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.,.. � , , .. _ - - <br /> _ �... _._. _ : - <br />- • �, =• '::.-_:..: ...- <br /> � "• .�� - - _ -- <br /> __ <br /> - - ti:_ __ <br /> ---- <br /> _ � - � ._ �,. <br /> � �� � � �� : ��'" sa�� <br /> . 'The Fu�kls slwlt he held in +ui inuitutic�n w�Mfse drpmit!e arc in�ureti by a fedend a�gency, instrumen��lit�r, or endlty <br /> ----- -- (u��iwiio�;C.sculrc, it'i��x1t►i;siu•i�pfl!I7`.UIUIIi131�UY�ll:ny!'evlr.r:tl Fietnc lxian F��nk. i,rn�ltr r,ltali aJ�}tly tht;l�unds ta�y�ha <br /> Escivw(trttri.Lrnder�wwr�y�xit churge R��rrowor ti►r INrldli�nixi applying tha Punds,xniwull�a��aly,�eng t}►r eticmw:►�;awnt,ar <br /> verifyie�the F�enrM 1te�.wdex►l.erxi�r poYR�urn�wsr interest,un thr.FutKls er�d licahle 1•rw pecmits Oxq�ia tca ma{ce s�uc:h <br /> �c�a. }�,�ret.L.�y�drr mpy reyuir�e Harrowrr to p�►y tt ane-time ciwge far an 3�n�der►4 r�al�t�te ux�epo�4in� aervia <br /> ' us«l by�L�ier in cu�uioctiUe� with this t+mn, ueiltsa u�licuble !�►w prav(des otherwise. Unlesg xn u�ra�lxt►t !s rrwde or <br /> �pp�k�ble I�w roqulnex interai°to be p�d,Lusda'shal�n��t bc roquined ta pxy Borrower eny interest ar e�min�an the Fundi. <br /> � _ __ _ , _ , Horruwxr ar�Lendcr m+y s��eG iu writing,fx�wover. thAt intercst�hali be paid on the Fuixis. �.endar shall give to B�wrowcr. <br /> withcx�t c e. an srmual r�xc�+utiiy.�F ti�: �'u►ul:;. :.1wr:i�tig cr::dits:.nd d_�liits ta the Ftsrt<.i4��►c1 rhA�!rix��:for whia;h esrch _ ._ -_ <br /> debi�co thc�undr+vas m�dr.The Funds wo pled�ed a..edditioiud aecuary for all Fums socured by this Socurity incwmFnt <br /> If the Fu(xla tkld by Lender exceeA tho amiwnu permitted ta be held by applicable Iaw.l.Encl�r shaU acmunt to Sorrower <br /> for tho exeas Fundv in uccordAnce with tho requiremcnts of uppltcablo Ic►w. If the umount of the Funds hetd by Lend►:r at any . <br /> time is not�ffictent to p�y the Escmw{tems whcn duc,Lender may so notify 8orrower in wdting,and, in such case Borrower <br /> Fhall p�y to LRf�der the w�wnt necc�asa�to malcc up thc deficicncy. Borrower shalt make up thc deiiciency in na mare UrAn <br /> twelve rtk�nthly paym�cnts,•rt I.,endcr's s4 d discretion. <br /> ��� Upon paymem in fail uf a11 sum3�r+ccurcd by thir.S�curiry Insuument, I.Qnder shail promptly refuad to Borrower uny __ <br /> Futxts held by I.e�l elf.tu�r,ler��hGld b� �.ender►�he�ttme�of a qulsiHon or�s�us adcrediptiagainst xhe suums�sccurod by <br /> of tbe Property PP Y Y Y <br /> thiA�wcuriry Instruitfent. <br /> . 3.Appl�ation ot paymeetR.Unle�,a opplicabte luw prnvides otherwise,alt puyments received by I�ender under paragraphs <br /> y �nd�shaLf be opplicd: first,to any prspo,yment charges due undcr thc Note; amaunts payable under paragraph 2; <br /> ehird,to imerast due;fourth,tn princ�pal due;end lost,ta any lute char�es due under the Not6. <br /> 4.C�;Lkns-Borrower shal!pay all taxes.ass�ssmenu, cdarges.fines and impositions amibutable to the Propetty <br /> �.� � �fitch map attain priadty over this Sefiuriry instrutnent, and letisehoid payments ar gcous�Knt�. if aay. Bormwer stEal! P�Y -- <br /> these obligat�ons in the manner pmvided inpsuagraph 2,or if not patd in that mar�rter,Borrower shall pay tbem on dma=di�ectly <br /> to the peison owed payment.Borrower shall prompily fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to ba paId under this parag�aph. <br /> If Borrower makes these payments directly.Aorcower shall prompdy fumish to l.ender receipts evtdencins the payment.c. <br /> Borrower shall promptly disshazge any lien�vhich has pnorIty over thls Securlty Instn�ment unless Hotrower:(u)ugrees in <br /> — wdt3ng to the paynient af the obligation•s�2curcd by the lien in u manner ncceptable to Lender;(b)contesis in gaod faith the lien <br /> by. or defends ugainst enforcement of the Iten