o� .,-i . � ''" <. •., .•..�� ;�.i,. � -t1�
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<br /> � : •�"k.' ��p�„� � �_ .._,
<br /> .� - � - .. _hq"� _ .._._ . .., .
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<br /> ' g�� ��.�3�
<br />'����°-���'� • ,, D�LQ�OF'�RU�1'WOTH Ft�T61RE A�1Vl1NCE� • .
<br /> � . THIS OEED OF TRi1ST,I�m�N�ol ih�....g3�b d�y ot Jun. ���_9���p
<br /> ths TrwAw, Tiwothr J Oaonnor i C�th�rttn� L Oeannar , hw�sud �nd r���
<br /> whor�m�utnp addr�u 1� Po bx i�fri GcaaO � Id6�M�-l�fiii }�
<br /> Mrsln`T►usior"whMl�o�a►mws
<br /> — - -� �
<br /> — — t�TNNo�. li�� ►oint� �ank. • li�bra� Cor�orstian
<br /> .
<br /> whos�n�afitnp addnw ts P.0. Box 13�7 Or�nd I�l�tc►d, RE 608�7 (hKNn"Ttuq»'9.and _
<br />_-., ����ry� PLva Poinl� Mnk �
<br /> -,��
<br />:::.. � Z�is N. 8road��11 tirand I�land► N8. 68�-lSi►!
<br /> ,�. whass matstrw ad�rosa ta (tn�eln"l.ender'?. ___ _
<br /> .:�. ?isc�thr J Oaannor
<br /> � FOR VALUABLE CON3IDERATIQN,tnoludtnp Leod�r's exqnstcn of cradit Id�ntifl�d b�ntn ro
<br />-� i CaLRfric►� L. tbonnor
<br /> (hrroin"8or�owa'',whalt�er ons or moro)and trt�trust hKNn cnated.
<br /> the►recsipt of which ta hereby acknowledped,Truator hereby Ircevocabiyr pranb.trantfea,convsy�and esstpns to Trust�s,IN
<br /> TRUBT.WRH POWER OF 9ALE.for the bansiitand s�cudty of I.onda.und�►a�d�ub�to ths tertns and eondlUo�s Mninatbr pt
<br /> torth,th�roe1 propsr�,desc�ibad as toltows: SEE ATTACHED EXHI9IT 'A'
<br /> �� v�.' ��• ' �H �(� OR HSRLr�EARD OST ��ETO'��►N Oa�FF�ErTATN�Ei�N(CGE pE TEEiL�L�, OKN �T �S(T L�YN I. ��Sb N k OF 12 AEET. _
<br /> . , i �Ti�w�th���uil�� �.'im�rovems�i��fl�itL�.t�Fifb'fd alfdY4����Ys.a��td��ht�t D�►eD�s� � Aappurte-
<br /> �� 9
<br /> Ar': ���`��.�.� nancee(ocatod U�ereon or(n unywta�pe�laining thereto,and the renb.lasues and protits,revaralona ansf romafndero thereot artd _
<br /> J „�' auch persortal propert�r that le attachod to the improvemanb so aa to conaUwts a fixtu%(nctudfnp.bu!not Ifrt�ited to,heaffrtg and
<br /> �r.
<br /> s��s;':�"��u coopn�equipmenk and together with tScs homeatead or marital inter�sts,if am►.which Intereshs are hereby reteased and waived;ali
<br /> .tr ���',�;•��`''y�:�:, ot which.irtcluding�epiacements and edditlone thereto,ia hereby dectnrod to be a paR of Me reai eafats secured bylhe ilen of this �_.
<br /> ,R , �Y�•..
<br /> ,�, .���g�!�. Oead of Truffi and all of tt►e(oreQofn�betnp rofeRed to he�eln ea the"Property". __
<br /> ' F.• kP!'.�!"::f.;'u;.' ---.
<br /> :F�;>..��;:r:`.,��4,<�� Thia Oead of Truat ehaU secure(e)the paymeM of the princtpal aum artd interest evidanced by a promfasory nole or oredit �__
<br /> " r - �- 3iia� 23Zh 13� Js� !3tls Z444 --=�-
<br /> � �;�ti"b f�.•�„�.;��' agreement dated �har(rt9 a maturity date of . �l',.
