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<br /> ----- ' - - - - • 8. i�lic 13enc£►cfnry,or �ts u�cius,cu�nu3horiz,�i to cntcr nt any ra�sonnblo timo upon oTin nny�art uf tho propetty fat sha
<br /> purptwe uY lnspecting tlu samo and for tha purpose of performing any of thc acta thay are authorizcd to pedorm under thc tcmu of
<br /> any iwn jnat�mems cxccuted hY Tnutote.
<br /> 9. lf all or any�att of the property or arry lnterest af Trustaro ia sold,traaufemd or lt�rihet cncumberod without the wrlttcn
<br /> ooneeat of the BaneBctuy,tbo ReneBciary may declare all sums secured by this Trust Decd to bo immediately due nnd�ayablo an�d
<br />. prooeed to tha remedics avaitablo to it under the dei'ault provisiona contained hcroin.
<br /> _�_-- -_-=_ -- _�
<br /> 10. Aay of the following cvents shail ba doemed u�event of defauit izcrc ^Y: �
<br /> a. Tnsstors shall have fnlled to make paYment of any insmllment af princlpal ar interest or airy other sums securod henby whec►
<br /> -- duo:
<br /> b, Ti�c� has ocrurrod a brcach of ar default under auy term.covenant, u8reement,condition, pravlsio�, represen4ation or
<br />- �va�nry wrReined in this Deed of Tn�st,the note or�►Y f any pslor o�rsubse�Nen�e�n IerebY�rance ia respect w all or any
<br />- - c. Tdcm lias bcen a defautt by the Ttusto:a in the PaYmen
<br />_ - pa�1 of the PropertY'• -�_
<br /> d. Tmsto�s shall file a voluntary pedt�on in b¢�taupuy or shall be aeljudicated baNaupt or insolvent, or shaU maka att
<br />;;a� : �ssignment for the benefit of creditors in cespect iQ�the P�P�Y'• or an aetton to enforce any lien or encumbrance or juQ�neuts
<br /> . ... � agni�ast the propesty is cammenced: aad�same
<br /> :��r�„���� 11. In the.�cnt of aay ddault,the Baneficiaiy mnY decltue att dnde6tednesa secure�h�reby to.�ee dqe an�payAble
<br /> ��m� , sLall thete'upon beoome due and payable without a�r prsscsntment,demaad,Protest or notice af any kind. Thercafter.the Hetteficiary
<br />= rnay; �_--�
<br />_ __ �, �r in pers�n or by agen�with or althout bringing anY action or pmceedin$,ar by receiver appointed by a oaurt aud ____
<br /> or therea�1n ita own
<br /> without�ard to the adequary of any sec�uiry,enter upon and take possession of We pmperty. anY Part
<br /> aawe or iu the name of the Trustev,and da any acts which it deems necessruy nnd desirable to preserve tLe valuo. ��:�-
<br /> cparlcatebility or rcnteb�tiry of she ptoperty.or prut it�roef,or iaterest thercia incrcaso tho Inoomc therctYom ar protocl thc
<br /> �ecuriry horoo�'nnd.wltt►ont takin8 Posscasion of thc property,suo for or athcrwisc culiect thc ronts.tasucs+u�d profits thoreof. �n�
<br /> includin�those past Quc a�d unpaid,and npply ttw sAmc. les�coste and ox�cnscs oi operntion and wticxtion, including =
<br /> - - attormoy fres,upon any indcbtcdiuss sccurcd harebY,all 1u such ordcr aa tho Bct�cticlary moy dctcrn�ino. Tho cntcting upon �_.,_�
<br /> and taking po�scssion of thc trust cscnta tho ooitccEion uf such rcnu,issucs und proiits nn�nppHcution thcrcof es aforesaid �;�=
<br /> sheU not curc ot waivc any dcfanit cr notloo of dcfault horcundcr or invnlidnto i►ny uct and in respo`h t�������i t �^
<br /> pursuant to euch netloo of Qefuult and notwithstanding ttia continutuioe in poasassion of the propeay P ��
<br /> � ��;}�nt'ren�s.issues or gralits.Ttustoo or the Bcneficiury may bo cntitled to exercisc every right pmvided for in uny
<br /> � ..
<br /> v of the loan iasuuments or by law up�n oocurrence of ony event of defaWt.including trio nght to exenise�►o powci vf e�te: �:
<br /> b. oommence an action to foreclose this Deed of Tnut as a mvngaga, appoint a reoeiver. or speclRcally enforce ai►y of tho _
<br /> c•aveaaat�hereofi --�—
<br /> c. deliver to Tn�stoe a writtea declaration of default and demand for sale,aad written notice of default and election w c�use �__._
<br /> - Tcustors'interese in the progercy to bc sold which notice Tmstea st�aU cause to bts duly flted for record in the offirial reoords ��-`
<br /> of the oounry in which the pmperty is located.
<br /> 12. Should the Benef'iciary eloct to foreclose by exercise of the power of sale herresia ooi►tained,the BeaeSciaty shall noiify Trustoe �':��:
<br /> e
<br /> and sLall deposit with Tn�stee tl�is Deed of Trust and the note and such receapts and evidence of expenditures mede and secvred ''r`.
