. .. .:..:.;
<br /> . ..
<br /> , ._ .�:
<br /> .� ; ;•.:. . __
<br /> �. ,.
<br /> ,,.
<br /> � .�;sr'.��.. - _-- -- – – -- _ —— _ ._.._� _ _ --_ _
<br /> __ ..__.. _ _ . . .. . -�- . .___. _...__.__ .. _ _ .. . __._ ._ _ _ . ..__ . .
<br /> _ � � .�,. ,� � � � ��� 9�.����� ..
<br /> ; ; . .. �
<br /> , � �.
<br /> - � • �nMad�.ndk,�:na.in I.�d�ooa adti+ d�e«mlmMlon�produda rafdaM.�ewroywr.bw.a Irt th.Rop.�y`�« .
<br /> • �Nw� nMtMAlt i�rip�kn�rtt ot Y��N�rt otMt.�d by thfs�l��outKy lnatrurrNnt tx L�nd�r'r;,wturky ht�N4 BwrowK.�ha/Yw br Mn .,
<br /> - — dN�wN B BvrravtK.duriny thp k�n appYoatbn proca�, psw ma1M1�Ny fata�or InacauraU intomxtiai a•atat�mdnU ta Lend«•(or -
<br /> '�""��'-�='�-��� i�i� t� �Stavkie LrntSe►r K::l�anY tiudter6al Infomiatior.) iu coan�cUc�n �vith tho fpan e'��-iencetl k�y ihe Na*e, tnctucl+ng, bul nn
<br /> —_ —_— Nmmil[d to, r�prseentKikn� canr.eminy BAROwerY oeu�p�ncy at thd Property �a a p�incipai ►esldencs. If thl� 3auri�
<br /> Intbunwst N qn� IenehW+f, 8onow4r eMN compy with al th�providfona o1 tha last. R Bdrmwer�cq�ak+�1M Nd� to th�
<br /> .
<br /> Pro��tty,th�t�u�hoid and thr iN tkN�FSw nat m�rp�unNro� Lnd�raprNS to th�rrwr{N►{n w r l N n y.
<br /> -------- 7.P�ut�ation af L�nd�r'�RI�Mn in th�e Praperly. u sonowr frite to perlam th�covenante u� �yrwn.nte�
<br /> --------
<br /> • obnta�n�d in thl�S�o�xity In�tnrm�nt, a thrn N a Iq�J ptooMdk�p th��may alpnMcintiy aM�ot Undrr's r{�hb in tM P►o�ly �►
<br /> _.,�_._ — _ (suoh�a a proc�d(np In baniuuptcy,prapate,tor eondx�i�Ue�n or foddiure a to enforce I�we or reguWlona),thm t�en�r anty
<br /> - -- - -��- --___�
<br /> do end pay iw what�ver b neeaaary to protsct the vaMre ot ths Prope+ty+u�d Lender'a�iqhta In ih�Pcopw2y. Lertda's�ctions �
<br /> rnY (nelude P�Y�O �nY wma sseured by a Men whlcb A�4 prlodty oaK thls 3ecwity Insdumant, �PP��D � c� WY�g � - -
<br /> ranon�bie eitomeya'fee�and entaing on the Property to m�lce ropaMe.Atthough Lmder rt�y take actian uod�r thh puAprnph �
<br /> 7,LendK doea not hare to do ao.
