,� • .�r; . . � ., .-�: o.
<br /> v �. . _ _ __ _
<br /> — ..�
<br /> - _ - - ._ -- _ _ ._ - - -
<br /> ____-- _ _ - ____, _ .__ _ ___ _ „ �r„-
<br /> . ' li �. �l _.
<br /> �� � pdYE[at�i ADt lMi��ll�l�BOflfl'M!�!��p���•Mri11f O�C��110�i�I�Y'�` �
<br /> onctwalfth af the y Premiam bc�+�T�dd���rnc�»the�ro+urmoe mwerKe�4w1 a owe�tn
<br /> 6e tn ef,fca.LxnJ�r wii •c , 4� 'r,th�cc}ssy;n�erits�9.s a Irou� re»arvr.?n Itea ��f mottE�tt inwrinoe. i„ws +�e�erva
<br /> _ payments auiy no lon�ec be reqirir�d,�►�a•uption of Iender�if nKxy�e iruurance covcrNgo(in tk�e uu�unt ar�8 fa►r rhe p�criud.
<br /> that I.�ader casW�l i►�'��'Y+�inwrar appiro+�M b;t I.ada:apun bda�ma��v�iL�bk eixi l�ob�inad. Borrawcr��h.l�.p�Y
<br /> �p��n,yr�irod to a�lm�in mort�ye imuranae la atlb�t.or w p�ovide i{oa�erve:wri!the rap�iren�eoR tor�
<br /> in4urwKC end�in accordance wich�►y wripa�a�neanaK bxtweou B�ver Nnd i.ader or�plicablo law. f. � .
<br /> !.Itlr�.I.ender ot its�pa1� m�b re�oed�ld�atri�iE,upoa�a�d i�ion�t oP ths Fra�pe�ty.Lerdw�rlf i�YO.
<br /> Borcawer notioe si the time n(a prio�c.ta�ai'npectian�pe�i�Yb�i re�a�ble a�ux for tha itnQectjoa.
<br /> '�--` - -_ _ .� iO. ��rwiiea.Tix��,a�t�..if;.:+;;«�a:d or stsim fer d�.�M. �;rr�r nr r.nn�!;!!en�i�l. in aonne�.�tjon with�ny.
<br /> eaadawWic�a athet t�k1n$of�uy p�rt of the Pmpaty. a for comeyx�a in Ik�u�f cadabn�tioa. arc he�ebY�wii�� •-
<br /> sh�11 be padd to Lader. .,
<br /> In the event af a towl taking of th�e Proptrty;t1►e Procead�si�wll ba a�91ia!to the e+uns secured by ihis Socuritp d,nstruma�t.
<br /> whdlKr or noc then dua,with any excas paid w Hoti'uv�er. In the evp�t of a putial t+iialn�of the P�npexty in w6ich Uta fair
<br /> mnrket value of the Prapxty immaii�tely bafon the t�king is oqual tre ar greuter thaa the urrount of the sumt aocurod by thes
<br /> Socurity Uutrtlmeat imtt�edi�tely befone the►�king,u�lesa�orrowct and.I,tndet��cxherwise agroe in wridng.the sums eiecurad by
<br /> �� this Sacu�ity I��trumeut sps�ll be rcductd by ths omour.s of t�ts pmc.'ctds �msltiplied by tbe foUowing fi�ctlon: ia��� •
<br /> �nwunt af thE sums seaured ImmediAttly beforo the t�JCinB,div[dod by�(b}ib�e f�is mtticet vduo of ttie PmpertY
<br /> btfore the taking. Any b�lanx shaU be pnid to Barrower. In the event af u pyctid cai:in8 of the lProp+ertY in which the f�ir
<br />--_ — �rk�value of tl�.Property immbdiateiy brfon the�ng ia less tt�ar�tha anwunt of the swns securad immodiately befon tho
<br />" Wcing.wiless Borrower and Lender otherwis�ogrec in wri�dag or uc��5�apPlicable law otherwjse providea�the pco�ads ahall
<br /> beapplicd to thp sums sewx+cd by this�5ecndty Insuumnt whGther or npt dya suma are then due.
<br /> If the Property is a6�rr3c�nal by Borcower,or if.atter mtice by Lender to Bomnwer thai the ca�fenutor offera ta rtuioe u►
<br /> award or settle a cl�inl for damages. Horrower fa[ts to respond to Ixnd�r witWn 30 dsys aftat the date tha aotice is gtven.
