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<br /> Barower�Il p*rsnptty�ivo i.a�d�er wirirrfn tt�at�cc of pny tnvc�tig�ticm,claim. dcmrncl. in�v�utt ox uttsei:ctlanby�u►Y
<br /> govemmenta!or re�ul�torya�cr�cy �r pr�vacc'�any ir�.valvt�g�h�e f�ro}xny nn0 xny Huzanlnu�St�isntwice or�nuironmr�u�l�►w
<br /> of which H�►m�w�r hnv actupl knnwlMKC. iB 13urinwr.r learnv,nr ia nntilir.d by i+ny E.+�vr.nnnr.ninl•oe rrgulatory uu[tiorEty,that
<br /> , any rc�mnval�m other t�nxili��tun o�'ruy Hur,ucrlou�+5+ds:�tattrc cil�tc�tiil�tho��ra�a��iy i�i ttccc�sury.Y3+nruwc►•�����III`7Tillilyltly I:tLC�
<br /> �ll��xssaiy remaiial te:dans in Wc�:anta��With Envir��ni��c�itallaw,
<br /> A�vaad in this rixc+�r�►pti 2Q. 'Hrrazaouy Substunces"um thnte sttbstenees�e�ined ng mxic ar ha��ntnus subsuu►ces by .�
<br /> �nv(nmrnGntd I.sw a�xf thc fi.11owing �ub�tanccs: ga�Nnr.. kcrosona, othcr flan�mablc or tn�slc pNroleum pmdu��1Y, taxic .�
<br /> paticida�nd herblctde��vulatilo rx�lrert�.rru�teriulx c�urrtoin�ng usbcstoA ar iunnaldchydc�und mdloacQve nwterials.Aa used in
<br />� thi��graph 20, "Envlronmen�al la►w" ma�nx Federal luwe and ixwsa aP tho jud�dlctiun wtience the Property i� locHod tlwt �
<br /> rel�tc to hr�.►��th.slfety ae en���imnm�me€� shx�iei��ar�, � � --
<br /> • NON•UNtt�RM COVBNA(YTS. �AY11I1W4P qRfl LCli�li PUTiII�f Ot1VCif3lfil lUH)A�FCL'IIR�OIIOWQ: �
<br /> 21.Aocda�etioni Re�nedia. Laa�tiAm Rltnll gWe nWlco to Dnmm�xr priar to a��caicr�tion thtbwin�Boi*�►w' 17 unlsa��
<br /> o�any rnvNUnt or�ree�nent le f�1u Sacuctey fmm�unent (niit�nnt nrinr to Qcalerwtion nnderpe rn�niph
<br /> �bk lawpro vldes otherv►bia1..`�n�t9ce sMU ePednyt (u1 tttc detault; (b) t1�ocUon r�yuind to cure the def�Wt;
<br /> (c)a d�te,not lers th�u�3p daya�irorct 1lt�d+�u t�a notice le gh�m��ta 8orruwer,by whlcfr ta�a c�efautt m�t f�e eisreAt aed
<br /> (d)tl�rt tdlw+e to cure th�e dei�ult a�+�a�uut'ixe the d�te�peclQe�l�In tho noUci mny rcwdb tn�rocclention ot the�wms
<br /> eecured by thL�Sicc���tt��t�►brunKnt�rtr�sxle at tl�ProAcity.�11ro nntico ahpli ft�rtlter Inforro Borrower of the ri�ht to _
<br /> rda�tate�4ter scaleratton ud t6e riqD�E W bring o court �►Mian�to essert the non•extRtettca of a�fetnult or any oti�er
<br /> • deia�ot Bo�v�oNer to acate�tbun.an�salu. I[the dcfauit le nat curcd ou or beforc tl�n�tte specttted tn the eotice.
<br />� i.eede�,at its optloa.nu�y r.e�utre�rnnied[ate payment fa fb11 af all sumA Recured 6y d�iR aec�er[ty I�strument wlthout
<br /> lYu�t6er demand pnd msy iuvok� tla�u�+cr at sale and any other�nedlcg Permlttcd by appIIc�bk It►w.Lender ishsil be
<br /> antitled to oolted all eacpen�.s incurred tn�ursuing tbe remecllc9 pmvldcd In tt�1s�aaragrapl�Zi,inctudIng,bwt noi limited
<br /> �O�IYi10i1�EIQ A�1�71Cy8'fees and coRta ot tide evidence.
<br /> V tIKpowa oi s�le�is inraked,�ru�stee s6ai1 record p noUeB of delhult in eaci�couul�+in wMich any p�rt o[tbe
<br /> Pca�.'tY Ls k,rs�l Qttit s�n!!;sR�L�rQgfes at such a�tr!!ce W the m�nnor pr�rit�!by appllcQt�le law ro Bunrower and to
<br /> t6e other pereong prescsilEC�tL3�•a@plEcat�t�luw.Alter thc dmu taqulred b9 W�l�licable law,'[tiyrstee s6a11 gtre puWic notice
<br /> ot sve to tl�e pe�song�mE�in,RitQ muancr prescrlbcd by aptii11m6fo law.7Yustcc�without demand on Borrowu, statl sell
<br /> t6e F'roperty at pablic AuertEu�t�e tEn hlB�St biddcr at tha timo'and placo xad under the termn dssip�nated in the c�Mioe ot _
<br /> sde[n a�se or more p�t+cela.and inaay ord�TrnsLee determipuv..Tnistee mey nostpone xxfe at all ar w�y prrcel o!Ct�
<br /> properiy by gubE�C aanouncement ng tlt�N�ne and place of eny:provlouely scheduled sale. I.ender�r its datgnx�
<br />: purctwse the Pe+uperty qt�nny sale. o._
<br />� _ �Jpan recdpt of�y�rct�tt of the �rtcB bid, Tn�tee shell deliver to the purcl�sr Trustee's deed cunveying the —
<br />' Propaty. T6e raitsLq in f�ta 'f'RUStee's deed shaU be�ima fsola evIdence of tue truth oP 11xe stat�ieats made therein.