<br /> `- My amounts dtsbumcd 6y londeP under paraprapb 7 ahaY become addiUonaf del+t.ot 8orrowa aecured by thts Securtty N __
<br /> .`.+� tnehument. Unleas BortowaT nr�d Lender agree to other tertna of peyment,these urya4l�us.nhall besr intarest trom tho date of ��_
<br /> �:.=�� ��.::: dbburaement M the Note�rh�e•und shW be puyabie,wKh tMeresL upon notica from LaicAiji,to Borrow�rcquoaNng puyment -
<br /> �"� i::�?��'t`j`�'�;� 8. 1,AOrtgtg* I�tl�It1.7��. If (.endeQ requYod mortg�ge Insumnce ae a canditfon ot rt�tdng the tou► securod by thls ----
<br /> .t• � �i t+if;�'!�,.,, P 9 9 Y
<br /> :�i.�:, Security Inapumant, BonoWet;�hW pay the romi�grts requked to maMWn the mott a e fnaumnca in elteol. tf,fot�n ro�son,the
<br />=;���`:� �fy°>;'s mart{�ege Inaumnce c.ov�iegq'roquired by Landa lapaes or ceasea to be In etfeet. BoRAwa eluill pay the prerr�ns requked to
<br /> '"� obtain cavarnge subatantl�y equirelent to the mortgage Inaurance prevtouaty tn eifeat, at n coet eubaUntLYy equMabnt to ths
<br /> '� � coat to Bartawer oi the mortp�qe trtauranas praviouaiy In eftect, dom an akem�te manflage Inaurer approved by Lander. It
<br /> eubaUnUaNy.equhdart mortg�ge inau�nae cownye ia not�vaY�b�s, Bonowa shifl pay ta Lendar each manth a sum equd to
<br /> . onttwolRh of t6�yeary martpaQe hauranct pre�Num bNnp p�td by 8oaow�r whon the Inaurmae oov�ps I�pard or auad to
<br /> . ba In c?�aat, lcnd��!!!ae�t,uae and relaln lhese paymn►te ee e loee reeene In NeN c►!moet�g�Inauanw. Lass nswv� �
<br /> p�yrnenta m�y no�onqa bs requked,at ths opUon of L�nde. N mortpipe tneurance eoverap�(In the unount�nd tor th�pKtod
<br /> thtt I.�ndM rpuka) pradd�d by�n ImurK �pprovM by t�nder�pNn bacom�e�v�Nabis and Is obUln�d. 8ottow�r�M�N pay
<br /> th�pnmfum� nqulred to rtwlntain mortgapo Ineursnc� In Mect,ar to provlde�lose reaerve,un�N th�rsqukwnent tor madg�pe -
<br /> �� Iroursnc��nds N�ccordu�co wrih�ny wtllt�n�prNm�nt bMwNn 8ortower Rnd Lend�►or rppYcabN I�w.
<br /> 9. 1l11p�Ct10�1. L�ndK or Ih�pent may mak�►Mtsombt�entdes upon and Mspeatlo��of th� PropMy, Lmd�r�haM pN�
<br /> 6orroww notte��1 th�tln»ot or p�ior to an IntQ�aUon �p�ctMing reaeonibte eaues for!he inapeatlon.
<br /> _ t 10. Co�d�mnatlon.Ths proce�tda of�ny�waM or ctdm tor damapes,dkeot or aoneaquentl�l, Ir�conn�ation with�ny
<br /> condarnaUan or oth�r taWnp of any part of th�Property,or!or aonvey+�nce M Ileu of aandamnaUon,ars hweby ae�lpned and
<br /> ° ' ��;. etuN b�pdd to lender.
<br /> ��Q��`�'"U,�`' In the want of a totel teking of the Properly, the p�ooeeda shaY bo applted to the suma eeeured by thia 8eeurity
<br /> , '1y�,',�'�_��"..r:.'.� _
<br /> �,.;: .,:r.;;;,����s� • Inotrumeeit,whether o�nat ther�duo,wlth any axeeas pald to BoRO►var. in tha event ot a peAk! teking of the Properly in whieb _
<br /> ''�;"'•`-�"� the tak market vatue of tha Pro Immediat b�lom tAe takin fs al to or reater then the amount ot the suma seeured
<br /> `_. � v.. - , p�Y eN 9 � 4 --
<br /> �t+::� ,� y 9,;;r��,; Ey thta 8eeuKry In�,VUma�t nnmeWatety betoro the tairing, uniess 8ortowa end i..endar othawisn agien ki +�tir��� ttia s�s __
<br /> � ���J�'i'�'�t-•i��'`� r•�-��•� aecured by thts 3ecurlty Instrument shall ba reduced by the amount of the proceeda mutttplled by the toHowing trc��otion: (a)the
<br /> �}-.� �.,,..
