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<br /> � ��y', _... . ._..'"
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<br /> Th�und�nipw0 h�nby�oktwwMdp�th�t bl tM doa�nt to b�ex�c�ct�d 1��Tru�t�rd�nd not�monp�p��nd fb)tM Powa of NN prwA�l�/
<br /> � Ia In tlw�Tn+rt OMd prwidM nib�tr.id�lly diN�n++t dph►i�nd obNpNlen�to tM�orrowN th�n�enortp�In tM sWnt of�dNw�it a hrNOh ot
<br /> , � oEMp�Hon. 7h�und�r�lpn�/furtMt npnunn �nd pr�u th�t tNo a�ttllic�tlon ha bn�n nb md�x�out:d in npntyn�O���ptios to liN
<br /> anJar�tpnw�7'o�x�outicn ot tA�fnilu►aln�Yrud���d. 9��` j(� 'G� ------
<br /> _.,.�..��_
<br /> �_ THi9 TRU9T OEED ia m�d�thls,,,,��,_d�y of luna �t9,_Q!!,by�nd bstw��n th�Truotor,
<br /> _ �iii �. 9oara�n, JL'. �^a T�*dw [` Anwtewn� hunbA�ld nnd mife �
<br /> z= Ihsr�ln'8ar�t►w�w•!.
<br />'°t�'r wAo:�mMAnp�ddr�s�is 3�nt. tt iSth�tr�a�t��'�r�d ia�a,�„ Nebraska 68803 ''
<br /> �..�....._..�•
<br /> �^ �q Ahn�� ,�g�� Natienai Aaeocistion. Omaha�, I�ebra ka (MrMn'TmtR�'i.�nd�4j��
<br /> =!± ' aM}1C��F11�T1�1� nL� 7Jbt�nne7 Aaanciratin» Amxh_ fiot MO��IflQadd�OEtl.fa� arnaut SLY.dPte, • _
<br /> _:. " ~'—Ne'b"�rae�a „�
<br />_�±r;�: ��a. NebraQka 6$l.02 lhsrein"L�r►det•1.
<br /> � 60RqQWER.fo.aontld�raUon of the ind�btedotae heratn noitua��d th�trust b�areln orawd,inevooabty prente end eonveys to Tn�ttes,�o fntst.
<br /> � WITH'1'NE pQW�H OF SAI.E,the fotlowinp duarlbsd DroFirty looatedin the County of Ha11 ,State od Webtw{ur.
<br /> • •
<br /> "''�� ' Lat �1, Ialaud Acres Num1��x b, City of Grand Island. Hall �'o�.�aty,�N�braeks. �(d;:Aa_-
<br /> .i� �ef�� =,_.
<br /> b.
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<br /> '�r`�� TOGHTHER with vl buiWinpi,Nxturei�rd imp�ovemsnt�rtow or heresTtor areoted thereon end eU dpha•ot•way.eesoments,rents,isouoo,profltt, ,
<br /> ,:� .'t� inaom�.tan�m�nU,hereditemena,pdvflspe�,appurt�nancss.royotdn,and mimtd,oii,pa�end weter deht�tF�ereunto beloepinp,usod or enJoyed
<br /> :�y .sA' }�X � wtth said I�nd or any part thet�o4.�nd ths home�teed o►m�ried int�nst�,it any.whioh(ntereeta ue hereby retss�ed md wdvad,an�di ot whioh,
<br /> _', '°¢ s, -i�, Inotudlnp npt�o�m�nU�nd�ddition�thu�to sfull b�dsemed to bs�nd tamdn�psrt ot�h��propeny aoverod by thls Ttuat Oocd;and oll ot th�
<br />_ ti�, ��,� torepdny top�ther with�atd properly ere heroin roterra!to as the"Property.•
<br /> - }';t� .
