—.��� . 5�� p ��-'-erap,; y. . ...w,�.;:_ ...
<br /> --.-�. ari/r � ' . �_'.-
<br /> � �.. .
<br /> "� _ . . .+y. : . . ' _ ..,.e.�,�._.�.--- --�-��..u�r� ... � _. �.-"_
<br /> --- ••
<br /> � .. .
<br /> ----- ---- — "'-----'--- - --- ----
<br /> .--� ��._. - � —
<br /> - - -- ��� �o�s
<br /> — Q, wu�la�MaMAaM.Tn�ttor�ha�i k�f tht Prop�vty In compllinco with aU�pplicabl�I�wti ordirwnca�und rapulatians
<br /> rN�Nnp to Indw{r1�1 hygNn�or mvironr�»ntal RrctsaUon(coll�ntiwly rat�rrod to h�reln�ts"Environmar►ni l.�vr�"►.Tru�W►�hall
<br /> Ics�p eh�PrapMytrs�irom all subst�nao�dNm�d to b�A�:�rdou�or tox�a und�any Envlronnwnt�i I.tws tcoll�aNwiy fN�rrd to
<br /> - h�nln as"Hwrd9u�Matoritls'9.Trustor h�aby w�r►ant�snd r�p►eMnb ta Under thtt thrn�r�no Huudou�MaMrl�ls on�a
<br /> - w�dK th�Pro�rry.Tros•.or h�rsDy a9nas w fnd�mnity ertd hot0 harmNas L�nd�r,Its dlr�ator�.o1Nc�rs.�mploy�Rnd Ap�nt�.and
<br /> �ny�uaaNSOn tA L�nl�s IM�er�t.tron+md apaina Rny and ali a�►imf,damapa�,tos�and II�bI11tIM ariWnQ In coexNOtlon w11A
<br /> �-�- -� ttw prc:ci'+�u:a,dl:paasl or tmr�:�sen et r.n HErerdous IN�t�rl�ls on,undor.irom or a6out the Propety.7H8 FOAEdOIN�
<br /> _ - - -.
<br /> - � 10. MdOnnNnt ol R�nd.Trustar henby esslpns to lend�r ths renta,tesuei and proflts of ths Propely;pro�tidsd 9tat T�ufbr
<br /> -- -� �heU,unttl th�occurroncs of an Evsnt ot O�hult ha�und�r,hav�th�rlpht to colleot and retaU euch renta,laus�and proflb a�th�y
<br /> � Mcom�du�and psy�bls.Upon ths occurronas ot sn Event ot Oefauit,l.ender msy,elther In person or Gy�Q�nt wit��r without
<br /> b• brinptnp+�ny aotion or procs�dlrt�.ar by a reasiver appolnt�d by a court and wfthput repard to the adequaay af ib s�aurity�ent�►
<br /> upon artd take pvs=estia+�cf the Praparty,or any ptrt thereof.In Itm owo name or in the nems ot ths Trustsa,and do eny�b wAich tt _
<br /> d�srrta n�esury or de�irab�s to preterve th�vxtw,market�biiity or rontablllry otthe Property,ornny par!thereot or intere4t thsratn,
<br />-- tnaroaas ths Income thsreirom oi protsac ths seourity hereof and,wlth or without takinp pos�ession of the Properiy.uN tor o►
<br /> othenMise colleot ths rente,lasuea and profite thaceot.Ineludinp those past due and unpaid,and apply t�e eama��ss���
<br /> expe�as�of opsraUon and coltaaUon Inaludin�attornaye'teea,upon any Indebtedness aecured heraby.alt in eucb orde�as Lender
<br /> may detsrmins.Ths eoterinp upo{�and takinp poasesalon of the Property.the collection of eueh ronts,le:ues and protlt�and ths
<br /> applfaatlon th�reof as atoroa�td,shiil not cure or waive any default or nottce oi detauit hereunder or Invelidats any act dorn tn
<br /> re�ponss ta suoh dstauit or purauantto such noice ot defauft and�notwitt�star►dtn�tfie condnuance In poaaeulon of the Prap�rty a
<br /> , tha colleotlon,recei�t and apAllostton o1 rente,laauea or proflts,artd Tiustea snd Lender ahali be erntUed to exeroise evary ri�ht
<br /> providedloNnanyotthsl.wnOocumentaorbylawuponocaurronceofany�ventotDehuit,indudinpwilhwetif�itatianthe�i�htto �
<br /> � exKCtte ti►o power ot eate.Further.Lender's►iaMe and remedles unde�thta paragnph sball be eumutative with,and In no way a
<br /> � I timltaUonon,Lendererigtnsandremedtesunderenyassignmentofteasesandrentarecordedapai�attheProperty.lender.7rwtes
<br /> and the reoeiver ahalt be tiabte to ecccuat anty.those renta eatuaity reoefved. -�
<br /> � 1 t. EwM�of DMauM.The toltowing ehatl consbtute en Event of Qetault under this Deed ot Truat
<br /> � (a) Failure to pay any InaffiIlment of principal or Intereat of any other aum seaured here4y when due; n'_
