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<br /> _ - -^ DEET.t� OF TRUST qs, ���
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<br /> THIS DSBU OF TRUST("Security lnst�ument")is made on Maq 25. 1994 .The wsior is �
<br /> Douglas D. 0'Brir�n and Linda R. 0'Brien, husband and wife =_ -
<br /> � ("��W�") T�e���s Noswest Bank Nebraska. National Assaciation
<br /> ("1'custee').Tke beneflcIury is Noswest Bauk Nebraska. National Association
<br /> � which is organized and existing uader the laws of �� Qnited States of America .�wha� �"
<br />'= �� ,� ���g 202 West Third Stseet, Grand Island. Nebraska Ei88vi �'
<br /> ' ("Lender").Borrawer owes Lender the principal sum of
<br /> --------- 00**,t
<br /> ,s�;`• , Thirty-five Thousand and no/100ths 'boUersN.S.$�5,000. �,
<br /> 'lbis debt is evidenced by Borrower's ceote datesl the same date ag this Security insuumcnt("Note"),which provides for
<br />; � mont6ly payments.with the full debt,if not patd earlier,due and payable on �y 2S. 1999 • =---�
<br /> ��;�� Thia Security Insuument secures to Lender: (a)the repayment of lthe debt evldenced by the Note.with interest,and all rcnewals. ��
<br /> - � eatensions and modifications of the Note; (b) the payment of all other suma, with interest, advanced under paragrAph 7 to �H�:;
<br /> - protett the security of this Secudty Insuument: and (c)the performance of�orrower's covenants and�greemenu. For this '' _
<br />..� putpose, Borrower irrevocably gtants and conveys to Trustee. in trust, with power of snle, the followiag descr�bed property ����
<br />�k located W Hal�. County.Nebraska:
<br /> _ , �.
<br /> Lot 2d, Le Heights Fourth Subdivision, Citq of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br />�_ ''�"�'''i7 ..
<br /> ,�:�,�• �
<br /> �� •'•t���� t��: (StteM.City].
<br /> r!� , which has the address of 4245 Norseman Avenue Grsnd Island
<br /> C,;::�',.�.'.`• Nebraska 68803 �"ProPeny Address');
<br /> � '�;, [2ip CodcJ .
<br /> �r a?v"�. .
<br /> ��'� TOGSTHER WlTH all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property.artd all easeraents,appurtenances,and
<br /> _ �'� fistu�s now or hereafter a part of the property. Ap replaa�ents and additions shull also be covered by this 5ecurity
<br /> `� Instrument. All of the foregoing js referned to in this Socudty In9Erument as the"Propecty."
<br /> ti`'- v""�, BORROWER COVENANTS that Bo-rrowcr is lawfully seised of the est�te hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and
<br /> � convey the Property ons�thnt the Pmpe�ty is tuiencvmbened. exoept for encumbrartces of rerord. Bornower warrants and will
<br /> : defend genemlly ttte 6de to the Property ugainst�11 rlaims und demands,subject tn any encumbmncas of r�ord.
<br /> •�,;.,_,.,.: THIS SECURITY INSI'RUMENT combines uniform wvenants for national use and non-uniform rnvenants with limited
<br /> ::.:;�;::: . vur[ations by jurlsdtction to constiwte u uniform securlty instnunEnt rnvering reat property. .
<br /> ' J'"�" '` �� ' • LINIFO1tM COVENANT'S.Bomower and I.ender wvcru�nt attd agree ns follows:
<br /> '1�;:�i:::�.�.a:-
<br /> ° s-r-''.ri.;;�,.;,� 1. Piuyment of 1'rincipal nnd Interest: Pregay�nent and Late Cha�gcs. Borrower shcill pmmptly puy when duc the
<br /> -- erincin�l nf nnd inreresc on rhe deht evidenc�bv the Note nnd anv orenavment and late charEes due under the Note.
<br /> . .: ,... .
<br /> __ _,
<br /> _....._,...... - . - - - -
<br />_;.,f ' _ �:r.�;?�:,�� : '�1.Fuads[or Taxes and Ins�rance. Subject to applicable luw or to a written waiver by I.ender. Borrower shall pay to
<br />- -�N�•f�: Lender on the day monthly payments ure duc under the Note,until the Note is paid in Cull,a sum("Funds")for:(n)yeariy taues
<br /> �:ti � ���' and asscssments which may attnin pdnrity over thts Secwity Instrument ns a lien on the Propetty;(b)ycarly leasehold ps,yments
<br /> . �;;�,5' or groumi rents on the Pmperty.if su�y:(r)yearty har�nd or pmpeny insurnnce premiums:(d)yearly flad insursnce pmmiums. -
<br /> ��• d �: if any;(o)yearly mortgage insurance pmmiums.if nny;and(f1 any surns payuble by Borrower to Lender.in ucrnrdance with
<br />- .. the provisions ofpa�agmph 6.�n lieu of the payment af mortgage insurance premiums.These items s►re ralled "Escrow[tem5."
<br /> • � i.ender may.ut any time, collect nnd hold Funds in un nmount not to exceed thc mnximum umount� lendcr fur a lcderally
<br /> '� related mottguge loam m�y tequire for Bormwer's escrow uccount under the federul Real Estnte Settlement Pru��edures Art of .
<br /> t 1974 as cuttended from tlme tu time. t2 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA").unless unother luw that applies to the Funds
<br /> seta a I�ser amount. qf so. Lendet may. at any time. collect und hold Funds in an umount not to exceed the Iecser amoant.
<br /> l� ! Lender may esUmate the amount of Funds due un the ba�is nf current data und r+casunable estimutes of cxpc�tdituny of futurc '
<br /> Esc�+nw Itema or othernlse in uocordaace with oppllcabte law.
<br /> l�EDRA81U1Stng►e Famiiy-Fan��N Ma�lksddl�M�a UI�IFOAM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 91�0
<br /> ` '" '° , �tYl 1pT�7111TQ VG1V�10AT6AGE f0RM5 IJ�9l733 Dt00 �somo�>>�s� vs,i,�u�n Amendad 8191
<br />