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<br /> —�— b. Nazwrd ar Property InsurAnce. 8urrower �hall kc;ep tha lmprovemtntx aa�v existing ar hereatter erected on the
<br /> - �""� Propeity ir��w•id n�ctinst lass by fire, hu•r�arda included wlthin thc tenn "extended covemge" and uny ather huzards,lncludiug
<br /> ---------- n�y pr a�o��„a. fi►r which [.c�tdcr rcyuirce insuranco. 'fhia insurcuicc tihnll 6c mnintaine�In thc csmounts and for the pertuds
<br /> shat l.ender rcquires.Tho insur�nce currier providing the inaurnnce shall b..chosen by 8orrower subjoct ta Lender's upprovai
<br /> which sttall nat bc wircusonubly �vithheld. If Borrower fnila to ma#ntain cavemgo descrlbed nbove, Lender may, At L.cnder's
<br /> optiun,ubtuin covcrugc to pt�tcct Lender'ti rights in[ha Property in accotdnncc with p:►mgmph 7.
<br /> _-�--� AN insurnnce pallciev and renewuls xhuil bc ucccptuble tc►Lender nnd �shall include a stcu�durd martIIoge cluuso. I.endcr
<br /> --- � � �holl havc the risht ta hoid the poNcies and renewnls. If l.ende�requices.Bam►wer siiaii promptiy give to Lender ull reccipts of '
<br /> patd prcmiumy and renewal nottcev.In the event af iass.Borrower shail give prompt notice to 1fie insurance eturler und Lender.
<br /> _ L.endcr may inake prnaf of loyts if not mado ptomptly by Botrawer.
<br /> �Y'� Unless Lender und Borrower othenyise agree in wddng. insurnrtce proceeds ahall be applIed to r�staration or repair of the
<br />�-.:;� Property dumngcd,if the r�estarndan or rcpair iti economicnlly feasible and Lender's security is not Icssened. If the restoradon or
<br /> ;•_�. repair is nat ecanomicalty fensible ar l,ender's security wauld be l�ssened.the insumnce proceeds sh�ll be applied to the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument, whether ar not then due. with nny excess puid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the -
<br />�=-� Pcoperty, or does not unswer within 30 duys u notice from Lender that the insurance c�rier has offered to settle a claim,then —
<br />-"f.�•• Lender may colloct the insurnnce ptoceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Froperty or to pay sums
<br /> % secured by thts Securlty Instrument.whether ar not then due.The 30-day pedad will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bamawer atherwise agree in writiog, uny uppticatlan of proceeds to principal shall not oxtend or
<br /> _ postponc the due date of thc monthly payments referred to in pstra�rnphs l �nd 2 or change the amount of the payments. If
<br /> under paragmph 2l the Property is ncquirerl by Lender, Borrower's right to any Inaurance palicies and proceeds resulting from . ,.
<br />•� dama�e ta the Property prlor to ilie acquis3tion shall pass to l.ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Securiry Insuument
<br /> immediutcty prior to the ucquisition.
<br />: ��.R • 6.Qtcupancy, Preservatfon9 MainYenunce nrod Protection of the Property;Borrower's Loun Application;L.enseholds. --
<br /> Borrower shall occupy.esmblish,and use the Property ms 8orrower's pr�ncjpal residence wlthin sixty days after the execution of
<br /> this Securtty Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Propeny ac Bonower's principal resldence for At leust one year after
<br /> '" ' the date of accupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in wr�ting. whtch consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.or unless
<br /> extenuatin� circumstunces exist which are beyand Borrower's contral. Borrower shall not destroy, demage or impair the ---
<br /> � ..,.�., Property. ullow thc Property to detertornte, or commit waste on the Property. Barmwer shall be in default if any forfeiture ..,.a
<br /> �, • ,; uctton or procee�in�.whether civil or criminal. is begun that in I.ender's�oad Fuith judgment could resutt in forfeiture of the
<br /> ���• r'�' Property or athenvlse mnter�ally impair the lien created by this Securiry Instrumens or Le�sder's secudty interest. Horrower may
<br /> ' t�`r`�'� cure such a default und refnstate,as provideci in paragraph 18. by causing the actia�or proceedin�to be dismissed with a ruling ��
<br /> ,,.� .:_�;t:[.�,,
<br /> �-`'�%��- thut. in Lender's good faith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other material =_
<br /> '"'�""'�0' im airment of the lien ereated b thls� Socurit Instrument or lxnder's securit interest. Borrower shall also be in defuult if
<br /> � F�,�;;;'";x�� P Y Y Y `____�.