<br /> Tmsta shall Apply tlie proceede ot ttte sale in the following prders tn1 W all costs and expenaes uf exee+cising the power of
<br /> sale,and the sak,Inciuding the payinant of ths T�ustee•a tees.uctue�ly incumed,not to exccert t�e)of $50.00 or '�96
<br /> oi t6c prin�pal amow�t oi the rtate e.t tM3 time of thc declwatfomof default,nnd rnasonabla attorneys'[ees a�pe�mitted
<br /> t�t��r;.t�3 ta s!3�s�r�tlt�tl�s�'�`!m�ni;ansl(�)any exce�to We geisou or�sons le�ally enttUed to ,
<br /> i�
<br /> 22. Recpnroqytutee. Up�rn gaymont of ull sums secured by thie S�curity Insmiment. I.ender sh�ll request Tmstee to
<br /> rernnvey the�.Ihapetty ardd shull surt�nder this Securiry Instnunsnt und all notes evidencing debt secured by this Securi�nr
<br /> Instn►ment to•'�t�etae•�'tustee shnll reconvey the Propeny without wananty and�vithout charge to the person or pe�sons le��PJyr
<br /> enrided to It:�uch person ar persone sh�l1 pay uay necordation costa. •
<br /> 23.Substittite Ti�uatee. Lendor. at ita option, ntay from tima ro dme remuve Tn►atee and nppaint n successor tnistee to _
<br /> ;Any+'Tcustee appoint�.M ho�und�rby en insuument mconR�al in tho coanty in which this Security Instruraent is recorded.WIthout �;;;.
<br /> canveyance of tlte Prcperty,tha successor nustee shall sacreed to a11 thQ title,pon•er and dutics confern�d upon Trustee herelp _
<br /> and 6y appl{oabta luw.
<br /> 24.Reque5![or Nntices.Boaower req�cests thut copies of tho notices of default and sale be sent to tiorrower's addz+� �"'?,
<br /> wT1IC�l�S tI1C PD0�1CIty A�(�it:bS. __=-
<br /> 1S. Rtders to ttda S�curitp Iastawnent.If one o:more rido�are exexutc�d by Borravcr and recorded together with this ��'=
<br /> '�Secterity Insuument.tlt�covenants ana agneements of ea�h such ridDr shall be ineo�porated into and shnll umend r3nd supplement �`-
<br /> the covenants and t�greementa of tt7ia Security Insuument a9 if tha ridar(s)were a psut of this 5ecurity Insttument. ""'
<br /> [Check appllcable box(as)D �:�
<br /> �r-�-
<br />- � ( �r=t:,_
<br /> [,�AdjuStu6le Rata Ridar �Conduminium ltidor ❑ I-�F�mily Itider • =�-
<br /> ❑BfweeW �,4
<br /> L.1 Gradus+ted PnymeneRider �Pianned Unit Davalopment Rider y Pnyment Rider �R
<br /> , �C]B�.tloon Afder �Rate Improveme+r►t Rider ❑Second Home Rider ,�n�_
<br /> (�V.A..ltider Otiter(s)[sP�cjf9l �;_`_
<br /> E�
<br /> . t=
<br /> BY SI41�iING$E�OW. Bormwar uccepts and agrees to tho terms and covenants m�i�z�t is�this Security Instrumc�t and .+__•
<br />- in any ridar{s)ozeaatarl�by Boirower and re�orded�vith it.
<br />-- Wttnesses: � � .
<br /> �i.,�4',��+ITiRs' ���(Seal) �
<br /> DOUg'�.�S D. O t Br @A •Bortower `1;;..
<br /> � � �
<br /> � .E5oa1) ,
<br /> � t nds K. 0'Brien -►���* ��j;
<br /> � �` ..
<br /> rc�n l�esil)
<br /> •IiottoWeT •Bormwer —-
<br /> STA1Ts OF NEBRASICt�, 8a11 Cannty sss �
<br /> 7t�e foregoing insm�rt�nt was acknnwlut�cd he�ore me thi 25th day of May . 1994 .
<br /> � by Doug2as D� 0•Brian stnd Linda K. 0`Brien ueban�an f_ •
<br /> Witrtas my hand and notntisi!seal at Grand Is i said Co .the date aforaaid.
<br /> , My Commission B�ires: - �
<br /> Nottty PtcDlic .
<br /> ���r�� : ' •
<br /> • �4M� aacoo�4 Form $028 9/80
<br />