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, _ ��� �} �i, T <br /> ` �- - --- _. . <br /> c-� � "' — — __ .. _ _ - ----- --— <br /> ---- -�' . -.e.��.� � <br /> •� i <br /> � <br /> -,;,���,-�. . ... D��D OF'PiiU8T WiTH FtJTUii� �DVANCES �� �Q�� <br /> ��., x .� �`� <br /> '. � THIS D��D OF TRUSY.ts m�G�as ot Nts..Z�.dL.d1►Y a1 ����s— ..---�--�-•--�1��,by�t1d�re�on� <br /> --- th�Trus2�� r iii•■ a c�.��+•� � R TItIITTN S�'iJP11HFiJ_ _ hu��1�11��STs . <br /> — -- wAo�malltnp�ddrMS I� 1817 M John St l3rand (h�rafn"Tru��►'a��ar mon�, <br /> ----- -- ttN TfU� FiVO Ne�t�H�nk a fflQhra�ka CorQ,qE� a►; • ` _ <br /> � � who�maiilnp addre�s i� P.Q._._:_..BOx iS07 tir4nd Ioland. tiE 6g882 (�Nn'•Tn�"1.and <br /> ���� R�v� Pointe 8ink �—� <br /> uY, <br /> � who�e milUnp address i� �015 H. 9roadrell arrrtd Taland. NE. 68802-1807 ��N����, -` <br /> „�- �lilliaw R Caw�pb�ll `� <br /> FOA VAWl18LE CONSIQERATION,Inctudlne Lender's extenslon of credlt tdentifled heroin <br /> �; ` 6 JUDITN S CAP118ELL ;;._. <br /> „xe�!. (hBP@1Q"Borrowor"�whettter one or moro)and ths trun heroin created. <br /> . .r�'t�,��.�,,��;� - <br /> "'4 tha�ecelpt ot whlch la hsroby acknaxiledged,Trostor hereby taevxabty gronte,tranatera,conveys ert0 astlpns W Tni�tse.IN --. <br /> - Trr.. �� Rti n:_ <br /> ��'��.,�t TRUBT.WRH POWER OF 8ALE.tor the batefltar►d securiry ot Londer.under artd subje�t to tAe terma and coodlNons huoi ael �=_ <br /> ?'r�`�t.�,,l,,.*�,;;. f���'�����(�f�°D� Al�D ?NE EAS?ERLY 46 FEET OF LO!' 4. ALi. IH BL�CK _ <br /> •"a-"`'",r� -2:='= 44 IH CNARLL'� qAShERS SE�OHD ADDITIOl1 70 THE CITY nF GRAHD ISLAHD. HALI. a;_ <br /> :•:� .: .v'.'.;r,,� COGHTY. HE. �,��. <br /> ';4;�����:;�¢;5' -. <br /> .,..,, �,:�. �: <br /> '�'';i'.��'�.�'�s: T er with alt buttdinps.Improvemer+te,flxturea,atroet�atteya,pasa+�Qewaya eeaemenls,rfghts,Pdvilepes and appurte- � <br /> , , .. d;'.��~a �..;_. OpeU1 �.;;_:- <br /> y;,. nanas located thereon or In anywlae pedaining t!►ereto,and the renta,tasuea and proflte.reve►sions ared romatridera Ihnwoi,and <br /> `�mnLy:r y'�.;:,,��," sach pemonal propeHy tha!Is attached to ihe Improvementa so as to conatltute a flxture.inctuding,but nat ItmiUed to,haatlnp and � <br /> ' ' • cooling equEpmenfi and topefher with the homesiead or madtai IMereats,if any.whfch intereats are hereb�reteaaed and wahed;al1 �"';;.��. <br /> ,.1'a, �.,f <br /> - • •„•'', rr' ot whiclti,Inctuding repiacemema and addlUondc� Aero hy dec tar e d to b e a pa r t o f th e reat estete sa�ured b y 11�e 1ien at Mis � ; <br /> . . Deed op Truat and atl ot the tore9oing beUg reterred to hereln ea the"Property". , <br /> • .� fils Dee�ot Truat ahall secure (e)the payment ot the principal sum and Interest evidertced by a promlaaary nota or credit , <br /> - -.- ��' �, ` ����� Suna 20th 1994 .