in, legal �roccedin�s which in the�.ender's apiniun operato to prevent the <br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)scr�rres from the holder af tlie lien an a�reement satisfectory to i.ender subordinatins the lien to <br /> th;s Secndry Insuument. If Lender determines thai uny part of the Property is subj�ct to a IIen which may nttein priority aver <br /> this Security Instnutuent.Lender may IIive B+4ma�+er a notice idemifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or Wke one or 6J LL <br /> more of the uctfons set forth nbove within 10 dnys of the�iving of notice. <br /> �� Ha�b Ar p�,operty Imurance. Borrower shaii keep the �nprovements aa�v existins or hereafter erected on tlie <br /> pcoperty insured against loss by fire. hazar�ds included within the term "extended cuverage" end nny other ha�.3rds.including <br /> 3 floods or floading.for which Lender requires insuranoe.'I7�is;�ruu:v�shaii�a�tai�d i�tl�e:smossssl�snd fur th�peerio�� <br /> — that Lencler nequlres.The insur.utce�urier pmviding the insumnce shall be chos�n by Borrower subjert co i.ender's approval <br /> which shall not be unreasonablY wIthheld. If Bormwer fsiils to maintain coverage described above. I.ender may. at Lender's <br /> pption,obtain covcTage to protect Lender's rights in tha Pooperty in accordance with paragraph 7• <br /> All insurance policies and renewuls shall be acceptable to I.ender and shall include u standurd mortga�e clause. Lemler <br /> � sha�l have the right to hold the palicies und i+enewuls. If Lender requires.8orrower shall promptly�ive to I.ender ull neceipta of <br /> -- - - Aa�d pramiunts and cenewai narices.In the event of loss.Rorrower stwll give prompt notice to the i�uurance carrier tutd I.ender. <br /> Lender may cpalce proof of loss if not mnde prompily by Borrower. _ <br /> Unless I.ender and Borrower othernise sgree in proce�ds shall be uppltc:d to restomdon or repair of the �.__ <br /> properiy.dnxnaged�if the restoratian or repair is c�onamtcally feasible and I.ender's security is not lessened.If the restoration or _�._ <br /> repair is not eoonomically.feasibls ur Lender's security woutd be lesuned.che insurance proceeds shail be applied to the snms �_ <br /> secured by this Security insuumemt, whether or not then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower nba�edons the <br /> praperty,or daes nat ans�rer within 30 duys a notice from I.cnder that the insuiance currier has offered to settle a cluim, then � <br /> Lender m1y collect the inswattce prnceeds- Lender muy use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums �_";`-• <br /> secureci by this Security instrument,whether or not tlien due.The 30-day period will tsegin when the notice is�iven. '�"'�� <br /> Unless Lender und Borrower otherwfse agree (n writing. any appiication of proceeds to principal shall ttot extend or <br /> posipone the dac date of the monthly pay�nents refcrred to in paragrnphs t and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If <br /> �uexler paragraph 21 the Property ls acquired by I.ender�Borrnwer's right to arry insurance policies and proceeds resulting from <br /> daa�e to the Property priot to the acqu�sttion sh�ll pass to L.ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Insuument . <br />' Immed�ately prior to the acquisition. <br /> ,�, 6.Occupancy,P�+eservatton,Mu6ntennnce and Protes�ion of tire Property:Borrower's Loan App1Ea►ttun; Leaseholds. <br /> Bormwer shstll axupy,estab�ish.and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixry days nfter the execution of <br /> this Security Instrument and shail rnntinue to occupy the Property ns Borrower's principal residence for at teast one year after <br />- —== = the date of occupancy.untess L.ender otherwise agrees in wdting, which consent shail not be