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<br />. f���E ; '�M Mot1y�M�nNrd leto bitw+w• �.� __
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<br /> , „ • ..�I�r� ,oih�..��^ks.■r1�r�tNSL ��S72R!"atlnn M „ �a"N4lrxkypy�,��
<br /> — t,lol�tp�r 9�Iui�btW kc I�ost�In�M @eMdDM wn�o!1_ �!•KZ—��.wt�nor!�ry�rr�eprh'nah , c-
<br /> __—�__—�- — - � 8�t�d..,1l�Im1s. f��(h�nip"Naf�")Pro�l�a�toe�p�jraw�lr�pt�IudOo1�ia�rlt�l;dk�li�b�dwna.ot th�
<br /> ;x, ,. .
<br /> . .� 1pN8tedn�s,it not ione�r P�+dw Md pqrbU o�....�SJIy i., �na�o_,, :.;:�
<br /> ^,�ay�. � . 7bs�s�rr tIN PiY�ainR at t!�Noh�iWth 1nf�t r pioMAed tl+�nin,tM�yu�nt o!�ll atbRx ae�hna,with inGtrae�
<br /> '`t. Mdt�c+►a4 bY'�t�P�t��dtY of tAit Moet/Mt��nd t6�ptstocntY�o�oi th�co�►ftqMthi lutd•f�reemantx ot.
<br /> . .� .� . . � �hp �ust�r caeWnei hy+�in, lloetproe � d�r�by mort��nd caawy to 1Natp�eo tdb�tnllnwlna daaihed .,_
<br /> ,
<br /> � ,, progeity locaad in Ha�i —Co�mMty.N�be,�lu: .' .
<br /> ; �:.. . _
<br /> ,`�'�,.. ...�
<br /> ,,:� � , L,m� thirteen (13), Bishop Helghts 3rd Subdlvlalon, Grnn�i lslan.ai�� #��1��
<br /> � :r.:;`�:�"�`,��; � County, Ne6raaka.
<br /> s;y''�r�?�� ,.
<br /> �. � y,�'
<br /> ��.�. ,,yl�i�",'';i'Y`��'+�� . `_----
<br /> ��'l:r.i' .Jj�;.'��'`R,'! - • � ,
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<br /> .. . . �IG1axa
<br />.. , 9�,e
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<br /> ., . j.-___ �
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<br /> - � �`n,�, _ _
<br /> t :;r _ � � etreete.d1eYi B�Y+�+,�emanta..d��.PTle+lleges utd
<br /> vw9r�• 7b�eWer wiW al bufldinp,tmVrovements,�SC�tres. .
<br /> r,.:`: " , .tppurtenanas located thercon or in u►�e peeta[nfn�thereto.and the�enis,issuaa�utd�I+�Qtc.fiav,arnfons aad rem�iade�a `
<br /> ot li�ited G► heaSin wd cooDng equipment�nd aucR penonat�prapeYSy th�t ts ett�cDed to We +'
<br /> ,,�•��° ,. . theieou'Naludia�,but n . �
<br /> ,impsoYemcnb to�W connttute a drturei all at which�[ncladla�ceptacemeats and stdditianc thereto,is hereby declated
<br /> .r , ,� .�c ba�put ot the red etqto secu�ced by We lien ot t!►fa Mo�t�go and al!of the to�ipp heSttg mfoited to herein a the �
<br /> . . "�i��Y„• • .
<br /> • ,:<,�, ' � . Mortp�or iuslher convenaata and�preee.Mtb Mortgigee�as foltows:
<br /> . i,i•:� ,
<br /> ,��` 1. PymeaR 'ib pay the indeEp3�l�►aas tnd the taterest�ltereoa es provlded id�t3Ua Nlart�age aad tbe Note.
<br /> � 2. Tltie. Mo�or is ttte ovvr►er of the Property,das the�ght and authorit�•ta•ma�tda Property�,�nd
<br /> '`f;:�1 •'� �.� � • wttnnts that the Uen creakd hereby is a first and prlo�Uen on!he Ptoperty,exeept�aa may otheiwiae be set Rat28 derein.
<br /> � . � �'1T�e Rnperhr is subJect to a Mortgtge wherein Fa�mer's Bank, Superioo^
<br /> � ..� � , I�W�l�iatt��eeem�rdedttBook .RiBe -,oit6eMortg�eRecordrai wall Couaty,�
<br /> . ., . �Nebsuka.wbich Moit�e fs a Uea prlo:to the liep created hezeby. �
<br /> . . . .' ' I]Othee prtor Ite�o:encumbt�nces: �
<br /> ','...�
<br /> . . , 1
<br /> �•' • •-
<br /> , • �,�„t"s��,. . � „
<br /> �`t�tt'S: '. 8. 9luces,Arse�meab. Zb pay when due ell texes,epecit�!�sseasiaeuts und�11 otber cLnrges�use Rfie Property ��j,.:.
