an umount not to exceed the tesser umount.
<br /> ' Lendcr muy estimato the cmount of Funds due om t�►a Gas1�of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future
<br /> - Escrow items or otherwisc in accoidmtce with uppliauble law.
<br /> ' • • •�.t,. HEBMSItASingle Fam�ty�Fannt�MadFnddi�Mac U�IPtlRM IHSTRUINEN7 Form 3028 9l90
<br /> �(�j������Q VMP ffOfROAGE FOFIMS•131312939100-�800�821•723t V�QO t of 4 , lamondo�!6191 �
<br /> .y�,
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<br />