<br /> ',.^x=,k�°.•�-'•.:c��t';'.. _ 62.828.SA =�-
<br /> �,�`'4���}'`.,�,��~•.: .b. In Me ortginal prirtctpffi e�areount of S ----
<br /> .:{{,,J. ,and a�y and alt modllteaUons.extenalons and renewa�a ��
<br /> ''��'.11;;.�,�; �•• ,. .� thereof or t�ereto and an�/and ai1 future advances and�eadvances to Bonower(ot any of them if more tPran one)herounder _
<br /> ' "' urauant to one or nsore romisao notea or credlt agreemeMe lherein called"Nofe'�;(b)the payment ot other suma advanced
<br /> `�jt�i�:��;:'r��;G:�S''?�i!,, p R+ n► bY
<br /> , ', ,S,.F. Lertder to proteot the aecuNty af tho Note;(o)the pertorman:�of e��covenanta and agreementa of Truator aetforth hereln;and(d)alt �;`
<br /> �����?;-��:�::��"�{�,'„:,-��� preaent and futuro Indebicidnesa and a�1lgaUona of Bonower(or amt of them if more Man orte)to Lender whethe�direot tnditecL `3,-
<br /> �`` ���'"'` '�" "� absoluto or cornin entand wheU►ar��isin note,
<br /> r;�,�;.�;;;t�;�;`,`;.,�:�,��.:, g g b�r guaranty,overdraft or ott�erwiae.The Noter this Deed of T�ust and any and aU , :
<br /> ' . other docuents that aecure the Note or otherwise executed fn connectton therewith,inciudirtg wlthout Ilmitetlon guarantees,secudty ,
<br /> �'};�:.::.!�.•� �t.JYak�.. . �
<br /> . •,;��„�;__�..,..�,ti:�;,._�,, apreemems and essignr4tents of leases artd rente,shait be reterred to hereln as the"Loa�Documents".
<br />. ..�,,r.,,,_,��...,.;... .,�. 'flruator covenante aed agrees with Lender as btlowe:
<br />� " •� 1.Payn�nt d lnd�bbdrMSt.Atl Indebtedness secured hereby ahali be pald when due. °
<br /> '�=���,�"�� � �''" �' ' 2.t�U.Truator Is the owner of the Property,hae Me�ight and authorlty to convey Me Propeny,and wa►rants that the Ilen
<br /> .� j•+?Fg a�r...•.:[r��:•� �.
<br /> bM'Ebitfl!y�.,...;.y�.^-'
<br /> ;;�y��,,�;:�,,,,,,.:, areated hereby is a f(rot and prior tien on the Properiy,except for ilens and e�cumbrances set brth by TrusMr in w�lUng and
<br />. ,`;�,�,,,,_,,_,, ,.;.�,,,. delivered to Lender betore exvcu@on of thia Deed oi Trust.and tho executlon and delivery otthis Oeed of Tn�st does not violate any
<br /> ',`;�Y,;,�„_,,,�ti., :,s contract or other obllQatlon to whtch Trustor ia subjec4
<br /> 3.Ta�.Awan�ao-b.To pay betore deilnquenoy alt texes,speclal assessments artd att other chargea againat the Property
<br /> ;''-``<�='"'r:; �.. now or hereafter levfed.
<br /> .�?�' "•��:4;t�'�•�• 4.Irqu�.To keop the Proporly insured against demage by fire,hezards inaluded within the te►m"extended coverage".and
<br /> �.�..�.:"�":.��:..:.,c:: ..
<br /> �•,,,��, � suah other hezarda as Lender may re�uira,in amounte and with compantes aceeptable to Lender,naming Lender as an addidonai
<br /> " � • ' � nartred inaured,with loss paYabte to tha�ender.ln case o!loss undar such poticies,the Lender la authorized to edjua�coitect and
<br /> -;,T:.`�,�s:;�s ��., , compramise,all Clalrrtat3t�reundor and shafi heve the opUon of appiying att or part of the Inaurance procaeds(i}to any indebtedness
<br /> • �-,= ; - . secured hereby and in such order es Lendpr may dotermine,(ii)to the Trustor W be usecf for ihe repairor reatoratlon of the Praperty
<br /> �+'-, or(Iiq tor any other pucpose or object satlstaatory to Lender wNhout aHecring Me Ilen ot thfs Oeed of Trust for the fuli amourn secured
<br /> � hereby batare suah psyment ever took p�ace.Any applioatlon of proceeds to indebtadneas shall not extend or poatpone the due
<br /> ,'yr�: � � date oi an�►payments under the Noto,or cure any detault tfieroundar or hereunder.
