.._ . . .
<br /> _ . . ' . : ;�� -.,�-_-
<br /> -- - - _ _ _ _ _ � . . ....
<br /> -- � ��
<br /> ��. . . �. ._��
<br /> , _ __
<br /> — � , . .
<br /> � `.�rl -
<br /> -. -- _ T. _ � --- - _ __ __ , .— __ -.-�- -
<br /> _— - - - � --� - �� � -, l ' ..is�l tiuniOAblr lbrrc►w�t f1�Np��p � , T�'Y<����,�. , ..
<br /> a�r�P oi ��t�1p��►�a ea��r�bdn�Paid�'dx�ver wleen�tl�e h�qn�e�f4,4�d or c+w����
<br /> -- -- be:in,.;F•�-'. ,a�,and retmin tF��n+ymentt sa a loss_rK+rrve in Hsu nf mrxt�e �riwtAtt�, l,nn+ mserva�.
<br /> .. p,yra�a � !p„�r�,.�.i�at;ec�he op�lon ut l,�der� if aroK�a�s ia�u►°.�«�ve�e;in�l�e wmu�ra+md f�x ure p�ri�:r��
<br /> � tbr�t ll.ader r�quie�)Pr�o�'idad M►w inu�ee�PPi'a�'�M' �''�becx�mos avuWbb rwni ia d�iaod.l�uim�vcr rbrld•Fni�
<br /> . t6o praAium�roquirad to mm�iinWn nxx�a i�ur�e in eAeR.or to provide ti{oas ra���,until tbe�oq�n�eat(tx niort�t�jc
<br /> l±�uraoco eads�9n aa�otdance with�ny writtea apreme+K betw�m 8ormurer�ad I.ar+dex or appli�able I�w,
<br /> -- !.�e,liw�,l�idet a�ts i�eatm� �iaroohblt atiia upnu rd ia�ioo�aF IMe Prtiperty:[.a�dnc�ddl jl+ca,�
<br /> ,� �orrrnv�notke w the ti me d or p�ior to an i�psaion M�h�q1�c�me d�iu�pe�ton.
<br /> -��— -- ---.� - F ,..,.�.+ �i!+�l�c�.r r�xw�rN�!+r!ir.t du c+mnecti�n wida.
<br /> _ -
<br /> iQ.��.'{�x�a.�.MJ.u�'r.;.�s:r�or°�Lz.�►iqr d._,..�_�. . � . � ,,
<br /> �oq ot other t�of my p�r+t of t�e Prop�� a��i►+�ja!ku o[oo�i�ji:�tna Itarmhy a�i��eA��
<br /> siu116e p�id to I.eadet.
<br /> . In the event of a taW tak4nj of tne Pnopaty.tl�ee Qr0000ds siul!be spplied to ehe sums�ecure�dtty Qtia Sdcndty itutxw��A;.
<br /> whdt�er os not tha�dua.with any exoai�id w�o�n�4�r�'�n the eya�t M a pertiAl Wcin�of tha Ptrapacty in wh{c!x dic E�x
<br /> muiux valua of tbe Pm�c�ty immeAiately 6ef'ore the t�klr�is equal to ar gra�tsr tl'�n the unouM•�af;tha same secu�od by�dk�h4
<br /> Security laawmer�t iamnediudy befot+e the alcin�.unl,eas Hatnwer and icadar otbtiwise a�rea..ilt���ritin,��tha aums secw�e�d��,
<br /> this Security iastrurne�►s shi11 bc roducxd by the amo�st af ths ps�a�eeds multiplidi t►y thg;�`.�}1(mving froetum: (a) tba t�tA'.