<br /> uest of the BeneSciaty, the Tmstee stwll cause to be reoorde4 published and delivered -
<br /> hereby as Tnistee u�y require,end upon�e9 ,
<br /> to Tmscor�such Noticc of Default and Nodce of Sale as t1►ea required by law and by this Dced of Tn�st.Tr�stee ehalt without demand
<br /> on Tt�stor,a8cr anch time as may then 1�e requi�d bY law and after cecordation of such Notice of Defa�ilt aad after Notice of Sale
<br /> l�aving been given as reqnited by 1aw� sell the property at the dmo and place of sale fixcd by it in sach Notice of 5ale,either as a .
<br />�'��� whole.or in separate lots or paroels or items as Tnutee shaU deem expedient,and in such order as it may decerniine. at Public
<br /> ° aucUon to the highest bidder for cash and sLall deliver to svch purchaser ot purchnsers thereof a dced to the praperty so1d,oonsistent
<br /> � ' wlth the law then in effect. PteciL�ls ia U►e Tiustee's deed shalt be paima facie evidence of the truth of the statementa made therein.
<br /> sa
<br /> Tcustee shall apply the pmoeeds of the sale in the follawing ordei:(ca)to all reasonable oosts and e!qxsases of the sale,including but
<br /> not limite�to Tcvstee's fees o�not more than 2%of the gross sale pr�ce,reasonable attorncy fees and wsts of tide evidenoe:@)to a11
<br /> sum� secured bY this Deod of Trust:and (c) the excess,d sele Tnistee may in theemaanerep�mvided by law,postpoae sate�of all �
<br /> iacludin�the BeneficiaiY,maY Purcbasa said P�P�Y
<br />� -- -_- or nny portion of the property
<br /> 13. Trostee and the Beneflciary,and each of them.shaU be endtled to eciforoe payment and performanoe of any indebtedness or
<br /> oeBgadon secured hereby and to exetclse a11 rights and l�wers und��s Deed of Tn�st or under any toan isistrument or other
<br /> agreement or any lAtivs nor or hereaftes enforoed notwlthstanding soc�s or all of the indebtedsusss aad abUBatiens secured hereby
<br />- - - which may uow o:het�ea8er be othern[se seaued,whethNr by mortgage. deed of uust, pledgc, liaa assigament or othenvise.
<br /> Neither the accePiance of this Doed of Tnut nor its enforce�c+ent,whett�er by court action or pursuant to the power of sale or other
<br /> • povrets hem,in oontaincjd,s1�a11 Prejudlce or ia any manner affect T:ustee's or the BeneRclary's right to reali7e upon or e.nforoe airy
<br /> nd
<br /> � other security now or hereafter helcl by Tn�stee or the Benefic+ary. it txin�agreed thnt Tn�stee and t1►e Benefictary,and each of
<br /> � them.shal�be entitled to enforce this Deed of Tmst and any other sectuity now or hereafter held by the Beneficiary or Tn�stee in
<br /> such order and marmer as t1►eY maY in their absolute discretion deterniine. No remedy herein confernxl upon or raceved to Tcustea
<br /> or Beneficiary is inunded to be exclusive of si►y oiher remedy hcrein or by lnw provided or permittod but each shall be cumuladve
<br /> I I�Y ��1� iu addi�on ta every oiher remedy given hereuuder ar now or hereafter existing at law or equiry or by statute. Every .,
<br />= poWat er cemedy given by any of the toan inswments to Tn�stee or the Scnefic[azY ur to whtch eithet of them may bc othenvise
<br /> endded may be exercised.conc�entlY or independenUy,from tiune to time and as often as may be deemed expedient by Tnutee or
<br /> " __� •-• �.�.e..,..�....,,.na i..eon�seent remc�ies. Nothin�herein shall be wnstnted as proWbidng the Beneficiary
<br /> "_ p�11CACi0iy�tittu wtuva w.....»....y r------'-- - --.
<br /> Itl
<br /> � from seeidag n de�clenc.y judgment againstTrustors to t➢�e extom such action is permitted by law. r:
<br />-� 14. Trustora hereby request a coPY of a�ry notice of default anci that any notir�e of sale hereunder be mailed to Trustors at thc
<br /> ,.�� address set tbrth in the�rst paraBrs�Ph of this Dced of T�ust.
<br /> 15. T'ha BeneBda�y�ey,bY a a'i► l��a����mplying�th the provls�f the�upplicabie law of the�S ta of
<br /> the County in which the propeny
<br /> ' `,n N���,suby�itute a suocessor to the Trustee named herein or acting hereunder.
<br /> � ` 16. TWa Deed of Trust applies to and inures to the beneRt of and binds all pattfies hereto, their heirs,personal repre5cntatives.
<br />: . ;c,;, susceasors and assigns. The term°Beneflc�ary"s1�a11 mean the owner and holder of thc note,whether or not named as HencIIciary ;•,.
<br /> ;';}� itCIC1A.
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