<br /> �� `,;;�h� Y�k 10 SECURF to Under ths np�yment ot indebtsdnn��vid�noed by Bonower'e note datsd June 13 ,19_�,to�thsr
<br /> ., ,, ,..�.,±. ,^ , with ury snd aIi ronewds,modiHo�tlom,srd sxbndons thsroof ond su�stitutiohs or exohanpes therefor.(heratn retercod to e�tM'Note•1 in ths
<br /> •����••�':t•,; ,:-�' p r l n o f p�l eum of { � A�t1 19 ,t o pether with interost et tAe rate provided therein,wlth e flt�l m�tutily,if
<br /> _ �� `�+';;.
<br />-'` '��;���',i��= not wonn paid,ot � 18 end ec aeoudty for eny futurs advenoea thet me be meds Dy Lenser to Bortower
<br /> -]�.;.. -_ .,..,1;.::,' .,�,.. Y
<br /> - '• ;;.,,n,�, trom tlern to dm��nd ss s�ou ty or ths psym0nt oi�ny end eA othsr indebtedneae of the Boaower to tho lender whiah may eriso,Nt of caid suma
<br /> � .'•.. '� + not to�xo�ed tn ths apprsp�te�sum equd to three times ths odpinat prinolpal amount ot ths a4ove reoftod Note.
<br /> . _ .;-.i;�,ij;,`
<br /> • ��+.''+;'��:4�" 80RROWER aovenmt�that 8onower b�awWl�y seiied of the Property heroby oonveyod snd hes the tipht to prent u�d convoy the Propeny,that the
<br /> � ��,(s:•;' w;;r,•,:�;. Proputy ta unsecumbered by�ny mortQ�ps,tn�st deed,aontreot to purohe�e,or otherwfss,exeept fo�s f irat mort$ac�e i
<br /> � 1��� 1��i:fRr .
<br /> �P�.�::'.;.:n;:t::�r�1 intavorof e e Federal —
<br /> �� ��:�' '"��'�'•����- oo wNoh th�uapald bdenoe on tNe date doea eot exoeed 9 2 R_17 , eo�rower oovenente to comttv w�th at��hs terms
<br /> y .'-�,.�...�.Y�• �
<br /> i ��.�^•;::'•"~"°-�� �nd provisions ot any pdor mortpape,tru�t daed or contreot to pu•aheae,upon the Property ara!to make ali paymeMS thereon botoro they be�on�o ,
<br /> ; • "':":,�:k:;�'::' Geltnqusnt. tt no nsme or emount is tnsoned In thie perapraph,then 8orrowet oovenunte that thoro ero eo pdor Ifem of any Wnd upon the Property.
<br /> ;��'`•��'�' = . Bonower turthtr oovsnams to wenent and defeed the tlUs to ths Nroperty egdnat dl c�elmo end domande.
<br /> :�;,�•
<br /> ' �:.:.`.;:'� .•�:. •-, 8orrower�nd Lendei tu�ther oavensnt end epras es toQowe:
<br /> ,,.y .i,..�.:�',:<.,_.
<br /> '�':'� �� 1. 8orrow�t tA�l prompdy pay when dus the prinoipal and interest an the indebtedness avidenoed by ths Note.
<br /> .
<br /> „� .i�v4j} . .A..
<br />`- .'..:f..:., � , 4. At teen ten deye beforo tieey beoome deUnquent,Borrower eh�Q pay a0 taxes ond epeoiat e�ae�teslents levfed or eo�eaeed ep+nln9t the Propeny,
<br />�c:., �.'y.�;.���_.:: or eny part theroof,end ai!texe�,�evieo aed�seesement�Isvisd upon thie Trust Oeed or the debt whioh it aeoures.
<br /> ".� �; r;'.':",.�.,-.�_' . .