<br /> `.;;�; s ° end,upon wfiKea demmd by Mort�ee,W add to the psymept+s required uader the 11�otQ sec�uzed hereby.sua�nmount as •1�:•'
<br /> ..��, , . �., msy be sut8ctent to entblo the Mortgagee to p�y such t�xes�a�esazneuffi or ot6er chi�a as tdey become due. �'.:.
<br /> f 4, i�nu�nce. To keep tAe im tovemorets aow or heeeafter located on tha ma!�es�nte desciibed neaaU►insuced i•�:%`'.
<br /> p fj .,
<br /> _ � �. �t�e py Me'utd�uch oL6er h�a:d��Mo�geo may�qufte�in tmouatc�nd wfthcompaNes atmr�uP�ble to the i ,
<br /> Mortp�ee,�nd w[�hh laes psyable to the Mortpgee. In c�se ot loa under�c1a paY�o6�s We Mort�gee fs auel�oKaed to ! �
<br /> ' • .,,::,�.. ' . � tdjua. collect and compromi�e.in tta di�eao�.�il clatma tbeteunder at its w!e apttan� autdo�iZedtoeitherapply!he �
<br /> m ae
<br /> � •• ,��` pre�eed�to tDs reatontlon oi W.Q iP�'erty o:upon the indebtedz►ess secwed he�oby;tiut paymcato Ao�eunder shdl con• i
<br /> � ',,,. .� tlntte�uutll ihe tunu sec�uM h�DY.�Y►�d id ttdl.. ; - -� � • . .. . . .. � �_
<br /> „ 7':.�. U.r:�'.4`.dt:•..{6.`�CiA�:?4��.E:�!�., 1 r
<br /> b. �g������I�pu��n�, N�ithsLndta��n�tata�xlffu ptr�gcapha 8 aad 4 t�ezsof to Ne �`
<br /> , , , an
<br /> Y'',`;'� contney,Mo�tg�or a6�1 p�y to the 11lortgegee�'s tPa2 tfnte'6t P�ley tlle��af►F�ty�s13t1�tnto of ptipeipal and iaterest� , •
<br /> onet�rolRd�of tho yeuiy taxes.avrssmenb,h�am�d tpaunuse piremtums,tnd girb�irld�to�to(if.my)whteb mqy attain s �
<br /> -- - �---
<br /> �..,_.. • ��.....e....�..�,me�e iram eime to ttme bv the Ma��te.TAe uaoun�a so Dud shnll be i. .
<br /> �_":._...�_._._._.... __._.___•__._____ FIIWJi,�V�c�Kta mva�s��.� � ���._. . .
<br /> . 't hstd Dy the Mort�taee�vithont interest and s��..+'.ie�Ro the psyteent of tLe[tema lu t+t3pt�2�tu�fiiott such eanounffi wetc3 i.
<br /> _ � depostted.9tte eums pttd W Mottpgee herenac'ba mxe pledQed as addftlonal sec�uitq•f�n�the tadebiedncss secnred by tbfs i
<br /> IKottp�e.Mortyqot sh�i1 psy to Mori�a�ee the us�aunt of my det[cleacy betvreen W�arsual quoes.a�sessments. inau:ance �
<br /> premfumc and�ouad tenb and!ltte depaatis hereunder wtthin 10 diye atter dem�nd i�mule upon Mort�egor cet�uesting
<br /> pay�ntlheKbL I
<br /> 1
<br /> .. g.Repair.11taintenanee�nd Uee. To promptlY ieP�r.�aton or eebulld auy Dufldin�or iwpmcementa now or �
<br /> ' Eenlfbr on the YroP�rtY���D�e 3koperty ia Qood condiNon�nd rep�ir,witRout w�sta,and S�eo trom taech�nida or j
<br /> i ' otAerl[tns not esp�ssly enboidinated to tL�e Uen hereof;not to make,sutfer or permit my auts�noa to ext�t,noT to dimSn•
<br /> {aD ot impir the vdue of the Psoperty by my aat or omleston W ut;and to comply vPith�all'mqultemeata of uw with ;
<br /> .� respct to tho proP�Y• I
<br /> � ;
<br /> . .. i
<br /> � ., �
<br />