<br /> � b. Ftcso�r.Upon w�itten demand by Lertder.Truator shatl pay to Lender,in auch manner as Lender may designate,sufficfent
<br /> `� . sumato enable Lende►Da pay as they become due one or more of the foliowing:(t)all taxes�88sessments and o4her Chargea against
<br /> .�:� �� �<'�� • the properiy.(Iq the proamiums on the properiy insurnnce required hereunder.and(III)the premiums on ar►y mortgape insurance
<br /> • required by Lender.
<br /> ' • ;c�; 8. Matnt�nanc�,8epaln and CompUane�with Laws.Trustor shail keap the PropeAy in good condltlon and repair.ahatt
<br /> � � �%�� prcmptty repatr.or►eplaCe eny lmpravement whlah may be damaged or deshoyed; shaU aot commh or permit any waste or
<br /> . �'`��`'�, detedora9�on oi the Ptopert�r,ahail not remove,demoilsh or substanUally alter any of the improvaments on the Propert�r.shatl�ot
<br /> commiR euiter or permit eny act to be done in or upon the Properly in vlolation of any Iaw.ordtnanGe.or regulation;and al�all pay and
<br /> � ���,.��;,'.� � prompttyy diacharge at Truator's eoat and oxpenaa ati!lfana,oncumbrartce�and charges levted,imposad or masesaed against the
<br /> , , Properiy or any paR Na�r�of.
<br /> � � �~ 7. 6mIn�M Domslrr.!6snde�is hereby assigned ali cnmpensaUon,awards,damapea end other payments or retie?(herelnatter
<br /> � -J� 't,��. "Prooeai��"�in conrtecUen with condemnation or other taking of tho�roperiy or part thoreof,or for conveyance in IYau of cortdemrta- �
<br /> _ , Uon.Ls+9mor shel�be en4Blsd at Ns opUon to commenae,appear in and prosecute in tta own name any acUon cr prcraeed)�1a,snd I
<br /> ° � shat!aiso be enUUed e��r:^.atca any compromtse or eeritomor�t in conrtectlon with auch taktng or damaga In tha evant any partfon o! �
<br /> the Proneriv ts so taken.cr damaaed.Lender ehali hnve the opUOn,in ita soie and abaotute dtscreUon,to apply all such Proceeda,
<br /> ���� • ' � �- after deduating therefrom ai!costs artd expenses tneurred by It in conneetton with eucb Proceeds,upon any in�aateCness secured �
<br /> 1 � .,' hereby artd in saoh order as Lender may determine.or to aQpty alt euch Proceeds,efter sucA deductEona to the reatoratlon ot the ;
<br /> r
<br /> _ '4 PropeRy upoa sucA eon�itiona as Lender may determi�e.Any appticaUon of Proceedsto indebtedness shall rtot extBnd or postpoae
<br /> i�� `� tlte due date of any pay�nenb under the Note,or cure any detautt thereursder or horeunde�.Any unapplted tunds shali be pafd to I
<br /> ' �._�,;c. . Ttustor. �
<br /> ;:�' ' 8.P«t0�m�br L�nd�r.Upon Me occumence ot an Event of Detauft heraurtder,or M any ec!is ffiken or legal proceedtn�
<br /> � � � ': • commanced wAtch materialtY aitects Lende►'e frnereat in the Property.Lender may in its own discretion.but without ebltqatton to do
<br /> so.and wttltout rtotteo to ar demand upon Trustor and wttltout releaatng Yn�aTOr trom any obtigatlon,do eny aet whtah Trustot has ,
<br /> " ' eQreed but fails to do artd may e�ao do arty othe�aat It deama necesaary to proteet the aecurlly RereoL Truator ahail.tmmadlatety ,
<br /> �,�;;� ° upon deft�and thecetorby Lender.par to Lender all cons and expensea(ncumed and sums expended by lertder tn conrteation with
<br /> ,. : � fis exarettss by Lendar at the forapoing�tpMe,topeNter with iMereatthereon at ths datault rate prwtded fe tAe Nota whteh ehalt be
<br /> ���; ,�_ =. .,�, added M the ind�ldnep ascurod herab�►.Lender ehall not tncur any IIadlUtp Oecause o!anytAing It may do or cmit to do
<br /> ;.�'�rh��:�: het�sundet. '
<br /> ��:: , �;�.��
<br /> t: .0 r� .
<br />