<br /> (b) AbroachofordetauitunderanyprovlsioneontainedfntheNote,thisOeedofTruat,anyottheLoanOocumenta.orany �-
<br /> other Iten or encumbrance upon the PrapertY: c=--
<br /> , ., .� � (a) A writ of exeauUon or attaahment or any aimilar process ehali be entered againet Trustor which shali become a Ilen on ___
<br /> " ' �• the Property or any portian thereot or�nterest Mereln: G-"--
<br /> n��,.�; , (� There shall be tited by or againat Yrustor or 8orrower an acUon under any present oi future fedaral.atate or other . _�
<br /> �':�u�r�Yr etatute.tnw or r�guiatlon�eiating to bankruptay,inaotvenay ar other retief tor debtora;or there ahnll Oe appolnted any ttustee� .:;:
<br /> � �'-:�- �eaeiver or�iquidator of Trueto�or 6orrower or of all or any paR of the P�operty.or the rents,issues or proflta thereo}.or Trustor E,`---
<br /> ,���' o�Bonowe►shatt maKe any gene►ai asaignmeM for ii,a benefli ai�rediiars, ���`-
<br /> ,;"�`•.�;`�'•"*:;>� (p) The,eaie.tranafer.�eaae,asaipnmer�t aonveyance o►turther encumbrance of alt or any part of or any IMereat(n the ��
<br /> ,.� a y.�....ya r.----
<br /> ?'�-_�,w:.;,�•.� P�operty,eithe�votuntarily or invotuntadly,v�ithout the expresa wrltten coneent of Lender,provided that Trustor sball be F__
<br /> . ,.�'�^��,��'�;�, permitted to exeeute a lease of the Properly that does not conmin an opbon to purchase and the term of which does not enceed
<br /> ;" �,,4„�,..y.�,.;t., one year. .
<br /> � f s.:y,... ;r,
<br /> 1�::•�'_ . (Q Abandonment ot the Property:or nr�-=
<br /> ��=��-�=�•-`•� `.�`.• (q) NTiustor la notan tndivlduat,tAe issuance,eale,t�anster.assfgnmen�canveyance or enaumbranca of mare than a bfal �,;},;.�,_
<br /> �n ;_''A!;Jh•i_.. ,rh't". _ v�
<br /> ;��v;�J:pS'ei-�r.9t�.�+..1y,fN!s.`. "-=
<br /> � ��`�,u�.r p}�._percent of(it a corporaUon)its fasued end outstanding atoak or(If a partne►ahip)e totat ot peraent a! �� :_�;
<br /> •�.•,�,��� � p3rtrearahtp Ir�terests dihing the pertod this Deed of Tnist remaina a Ilen on the Progerty.
<br /> :y�,�,�� �7, p N�s d N s;A e c N N i l l o n u p o n ONau�.ln the eveM of any fevent of Defautt Lender may.without�iotice excep!as requirad by
<br /> • '+ ��y ,._,����� ' law,deatare ail indebtedaesa aeaured hereby to be due and payable end the same ahall thereupon become due and payab�a , `,-
<br /> }.�'.,. • .
<br /> , Y -,;,�, withput um►presentment,demand.proteat or notice of a�y kind.7hereaite�Lender may: �
<br /> ^'�''�• (e)�Oemand that tr�etea exerciss the POWER OF 8AL.�granted herein,and Trustee shail Mereafter cause Trustor'e
<br /> . r��p; inte�est fn tfie P�operty to be sold end the proceeda to be distributed,alt in the manner provided in the NebraSka T�uet Deeda 6 '
<br /> �i ACk
<br /> . •�Kw.;.�,, .
<br /> � ..4..:i�,:; ;, (b) Exerciseanyandatlrtghtsprovldedforin�nyotMeLoanOocumentaorbytawuponoccurrenceofanyEventofDefaul�
<br /> �- ::��• . . end '
<br /> ;;Yt':�. ° � (c) Commence an actlon to foreclose this DeeC of Truat as a moRgage,appoint a recelvor.or speciNcalty enforce any of the ,
<br /> ';,•�. ,`. . , covenanla hereot.
<br /> .. �"�%;;`�r, ' • No remedy ltereln conterred upon or reserved to Trustae or Le�der Is lntended to be exatusive of eny other remedy herein,in the .
<br /> +° :. ,;; , '7 Lonn Oocumonri or by taw provided or permitted,but each ahatl be cumulative,shall be in additton to every other remedy gtven
<br /> �. � herounder.in tbe Loan Oocuments or now or hereaiter existing at law or in equity or by stetute,and may he exercised conCUr►ently.
<br /> ` ��� indopendently or succesafvey.
