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<br /> pe+�nd�that Lender c�uirs�. 'I'ho ir�atance carrier pruviding thc Insara�x�ttall be cho�en by Dor►�wer subject w l.�eidarti ,
<br /> --�-�--�—� �rc►v41 wh�h�i�all reot b�anreason�bty witi�luld. Yf Hatmwec fails to tnainu►In caverrg�des�:ritxd aQx�ve.f.c�,kr huy,at ,
<br /> [.endcrb opt�qn,ubtd��cover�ge to��otect Lcnder�rlghtx in the Pro�erty in acc�rd�ncc with p�u��rsaph 7.
<br /> ' All IAa�nnce polkka snd ne�ew�l�dull be art.�ceptRblo w f.en�ler u�d ahNll incDude a wndud rrwrtsug�e clwu. I.aKier
<br /> bh�ll havo tbe�right to hold thn polkiee and ce�new�fe. If Ltndtr roqu�ra.Borr�nwer ehtll pinrnptly�iMe ra I.e�der�U reotipez "
<br /> of prW pvem[�una md�trnew�!nodce�. Yn U►e event af Ios�.BcxrawCr stull givo prompt notice to the lnxw�wrco +cwti�c a+nd
<br /> ' [�cnder.Ler�kf m�y m�lce proot af laed if not mrdt prompdY by Aorrrnva. • ,
<br /> - -- 1tRlr4q[•r.mtrresed Aormwerotherwiso a�ree in wdting,insunnce�sh�l!be applied to reatorallan�rreptir df �_
<br /> the d�magal. if thc�esWradon a repur ir economlctUy fax ble and Lenderh�cudty te noi�awenod. It t�
<br /> Kat�or repair is+wt economic�lly f�.sibla 6r Lenderh,seCnnty wouid be leasened,the lnsur�nco p[ooeech�shwll be
<br /> spplied to the sums Recund by thts Sesurity lnstrumen�wlxther or not tt►en duc,with any excess paist ta$onriva�r. If
<br /> Bo�rowa abauKlon4 the Froperty.or does not anawer within 3a days a notke from Ixrxkr tF►�t tho i�uur�nce crrier hae
<br /> offered to scttle a claim,then Lender mny calicct the insurance proCeeds. Lender may use the procad.9 to�epur or�atore '
<br /> tho 1'c+operty m to pay sums secund by this Secueity Insmtment.whether or not then due. 71te 30�day peri�d wlll begin wh�t
<br /> - the�otice is glven.
<br /> Unlesa Lendcr nnd Aorrower othonufae ss$vee in writing.any applicaaon af proceede to princlpal shalt nor extend a
<br />,: postpone the dua daw af the awnthly payments�ferred to in psragraphs 1 and 2 or chnngc tt�amount oP thc paymenu. If
<br />= nnder pamgraph 21 the Ptoperty is acquireA by Lender.Bomawerb rlght to any insurance polic[es end prnceeds resulting
<br /> from damage to the Firoperty prlor to the acquisidon ehull pass to l.ender to the eatent af thu sums sccura!6y this Security
<br />- Instrument immedietely priar to the gcqutsidon.
<br /> 6. tkcupancy, Preservadon, Maintenansa nnd Protectton of tde Prope�; Burrawer'a Loaa Appllcatbfl;
<br /> Le�selrotde. Borrower shall occupy.establish,aad ase the I'toperty us Horrower�s prtncipal resldencc within aixty da�ra�t+ftsr
<br /> - the execntion of thia 5ecurity inswment nnd shaU contirn�a to acaupy tl►e Froperty ss�3c���dwerh p�incipai r�sic3e,�.-�far et -
<br /> least one year aRcr tho dnte of occupancy, unless Lender otherw(se ngreea In writing, whEcd consem shall aot be
<br />_ unr�asonably withhcld.or unlcss extenuating circui�stances exist which are bayoud Bornnwcr's controL Hairuwer shall uot
<br />;,� destroy.damage or impuir the Property.allow the Pmperty to det�riorate.or commit wuste on the Property. Horrower ahall
<br />- be in default if nny forfeitwe actlon or pmoeedin�,whether civil or cdminal,Is begun that in Lendu�i goa!f�ith judgment
<br />- c:ould nsult in forfe[ture of the Prope�ty or otherwise materi�lly impair the Ilea cceated by this Securiry Insttument or
<br /> Lenderk security interest. Borrower mny cure such a default sind�instete.ns provided in pa�agraph 18,by cawing the octian
<br /> or pmc�ling to be dismissed with a mliing that,in Lender�s good fa�W determination.precludes forFeiture of the 8orrower`s °
<br /> intenst in the Property or other matertal impaimient of the Uen created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security
<br /> interesi. Borrower shall ulso be in default if Borrower. dwing the loan appltcation process. gave materially f:ilae or
<br /> - -- inaccnrate infarmadon or statementa to Lesnder(or failcd to provide Lender with any mntedai informution)in connettton with
<br /> the taan evidenced by the Note,includL�g, but not limited to. repzesentntions concemins �omower's occupancy of the
<br /> __ = Prope�ty as n ptincipal.nesldence. Tf this Securlty fnauument is on u leasehold.Botrower shull comply with s►U the provisions
<br />��� of the lease. If BoTrower acquires f�e dde to the Property,the leaschold and the fee title shall not merge unless Leixier ag�ees • �
<br /> to tl�e merger iu vvritirtg. ' . - '
<br /> 7. ProtecII�a� oi I.ender's Rights tn !he Property. If Borrower�'uils to perform the covenants and ugeements
<br /> �'� • contained in this 5ecurity Inswment,or therc ls a legal proceeding that may signiRcnndy nffect Lender's rights in the• .