<br /> , _��_ • -�_1;r � 9. 8otrowet shap keep the improvements e+�d bulidtnpt,�f�ny.upon tlro Property inourad,with e comp�ny or aompaniea epprovod Ey tha lender,tor
<br /> — - m amoum noi tess mea me unpmq ostsnae on tee�rqoDteanee��oaurea oy tnro t ru�t oeeo witn e scendaro mortpspe orouae vn�n�aso peyooie�o =
<br /> ��s � ��' tAs lenQer. Borrower eheii dsltver eefd pottoy or poliates to ths Lender.
<br /> - �� a_,f�.-�.,
<br />__ �,.'A;�y�=;;•: ."��:' '' In M�svsm oi s lo�s,Borrowa shtll pivs prompt noUoe to tho ieuur�snae emder snd the Lendar ond Nle e proof of loso. It tl►�Bonowertu not otherwlee
<br /> in d�t�u(t,ths 8onowe►m�y�i�ot to epply tAe insunnoe proeeeds to�epotr or replaos the demepad Propeny.if eoonomiatly fe�elDto,snd the eeoudty
<br /> ::;;�,;,�'��,;�.^.�;:;.. ot thlt Ttutt D��d would not be imp�tted. If the 8o►rower is in deteutt or eleots not to reptir or repleoe the damaped Propeny or repdr or ropt000ment
<br /> .. •� s��?t'r•�;t�a.��°z'� wauld oot eeonomtediy teaefblo or the�eoudty ot tN�Teu�t Deed wouid Oe Impdrod thsn the Innuronee prooeed��hatl be epplled to the laot matu�inp
<br /> :' . .�If ..g„f,. .
<br /> �j� �"`Z�•-,:. il'','� peymmt�du�on the Noze. It the ineurenoe proosode ere in exoese of the totel emaunt due on eeld Atote,ths exoeas eheil be pafd to the Borrower.
<br /> ������, r..;,,,.
<br /> ����t., a�rrz:�;:�. '� inruranoe proeoedo tar repatt or►eptsoement she�t b�pleoed{n escrow with the Lende�nnd dieburoed Ey lander dudnq or upon eompteNon of suoh
<br /> '�' 12•��1"1-�•:t;�+�f;:,:�} repeir ot roptanement. If ehe lender eoquirat tlUe to the Property by exeroleinQ its power oi sde,tareotosuro or otherwiae.In eedafootlon oi the
<br /> ! ,• a:,�...ti.. �. �• ;•+��:
<br />'',� ,F,cx��..!,�;>;�;ti,,,; lndebt�dneee seottred hbroby,in whole or in pert,then d1 right,dtie end lnteroat ot the Botrower in end to euoA�neuianee polioy or potto�os ehsll peae
<br /> � 4;:r.;;:�tt��>�t•.,�Zik to the Lender.
<br /> ` ,p 5�.•,', • �;�+n,
<br /> ,� 4. Far th�purpoae of providinp e tund tor th�peyment ot tqxee,epeole!eseesemente and in�uranoe premfuma,Bonower ahall doposit with lender,
<br /> � � on th�dete�thee peymenU ar�du�on tM Note,on amouM equel to the te�e�,aoaesements erd inauronoe premiums next due fdl ee ostimated by
<br /> �' r. , 1;;•;
<br /> ��,�}�;�;., �.r9�,:.`� . th�l�nder,�e�e amounte dro�dy depo�Et�d eherefor)divlded by tM number of paymente on the Note thst will beooma due peior to the dete when euoh
<br /> ..,;,,:,.;,:.�•;::. - � ,. toxee,esae�amente end insutenoe promiume wil�beoome duo end paye�le. Setd funde wli!be held by the LenCer in a non•intereat ben�inp eacrow
<br /> ' ` '�' ���>' •'°: eoeount tot the purposea eet fortM abovo. If the emounts of these depoolta aro not euMtoiont to pay toxos,nssosemente and Insu�onea premiums us
<br /> '��:��:.���� � . � , they beaome due,the Borrnwer aha�t upon reyuoat,pey Lender the amaunt neooseary to make up the detieionoy.
<br /> ,. Y� ,. ., ,
<br />