<br /> 13.Tirutt�s.The Trustee may resign at a�y Ume without cause,and Lender mey at any time and without cause appoint a
<br /> auccessor or substitute Trustee.Trustee ahall not be Ifable to ar►y party,inaiuding wtthout IlmltaUon Lender,Bor�ower.Truator or any
<br /> ���'j. �� � � purehaeer oi ttle Properly br any losa or damgge unteas due to recktess or wi�Nul�nlsconduat,and shail not ba�equired ro take any
<br /> � ,�:,�'.<:=,`•. • � . �
<br /> .�"�'� ,�� �F's�+•� .� aetfon tn conneoUon wiM the ontorcement of this Oeed of Trust unlesa indemnt8ed,in wridng,for aIi costs,compenaadon or
<br /> . ��.�.:�:F: • y y Y peAy Uudioiat or
<br /> � '':' �:�����„�,,�°• :� expensea which ma be assoolated therewlth.in addldon,Trustee me become a purchaser at an sale of the Pro
<br /> :;^:,•� . - ,�,�,f+�; under the power of sale granted herein);postpone the sa�e of all or any portlon of the Property,as provided by law:or sell the �
<br /> .�j;;,;'• ; _�; Properiy as a whoie,or in separate parcets or lots at T►uatee's discretlon.
<br /> ;-,�k, ,,: ;,4F; , 14, Fsy and Fspen�e�.in the event Trustee seitalP�e Properry by exerolse of power ot sate.Trustee ahall be enUtled to apply
<br /> �, ,•., ��.: �: any sa�e proceeda first to payment of ati coats snd e�ensea ot exercising power ot saie,incf uding atl Trusteo's tees,end Lender's I
<br /> . 'f': .. : , ,...,
<br /> ;^ �`�%r and Trustee's attomey'8 tees.aatualiy incurred M extent permltted by app�icabte law.ln the event Borrower or Truator exercisea any �
<br /> ' '�`~ � "'�'"s`"'':�r tiQM provlded by taw to oure an Event ot Defautt,Lender shatl be entitted to recover from Truator etl costa and expenses actualiy
<br /> �Yti"����'-`f'i��'s�7"' inourced a8 a result ot 7ruator's detault,including wlthout Itmitatlon�11 Trustee's and attomey'a fees,to the extent permitted by
<br /> ��.!rr'r't:�;}�W'�'',, epplloable 1aw.
<br />, �',`'. • 1 5. F u t u n A d v a n e e n.U p o n r e q u e s t o f B o r r o w e r,L e n d o r m a y,at its o p8on,make addlUona�and future advances an d re-
<br /> �.: �
<br /> . .... : �;r',�;�,,_ advanaes to Borrower.3uoh 8dvances and readvances,with Interest thereon.ehail tre seaured by Mls Oeed of Trust At no Ume shail i.
<br /> ���- ,, ,�;,.,, the prinCipal amount of the Indebtedneso eecured by this Oeed oi TruaL not including sums advanced to protect the aecurlry o}thls �
<br /> Deed of Tn,st exceed the oripinat pcinclpal amount stated herein,or� i 5_00v�_00 ,wh1�P�ever ts greator.
<br /> . �K • }+�;�'.,, 18. Mkc�tl�nsou�Prorbbns. �_
<br /> 1 �';. • � (p) BonowK Not ii�Nss�d.Extension ot Me time for payment or modlflcaHon ot amadzadon of the aums seaured by this �
<br /> � '� ' ��'S: � Oeed ot Trust yranted by tsnder to any successor in intoreat of Bonower ohall not operate to�etease,in any manner,the Ilabfilty
<br /> �,::;�.
<br /> "'"�,�•- � of the orfg�nal8orrowet and BonowePs euccessora in interest Lendet shall not be requtred to comme�ce proceedings againat �
<br /> '� ` ` ���'°��•,'=1 such succesaor or retuae to extend Ume for payment ar omerwiso modity amortlLaHon ot the sums secured by thia Deed of Trust � .,
<br /> ,:.,,. ..,.,. . ...,
<br /> , f��r�,,�.;,';, �:, by reaaon of any demanda made by Me oripinal8orrower and 8orrower's successors in inu►res� �
<br /> . •��;;.t�>� ;`.,•. `+� (b) NndK's ppw�r+s.Without atfoodng the Ilabllity of any other person Ilabte for the payment ot any obligatlon herein
<br /> �; ��•���i;�• ' mendoned,and without aHeating the It�n or oharge of Mis Deed ot Trust upon any portion of the Property nat then or theretotore �
<br /> s,,. F::• rr:.•�•. Lender ma ,irom dme to tlme and without noUce p)release any I
<br /> , .�;,.�..:; releasedassecuriq►forthetullamountofa�tunpaldob�IgaUons, y
<br /> �?` ?� ' �' �`' p8roon so ilable,(fq extend thematurlty or alter any ot the terms ot any suoh obilgadona,(HI)grent other Indutgences.(iv)reiease
<br /> ;;:r*•�•�tu�� or reconvay,or cause to be nieased or reconveyed at any dme et Lender'a optlon any parcel,portlon or all of the Properiy. I
<br /> (v)ffike or re lesea any o t her or a d d i@ o n a l s e a u r i t y tor an y obti gadon hereln menUoned,or(vl)make compoaitlons or other
<br /> • arrangemeMe with detitore In relaUon theroto. . .
<br />- 'a:��;: ����>
<br /> 1'
<br />