<br />- Property(such as a proceedin�in bankruptry. pmbute,for mndemnadon or forfeituie ar to enforce lnws or regulaaar�sy,t�dr�
<br /> Le�der may do and pay for whatever is necessary to prntect tho vulue of the Property end l.ender R rights in the P•roperty.
<br /> , ' Lender�s actions may include puying any sums�ecured by a Iien which has priodty over this 5ecurity(r+strumaat.appeadng
<br /> in cowt,paying reawnable attomeys'fees ant�emering on the Property to msifce repairs.Although Lendar may take acti�on
<br /> • under thia para�ph 7.Lcnder does not have[m do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by I.ender und�r this purngiaph 7 shall become additional debt of Bomower secured by this
<br /> r, Securiry Cnswment Unless Borrower end I.ender a�ree to other terms of payment.these sunounts shal!bear inte�st from the
<br />'F date of disbwsement at the Note rate und shall he payable.with tnter�st,upon notice from Lender to Bomower requesttn�
<br /> .� paymenL
<br /> ':�. S. Mort$age Insurnnce. If Lenderrequired mortgage inswance ns a condidon of mak[ng the toan se�und by this
<br />:�,s:�; Security Instrum�m.Bomower shnll pay the �►remiums required to muinudn tho mort�age insurance in eftect If,for uny =
<br /> :;:zn' � mason.the mori�age insurance coverage rcyuiied by ixnder lapses or ceases to bc in effect. Borrower sha11 puy tho
<br /> pteeniums required to obtain coveruge suhstandntty equlvalent to the mortgnge insur�nce previously ln effect,et a cast• - -
<br /> suCs�aRdally equivdent to the coat ta Boriower of the mortga�c insurance previousiy in effect,from cin eltemage m�age --
<br /> ���� insurer appmved by[.ender. If subsu+nt�ally equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not avnilabie,Horrower sF�aiD pay to _
<br /> "� Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelfw'h of the yearly mort�age insurunce premium being paid by.Borrowcr when the � �-
<br /> � �� insurartce coverage lapsed or ceu.�to be in e�fect. L.ender will accept,use and retain these payments us u loss reserve in lieu
<br /> -- ---°--•�-= of mortguge insurance. Loss resetve paymortu may no longer be required.at the option of Lender,if mongnge insurance ��'�
<br /> 3:�����:--� ��
<br /> �3- �' coverage(in the amount artd for the period that Lender requires)pmvided by nn insu�er upproved by Lender again becomes `�=
<br /> "'' �•�" nvailable and!a obtained.Bomower shnli pay the premtums requfred to muintain mortgage insurance in effec�or zo provide a
<br /> . ?+x+ loss reserve.unfi�the tequirement for mo»gage insurunce ends in accordance w[th nny written ugreement between Bomower ;�;
<br /> and Lender or ap�licable law. �°� "
<br /> � 9. Utspec¢�on. Lendcr or its agent m�y mnlce reusonable entries up�»und inspections of the Prrperty. Lender shall
<br /> give Borrower notice at the ttme otor prior ro an inspection speciFying m.sisonnble cnuse for the inspection.
<br /> l0. �Candemnadon. ThB proceeds of nny award or clsiim for damages,di�et or consec�uentiul,in connecdon with any
<br />= Singlc Famity-EYnnnie MedFlreddfe Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT--Unitamt Covrnann 9/9D IraAe 3 oj 6 pagesl
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