�$y#�3 a maturil1e date ot June 20tb 2014 � <br /> �r • • ';,,. <br /> ;._,• 66,739.19 ,a�d a� and al!madiHc.attona e�er�atons and �enawals � <br /> in Me original princtpal amouM of S y <br /> • � thereof or thereto and any and att tuture advancea and readvancea to Borrower(o�any at them it more tl�an one)hersunde� • . <br /> '. �� purauant to one or more promlasory�otea or aredft agreements(herein oalied"Note'7;(b)Me payment o!other suma advana�d by <br /> Lender to protect the security of the idote;(c)the performance of all covenants and agreements ot Trostor set forth herein;and(d)all <br /> preaenL and future indebtednesa and obligatlons af 8orrower(or any of them fi more than one)to Lender�hether direct.Indlrect, <br /> absolute or conUnQern and whethe+�rlsing by na�ca guaranty,overdratt or mherwfse.The Note.thie Oeed ot Tniffi and a�r and all <br /> ' � otAerdocuer�b thataecure the Note or otl�erwlae exec�te�In conneaUon therewith.lnctuding without Ilmita8onguaranteeo,securtty <br /> egree�rtmnts and easignments ot leases end rente,shalt be referred to herein as the"Loan Documents". <br /> • Trusta�ovenanta and agrees with Lender as followa: <br /> r 1, p��t d Uidebt�dnea.Afl IndebLedneas secured hereby shali be patd when due. <br /> ' 2. TNM.Truator ia the owner of the Property.has the Hght end authority to convey the Properly,and wa�mnts that the Ilen <br /> ' • created hereby ia a flret and pflor lien on the P�operiy,excepi for 8ens snd encumbrancea set torth by Trustor in wrlUng and <br /> � � � dettvered to Lender betore exeoutlore of thls Ooed ot T�uat,and the exeautton artd defivery ot thia Qeed of Trost does�otvloiate any <br /> � �i-;:� co�aet or other obNgatlon to whicQ�Trostor ie subjeot <br /> �� .��:• g. �u�,As�b.To pay tmetore deitnquency all taxes,sPeclal assessme�ta and ali other charges egainstthe Pro�SeAy <br /> • � now or AereaRer ievted. <br /> 4. ItMUnnc�.To keep the Property insured agalnstdamage by flre,hezarda inctuded wlthin the tertn"exi�nded couerege".end <br /> � such other hazards aa Lender may require,in amaaMS and with companies acceptable to Lender,naming Lmnder as an additlortal <br /> .�, � , named inaured.with loaa payable to the Lender.ln oase of loss under such poltciea.the Lender is authoHzed to adju�t coliect and " <br /> � comy���mise,atl ctaima thereunderend shall havo the opUon ot��tying all or part of the insurance proceeds(i)to any indebtednesa <br /> ����:� secured hereby and in auch order as Londer may determine,(ii)t�n ihe Trustor to be used tor the repair ot restoratlon ofthe Properiy <br />-. � " ;;;`'•; � or Qlq for any other purpose or objaist satlslactory to Lender withou!atfectlng Me Ilen of thts Deed of Trust for the full amount secured <br /> ' � ' . hereby bebre sucb payment ever tcok place.Any appilcatlon of proceeds to i�debtedness ahall not extend or postpone U►e dua <br /> ' :':' `'', date ot any payments under the Noto.or cure any default thereurtder or hereu�der. I <br /> '^d`��•,.�`,��,�i;,;I 5. Euroru Upon wdlten demand by Lender.Trostor shail pay to Lendar,in such manner as Lender may designakt.suffictent <br /> � �" '• s u m a t a e n a b l e I.e n d e r t o p a y e s the y become due one or rtsore mt,2he foilowing:(i)ait texes,assossmerds and otherchargesagatnat � <br /> . "'..' the Pra � <br /> .