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<br /> '' ° :f . 1 premfw ths fdlowinp thinp� ft,_�
<br /> �. 1. NI payma�b on�ny oot�aothw debt s�aw�d by this rtartpaas wfil bs paid vdwn dus. 6--
<br /> ' b;,�} •� 2 M inwranp poUny tar f!ro�nd�ct�ndd wverap�wIp bs k�pt in tace a�the Propeny in en amount st teut eqwl to ths debns�cusd by thb "�"�
<br /> t'a' rn o r t p a p�p!w an Y othx m o r t p�Qa�li�tsd in p a r pnPh 6.Th�insunnca comP�Y mwt be sstlsfaataY b�Comrtbrefal Federal.msl CommYrcfal �--'-
<br /> - :•, -`1'•' P��kt!6s a nessr_d is:!r_�^t��tr!�ellc�. �';-
<br /> , � ��Ost� ' 9. A1�taxa and asreamM►ts on tM property witi bs p�id bsfon they becotsa dtlinquen� P•'_.
<br /> � . ��,w-
<br /> ;�„ . 4. Na vw�te wip bs eanmittad on tha prope�ty,and it wUl be kept in flood ropair.
<br /> ''�" ,� +'� 6. Th�propsrty v�i11 noz b�satd pnctuding by land contnat),teued.end no intaest in it wili be as�tgmd in any way. r°:
<br />� ~���±'?!� 8. 1 own ths PmperlY tua�andelsv oi any other moitgapss or enaumbrancee EXCEPT "' —
<br /> � :_,�ri•ry;.'-�� . ,_
<br /> ;,s -_ �J�r:.•„�..�::
<br /> '�.'r:� �i��!'�'�� 7. No otAer matgaga a lian on tha�roperty will ever W ellov►ed to be In det�ult or be loreeloaed.
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<br /> �y`�� It ony of thw promita aro not bep6 then Commercisi Fadoral oan deotare eii ot the deht immediataly due and psyable wkhout sdvartes nottcs.Ths
<br /> . � f. ;"� ' Int�root rets wfll incre�se to'A8.0096 or em►qroMer►ate allowabta by lew et that tlme.and tAfa rtwrtgege can be fore¢tosod.tf the dobt ie iceeieroted.then 1
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<br /> � ��,-^°��. Catain etnotnts qn bs p�id b�Cammacial Federal and added to Ms de6t eecured by th(s rtart8ega They are any taxes or inwmnee I havs apceed to
<br /> �• ,...:� �
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<br /> - prop��ty.and any witom�y tea�or cowt�xpMns whfa!►the Isw mi6ht dtow it Commeraal Federal ha�to po to eourtspainat me to edleat tho dabt or
<br /> fo�oloM this mattpps.B�nyot thKS thinpa hspp�n,then tA�addlUonal debt wfi!saorue interost at the s�me rato sa ths rest ot ffie debt and rnuat bs piid
<br />- �� . . ,. ..,,..n.` imnMdiably.
<br />�';4�i: ,W��;y�i+.�. N thls propxty it swr eondemn�d und�r ths pow�r o!eminent domeln or eny similar rtwtMod ot tekfnp proparty fa puhlio uao,eny proeoeds of the takinp
<br />_ ,'�� �".�"•":•' ':�'�']T�:(�� witi bs paid to Commeraial Federaf u�to tha WII amovnt ot ths debt sacured.
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<br /> "�h:'�.�'•. On thia 1�� day ot a7lA�F' . 18.��,betoro mv.a�r,tuy pu6lio in end tor eetd cowty,Pe�ao�edly came :.
<br /> . j'::':�":= .:�°. • to rtro known to be the identicel pamon orpersana whose '
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<br /> hAy comrnte�ton expfns:
<br />- �`;r�f�=:t.:.:x�. .: MICHELLEM.CALIANAN NoaryPuEt�'eSignawro
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