<br /> •.,; ��`"`%�;'.-•��%�;., totel amount of the sums secured immadiatety before the taking, dhrided by(b) the tatr market value of the PropeRy Immediatey �
<br /> :��r•;::•.w ::: �, be(oro the taWn M belance sheH ba paid to Bortower. In the event of a pardal taWng of the Pr (n whtch tho teU market �—�-
<br /> .. �.�.:o:.; 9. y °p�Y
<br /> ��'-� ���'�• .��.; ��- •` veNe of the Properly Immediatety before the taWng ia less than the amount oi the sums seared immedtat betore the taWn , � �
<br /> �Y fl �..°
<br /> '"�'' `'�. unless Bortower and Lender otherwise agree in writing or unless epp�lcabta �sw otherwfae p�+ovldes, the proeeeda shall be
<br /> .�Z� ••�;.:����• � •. ' appiisd to the eums aecured by this 3eaurity�nsWment whether or not the eums are then due. �,�
<br /> �, ".:w;r�;::..:,.-..r„':��. :.�. It the Property Is abandoned by Borrower,or if,atter no8ce by tender to Borrowet that the condemnor otlars to make an �'��;;;,
<br /> r��1:�•
<br /> ••s..:.:",.;�.,.-' , :�. eward or selUn a cla[m for damages, Borrower tatls to respond to Lender within 90 days after the date the notEce ts gNen. �,f�,.
<br /> .,,,::r.•:�:,,.:;��:.::•: - Lender is authortted to eoilect and apply!he proceeda, at Na optlon, eitfic►to restoreUon or repah of the Properi� o�to!he ' i'':
<br /> �� � ••.�•-;,;•:r-. ; sums sewred by thia 3eauity Inswment,whether a not then due. c:�.
<br /> ` ��'' '';::}��,'' � ' Untess l.ender and Bartower otherwise a e In writln , an IleaUon oi roceeds to dnd al shail not extend or � "`
<br /> ': -'. ,,,.:.'�. 9►B 9 Y 8PP P P P .�'(,;;:.
<br /> � "'-y'f�°�`'��'" � '�� postpone the due date of the monthty payments retemed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 ar change the emount of such paymenta. ,
<br /> , i_ �,.,,.•h,+�^,. :,•,.. .�,�,,-
<br /> ,;, ����.�'i;r��.Cr�+�:;� :-�: 11. 8onower Not Roleaaed; Forbearance By Lender Not a Watven Extensron ot the t�me tor payment or ��y,,;
<br /> •�^�r`�••�•t� • -"�;,:�� modifloatton of emortizaUon ot the suma secured by this 8ecurity IneWment granted by Lender to eny successa In Intereat of Ss.`�,;,�:
<br /> '��� �s•�•• � •°• :�W*'�`�. Bomower shait not aperate to release the Ilabilityr of the od4lnat Borrower or Borrower's succassore in interest. Lender sheU not r;�.':
<br /> ,��'r'; ' be required to commenoe proeeedings against any succeasor In interest or refuae to extend ikne for payment or othervrise {
<br /> " modHy amortizadon ot the aums secured by this 3ewrfly Inatrumont by reason ot any demand rnade by the ori�nal 8orrower or (`'`'��''
<br /> - • Borrower's succesaora in imerest. My forbearance by Lender in exereising any dght or remerly shetl not bo a waNer of or �r��,�,
<br /> ., ; lI
<br /> `t�--,•_�•�•• � �� prectude ihe exerdse di any dght or remedy. 3r•�,
<br /> �' . 12. Suecessors and Assigns Bound; Jolrit and Severai Uabllity; Co-sig�ere. The covenants and ����y..