<br /> - - Leiider Is authorizod to eollett and appl�-.tj�pcoc�oais•at its optton,either to t�taratian or repa�r of t�e Pmpaty or t�tl►���
<br /> � securod by this Securiry Instrurnent.wt�qt�►�'or not thGn due.
<br /> n
<br />- � Uuiess Lendet and Bomuwtr otte�sc agree in wridng, anY appiicatFon of pmceade to principal sl�all not extead ot
<br />.- pastpono the dua dAte af the monthly paymeats mferred to in puagaap'hs 1 and 2 or chaage tho amount af such�aytrents•
<br /> 11.Borro�ver Na Relaeed;Forbaeanoe sy La�er Na a w�iver.Extengioa of the dme tnr paymeut or mnc�fic�tion
<br /> of amortiza►3on of the sums secured by tt►is Security Ins+.suinent granted by Leiuter ta any successor!n iaterast of Bomavur shalI
<br />- aot operate tn a�o,l{�ase the liabiliry of the original Borrower or Borrovter's sua:essors in Interest. Lender shall not be n�uira!to
<br />= comn�ence,.pmceediags against any succrssor in inumst or refuse to eatead ticne for pAyment or otherwlse modify atnorStatic�n
<br />- of the sums sectued by this S�cudty Insuument by reasan of�uty, �demand made by the originai Bonower or Bormwea's
<br /> successors ia interest. Ariy ior6ea�ance vy I.ender in exercising any right or mmedy shall not be a wniver af or prxlude ihe
<br />_.�: - exercise of any right or rem�tly.
<br /> 12. 3ttooesgozs aud AsslBns Bo�nd;Joiat and Several Llnbility; Co-signere. 7'he covenants and ag�xments of this
<br /> �� Security Instrurtjetu shall bind �nd benefit the successors and asslgns of l.ender and Borrower. subJect to the provisiuns af
<br /> ' paragra}�h 17. Sorrower's caveaants and agreements shaIi bc jui�u anct svveral. Any Ba�a��tr �:bs �o-signs tttis c�,�rt� �_
<br /> ., = r� h
<br /> Instrutnent but does no6 execute the Note:(a)i�s co-sigaing this Secu�ity Insctument only to cuortgage. �rent and canvey thaC��
<br /> $orrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Dnstniment;(b)is not personally obligased W ay��sW�t?�x,
<br /> . secured by this Security Instmment;and(c)agcees that i..ender and any other Bornower may agt�ee to extend,mo3ity.forbe,u'ar
<br /> malce uny acoommodadans with regard to t�e terms of thia Sacurity(nstrument or�he Note witliouc that Borrowec's consent.
<br /> n
<br />:;"' 13.I.oan Chargt9.If the loan sscured by this Seeudry Inst�umam is eub'ect to a Inw which sets mmcimwra loan charges.
<br /> and thut luw is finaqy interpreted so thai tho interest or other loan�herges co�lected or to bc collected in connection with the
<br /> loan e�eed the pem►icte�limits,then:(a)eny such loan chtuge shatl De reduc�d by the amaunt aecessary to reduce thc charge
<br /> w the pemiitted ltaut:and (b)any sums�lready collected from Borrower which axa�ded permitted limite wi11 be refunded to
<br />- Botrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by malang u diiect
<br /> payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal. the re�uction will be treated as a partIal prepayment without any
<br /> _ prepayment chacg�under the Note.
<br />=�•r 14.Notk�.Any notice to Borruwer pmvided for in this Security Insttument shall be given by delivering it or by maiUng
<br /> it by fizst cless mail unless applicable luw requires use of another method.'fhe notice shall be directe.d to the Property Address
<br /> or any other address Borrower desigaates by rtodce to I.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class m�il N
<br /> Lender's address stated bereia or uny other address L.ender desi�nates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> Security Insuument shali be tletmed to have been given to Bornnwer or Lender when glven as provided in this pasagraph.
<br /> � 15.Govran[ng I.ew: Sevecabittty. Tlils Secudty Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the law af the
<br /> � jurisdictlon im which the Property is lacated. :n the evont that aqY pmvision or claase of this See:uriry Instrumeat or the Note
<br />� � ,:;;,�;;�, confliets with applicable law.such contlict ahall not affect other provesions of this Securiry Instntment or the Note which can 6e
<br /> � �•� = given effect without the conflicting provisio�.To this end the provisions of this Secudty Instrument and the Note are declared
<br /> �`, ' s . to be severable.
<br /> � .���:
<br />° ,�,�r'�";�� 16.Barrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Insuument.