<br /> amount of the wms secutod imme4ialely befae t6�o tiaking.dividod by(b)d�e fa�r m�ritet v�t(pa�of�tlro Prnpe�xy imn'ndiiieiy
<br /> befo�e the Wcing. My b�l�nce slntl be p�id to Borrawat. ln tGe avent of s p�ati�! tatdn��k�fi dta Frop�rty in which�the fair
<br /> mutet value of the Property imn�edIately before the hking is less tlno tho amount of d�n�mu seKVmt!'immedlateJy t+c[ac�e tbe
<br />. Wdng.unless Borrowe�ud letder othecwtse�gnee�n wri�ng or uala�s applkab{a law atlkn'N�irQ providos�the procaeds shaU�'
<br /> bo applied to the sums sa:ured by t6is 5ocuricy Instnunnt w3�ether or not the suu�are then dut7:,
<br /> U�pmpecty;y�ted by Borco�rer,or if.after a�otla by Lender to Bomnwer th�tittw oondmanor offr.rs to mtke+An
<br /> award or seak a tlaim fordunages.Born�wer falls w respond ta Ltirr,lzr wlthin 30 doy.+plrN�ar,t�r.a duta tho notioe is gir�va,,
<br /> — L�der is auttariud w collacc a��piy the pr000ais.at iis o�tlan.eit�c to t+�tatatian as��cpRio cf:lhes Fmpetly nr ta�L s,�
<br />° socv.t+pd by tdis Soca�dty Inanrr�wt,wh�ther or nat tt�due. t�cation of mb�od�w pri.napal siti��.�:4x�t exuad,or,
<br /> � Unless Lender uid Ban.+�,�ret otheraise agroe in writin8• �nY ePP� p
<br /> ;. po�tpc,ne tho d.�siate uf the munttily pa referrod to in hs 1 aa3 2 or chang�xhe amannt of such paymevts.
<br /> 11.Bo�da�Not Rdeascd;Far��Bi'L�en�a'�airee'•Fac�sifln o�tha ame far pqymcnt or modific�rotima��
<br /> of acnort�tio�¢��'the sumg securcd by this Socurity Insnument granted by Lender to amt r�uaces.sar in interest of Borrower.•8t�a11
<br /> not op�rate p��elease the ti�l�ty of We original Bormwer or Borrower's suooessors fn�intarest. [.endar shafl nat be roquiacd��o
<br /> - wmmeAOe procted[ngs aga'smr�i+nY sncc�ssor in inurest or tcfuse to Wctend lime for�g�tymtatt�onothtuwisa modify amomzafi��
<br /> — of the suu�secural by ttiu Sea�dty Insuument by reason oF any demand � hy•tha udgitu�l Bo�rowor or BoTtowaac�s
<br /> snooessois in inurest.Aay foibeatance by[.eader in exercising az►y right or remady��tut11�nat be n waiver of ar preclud�t�a
<br /> exercise of a�r rigb,t or nmedy.
<br /> - . 12.Saoce�ors iutd Assigag Boundt Jotnt and Several LlaWltty► Co�slEtldt�..'I1ho covt�anu and agroements a&i?�
<br /> - S�n.vrtty Iasuument shaU bind and benefit the suceessors and Assigns of Lendex untl�Bo�mwar. subject to the provistoms.of�
<br /> � - - - __
<br /> ° pmra,grap6 IT. Borrower's covenams cma agr�rnts shaii be jui�i i�xt sev�at; A:�y �a�x.,�-r�t� ca-�i�s. shis �y. �
<br /> -: [n,�uumem but.does nat;cxecute the Note:(a)is co-sigmng this Secudty Insuumant�onfy to ma ge.grunt uur�camey t_�t� .
