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<br /> •17.Transier ot the Property or a Benetic[�1 Interest in Dor•n�er.if a11 or nny part af the Pruperty or any jnunst in it
<br /> '��:L-'_��'=��"� 1y rnld a�r tr.v�sfcn'cal(ur it n bcnciiciul interest in Anrra�vcr iR sold or tmnsferred and Bonmver is nat a natur.►1 person)withain
<br /> _— _ _ �l,crNlcr's priur wrftten conscnt. l.ender may. at its optlan. rcyuire immcdiutc payment in full of nll sums secured by this
<br /> S�curlty Instrumenl.However, this opdon shall not be exercised by L.ender if exercise Is prahibited by fcderal law as of the data
<br /> �,of this Secu�iry instrumcnt.
<br /> if Lcnder exerstscs this optlon. Lender shall give Barrower noEice of uccelcration.The notice shall provide u perlod of not
<br /> less thrm 30 dnys f�a►ri the dute the not[ce ig delivered or muil�withtn whIch 8orrower must pay ali sums sec�ured by this
<br /> —•—� Secutity Instrurtnent.If Aormwer fails ta pny thcs$�ums prior to the expiratian af this period,Lendcr moy invoke ony rem�odies
<br /> �- ---- - --�� perntittcd by this Security Instttanent without further nottcc ur dci�uuid on$ono�lcr.
<br /> -- 18. $on+ower'e Right to Relustttte. if Sorrower mcets ceMain candiUans. Borrower shaq have the dght to have �
<br /> � — enforcement of this Securiry Instrumcnt dlscontinued ut any timc prfor to thc eurlier of: (u) S duys(or such other perInd ns
<br /> ;�.,� upplicuble law may spectfy for reinstatement) befots sale af the Property pursunnt to any pawer of sale conutined in tltis
<br /> , , Secur�ty Instrument:or(b)entry of u judgment enforcing this Secudty Instnunene.Thoso rnndtUons nre that Bocrower:(n)pays
<br />_��:�; Lender all sums which then would be due under this SecurIry Instrument nnd the Note as if no accelemtion hud occurred:(b)
<br />_'"� cttrcw any default af any other covenants or ngreements;(c)pays a!1 expenses incnrred in enfarcin�this Securiry Instnunent.
<br /> -- inrluding.but nnt limited to.�easunab3e attorne�+a' fees;and(d)takes such nction as Lender may reasonably require to nssure _ __
<br /> -= that thc lien of this Security Jnauument. Lender s rights!n the Property end Borcawer's ob8gation to pay thc sums sccurr�d by .
<br /> -�;-:�` this Security Tnstnunent shall oontinue unchanged. Upcm reinstatement by Borrower, this Secudty Insuument and the
<br /> j; obligcUIons secured hereby shall remain fully effecdve as if no ucceleration he�d occurred. However, this right to reiastate shuti
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleradon under paragraph 17.
<br /> � .y 19. Ssde af Note; Chaage oi I.oan Servicer. The Note ar a partial interest in the Note(together with this Security
<br /> Instn�ment mu be sold one or mom dm�wlthout prior notIce to Borrower.A sale may cesult in a change in the entlty(known
<br /> « � y nt.There also ma be one
<br /> as the Loan Servicer")that rnllects monthly payments due under the Note end thLs Securlty Instcume Y
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Serviaer unrelated io a sa�e of the Note.If there is a change uf d►e Loan Servicer,Barrowcr wil!be --
<br /> g6ven written notice of the change in nccordance�vith psra$raph 14 above and appllcuble law.The notice wlll stute the name und
<br /> address of the ne�v Goan Ssivicer and the address to�vhich payrnenta should be made. The natice wiU alsa contain any other
<br /> " � infarmadon required by upplicabte law. —
<br /> 20. Haza�ous Substartces. Bomower shall not cause��r permit the presence. use. dispasul, storage.or mle;�e of a�iy
<br /> � , Hauudous Substances on or in tho Property. Borrower shnll not do. rtor allow anyone else to do. anytt�tng a.ff.+:�:mg the _
<br /> Praperty that is in violation of Any Environmental Law.The precedin�two sentences shall nat apply to the pres2r�, use,or
<br /> , storege on the PropFrty of sms�ll quantities of FTazardous Substances that are genernlly rccogniied to M appropr�ate to normal
<br /> ,,..:� , .�. . residentlal uses and�to maintenance of the Praperty.