<br /> �v'� �`� agreementa ot this$ecurily Inatrument shatl bind and beneft the suocessors and assigns of Lender and 8orrower,subJeat to the f��{�
<br /> �`:r�� •��,�:�t,;�r,���. ' provisbns of paragreph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements ahall be Joint and several. Any Bortower who casigns this t��
<br /> •' ���� Security Matrument but does not execute the Note: (a){s casigning this Securfly lnsuument ony to mortgage, grant and convey `���n�
<br /> ���� '"' that 8omewer's interest in the Prope�ty under the tertns ot thts 3ecurity inshument; (b) ia not personalty obtigated to pay the
<br /> sums seeured by thb Securiry Instrument; and (o) agreea that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, modHy,
<br /> � . �;;':�..
<br /> '��' *'` ' ' � � forbear or make an eccommodations wlth regard to the terms of thls Secu' Instrument a the Note without that Borrower's
<br /> �:;,�;� . . y �► r�:�:
<br /> consent. t.�;�
<br /> ; ,.� . :•..,,.
<br /> 13. loan Chargea. tt the Ioan secured by this 3ecudty �natrument Is subJect to a law whioh sets maximum loan ��"
<br /> i eharges, and thet Iaw Is flnaliy interpreted eo that the inte►est or other loan aharges co�lected or to 6e coYected in connecUon r •'
<br />_ � wilh the toan exceed the pertnitted limRa, then: (a)any such �oan eharge shali be reducod by the amount necessary to reduce �`'"'.'
<br />, the charge to the pemdtted Ilm�; and (b) any sums aiready colfected irom 8orrower which exeoeded pertnitted llmits wlll be f���'
<br />_ �°�• reNnded to Ba►rower. lmder may nhoosa to make this reNnd by reduoing the pdnaipat owed under the Note or by making a �
<br /> _ "�,;��;;_�;:� .: �reat paymer�t to Borrower. It e refund reduces ptinoipal,the reduaUon will be Veated as a peRiai prepayment wrihaut any �I
<br /> � �%r* • prepayment aharge under the Note. i
<br /> � 14. NoSIC6�.My no8ce to BoROwer provided tor In this 3ucurity Instrument shali be gNen by delNedng it or by matlfng It 1
<br /> � by flrst class ma!I un�esa appllcab�e law roquires uae of enother method. The noUce ehaA be dlreoted to tha Prope►ty AddresR `,
<br /> �' �; � ,'° , or any other address 8otrower destgnates by noUce to Lender. My nnUee to Lender sheU be given by tlrst ctesa mail to
<br /> � L�v►der's address stated harein or any othor addrasa Lender designatos by notice to Borrower. My notice provided tor In thls ,_
<br /> 3RCUrNy InsWmsnt ahatl be deemed to have been gHen to Borrower or Lender when gtven as provlded In this paragraph. t
<br /> � !�, . � 1&. t3overnEng Law; Seve�flbtlity. TNis Security Inahument shali be govemed by tede►a� law end the �aw of the ! ,
<br /> ,,,.. .
<br /> � : . jurisdictton in whiah the Property is Iocated, �n the event that any provision or ctause ot this SecurHy Inetrument or the Note �
<br /> . • conRtats with eppAcable Iaw,suah confliat shap not aHeat other provlsions o}this SecurHy instrument or the Note which can be j
<br /> � gNon atfect wNhout the con111ating provlsion.To this ond the provistons ot this Secu►Ity inatnmie�t and the Note aro declared to �f
<br /> • � ' be severaEle. I
<br /> It-;�'` ' �-, • 18. 8orrower'a Copy.Borrower shall be given one coMormed copy of the Note and of this Security Inatrument. ':
<br /> f''�� '1 r! �_y,• •t.
<br /> �• �h:i.�{:. . �:�:
<br /> '�;.r e� • ,u. �i,:.
<br /> �.�>;; '� '. ,�G/C � ;l ;
<br /> :i;: ' r. , F1318.LM� (1?193) Pngo 3 of 5
<br /> r "�� •,: 1
<br /> ;i,
<br /> , �
<br /> � 94028
<br /> . .
<br /> � — — —
<br /> ' '.�_"'�___'_ rr..�-...Y
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<br /> f,�. �TC�� _ __. . . ._ _ . _. _ .... . .. ... .... _._ '_^. ..."" . .
<br />