<br /> ' �;�;. _.�;� Borrower,durins the Ioan applicutian process,gave materisilly false or inaccurate informatton or statements to Lender(or fuiled �_;�
<br /> ;;;� . t.��% ;;�;•r�e
<br /> �ti, �,,_,�f,,�1,_,,„ � to provIde Lender with a�y mnterial informatian)in oannertion with the loun evidenced by the Note.including, but not limited �':
<br /> p g p y perty c►s a principul rcsidence.If this Security lnstrument is on a �"°'"
<br /> -�,�*�•�� N•-��f. to,re r�enuttions concernin Borrower's occu anc of the Pro
<br />_ �;:�1.�n. : '1�•�•: ��:�it
<br /> i� � 'lf/'��{S leasehold, Borrower sh�ll comply with ull the provisions of the le.ase. IP Horrower ncquims fee title ta the Property, the
<br /> ���� � ;' leuxehold and t6c fee title shall not mer e untess L,ender a rees to the mer er in writin �
<br />';, .::'�;:�•{�r � S b' €• �,
<br /> c. � '��?4:�.�+%�r 7.PruteMion of Lent�er's Rlghts in the Property.If Borrower fails to perfarm the covenants and agreements contained in �.�r�
<br />- �!�►��. this Securlty Instrument, or there is a legal proccedins that may significantiy uffect i.ender's rights in th�Property (such as a t;�;:
<br /> ,+.s. �,x...,:,�.
<br />-�; . � _`�,.�`,: ;j� proccedin�in bunkruptcy, prubate. for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender may do and .
<br /> � "• .,�-,w;.�ti;-,��* pay for whatever is nece.ssary to protect the vafue of the Property and Lxnder'c riFhts in the Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> ''��`�`� inc(ude paying nny sums secured by tt lten which hus priority over this Security instrument, appearin� ln rnurt. paying �
<br /> ;,t.�.,;
<br /> � � `tis�y.-�aF, _ reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Property to make repa�rs.Although I.ender may take actjon under this parngraph
<br /> �_N+���� 7.Lender does not huve to do so. •• '
<br /> ��°;� "� � � �` ' Any umounts disbursed by L.endcr u�der this paragrnph 7 shall become udditional debt of Borrower secured by tbis �
<br /> �;� :..�+��
<br /> �'• N�;i� Security Instrument. Unless Borrower�snd I.ender a�ree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> - � �";�.,_�• ,��f$•.:!%�, date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, wit�► interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> ��`+�{�� payment.
<br /> _a�' �'` 8.Mortgttp�e Insurance. If Lender required mortga�e insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security
<br /> ���.•�,���'� ` Instrument. Borrower shalt pay the pmmiums required to mafntain the mort�age insunu►ce in effect. If. far any reason, the �
<br /> �".u;.�:,•� mortgnge insurance covernge requimd by Lender lapses or ceuses to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to • "
<br /> � 1>;,J+
<br /> � 'r•�;����: obtain covera�e substanttally equivalent to die mortsa�e insurance prcviously in effect,at a cast substantiui(y equivalent to the
<br /> � ,���'' �,�. _
<br /> ' ;�..�.� cost to Borrower of the crsortgage insurance previously in effect, fmm an u{ternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If
<br /> . ���� �"` � substantially equivulent martgage insurance coverage is not avaitubie, Borrower xhall pay to Lender each month u sum equul to
<br /> .N�'`�,�.::..,,:;.�;.
<br /> { ��.�,�:�J;,�:�r o n e-t w e l ft h o f t h e y e a r ly mo rt ga ge insurance premium b eing pai d by Borrower w hen t he insurunee coverage laps e d or ceus e d to
<br /> 1 � ��;t:,;,�.,:�:s_: be in effect.Lender will accept.use and retain these puyments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortga�e insurence. I.au rc�erve
<br /> ,�t�,.� ° ,
<br /> ?�}:S ' "�*^ Form 3G28 9/90
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