<br /> u
<br /> Bormwer's i�'tc�est in the PropertY under the te�s of this Securiry Int�tt(b)is nat�peisaapE y ebllgated to�ry tho s��
<br /> secured by thnS�ritY Insuument:and(c)ag�ees that[.ender and any o1hPrHatrow�nr ms�y x,,rree,tc�ext�nd.madify,forb�ar or
<br /> ` a�alce any aooam�todations wlth cegard to th¢cern�s of this Securiry Inct�ssr�.,°i►UOr�the Notu without t^�ut Horrower's oonsu►t. •
<br /> � 13.Losa Ctw'ges.If the Ioan secured by this Scxurity I�uutun�t�t[s�ubjvrt�tn,a luw�v}sisTa.s�ts manimum loan ch3s�s:',�•,
<br /> ard ttwt law!s fivally iatec�preced so that the imenst or other loan charges equbct��l or to be eo�lected jn wnnerdon wit3�tt�
<br /> ,�, loan exeeec►t4e permitted Gmiu.then: (a)any such loan charge shaU be�+edua�d•by ttto amowlt ir�c:ess�uy ta reduoe the ch�ta�
<br /> w the p�rraitl�d limit; and(b)any sums almady colleated from Bomower�vh�ah'�exc��od permlYted Hmits wlll be refundmd ito
<br /> Borrower. �:r may choose to make this refund by reducing tht+ princfp�l�o���s!uador the NaW or by msiking a direct
<br /> e
<br /> - paye7�u►t�do.�a�wer. If a refund reduces prindpal. the reducUon�tvill�be treatad as a p�rGial prepaymeat withous a�y
<br /> � p�n2.o�ge w►der the Note.
<br /> li.Notk�s.Any nouce to Borrower prov�ded for i¢e th�s Socunty•Insttument�tl��li bo ven by dolfverit��¢or by mnit8rt�
<br /> :� if by fust c1asS nhail unless applicable law requires use of annther at�hod� 'ri�te notioa shafl�e directed to the�eny AddQess
<br /> or any othar t�,idress Borrower desigoates by notice to Lender. Ar1�r notioe ta Lender shall be�iven by flrst class rreuil�to
<br /> I,ender's r�dd�s statod herein or nay other address Lender deslgnates by nottoa to�a�ro�ver. Auy notice provided for i�t�is
<br /> Security Instntment sh�lt be deemed to havB been gtven to Borrower nr I.ender when givan as provide�in this parng�h. '
<br /> 1S.Goveenfng Law; Severability. This Secvrity Instnu�ent sD�ell be governed by fe�deral law and the law of tA�
<br /> jurisdiction la which the Property�s laated.In thc event that any provision or olnuse of this Socurlry Insuument or tho I�ot�o
<br /> wnflicts with appllcable law.such rnntlict shall nat affect other pmvlsions of this Security instnunent or the Note which p��bo
<br /> given effect without tlte conflIctin�provision.To this end the provisiona of this Securiry Ins¢nuitent and the Note aze docl�.TOd -
<br /> '�t� to be severable.
<br /> ' '`'� 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be�iven one confonned coAy ot�tho Nnto and of this Securlty Instniment. _
<br /> ' ;•' 17.Trxnster of tbe Pt�operty or a Beneftcial interest in Borrower.iD a[1 ar any psart of the Property or any interest i,m in
<br /> �� '� � �.'�'� �s sold or trunsferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transforro-a and Borrower is not a natural person)witha:e _
<br /> -�,�;;�'-`.°�a` lxader's pdor �vrittera wnsent. l.ender may, at its option. require immediusd pAyment in full of ull sums s�cured by this -
<br /> ''"n �� Security Instrument.However.this option shall not be exercised by Lendee if esarw��is prohibitat by federul law as of tho�ts -
<br /> "�a;=;;� of this Security I�tcument. _
<br /> =�*�- -•- •��•° If Lender eaercises this option.Lender shall gi�e Borrawer ttotice of accelern�ton.TQ�a notice sh�ll provide u period ot noe ,
<br /> ..��Y.;_..�.�,. se.
<br /> less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed wlthin whidt Btirrower must pay �ll sums secumd by this
<br /> •���=�'b�' Security instrument.IF Bor.rower faits to gay thes�sums prior to the expiration of this periad. Lender may invoke any mr�eedta� -
<br /> .:.�.y_.,,�,
<br /> >�,.,Y' :_::�-'';�� permitted by this Security Instrument without further ttatice or demand on Borro�ier. .