unreasonnbly withheld, or unless <br /> extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's conu�ol. Bnrrower shall noi destroy. damage or impair the <br /> property�a1�ow the property to deteriorate.or wmmit waste on the Property. Bonower snaU be tn defaud¢if any forFeiture <br /> adion or paoceeding,whether civil or criminal. is be$un that in Lender's�aod faith judgtnent could result in forfeiture of the <br /> _ _ property or otherwise matedelly impair[he 1{en created by this Security Instrumant or Lender's securiry interest. Borrower may <br /> �''"' cure such a defauit and provided in paragraph 18,by ca3using the actian or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruGng <br /> Wat. in Lender's goad faith determination. precludes forfelture of the Bonower's Intcrest in thc Property or other material <br /> �impainnent of the lien crcated by th'�s Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall at�o be ln defautt if <br /> Borrower,during the loan applicatIon process,gave materiully false ar inaccurate infoimation or statements ta Lender(or faiied <br /> to pm�ida L,ender with nny muterlal information)in connectIon wlth the loan avidenced by the Note.intluding,but nut limited <br /> to.reprrseatations concerning Borrower s occupancy of the Property ss a principal rrsidettce. 1f this Secudty Instrument is on u „ <br /> lqsehold. 8orrower shtill comply with �ill the p:ovisions of the loase. If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Property. the � <br /> leasehold and tho fee title sliall not merge un(ess Lender ugrees to the merger in writing. , <br /> �-'""� �=' � 7.Prate�tton of Leatdet's RiBhts in the Prop�.�dy.If Borrower fails eo perform the rnventsnts and agreements rnntairted in <br /> � `'���4�` this Secudty Instrurneni, or there ia a legul procee�ing that may significandy �ect I.ender's rights in the E�roperry(such ac a <br /> ��;±s,:.,��;..:� proceeding in bankcuptcy,probate, for condemnation or fo r feiture or tn en force laws or re g ulations),then I.ender may do and <br /> ' �-��<!��� ..�, a,��t,�evrr is��P��ry to nrotect ths value of the Property and ixnder's righu in the Property. Lcnder's action� may <br /> � --- - <br /> �' �:,�r,�„-., �itclude paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over uus aecuriry inscrumzm. appearint; i�► w��.. �.a����b <br /> �_«��••r.;•.r»�,� reasonable attorneys'fees end entering on the Property tv make repairs.Althaugh Lender may take action uMder this paragraph <br /> 7.I.ender does not have to do so. <br />;:� ��I Any amounts dis6ursc:d by Lender under this paragraph 7 sh�tf become addiflonai debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> � Security fiutniment.Unless Borruwer und I.ender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shaSl bezu interest from the <br /> dute of disbursement nt the Note rate und shatl be payuUle. witli interest. upon natice from I.ender to Burrower requestin� <br /> payment. <br /> 8.Mort�ge Insuran¢e.If Lrnder mquired inortgage insumttce as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security <br /> Instrument. Bnrrower sh�ll pay the pnemlums required to munwin the mortgage insurance in effect. If. far siny neason, the <br /> i• _ mortgage insumnce cuvera�;e required by Lender lupses_or ceases to be in effect, &�rrower shall pay the premiums required to <br /> obtain covemge substanttally equivalent to the mortgage insuranoe previously in effect,at a cost substanually equiv�lent to the <br /> rnst to Borrower of the mnrtgage insurunce previonsty in effect. from un�itemnte mortguge insumr approved by Lender. If <br />.ti'k <br /> : r; , vaQo a oi a • Form 3028 9180 <br /> F: ., vy . <br /> �`�%t�ti1:�;t • ' ,. <br /> � I' u l <br /> _ •• � _ _ __._ . ...�,..�--�..-_-.+_�_�_,-_.=�.�-_ .._�!l�_ I AL+IS��_i--_ ._. . <br />