�;`; yerty,(ifj tfie premiums on c7ee proparty insurance requised hereunder.and(iil)the prerttiums on any rrtortgaga�neuranCe <br /> ' required by Lender. � <br /> ' 8. M�I�ttc�,R�patn and Compltene�wNh taw�.Trustor shat► keep the Property fn good condfUon a�d repalr,shall <br /> ; promptty repair.or replace any Improvement whtch may be damaged or destroyed;shalt not comrrtit or penn�t eny waste or <br /> deterloraUon ot the Properiy;shall�ot remove,demoliah or subataMtally ai4or any of the improvementa an t�e Pro�erly:ahait not � <br /> - " � comrt+tt,euffer or permft any ect to be done In or upon the Propefty fn viotatlon of any taw,ordinance.or regntatlon;and shall pay and I <br />_ �� . •< , promptty discharge at T�r's cost and expense aU Qens,encumbrances and chargea levied.imposed or assessed a�alnat ihe k <br /> � , . 'ProperQy or eny part thereof. <br /> 7. EinN�ft Do�.Lender is hereby asstgned ali compensatlon.awarda.dama9es and ofher paymer�ts oi relfet(hereinaiter i <br /> procseds'7 in con�on wtth condemnatton or other ffiking of the Pro�terLy ar part thereof.or tor conveyance in Ifsu otcondemna- <br /> i tlon.Lender shaU ba entitted at it8 optfon to commertce.appear in and proseaute in its own name any ectlon or proceedings.and , <br /> shall atso�e ernitlo�to mako tiny compromtse or oettfement fn connecUon witt�auch taking or damage.ln the event any portton of � <br /> � �_ the Property ts sa taken or diimagod.LenCer shaQ have the opfton,in its aote and c{bsolute d{scretton,to t+pply&II suClt ProCeode. � <br />------ -------- <br /> ...---'---�� +�..�.W w.y�.. ••--.uiM mee�A Pnfr�ods tiRCn P71V�BSGUPfld ' <br /> - - g1L8l6HOUCI[IIg UtB70ROrt�en W�W mtu vwyvs�vao�.�w...w..�.......�... — <br /> h�rehy and In such oraer es Lendor may detertnfne,or to appty alt such Proceeda.after such deducUona,to the rastoratlon oi the <br /> -` ";, P►op8rtyuponeu�AconditlonsesLsndermayde2ertrtinaArryappftcattonolProceedstoindebiedrteasah�laotexte�ndorpos�one � <br /> , . ths dae date of any payrttents under the Note,or cure any detault thereunder or hereunder.Any unappliod funds shali be paid to , <br /> . Ttu�tot. , <br /> " 0. Pwlamanp by und�r.Upon tlte occ��rrence o!an Erent ot Qetault hereurtder.or H any ect ia taken or tega�procesdtrtp <br /> ' �� commenced whtch mttertally aifeata Lender's IMerest in the Proporty.Lertder may in its own dtscretton,but without obligatlon to dA <br /> � ao.and wlthout ooUce to ot demand upon T�uator and�►tthout releasinp Trustor from flny any eca whtch Tniator has <br /> eQreed but fatls to do and may also do any ottter 8at it denma rtecntas�ry to protact the securtl�t hereo}.Trustor ehati.Irnmediatef�r <br /> ' �� • upon damand therafor by Lender,psy to lender a!I costs and expenaas tnaurred artd sama expertded by Lertder in conneetlon with <br /> ths exarciss b�l Lender o!tha foroQoirtp dghte,togeUter wiM interest thereon at tAe defautt rais provtded in the Note.whtcA eha�l be <br /> � ndded to tlhe indebtedness seeurod hereh�►.Lender ehatl not Incur any Iiabiilt�because ot anythtrtg it may�do or omk to do <br /> �� , L• . hereundet. � <br /> ..� <br />