<br /> •° �':s=-'.-:•,"�� • 18. Borrower's Wght to Reiastate. If Borrower meets certain rnnditions. Borco�ver shall have che right to tuavic
<br /> ,�..,�;•,�,�..., ,
<br /> - .� • � -� enforoeinent of this Security instn►mertt�i�crnntinued at any time prior to th�eartier of: (a) S days(or such other periad� _
<br /> .w
<br /> '-s'�t''.'�<��'-`�"-' epPlicnble taw mny spacify for reimta��a) before sale of the Pmperty Puzsuant to any pou�r of s:ile c�ntained ia� tDi�
<br /> Li�:..,..;�!.: I
<br /> ,...,,..;. ... ,. Securlty Instntrtcent;or(b)entry of u jud;�ment enforcing this Security Insnumrnt;'[Thos�:oonditlons cue that Borrower:(u)Faya
<br /> '�..E�,.,, ° L,ender all sums which thc�would be dae under d�s S�ecurity Instrument ar�i tho 1�Totc us if no uccelerntfon had occurred: (b�
<br /> �"• cures any default of any o�r covenanu er�;r�r.cr^'_..s,:(c) pays�ll expenses inr�ur�d in enforcing this 5ecurity Iresuwc�aa�nt. �
<br /> � �?!�i,:''r� �•, :r. . iacluding, but not limited to,reasonahle.�erneys fees:artd(d)taIs�such a�rtlnn�Lender may masonubiy require to avsura
<br /> ' �h��he ties�of�his Securitv InstmmeaL Lescader's ri�hts in the Fru�ty and Barro�ti�ci s obtigatlan to pay the sumti�.•cuff�t�d b�•
<br /> ; - - . .� _�,•,:�•`� this Securiry Inswment shall mntinue c�rnhanged. Upon rein5c�amfnt b�• tinrroa�er, mis �e�vnry inscru�em ar�o wr
<br /> � 1'i� -• obliganons secu�ed heteby shall mmain fully e8'ective as if no acceleration htt!ucr�zrod. Hnarver, this nght to reinstst�sts�41
<br /> -• _ ' .. .. not apply in the case of ncceleration under parngraph 17.
<br /> - � t9. Sste of Note:Cltange of Loan ServEcer. The Note or a partial intotn4t in tho Note (tagether with this S�.�cu�aiey
<br /> '" Instrument)may be sold oae or mor�e times without priur notice to Bnrrower.A salu may resutt in U rhunge in the cntity tkmawn
<br /> - , ' as the"L�oat►Secvicer")that collects monthiy payments due under the l�tote and this 5ecurity insttucnent.There utso�uy L��x�e
<br /> � • ur mom cha►�es of the I.o�n Servicer unrelated to a s�ile of the Note.If there is a chan�c uf tha Loan Servicer.Be�rn�wer wiD9 be
<br /> - given written notice of the change in�rcoednnce with paragrnph 14 ubove and upplirablu la���.'i:�e nntice will,tate the narr�umi
<br /> '±:�i' . , uddress of the new Loan Servicer:uid the sddress to which paymenu should be mado. 'Cht+ nntic�will alsu amtain any �nRer
<br /> +� ° •, � information rcquired by applirable law.
<br /> �. ,,� • Z0. Hat►ardotu Substances. Borrower shall not rause or permit the presertce.a�e. di��4ul, .tnmge. ��r rcle:ue uB any
<br /> ;� Har.udous Substartces on or in the Property. Borro�ver shall nut do, rtur �Iluw ;uiyono elee to du, anytt�in�t affc��t�cep; the
<br /> ��:�:`` F Pt�nperty that Is in violadon of any Environmental L.aw. The preceding hru xentenccw sh�Jl ncu apply tu the pmtien��:.a�r.ur '
<br /> '��' �'�'�'�, storage on the Proper�y of small quantities of H:vnniou�5ubstattces that are gencr,illy rctin�nlLC.�i to be uppnipriate to m.+cmal
<br /> residential uses and to mafntenance of the Propecty.
<br /> v,uo�„r s Form 3028 9B0 �
<br /> U
<br /> � Q' .. . ` . . . ... . _ .. ._ .
<br />