<br /> ''�t;•.:1:. 17.Traasfer oi the Pnuperly or a Beneticiel Interest in Borrower.If ull or any part of the Property or uny interest In It
<br /> ����'"i= '-r:• is sold or transferr�d(or if u beneftcial interest in Borrower is sold or trnnsferred and Borrower is not a naturul pe�son)without
<br /> ' `�'� i.ender's prior wdtten consent. Lender may, at its option, require imrnediute payment in full of nll sums socured by thts
<br /> :r; �" r`� , Security Instrnment.However,this option shall not be exercised by L.ender if ezerc�se is prohibited by fedcrai law as of the date _
<br /> ;�,;�; w;�i: :-�� of thia Secudty Instrument.
<br /> ��,..:.�:.:.� . If Lender exercises this option, Lender shall�ive Borrower notice of accelerntion.The noitce shall provide a period of not „
<br /> �r::.u:_ __:,•,..., ��s��30 days from the date the notice ts delivered or muiled within which Borrowec must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> , ..,,... .
<br /> ` =��=-��-=:'��� �� Securiry Instrument.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expirativn of this period, Lender may invoke uny rem ies
<br /> ;sI+-=� • .' • � permitted by this Secarity Insnument without further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> �:�=:� , ' 18. Borrower's Righ! to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certnin wndidons. Borrower shall have tl�e ri�ht to have
<br /> °�' +`�� 1��.'�=''°` enforcement of thls S�curiay Instrument dtsrnntinued at any time pdor to the eariier of: (u) S days(or such other period as .
<br /> •�,, . 'i_y�r.
<br /> _ � 'r���-`_^:. applirable law may speci�j for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pnrsuant to any power of sale contained in this
<br /> ,. �"'�" "'"" Security Instniment;or(b)entry oF a Judgment enforcing this Security Instcu�ttent.Those conditions are that Barrower:(a)ps+ys
<br /> ' - Lender nU sum.s which then would be due under this Securiry Insaument und the Note us if no acceleration hnd occurred: (b)
<br /> . .. ...'"��� cures any defauit of any other rnvenan2s or agreements: (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument.
<br /> including. but not limited to, re�sonable uttomeys' fees; and(d)takes such action as Lender may masonably require to;�ssure
<br /> -�._ �hflr rhA tien nf ehis Secudtv insuuinent.Lender's riAhts in the Propeny and Borrower's nbli�ation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> � T i thlS Security [nswment 9}13�1 continue unchunged. Up011 reinstatement by t3orrawer, It115 JCCUi7iy in�trutntni utw iuo
<br /> -' '. � obligatians secuted hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceteration had occutred. However. this right to reinstate shall
<br /> �_,. ; not apply in the case of uccoleration under puragraph I7.
<br /> 19. Sate of Not� Change o!T.oan Servtcer.The Note ar a partiul intetest in thc Note (to�ether with this 5ecuriry
<br /> �.. ' Instrument)may be soid ane or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sate may result in a chan�e in the entity(known
<br /> , `-��•, o .•�� us the"Loan Servicer")thut collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security instniment. There ulso muy be one
<br /> "`` ' or inore changes of the Loan Servicer unrela�ed to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loun Servicer. Borrower wiU be
<br /> � ' � given written notice of the chan�e in�rcordance with parngraph 14 ubove nnd uppticable law.The noticc will state the name und
<br /> � s•� - . uddress of the new Loan Servicer und the address to which payments should be made. The notice witl :�so contuin any other
<br />• '' ;�.`;',":�. ;;� infortnation required by upplirable taw.
<br /> - � 20. Hazardous 5ubstnnees. Borro�ver shali not c:ause or perm{t the prcsence, use, disposut, stornge, or mlwse of uny
<br /> ' �r'` '`� �. Haw�+dous Substances on or in the P�operty. Borrower shall not do, nor :illow anyone clse to do, anything affecting thc
<br /> �`�s, ` ��' pmpercy that is in violation of uny Environmentnt La�v. 'I'he Pmceciing tvm sentenr�shall not apply tn the presence, use, or
<br /> '''�='�� '�'�,•:' stn e on the Prope of small quantities uf HaJ:udous Substunces that ure generully rccugniud to be apprc�priute to nurmul
<br /> � � � reside tial uses ctnd to maintcnancc nf the Pmperty.
<br /> � vaoo�u�a Fottt�3028 9l90
<br /> '
<br /> :_�: _ _ .—
<br />