<br /> �' � �x�� Borrower shall promptly give lxnder wntten notice of uny investigation. claim,demand, lawti�:�i�t ar other action by any �� _
<br /> `• x _;�•;:' ' governmental or regulatary agency ar private party involving the Praperty and any H�uxnlous Substance or Envimnmental Law _
<br /> � �'�"`}� '�� of which Borrower fias actual knowledge.If Borrower learns.or is notjfted by any go�ernmental or regulatory uuthoriry.that �
<br /> ' �i�.•.'.� _ ,i�tti �i . .
<br /> 4•..�,. �.'.r{ ._,., unv removal or othet remediution af any Hazardous Substance affecting th�Ptoperty is necessary.Bottower shall promptly utke '-
<br /> �� ��'����i; � all necessary reanecliu!aotions in accordance with Environmental Law. �V
<br /> �'`'�- '' �1' As used in this pai�a�raph 20, "Hazardous Substances"are those subsiAnces defined as toxic or h,vuniouc substances by ='
<br /> )�J��: •w•'.F..:IY�r� L —
<br /> � -.- -- Environmental I.aw und the following substances: gitcoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum Qrodrets, toxic ��.
<br /> , K�`�" � "���;;��E�!{ pestic�d2s end hetbicides,volatile soivents, rnatedals containing asimstos or formuldeh�de,and radioactive matenWs. A�used in
<br /> ��::
<br /> :��•;;.: ;';;;��;:�t?`t� this paragraph 20. "Environmental Law" means federal laws and Iaws uf the jurisdicriun where the Property is lucatzci that _
<br /> � • ' '�"''� ' relate to health.safety or envlronmental protecdon. �
<br /> >`� '''�-:''•'''� {�:�� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrnwer and Lender further covenant tind agree as foliows: ,
<br /> n
<br /> , :�=�s:n;,�;,��,•�t,�,�: � 21.Acceteratton;Remedtes. Lender shnlD give nottce to Borrower prier to accelerallon foD�o�wing Borrower's brPach
<br /> :e�eflM=•<;;.•, �-•'�.' of eny mvenent or agreement in this Security Wstrument (but not prior to accelrration under {earegreph 17 unles.s
<br /> •.�.u,_•M,r..4,�.>Y;�; appllcabte law prortdes othenvise).The notice shall specify: (a)the defaulh(b)t4ee nction required ta cure the defaWh,
<br /> ' ��::�. � • ��?��� (c)a date,not less than 30 days From the dAte the notice is given to Barrower. b�•�vhirh the default must be cured:and
<br /> � �"''�'. (d)that failure to cure the default on or before the dute specified in the notice may result in accelerattun of the sums
<br /> :.�
<br /> '' •' „R;,....:;.�;.•�;,;:°;:':: �� secured by this Securlty Ingtrument and snle of the Property. The noticc ahall further inform Borrower of the right to
<br /> �r.•�•_•1:�..s�-��. :. � , .� reinstete after ecceteration and the right to b�inR a court urti�n to susert the non-existence oP u default or uny other
<br /> ' �.�,µi.,�a-';.��r,�4�1' ��•'� � defense oP Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the dute specified in the notice.
<br /> :�•���:��;�-;;�•�" • • I.ender,at its optton,may r�quire immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument wlthout
<br /> r
<br /> .��� further demaad and nwy invoke the powe�of sule and uny other remedies perm[tted by uppltcuble Iaw. l.ender shaU be
<br /> � " � ` �ntttled to collect all expenses tttcurred in pursuta�the remedies provided in this pare�reph 21. including.but not Iimtted
<br /> ' �" " ' . to,reasonable attorneys'fees pnd rnsts ot ttde evidence.
<br /> . � � If thepower of snle ts invoked, TraaSte�shall record a notfce af default in each county in which any part of the
<br /> ��•:' � • �, • Property is located und shall mail copies of sach nottce in the manner prescribed by applicuble luw to Borrower and to ,
<br /> . ` '��^�;•:;� �i.;., �-: the wther person4 prescribed by appllcable law.After the time required bv upplicu6le law,Trustee shall�ive pubUc nottce
<br /> . ...;f�,•�asr,,,,. . of sale to the persons and in the Qns�nner prescribed by appitcable iaw.Trustee. a�a8hout demund on Borrower.shall sel!
<br /> `::z�;"' ;'.;. . the Property at publLc nuction ta Qhe highest bidder at the time und plate and u�der the terms designated in the notice of
<br /> � . � =`" �+ �:' �. ' sale in orte or mom parcels ared on anv order Trustee determines.'R'rnistee may pastporte sale of al!or any parcei of the
<br /> '•'' �.� �" � ". Property by public unnounccme»t at the time and place of any pre�•iousty scheduled ss�le. I.ender or its desi�nee m�y
<br /> , `�, `�• ��,::f3)'ei�,,1... • purchase the Property at any sAYe.
<br /> f• . •.i ii`.. .
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